Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1512: Two friends captured (fifth more outbreak)

However, Ruta, who battled the most brave transformational dragon warrior Howson, and Maza, who battled the transformational dragon warrior Boum, were not so lucky. At that time, the two transformational dragon warriors Howson and Boum felt that the surrounding environment had happened. After a huge change, the two boys saw the machine very quickly, immediately converging the black gas erupting from the strong demon heart, and shred the one-way space to transfer the scroll in their hands.

At the time, Ruta and Maze had been injured by Yu Wei of the Starburst Demon Stone at that time, and then somehow they were captured by the Demon Army army rushed by the news. At the time, only the fat old man was still sober in the Stone Demon Bastion. Sanqiu, Mrs. Jiang Ge and the gods, etc., they are too late to rescue Ruta and Maze.

At that time, the stone monster fortress changed to flight mode urgently, so it took off and retreated, but the **** Tivilo and Cohan were killed with a large number of pursuers, and they were very close.

So Dovre was anxious, saying that he knew the location of the God-Controlling Stone Mine in a different space, so the human **** used his only remaining power to open up a channel where the Stone Demon Fortress could fly in. Everyone escaped into the God-Controlling Stone Mine in a different space. .

In this battle, none of the Dark Dragons and Guan Heng and his party won a final victory. Instead, the Demon Armies picked up a ready-made bargain.

Otrow and his fighters disappeared, and Guan Heng's companions Borui, Zowei, and Imira were seriously injured at the same time. The most terrible thing was that Ruta and Maze also fell into the hands of the Demon Army. Here, it is the first time in the history of the "Destroying Dragon Fighting Squad" that it has failed fiercely.

At this moment, he had already gone to Guan Heng in the visitor hall of the Stone Demon Bastion. After listening to Doffer and Akin's narration, he was so angry that he gritted his teeth. He thought that at that time, because of the accidental appearance of Tiverlo and Cohan, he would only Exiled into the abyss of the Demon Realm and embarked on a large circle, the blue tendons on his forehead came out.

"Hoo--" Guan Heng breathed a long sigh of relief, and then asked, "How long ago did this happen?"

"If you count carefully from the day you disappeared, it should have been exactly eight days ago."

Doffer muttered and said sadly at this time: "That is to say, you have two days left before you leave, and now Borui, Zowei and Imila are still in a coma. It seems that ambergris and Neither Dracaena restorers can fully cure them, and the situation is getting less optimistic. "

"Then why didn't you ask His Majesty for help?" Guan Heng suddenly asked at this moment: "In terms of the divine power of human beings, should they have no problem in treating Borui?"

"That's exactly what we are going to tell you." At this moment, Akin also said in disbelief: "The man is God ... he will soon die ..."

"What ?!" Guan Hengwen heard the words, and his heart was agitated for a moment, then he asked anxiously: "What is going on?"

"That's it. In order to open up the space tunnel for the Stone Demon Fortress to fly in, the human **** has exhausted his last trace of divine power." Doffer whispered at this moment: "So when I first came to the control **** stone mine, At the same time, the black cricket possessed by man and **** fell into a coma. "

"Just like Dovre said, after the **** was unconscious, the Mr. Edin could not get his divine power to treat him, and he coughed up blood every day." Akin said at this time: "I guess he ... also supports It won't be long. "

"By the way, what about Mr. Sanqiu, Mrs. Jiang Ge, and Qiyu Beast?" Guan Heng glanced at the crowd at this moment and asked with some confusion: "Why haven't I seen them?"

"Oh, yes."

At this time, two people walked in outside the door. It was the casting master Shaharu and his wife, Jolie. Shaharu went to the table and said to Guan Heng, "Sanqiu, Mrs. Jiang Ge and Qiyu Beast volunteered to go out for investigation. In order to avoid being tracked or discovered by the enemy, they all carry the "Spell of Absolute Breath" that I created. No matter where they go, they will not be affected by outside information. "

Having said that, Shaharu paused slightly before continuing to say: "But there are advantages and disadvantages. With that kind of magic stone, we can't contact each other."

"It turned out that, when I said I had just returned to St. Lomplon, why couldn't I contact the Rain Beast." Guan Heng muttered at this moment, and then he quickly said: "Now take me to see people first God and Borui, their situation, as for Ruta and Maze, I will find a way to save them later. "

A moment later, the goddess Heidi and Eding's room. After Guan Heng met Edding, the other side hugged Guan Guan in a hurry, and Eding said with a bitter smile at the moment: "Kuan Heng, I know you will definitely come back, but if the **** of God has him ..."

"Edin, please wait a moment." Guan Heng turned around at this time and said to several of the accompanying people, "You guys, let me and the gods stand alone for a while, I may be able to think of a way to wake him up."

Doffer sat on Guan Heng's shoulder and asked, "What about Eding? Let him go?"

"Akin, you and Dorie are helping Mr. Edin to the next room." Guan Heng gave a command, and everyone turned away.

"Huh?" At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly felt that the dragon tooth blade on his back trembled suddenly. He immediately chuckled and said, "Did Kufa wake up?"

"Haha, I have slept for a long time, uh uh uh uh!"

With the sound of laziness, Dragon Soul Kuffa suddenly appeared before Guan Heng's eyes. He glanced at the dark man who was lying on the bed leaning on the pillow and unconscious, so he said, "Wow, I slept for a while. That's all, what happened? Why do people even start to snore? "

"Fool, the gods are not snoring." Guan Heng said angrily at this time: "He is to help everyone escape, so he exhausted the last glimmer of power ..."

Upon hearing this, Kuffa suddenly interrupted Guan Heng's words: "What ?! Exhausting the power of God? God! Did the spirit of man and **** fail like this? So pathetic, I will always mourn this self-denial ... "

"Kufa, what fart are you stupid dragon doing?" Guan Heng sighed at this moment and said with tears of laughter: "The gods are just in a coma, not a fart, close your crow mouth quickly."

"Che, it's not that you didn't make it clear yourself," Kufa said suddenly, slightly awkwardly. "Is there a way to help people?"

"Yes, of course." Guan Heng chuckled and said, "If I didn't walk around the abyss of the Demon Realm, I'm really not sure that I can save people, but now, I will ask the two strongest A powerful 'famous doctor' has helped. "

Speaking of this, Guan Heng suddenly said loudly: "This is the way things go, Mr. Ganeso, the devil and the goodwill of the soul, do you have any way to save people?"

It turned out that at the moment when he entered the Stone Demon Fortress, Guan Heng had secretly awakened the dragon **** Ganesha and the demon God's goodwill and residual soul, and kept them watching. At this moment, Guan Heng invited them. come out.

Suddenly, Guan Heng's heart rushed out of the two red and black beams of light. Among them, the white light suddenly turned into a giggling dragon **** Ganesha, and the black mang gathered in an instant into a demon **** with two hands and a contentment Residual soul in good faith.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.28, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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