Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1551: Giant Tortoise in the Temple

"Here, there is a smell similar to that of ancient beasts behind this door, and the salty smell of seawater is spreading ..."

After slowly saying this, Praying for the Rain Beast suddenly stepped back a few steps, he turned his head and said to Guan Heng and others, "There must be an ancient marine beast behind the gate of the side hall. Breath please, be careful. I I feel that the power of this sea beast is ten times more powerful than the seven-star sea snake king who was alive in the past. "

Hearing the reminder of Qiyu Beast, Guan Heng silently experienced the surrounding movement at this moment, but at the next moment, Guan Heng frowned suddenly and said, "No, I don't know what happened, this door blocked my spirit. Exploring, I can't feel anything behind the gate. "

But after saying this, Guan Heng paused for a moment, and continued to say, "But be careful, don't make a big mistake, let's hurry up and put the things you find from all levels on the gate, ready to open the door."

The crowd promised a bang, and began to be busy. First, the placement of four iron cones entered the pothole near the gate, then they were tightened tightly by Guan Heng's fist, and then four giant chains were connected to the iron cone. On the ring.

Later, Guan Heng and Borui put the metal block with the groove into the center of the door, followed by fixing the winch in the upper groove, and twisting the four chains and the winch together.

At the next moment, Guan Heng, Luta, and Ma Ze, who had the most strength, grabbed the winch with six hands, and Guan Heng suddenly took a breath and yelled, "Hand, turn the winch!"

"Ka-la-la-la-la-la-" Three strong people at the same time worked hard, and finally slowly twisted the winch on the gate, and with the close attention of everyone behind, the second side hall The metal door finally opened little by little!

A few seconds later, after hearing only a series of loud sounds like "Boom--Dangdang", Guan Heng and others outside the door finally rushed in and walked into the side hall.

Of course, the fastest one is the rain beast. This guy can't wait to rush into it for more than ten meters. Guan Heng shouted at the back: "Hey, what are you doing so urgently? Be careful of traps!"

But Guan Heng looked closely in the next second, only to find that this side hall was obviously larger and wider than the last one, and ... it was almost a sea of ​​ocean!

"Well, how can there be a piece of lake here?" Borui, who spoke these words, suddenly frowned and changed her mouth: "No, this is the breath of seawater, yes, it must be seawater!"

After hearing Borui's words, everyone was jumping in their hearts. They didn't understand why there was a sea of ​​water in the palace of the demon god. At this moment, the rain-praying beast that ran to the water suddenly shook his head and faced in front of him. Wang Yang yelled, "Woohoo-"

"Pray for the rain beast ... what is going crazy ?!" Rong Guanheng and others pondered carefully. At this moment, he saw the violent surging in the second side hall suddenly, and the waves rolled. It even caused a huge wave of more than ten meters high, and then a huge thing split the waves, and immediately revealed his body.

"You-you-you-yes-yes-yes-who ?!"

It's just a three-word question, but it's like hitting a thunderbolt in the air. The rain beast can be regarded as capable and capable, but when you hear this voice, you can't help the limbs tremble and almost kneel on the ground. However, in order to understand the doubts in happiness, Qiyu Beast bravely shouted, "I am also an ancient alien, named Qiyu Beast, who are you?"

"Hehehe, who am I? I'm just a prisoner." Speaking here, this huge ancient beast slowly swims to the water. At this moment, everyone can clearly see what it looks like. It turned out to be It is too big and borderless, like a giant tortoise like a towering mountain.

But Guan Heng pointed his eyes, and he saw the giant tortoise with countless dark chains on his body. Guan Heng secretly said: "This guy claims to be a prisoner. It seems that he is not telling lies, is it Pawn's Is it locked in this second side hall ?! "

But just when Guan Heng thought down, an unexpected thing happened suddenly!

When the ancient giant tortoise talked to the rain beast, it had slowly moved closer to it, but the rain **** was still in a state of ignorance. Suddenly, I opened my mouth and sucked hard. Suddenly I prayed the rain beast into my mouth.

"Dangerous--" In the blink of an eye, none of the people present had the time to respond, except for the horizontal.

I saw Guan Hengshen moving, rushing forward with a thunderbolt, and was sucked into his mouth by the giant tortoise.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene: "Guanheng ?!"

"Abominable, spit me out the boss and the rain beast!"

Borui roared at this moment, and immediately issued a fierce fire spell. The fire waves rushed into the giant tortoise, but the giant tortoise that swallowed Guan Heng and the rain beast did not engage in love, it was in a sudden Sinking hard, suddenly there was a ten-meter-high giant wave "hula", and went towards the flames of Borui, "Boom-Dora!" After the fierce collision of seawater and flames, suddenly there were no fingers. Transpiration mist.

"Hehehe, I rarely enjoyed two delicious meals." The giant tortoise sank into the water in the blink of an eye and disappeared.

"Is there any reason, I slaughtered this **** giant tortoise!" Borui roared with a throat, and was about to dive into the water.

"Bo Rui, wait a moment." At this time, an arm stretched out in the oblique stump to stop Borui, which was Ruta next to him. He smiled and said, "You thought it would be better for the other side to swallow Guan Heng and pray for the rain beast. Is it possible that the giant tortoise is now set on fire? "

Ruta's voice didn't fall, and the ocean in the main hall again set off a tantrum. I saw the giant turtle rolling tragically in the water waves, and it even had a dark plume of smoke in his mouth. The appearance was really embarrassing. How embarrassed.

Until then, Borui suddenly realized: "How do I forget, the boss is a person who never loses money, hahaha, this time the giant turtle is a bad mold!"

At this moment, the mighty giant tortoise trembled with heads up: "Foot life, don't torture me anymore, you should hurry up."

After hearing this, everyone at the waterside was covering their mouths and stealing joy, but Guan Heng in the giant turtle's belly was punching, kicking, turning over, and playing with the rain beast, he replied: "Go to yours , I won't go out now, because you haven't killed you. "

"Don't, don't, I know I'm wrong, can I apologize?" The giant tortoise rushed to the shore at this moment, and he opened his mouth and gasped and asked: "You, what do you want to be willing to do? After me, I can't stand it. "

Guan Heng thought for a moment, then called: "Well, then you tell me first, there should be a teleportation array in this side hall. Where is it?"

—— [Fourth more in 2016.8.5, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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