Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1462: Forced to show up (fifth outbreak)

"Observe!" Speaking slowly, then, a dozen or so people suddenly flashed out of the Heart Eater clan. These Rats were dressed differently, covered in red-red robes of charcoal. Holding the ugly beast head in their hands, they sang loudly at the villagers: "The mist of poisonous marsh is confusing!"

"Woohoo--wow!" In the midst of time, a pink mist gathered in the air, and the pink mist suddenly fell on the villagers' heads with a pungent stench. The villagers of Xiaxia suddenly felt dizzy, their limbs were sore and numb, and they fell to the ground, and they could not move anymore.

The Rat Witch Sacrifice, this kind of guy is a kind of exclusive wizard unique to the Heart Eater Rats. They spend many years in the poisonous swamp to **** poisonous gas, refine it, and deal with the enemy. Sometimes they can create no less than powerful magic. The explosive bomb is terrific.

"DaDaDa" hurried footsteps rang, and the villagers fell to the ground watching the Heart Eater warrior smirk and smirked and bound themselves, but they did not have the slightest resistance, and gradually, the dark clouds of death were already in the crowd It was densely covered overhead.

"A small group of demons, dares, dare to resist in front of our great Heart Eater warriors ?!"

At this time, General Buga had slowly eaten the head of the village, and he showed a **** bloody smirk: "Here is just to provide our rat family with the ingredients for heart meals. When necessary, wait in line. Death is your destination, and now you have made this general ... "

Speaking of this, General Bouga's voice was stunned, and he yelled, "Kezan and Tiki, I know you two must be hiding somewhere in the ancient village of Guxia, you listen, if you don't come out again Then, every one minute, I will scoop out the living hearts of ten people here, until the whole Devil race in this village is killed, do you hear me? "

After waiting for a few seconds, Buga saw that no one around him answered, so he immediately waved his opponent and shouted, "Pull out ten people, and be attentive immediately!"

In a short time, ten villagers were pushed out, and he walked in front of Buga. At this time, the nerdy guy suddenly enjoyed himself: "There is still a little cub ?! Great, the doll's heart is the most tender and fragrant. , I have a mouthful! "

The little cub in Buga's mouth was a six- or seven-year-old Demon child. When he was carried out by the Heart Eater warrior, he was already so scared that he couldn't cry.

"No, let go of my child. If you want to eat your heart, just take my puppet!" At this time, a bound Devil woman stumbled and rolled out of the crowd, and she frantically wanted to regain herself. Child.

But at this moment, Buga chuckled smirkingly: "Excellent, mother and child's hearts are precious and delicious, and they are particularly chewy. Don't go back. I ate together!"

"! Oh my God," this time the villagers watched the tragedy about to happen but was powerless to prevent, a pupil filling a blood canthal splitting, then head howling: "uh ah ah - bite heart rat race you kill the beast these days !!! You must not die! "

"Hey, hey, just scold. Before people die, the more they are scared and angry, the heart will become bigger and bigger, so the taste will be more delicious." Buga whispered to his lips and whispered, "I I hope that the two fugitives don't come out so early, let me have a full meal before talking, this is the truth! "

"Oh!" It was late, and then, at that time, Bouga waved the long whip in his palm, entangled the waist of the Demon child, and dragged it into the air, and the guy laughed. Says: "Young men, watch this general perform a stunt in the air for you!"

The five fingers were slightly stretched, and suddenly he was wrapped up with strong wind and stretched forward to explore, Buga would tear up the little prey in front of him and take heart!

"Animal, you give me a hand !!" Between the light and flint, a figure emerged from the oblique stab and threw the blade of his hand out of his hand: "Let the child go!"

"唰 ——" The soldier blade was a long sword, which instantly turned into Qinghong who cut through the sky, and flew straight to the door of Buga.

"How dare you dare to attack Laozi ?!" Seeing the sword coming through the air, Buga had to throw away the child entangled with a long whip and pulled his saber back from his waist. Drop the opponent's flying sword.

At this moment, Buga fixed his eyes and laughed abruptly: "Miss Tiki, it's been a long time since, did you know that this general is looking hard for you!"

"Huh, and me!" At this time, a swift figure ran to Mo Qi, a young demonic guy.

"Goddamn Devil Kezan, Kezan ?! You got out of the hole!"

When he saw this person, Bhaggar suddenly became angry: "You jerk, the patriarch promised to give me the young lady, so that I can control the power of the whole heart-eating rat family in the future, but you idiot run away With Tiki, let Lao Tzu's face be wiped from the ground, and the dream will fall through. I will have to divide your body into five horses to get rid of the hatred in my heart! "

Thinking of this, the evil-buffed Bugat suddenly shouted, "All the soldiers are listening to Lao Tzu, and immediately surround these two guys!"

"Buga, what do you want to do? If you dare to touch me, my dad won't let you go!" At this moment, Tiki also wants to take out the bluff of the young lady of the Heart Eater tribe.

But Buga didn't buy it, he sneered sneerly: "I'm sorry, young lady, when your father sent me out to hunt down the two, he already made it clear that he has cut off the father-daughter relationship with you, I can feel free to Determine the life and death of the two. "

"So what? Do you think you can take us?" The young boy, Kozan, was also an outstanding Demon warrior. He suddenly pulled out the nine-foot spear on his back and shouted at Buga. : "Come on, believe it or not, now I'll stab you a hundred holes up and down your body, you bastard!"

"That's right, since you don't care about our life and death, let's just fight!" Tiki knew that the guy Buga was cruel, and stretched out his hand to pull out the dagger on the ground and began to stand by.

"Well, these two guys are not weak. If they fight two to one, Lao Tzu is unsure. I have to find a way to capture them without any blood, and then kill them!"

In the eyes of the thief, Buga suddenly said, "Did your two stupid brains flood with water? Didn't you see that there are hundreds of villagers hostages in my hands? If you want to act lightly, I immediately order someone to chop them. ! "

"Eh ?! This ..." Upon hearing this, Kezan and Tessie's foreheads were suddenly sweating.

In the final analysis, although Kezan is not weak, he is too young and lacks adaptability, and Tiki is a young lady who knows nothing about the world. It is difficult to understand the sinister heart. These two men are really defeated by the treacherous Buga. Winning situation!

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.18, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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