Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1479: Herkinson's death

"Actually, it's like this ..." At this moment, Karben Zhiwugou said, "Just a few days ago, my brother Karin and I were visiting guests in Gulta's territory, and suddenly received a biography from Berkeley and Su Lang. Letter, let's rush to the horn magic ridge and say that it is important to discuss. "

It turned out that Berkelli had always had an eyeliner at the lord's mansion in Horn, and kept a close watch on everything in the mansion.

That eyeliner suddenly sent an important message to Berkelly not long ago: The old injury of Lord Herkinson's old wound had been short-lived ...

After learning this news, Bekeri and Su Lang, who had hidden misconceptions in their hearts, quickly reached a consensus, found the Karin Karben brothers and Gulta to form an alliance, kill other small lords who were loyal to Herkinson, and then divided up the second Abyss ground and wealth of the Lord's Mansion.

But when these five villains broke into the lord's mansion in the dead of night, they found that the seriously ill Herkinson was reading a letter. Then, the big lord was suddenly emotional and burst out of blood. He was so angry.

Seeing this scene, the five little lords preparing to rebel were almost crazy. At this time, Su Lang, who had the most ghost ideas, proposed to falsify Herkinson's will and obituary, and attracted the remaining small lords to come. Then they Arrange the killer to ambush in the middle, killing all of them, and then fulfill his wish.

In this way, the conspiracy of the five little lords gradually took shape. At first, they wanted to absorb Fang Fei into the gang, but they were severely refused. As a result, Berkelli and Su Lang were furious and injured Fang Fei.

Later, Malone's family was assassinated by the killer. Malone was seriously injured and fell into the waterfall. The life and death of his mother were unknown. His daughter, Solanja, was rescued by Guan Heng and his companions.

The next thing was Ai Fa that they rescued on the road. Speaking of them, except for Malone, who was unlucky, Ai Fa and Fang Fei, two little lords who were more faithful to Herkinson, were barely attacked by poison. Thanks to the rescue.

At this moment, Fang Fei, who had asked the same information, threw Karben to the ground, and she asked Guan Heng: "How to deal with this debris?"

"Don't ask me." Guan Heng smiled and waved, and he nodded with his thumb and said, "This boy is the serious enemy of Karben, let him handle it."

"Well, Mr. Guan Heng was right." Fang Fei nodded his head slightly. At this time, Karl, who had flaming eyes, rushed to Karben, dragged him up, and dragged him to the edge of the cliff. Shi roared: "You, the beast who killed thousands of swords, go with your elder brother, Karin!"

Speaking late, at that time, Carl had already raised his opponent's body with his arms and threw it down the cliff, listening only to a long string of screams, and the kid Karben also suffered the same end as his older brother. Fall into the deep valley and fell a flesh and mud.

A moment later, Guan Heng took Carl and Fang Fei to the edge of the forest, and saw brothers and sisters Selaki, Ai Fa, and Zoran who were waiting there.

"Brother--" At the first sight of Carl, Solanja was crying and rushed into the other's arms: "Woohoo ... Dad, he already ..."

"Sister, I have heard about it." Carl patted Solania's shoulder gently, and he sighed. "Thanks to Mr. Heng, they can survive fortunately, but the two who killed his father The bad guy has been thrown off the cliff by me, and it's considered revenge. "

After hearing this, Solanja was a little calmer, and she asked, "Brother, what should we do now?"

"I decided to go with Mr. Guan Heng, Uncle Aifa, and Sister Fang Fei to the lord's mansion in the Horn of Magic, and find the culprits behind the scenes-Berkeley and Su Lang to avenge. Jing Mang, he said quietly, "Because even if we just dodge blindly, the other party will not let us go, we will send people all the way to the end."

"Carr is right, I think so too!" At this time, the demon reckless Aifa said loudly: "I have known Berkeley and Su Lang for many years. It ’s extremely cruel, and it is absolutely impossible to leave us with these troubles. "

"So what are we waiting for? Follow Mr. Guan Heng and run to the Lord's Mansion!"

After Fang Fei said these words, she had already started flexing her muscles. At this time, Ai Fa also brought in a few horses left by the killers, and let the newly joined Fang Fei and Carl walk, and everyone went straight to the lord's mansion of Horn.


At the same time, the tragic **** scene of the lord's mansion in Trumpet Magic Ridge was being staged: those servants and maids fell to the ground in screams and screams, and it was dozens of masked men in black.

But the killer leaders, Berkeley and Su Lang, are no longer concealed, and the two have long changed into a valuable armor that set off their spirits.

At this moment, Berkeley smiled very proudly: "Brother, thanks to your clever idea, the faction should sneak in. It is very gratifying for us to occupy the Lord's House easily."

"Brother Berkelly, don't be too happy first." Su Lang, who has the most ghost ideas, chuckled at the moment: "When we ask the whereabouts of the treasure room from the **** general manager, there will still be You're happy. "

"Hahaha, what my brother said is extremely true."

At this time, Berkelly picked up a bottle of wine from the table next to him, bite off the stopper with his teeth, and then grunted a few mouthfuls. He wiped the stain on his mouth with his sleeve and said, "We followed in the same year The great lord expeditioned to Ashton, burned and plundered everywhere, and took back countless good things, but this old guy only gave our brother the hard work of plugging his teeth and a big slap, but he was eating alone. A miser, he deserves to be violent and die well! "

"Well, the same thing, now the old guy is dead, and several other little lords will follow him. This second level of the abyss, it is time for you and my brother to be the masters."

Having said that, Su Lang glanced subconsciously at Berkelly who was still pouring wine. He sneered secretly in his heart: "When you get rid of your reckless drunkard then, it is Su Lang who only covers the sky with his hands. Time. "

Su Lang had a mischievous heart and thought of the other party as his plate and bowl of Chinese food. Thinking of this in her heart, she couldn't help feeling a little smug.

At this time, Berkelly threw the empty wine bottle in the palm on the spot, and the fragments suddenly shot around. Berkelly yelled with a bit of drunkenness: "Come, let the **** old housekeeper Pete to Lao Tzu! "

"Yes, Lord Lord." Two black assassins moved when they heard the news, and immediately pushed a demon elder who was sticky with five flowers. When the old man came in front of Berkeley, he still looked stubborn. His expression stood upright.

—— [Second more of 2016.7.22, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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