Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1641: Creekside tree demon (third more)

Guan Heng once said that if Ago was to restrain himself, he should not be furious and fight, otherwise he would starve him for a day, and Ago could not care otherwise, but he could not stand starving, so this was Guan Heng A dog's restraint strategy.

At a moment when Agou was hesitant, the ghost-swallowing tiger raised his head and screamed, "Woo ---"

The tiger's eyes widened, and the guilty roar of the ghost-eating tiger showed the majesty of the king of beasts. Those poisonous insects were just the most common beasts. They were frightened and trembled.

"Yi--" It was late, and then, Heng Heng had rushed from a distance, and he shouted, "Five magpies, let's do it together to disperse the poisonous snake venom!"

"Woohoo!" Several ghost howls rang in the air, and the five wanderers "唰 唰 唰" each wrapped in the poisonous insects that rushed to the ground with the black wind, listening only to the screams of those poisonous snakes "hissing". Only in an instant, the poison had been ripped and killed by the ghosts.

Guan Heng suddenly turned his back on the tiger's back at this time, and he exclaimed, "Let's go and hurry over these **** poisonous insects."

Hearing this, the strong man Ago took the lead and stood up, running like a hurricane, running towards the top of the mountain. Although the Ghost Tiger started slowly, it followed quickly and unkindly.

A dog seems to hate those poisonous insects so he runs fast. Don't look at his bare feet, but he is on the steep **** of the mountain, but he is walking fast. He swallows Guan Heng and the crystal coffin. He barely runs side by side with this guy. Ran to the top of the mountain.

At this moment, Guan Heng shouted: "Stop, the poisonous insects have been shaken almost, and take a break." Hearing Guan Heng's words, the strong man Agou slowed down, he saw not far ahead There was a stream, and the first few steps were taken immediately, and my head was plunged into the water, "guo, guo" and drank.

"Huh? Somewhat strange. From now on, I feel that the scene around the nearby mountain road hasn't changed." Guan Heng was sitting on the back of Ghost Tiger at this moment, and he looked around with confusion: "Is it an illusion? ? "

The Swallow Tiger is also extremely sensitive to the strange atmosphere around him. He growled and looked a little anxious. Guan Heng raised his head to the lingering ghosts in the air. "Scouting around and seeing what's wrong ... "

Guan Heng's words did not fall, he heard the strong man Aguo drinking water by the river suddenly yelled, "Uh!" Guan Heng raised his eyes and looked, when he saw the dog stared and grabbed a large fist pebble on the ground , "Hoo" flew out, hitting a weird tree across the stream.

"Bang!" That weird black tree was hit by pebbles, and the smashed bark suddenly splashed. All I heard was a "squeaky" scream, and "thrashed, thrashed" from the thick canopy. Fly a few fat birds.

When these guys were frightened, they immediately wanted to flew away and flew here, but did not expect that A Dog suddenly jumped by the stream. "Papapa" he actually used a fan-like hand to catch the three fattest birds. In the palm, at the same time, Guan Heng found that the black tree was a bit wrong!

"That weird tree actually turned out to be crimson ?!" Guan Heng sank his face at this moment: "Well, needless to say, you are also a plant monster, let me take a look at it, swallow the ghost, Rush over! "

Hearing Guan Heng's order, the swallowing ghost rushed back and forth, suddenly falling to the other side of the brook, just when one person and one tiger were about to pounce in front of the black tree, the spooky tree even shook the tree body in an instant. , Countless dark leaves scattered along the wind: "Cracking-嗖 嗖 嗖-huh!"

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng and Swallowing Ghost Tiger were smashed by the leaves and covered their faces. They suddenly became cyanotic. When they opened their eyes again, they found that the surrounding environment had actually changed greatly. The streams under their feet and strong men The dog disappeared abruptly, and there were only countless grotesque stones around behind and behind it, which looked extremely terrifying!

"Huh, ten or nine of them are the illusion of the tree demon." Looking at the strange rocks and the gradually thick gray fog around him, Guan Heng thought so, but the surface was still, he was just swallowing a ghost Tiger whispered a word and then stayed still.

Guan Heng and Swallowing Ghost Tiger are standing still like woodcarved clay sculptures, but the dark tree demon who casts a spell has been unable to hold back. I saw the shadow of the tree flash in the gray haze, "唰 唰 唰 —— 唰 唰 唰 — — "Countless narrow and sharp branches broke from all directions, and the wind was straight to Guan Heng and the swallowing tiger's body.

"Swallow the ghost tiger, it is now--" Guan Heng's words immediately exited, and the swallow the ghost suddenly shouted with all his strength and yelled, "Wow!"

This voice contained the power to break the demons, as if the rapid ripples of the scattered scattered ceaselessly spread, the inky tree demon close to the attack was blasted out of nowhere.

Suddenly, the tree demon suddenly suffered a stagnation, and only heard the crackling sound of "crack", the dark bark cracked and flew, and "squeak" suddenly opened a slick eye of blood on the tree. .

"Wait for you to show up!" Guan Heng quickly pulled out the bronze sword at this moment, pointed at the blood pupil of the dark tree demon who was close at hand, and said, "Hey!" The tree demon, the blood pupil of the core of life, was immediately arrested. Guan Heng's sword is broken through!


Due to this great creation, the inky tree demon's body suddenly broke from the middle, and the big red spray was sprayed immediately inside the tree body. Guan Heng shook his hand and shook the sword, and then looked at the surrounding scene, because the death of the tree demon had changed back. The original look, the stream beside the mountain road was surging, and A Gou was standing there stupidly. He didn't know what was going on.

At this moment, a shadow of the spirit suddenly emerged from the dark tree demon's body, Guan Heng looked clearly, grabbed the lightning-like probe arm, and immediately held the other side with the blue-colored palm. Drop a few fragments and throw them into the soul record book. Guan Heng stuffed the remaining tree demon spirit into the mouth of the devouring tiger: "Well, the low-level spirit is not very helpful to me, let me eat it."

He shook his head to express his gratitude, and swallowed the ghost to be honest, and he swallowed the dark tree spirit.

At this time, Guan Heng glanced through the pages of the Soul Records book, which read: Misery tree, the dark texture of the bark of the whole body, can absorb the essence of moonlight at night, its brilliance shines on the Quartet, if any beast devours fans The bark of the tree, since then, can distinguish the ten parties, and will not lose its way. This thing has evolved into a tree demon under the influence of the evil spirit of heaven and earth, and the soul power is evaluated as a third-order weak soul ...

"You can tell the direction by eating two pieces of bark?" Guan Heng smiled at this moment: "Ha ha ha, this is a good thing."

—— [The third change of 2016.8.23, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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