Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1519: sucker Punch

"Hahahaha—a brand new Dark Warrior Dark Warrior was born!" With a proud expression, Kou Han looked up and down at Ma Ze, who was standing in front of himself like a thread puppet, and he smiled vaguely. Road: "It is indeed the perfect body created by the black magic of the pure magic domain. I like it, it is great."

Suddenly, Kou Han suddenly looked up and laughed: "The time is just right now, just at the dawn, and also ... the execution time!"

Upon hearing this, Ruta, who was tied to the cross, suddenly lost his heart. At this moment, the insidious and vicious Kou Han suddenly patted his palm and commanded: "Come, take the weapon of the magic domain gun fighter Ma Ze. Come."

"DaDaDa" sounded a rush of footsteps, and two magic soldiers suddenly carried a weapon shining with cold light, Ruta stared at it with wide eyes, it turned out to be Ma Ze's Dragonbone Spear!

"Hey, dear Ma Ze, the new Dark Warrior in the Demon Realm." As he slowly chanted this sentence, Cohan continued: "Since you have chosen to return to the embrace of darkness, then, prove your loyalty The time has come for Her Majesty Pawn, and now ... use your best weapon keel spear to run through the heart of the person in front of you— "

Speaking, Cohen pointed his black and thin hand forward, and the person he said was Luta, who was chained tightly on the cross!

It turned out that Kouhan was so vicious that he wanted Ma Ze, who was swallowed up by the darkness, to kill Luta in front of him with a dragon spear to prove his loyalty to the demon realm!

"Abominable! Cohan, you dog thing!" Ruta shook the chain at this moment, and yelled exhaustedly: "Despicable, shameless--"

"Well, you are the only one who is going to die." After finishing this sentence, Kou Han glanced at the indifferent Ma Ze, suddenly raised his voice sharply: "Ma Ze, you are already a warrior reborn from the darkness, Not fast enough to obey my order to execute the prisoner !!! "

"Clap!" Hearing Cohen's order, he suddenly reached out and held the lance of the keel spear. Ma Ze's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light. The air continued to pierce through the air, and in the next second he aimed at Ruta's heart.

"Uh-uh-" There was a roaring hoarse and low-screaming sound in his throat, and Ma Ke's keel spear was slowly advancing into the opponent.

But at this moment, Ruta suddenly made every effort to yell: "Maze, don't lose to the dark erosion, don't forget, I'm your companion, Guan Heng and Borui are the ones you deserve to cherish. Worth following Wake up, my friend, don't lose to the evil domain that was killed that day !! "

At the same time, Kou Han also issued a vicious roar: "Go through the heart and use your gun to pick out Ruta's heart and dedicate it to Lord Pawn!"

The hard call of Cohan and Ruta was like two invisible chains, each pulling Mader's body frantically from both sides. I saw that at this time, Mazar suddenly began to tremble, and the hand holding the keel spear could not Progressive half points.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhh"-just next second, Ma Ze's keel spear fell to the ground. With the screams of screams, he painfully hugged his head and fell to the ground. Rolling and looking extremely painful.

What's even more weird is that Ma Ze's dark, tanned skin suddenly appeared innumerable cracks, and the big bright red mist soared out of the wound, which looked particularly shocking and extremely shocking!

"Stupid thing, even now trying to resist the new body that the black domain of the magic domain has shaped for you, is there any dumber in this world than you?"

At this moment, Cohen first glanced at the painful struggling Ma Ze, and then said with a sharp smile to the bound Ruta: "Hey, see, right? Because your words are confused, Ma Ze's body began to try Resistance to the existence of black gas in the demon domain, let me tell you what will happen, the body of this idiot will be crushed by the fighting spirit of the black spirit and the undead! "

"Kouhan, you asshole!" At this moment, Ruta saw Ma Ze's struggling body rolling slower and slower. Then, Ma Ze's Qiqiao began to swell outwards, and continued to shed black blood. No breath!

"Maze—Maze—" Ruta's eyes couldn't help tears, and he shouted angrily and sadly: "Brother, it was I who killed you, but I didn't give you more trust, and I regret it. what!"

"Huh, I wanted to watch a good show where you killed each other. I didn't expect that this guy like Ma Ze was so stupid. He even gave up the great body that Mo Yu Heiqi remodeled for himself, and gave up the opportunity to become a dark warrior in Mo Yu. Because of your roar, you are willing to die! "

After speaking this sentence, Cohan's tone seemed a little disappointed, but then he smiled vaguely: "Well, but I'm happy to go to your own dog's fate, Rutta , Guan Heng and your companions did not show up at this time. I had to ask you to go on the road with Ma Ze first, and then transform your physical body into my most powerful black armored ghost soldier! "

"Hahaha, come on!"

"Oh!" Kou Han's skinny black claws protruded out of the black mist around him. He sneered and yelled, "Black gas condenses the sword!"

"Woohoo!" Kou Han's black gas wrapped his claws in an instant, faintly condensing two blades of black mist, and a "cross" cross to Luta's body: "Go to death ! "

At this moment, Ruta felt that he was so close to death, he narrowed his eyes and whispered, "I'm sorry Ma Ze, when I reach that world, I apologize to you!"

"嗖-嗤嗤!" Suddenly gunfire trembled in the time stabbing. "噗噗" two cracked air smashed Cohan's black gas condense knife, and at the same time, a laugh sounded: "Haha, you Don't go to that world first, Rutta, because you won't see me there! "

Suddenly, Ruta and Cohan screamed in surprise: "What ?! You are not dead?"

At this moment, wasn't it Mazar who had just fallen to the ground and had no sound? "No, impossible--"

Seeing that Ma Ze was intact, and his dark skin turned back to the normal person's complexion, Kou Han screamed and exhausted immediately: "No one can survive after the black gas rages on his body in the Demon Realm! How can you die? Resurrection ?! "

"Ha ha ha, thank you unexpectedly, Cohan!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Ma Ze pointed his gun at the other side obliquely, and he said coldly: "At that time, I drank the magic wine. It was originally a strategy of my own, because as long as there was a chance to break the bondage, I would not Give up, but I also did not expect that the black gas and corrosive power brought by the magic wine was so powerful. At that moment, I was swallowed up by darkness. "

—— [2016.7.30 second more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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