Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1604: Mysterious place (first)

In the dark and deep space, Guan Heng and Cheng Ying Sword Spirit stood there with their shoulders in front of them, and in front of them was the released Ghost Swallow.

At this moment, Guan Heng said to the inverse horoscope spirit in the belly of the devouring beast: "Hey, what you are best at is finding the energy of the soul in the universe. I want to find the remnant soul of my fiancee Qing Huang. Yours. "

"Please, let me out first." Qi Ling said angrily: "Let the ghost swallow its mouth open, I can't run again."

Guan Heng made a gesture to swallow the beast, and the other side opened a big mouth, and a scream of wind against the chart rolled out.

"First, take out the remnant soul of your fiancee, I will synchronize her breath with the anti-astrolabe, so that I can begin to find the whereabouts of the remaining remnant soul." Hearing Qi Ling said, Guan Heng immediately mobilized himself with his consciousness. Qinghuang Residual Soul near the heart was gently placed on the inverse astrolabe under the signal of Qi Ling.

The next moment, driven by Qi Ling, the inverse astrolabe began to spin rapidly in mid-air, and the above five pole beads and core spar "唰 唰 唰" continued to radiate a dazzling light. Guan Heng saw this scene and immediately He glanced at Cheng Ying Sword Spirit again, both of them caught in anxiously waiting.

I don't know how long after that, the anti-horoscope suddenly sounded a series of rushing sounds of "唰-humming", and then one of the five pole beads began to shine brightly.

At this time, Qi Ling, who spoke next to him, said, "A large number of remnants who found your fiancee are gathered in the East Pole Universe region, but we are too far away. I need to be careful when I get there search."

"East Antarctic universe ?!" Guan Heng frowned slightly at this moment, then said to Cheng Ying Jianhun: "Have you heard? Brother, we are going to go there next."

"No problem, with the power I have accumulated now, it is enough to use the sword's edge to break through the space barriers to take you past." As soon as this sentence came out, Cheng Ying Sword Spirit said again: "How about? Set off immediately? "

"Of course, the faster the better! Let's go!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, Cheng Ying Soul of the Sword turned into an aurora in a sudden, "Whooting" hovering in mid-air, it turned into a huge handle. Appearance of the ancient sword.

The Shadow Sword has a strange ability to penetrate the space of the universe, but after using this ability once, it will continue to accumulate strength.

In the past, because Guan Heng and Cheng Yingjian accidentally merged the two souls in one place, Cheng Yingjian could usually sleep in Guan Heng's body and continuously accumulate and absorb the supplies that Guan Heng provided him.

At this moment, the shadow in the air “buzzed” in the sudden sudden trembling of the sword, and continued to tremble, and instantly showed countless strange dazzling rays of light!

Just in the blink of an eye, thousands of dazzling rays of light had shot out all around, and then looking at the ridge of the shadow sword, a fine line had faintly appeared, and this line was full of stars-like objects, and fine lines. It's not a spread, but a full circle around the blade of Cheng Yingjian.

The shadow sword suspended in mid-air, the Taiyi Xuan pattern emerging from its sword body at this time represents the power to cut off the barrier of space. Take it back and wait to continue space travel.

"噌! 噌 ——" Cheng Yingjian trembled in full light, showing a strange light with a diameter of 100 meters. It flew into the sky in an instant, and suddenly the wind swept away!

"嗤 ——" Accompanying this rumored sound, a narrow space gap was chopped out by the sword awn, "Hu ———" A strong and unmatched air flow poured into it, bearing the shadow sword and Guan Heng's body Inhaled directly!


I don't know how long, the edge of the East Pole cosmic region, after the sound of a "Dora" sound, a small space gap appeared.

"Strange, the power I use should be able to cut through the space in front, why is it blocked here ?!" Cheng Ying Jian Hun's voice appeared in Guan Heng's mind suddenly: "Not good, Guan Heng! Let us It's about to fall into the unknown space! "

The shadow of Cheng Ying's sword soul has not fallen, he has changed from the body of the huge divine sword to the shape of a sword with a length of more than three feet. Suddenly he and Guan Heng fell to the huge black hole under his feet!

"What's going on ?!" Unexpectedly, Guan Heng also felt his eyes dark, and when his body fell straight, he gradually fell into a state of unconsciousness.


I don't know how long, Guan Heng heard a voice in his ear, "Hey, wake up, Guan Heng, wake up!"

"Well, this voice is ... Cheng Ying ?!" Guan Heng slightly opened his eyes at this moment, only to find that the sixteen or seven-year-old boy with Cheng Ying's transfiguration stood in front of him. His head asked, "Cheng Ying, what is this place?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?" Cheng Ying Jianhun said with both hands, "We both just fell into this space, and I just opened my eyes a few seconds earlier than you."

"This ... turned out to be an alley ..." Guan Heng looked around and found himself and Cheng Ying Jianhun at the end of an alley. He suddenly said, "Let's go and see."

The two walked out of the alley in three steps and two steps, but were amazed to find that they were on a busy street. The sky was dark and looked like the evening, but there was no moon or star, it looked abnormal. Weird.

Around, there are two rows of various buildings with invisible ends, but most of them are covered with signboards. All of them are shops, and various people are clamoring and selling, one after another, noisy, and it is really lively.

"Guests, welcome to‘ Shan Hai Street ’. Come to the humble shop to see, no matter what kind of Lingbao appliances you want, you have everything!”

"Hey, let's take a look. The newly picked spirit fruit, elixir, and various spirit insects, walk by, pass by, don't miss it-"

Listening to the noisy yelling, Guan Heng and Cheng Ying sword soul walked on the street, but they were more and more shocked, because the owners, buddies, and people walking on the road were strangely shaped. Some have grimaces and fangs, some have four arms, and some foreheads on their foreheads are rounded, and they are constantly turning, these are ugly.

Others are handsome and beautiful, but only the upper body looks like a normal person, but below are the furry hoof and beast legs. Guan Heng and Cheng Ying Sword Spirit looked at the scene and smiled bitterly, all inexplicable in their hearts. Misty water.

But at this time, trouble came!

"Bang!" Just looking at Guan Heng walking forward, he didn't believe he bumped into the shoulder of a big man, this rude and brash guy suddenly burst into anguish and burst out of rage: "Blind thing, can't you blind your eyes ?! "

—— [2016.8.16 The first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~ The beginning of the third volume, wonderful continue ~~] ——

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