Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1584: Hard to find

The decision was to exhaust all the energy carried by the inverse astrolabe, absorb the stardust in the universe, and wrap itself into a "giant meteorite" to protect itself.

However, during the release of energy to absorb the stardust, some accidents occurred. The instrumental spirit and the inverse planetary body were forcibly separated, and they fell into the space gap between two different worlds. The instrumental spirit fell to the Ashton continent, and wrapped The huge meteorites against the astrolabe landed on St. Lomplon.

In order to have a day of reunion with his own body, when the two planetary spirits separated, the important information was left in the gold leaf notes, and some other meteorites were engraved with symbols of their own lives. In words, I hope that people with fate can see and help them to get together with their own weight.

The meteorites of the inverse astronomical body were discovered by the ancient three gods in the land of St. Lomplund, but the gold leaf notes fell into the hands of the ancestors of the ancient skeletal evil god. The origin is also inferred only by inference.

And the demon Lord Pawn got the fragmented meteorite inscribed with the anti-astronomical body. In order to control the body of the ancient god, he repeatedly went to the Ashton continent to stir the wind and rain. The true goal of Pawn was to use ten Three pieces of inverse astrolabe are bait, try to catch the spirit of the device, get the complete inverse astrolabe!

When Guan Heng traveled through the abyss of the Demon Realm, he got the gold leaf notes, and then handed them over to humans and demon translators. Then he took the notes to the five main gods in Ashton's continent. This is the past.

"Well, this is how it happened ..." Guan Heng patted his thigh at this time, he exclaimed with emotion: "It's really twists and turns."

"Guan Heng, with the last piece of inverse star disk you brought back from St. Lomplon, as well as the five pole beads and core crystals, the strength of our five gods will definitely be able to assemble the inverse disk in a short time."

At this moment, Drakekand said, "But looking for the inverse astronomical spirit, you have to do it yourself, we can't make it."

Speaking, the **** of light pointed to the core crystal of the inverse astral disk and said, "As long as you bring this thing on your body, it will naturally guide you to find a place where the instrument spirit sleeps and sleeps."

"I see, right ..." Guan Heng turned to Ruta next to him, "Hey, man, how about going with me?"

"Sorry, brother, I haven't seen Weier in a long time, so I want to spend more time with her."

Ruta said here, looking at Dalavier's eyes were all tenderness, and Guan Heng took a scornful sigh: "Things that are light and light are friendly, and I am so good to you, you just hold your wife Let's go, beware of kidney loss !!! "

"Hmm! Hahahaha--" Upon hearing this, everyone around was laughing and laughing, but Dalavier turned her face blushing and Ruta ran away.

"Well, we have a pair of lovers again, but when can I save my wife?" With a sigh, Guan Heng caressed himself at this time and whispered, "Qing Huang's remnant soul only collected six pieces. And I do n’t know when it will be all ready. "

"Don't worry, I'm optimistic about you, and I can succeed." At this time, the kind-hearted beast **** brother Pinus patted his shoulders horizontally: "Try to rush forward, boy."

"Guan Heng, as long as we give us a few days, the Astral Disk can be completed, and then come to the Temple of the Sun to find us." Drakekand said at this time: "You go to the finder first during this time The whereabouts of the spirit. "

Elf Goddess Qi Li Ni said next: "Guan Heng, your goddess vacation island is still in the nearby black hole pit. My daughter Merty, and your white and blue brothers are waiting for you to go back. Take a look, hurry up. "

"Ah, you don't say it, I forgot about it all." As soon as the sentence came out, Guan Heng patted his head immediately and exclaimed: "When they say that they will be safe once they return, they are done. Xiaobai will be furious. "


After a while, in the huge garden on the island of the gods' vacation, Xiao Bai stomped and scolded Guan Heng: "Stupid little master, why don't you inform us when you come back? You don't know that during this month, Merty and I Are you worried about you? "

"Well ... I'm also worried ..." It was Landi who said this, at this time the food was holding a lot of ambergris in his mouth, and Guan transversely said to him expressionlessly: "Smelly Boy, are you worried about what I look like? "

"Don't grind your teeth with Landi, haven't you heard me talking to you?" Xiaobai stomped his feet and twisted his ears, "I will punish you."

"Ah-hey--auntie, just twist it, it hurts--" At this moment, Guan Heng was grinning with pain, and Melty next to him looked distressed. She called: "Xiao Bai, Stop it. You see, your forehead is sweating. "

Talking, Merty took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped off sweat for Guan Heng.

"Haha, Merty still knows how to care about Big Brother." Guan Heng first praised the other party, and then said to Xiaobai angrily: "Which looks like you, you know to bully me."

"I don't!" Xiao Bai was so angry at this time that she was holding her shoulders suddenly and said, "Master, you said just now, you're going to look for the spirit of the anti-horoscope, right? You can't throw this Are we off? Let's go together! "

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Guan Heng said with a smile at the moment: "Two sisters, brother Lan, I will soon leave the Ashton continent and embark on the journey again, the last time here Of course, I want to leave it to those who care about me the most, are you satisfied? "

"Well, that's pretty much the same." Xiaobai said slowly, and sighed slowly: "Well, after all, you still have to continue to look for the remnant soul of Sister Qing Huang, we can't stop you either Lord, you can be safe in the future, that's enough. "

"Well, don't say too early, separately, now you have to grasp the time together." Merti then held his sadness and put on a smiley face, "Brother, about the instrument Location, where do we start? "

"Well ... you still have to define the general area." Guan Heng shouted at this time: "Syron, you guys quickly get the map of Ashton continent, we need to see."

After hearing the shouts of Guan Heng, the five stone statues of the gods on the island of Vincent, Seg, Zori, Hyman, and Sulun immediately screamed and shouted, "Well, come right away."

Within a few seconds, the orc statue Xu Lun ran over, he shouted: "Guan Heng, eldest sister, Princess Merty, the map's sandbox is ready."

As soon as this sentence came out, I heard a wide tabletop floating by the azure pool in the huge garden, which is the panoramic view of Ashton's landform after the reduction.

"Well, let's take a look at what might be the sleeping place of the Astral Plate Spirit." After finishing this sentence, Guan Heng began to walk around the table on the map sand table.

At this time, Lan Di asked while eating berries, "Guan Heng, let's just go to every corner of Ashton's continent, why bother to take time to find shortcuts here?"

—— [2016.8.12 The second more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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