Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1631: Something found (third more)

"The martial arts of Qi control? This thing is very interesting. After I have absorbed enough spirit fragments and evolved the blue gas into orange, be sure to open it."

Guan Heng heard Lao Feng's reminder and said slightly, "Yes, you asked me to take a note. Now that the situation is urgent, I'll go find a child first." His words fell away, and he had swung himself up. On the back of the ghost tiger, Guan Hengyang yelled, "Relax, I will be back soon, and the child will be fine!"

At this time, although Guan Heng said only comfort words, the head of the village and Aju suddenly warmed up at the center of their ears. At this moment, Guan Heng had rode out of the village entrance suspension bridge riding a ghost-stealing tiger, and instantly Run out of the arrow, disappeared into the sight of everyone.

"Aju said that Chenger had gone to the woods in the valley on the left to dig out the eggs, so he went there first." Guan Heng made a sigh of snorting and swallowed the ghost to the position of the woods immediately.

At the same time, in the woods in the valley not far from Nanpo Village, a seven- or eight-year-old child was crying on the canopy of an old tree, and there were three wolves with black manes under the tree. Can't stop wandering, sometimes making a low howl, scaring the child to shiver.

It stands to reason that there were not so many monsters in the ancient world, but just a little more than ten years ago, a great accident happened in this world, which caused a large number of heaven and earth aura to mutate.

For example, those ordinary birds and beasts were either swallowed by this mutant evil spirit into dead bones, or they were assimilated with the evil spirit of heaven and earth and turned into monsters.

Therefore, Guan Heng repeatedly encountered attacks by monsters and evil beasts during his journey, which seemed to be commonplace, just like a regular meal.

At this moment, the mutant monster wolves howled constantly, scratching the bark with their forepaws, and produced a series of "creak" squeaking noises, which scared the children on the tree to shiver and tremble. At this moment, his hands and feet were frozen. Seeing that it would be impossible to catch the branches.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, a dark demon wolf is fierce at this moment, suddenly looking at the direction of the child and leaping forward.

Unfortunately, despite the fierceness of the wolf demon, he still did not reach his prey, but the child was so frightened and screamed, "Ah-" His body fell down to those under the tree, salivating, eyes Crimson Wolf.

"噌 噌 噌 ——" At the very moment of the juncture, a large and agile figure suddenly emerged from the oblique stab. Someone spied the arm, and the fingers of the five fingers clenched the child's arm with a "pop" and took him by the way. Arms.

"Bang!" Hei Ying fell to the ground for a while, splashing countless dust, it was a black and white striped coiled fur, like a giant tiger with strange eyes rounded, sitting on the back with a hug holding a child.

"Eh ?!" A few black wolves saw the fat from their mouths snatched away, and they suddenly became angry with smoke, but they looked at the huge body of the devouring tiger, and they suddenly shrank their necks.

The black wolf demon is weak, accustomed to bullying and afraid of toughness. When encountering a tougher opponent than himself, it must be to run away with his tail clamped, but this time Guan Heng did not give them such a convenient opportunity.

Speaking late, fast then, only to hear the devouring tiger suddenly screaming, several wolf monsters were suddenly horrified so that their limbs could not move softly, and Guan Heng's figure also ran down the tiger's back at the same time. Just listening to the "swish" of a few cold flashes of light, the demon wolf has been turned to the ground by all stabs, and stretched his legs to stare and whine.

At this moment, one of the demon wolf's remains showed the shadow of the beast soul on his forehead, Guan Heng glanced and said, "It's only the first-order weak soul, swallow the ghost, you eat it."

After hearing the words, the devouring tiger and tiger suddenly breathed in and took the spirit of the demon wolf into his belly. Guan Heng then asked the child on the tiger's back: "Hey, are you called Chenger and live in Nanpo Village?"

The child nodded and said, "Yes, big brother, how do you know?"

"Do you kid know that it is dangerous outside?" Guan Heng said as he rolled over and jumped back onto the tiger's back, driving the devouring tiger to run to the village side. He said in his mouth, "At this moment, both your mother and grandpa Waiting at home. "

The speed of swallowing the ghost tiger was extremely fast. After a while, Guan Heng had taken Chenger to the village entrance of Nanpo Village. When he looked up and watched, he even saw the village chief and Aju who were frowning on the wall.

At this moment, Guan Heng stretched out his hand and placed Chenger on the ground, and said to him, "Go back to the village yourself. As long as you call in the past, the village chief will put down the suspension bridge when he hears it."

Chenger blinked at this moment and asked, "Brother, how about you?"

"Tell the village chief, I'm going to make sure of one thing." Guan Heng had already let the devouring tiger turn around at this time, and his voice echoed in the child's ear: "If you can't come back tonight, you must return tomorrow Nanpo Village, let them rest assured. "


Guan Heng and Swallowing Ghost Tiger took the black crystal coffin, and returned from the original road to gallop south, because the crystal coffin suddenly burst into light when passing by just now, it is clear that the valley over there There will be clues to Qinghuang's residual soul.

However, the continuous roar of beasts also came from the south canyon. Guan Heng secretly said at this time: "The savage cave said by the village chief Feng Lao seems to be in that direction, and this time the monsters' restlessness and The lunatics living in the savage caves are related. What exactly does this mean? I haven't asked what it is, and it is still confused. "

Although there was some doubt in his mind, Guan Heng didn't care about going to the sites where the monsters were entangled, because in this way, many guys with high-end spirits could be met.

After Guan Heng absorbed the spirit fragments of those monsters, his strength will soon be improved. He is in a strange world, and everything else should be set aside. It is the last word to improve his strength as soon as possible.

"Oh!" The swallowing ghost tiger just ran into the perimeter of the canyon. A few roaring tall bears rushed out from behind the rocks and in the gully, and they stood in front of the giant tiger. Guan Heng saw this scene. Suddenly a smile: "The monster you haven't seen before is just a good thing to bring to your door."

Speaking late, fast, without waiting for Heng Heng to command, the desperate Ghost Tiger suddenly burst into a roar. This roar containing the power of breaking evil instantly swept past, and the three bears trembled suddenly. Stagnation, but one of the two strong bears trembled in an instant, and then "Teng Teng Teng" took a few steps to retreat, thus getting rid of the impact of the evil roar.

"Huh ?!" Guan Heng's eyes froze suddenly, because he suddenly saw a layer of blue breath on the two bears, and he felt a movement in his heart: "Is this blue gas similar to my body at this time? And they can withstand the roar of evil, these are two good prey. "

After a while, Guan Heng pulled out the bronze long sword and short blade. He whispered in his mouth, "It's just a pity, there isn't another!"

—— [2016.8.21 third change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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