Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1652: Alliance plan

"Hey, brother Heng Heng!" At this time, Dou Wanxin, who was already waiting in the room, said with a smile: "What are you afraid of? There are no monsters eating people in this room." "Miss Dou, it's you."

Guan Heng now looked at a large table full of food, and then asked, "You are ..."

"Today you are my life-saving benefactor. What's weird about having a meal?" Dou Wanxin still looked like that generous, she said with a chuckle, "What are you still doing? Sit."

"Okay, since that's the case, then I'm not polite." Guan Heng said, sitting opposite Dou Wanxin, Dou Wanxin continued: "These are all dishes made with the best ingredients in Fuchu, eat them fast."

Speaking, she pushed a pot of fat roasted chicken to Guan Heng, and Guan Heng was also polite. He tore off a chicken leg and choked up. He ate and said, "Miss Dou, except please Apart from what I have here to eat, do you have anything else to tell you? Just say it directly. "

"Well, you saw it ..."

Dou Wan didn't expect that Guan Heng was very clever. He still didn't hide his little thought. At this moment, Guan Heng also said, "I saw some people's reactions in the government, and I felt a little strange. Why? When we met for the first time, you were so helpful in helping me? It would be awkward in my heart if I did n’t ask.

"Uh, this ..." Dou Wanxin glanced at Guan Heng, and found that the other party would take off the three-foot-long crystal coffin and snowy bow before eating.

Seeing this situation, although Dou Wanxin felt a little strange, she didn't ask it carefully, but continued to say her own thing: "In fact, this is the case, Guan Heng, I would like to ask you, you must win the contest of the contest ..."

"Why?" Guan Heng was full of curiosity and asked subconsciously: "Can you tell me the reason?"

"I can tell you, but you must not talk to anyone, not even that giant tiger!"

Dou Wanxin had some incoherent speech at this time, and her face was crimson. Guan Heng looked inexplicable in his eyes. He smiled bitterly and said, "Even if I would tell the giant tiger, it would not understand. What is it? Just say . "

Dou Wanxin hesitated again and again and finally said, "This matter, we should start from three months ago ..."

It turned out that the range of hundreds of miles near Mingyu City has always been the nest of various monsters. Most of these monsters are guys who know a little bit about Qi control, but they are also limited to the shallow blue and white two Qi in Mingyu City. The strong are vulnerable.

But suddenly one night, a monster who claimed to be "Sky Evil" slammed into Ming Yucheng, and broke into Dou Cheng's room.

That evil demon is a pig demon who already has the technique of controlling the orange air and is full of sharp hairs. Since this monster has the orange air, it proves that it has entered the ranks of the strongest in the world. It knows human language. He threatened the owner of Dou Cheng and asked him to marry his only daughter, Dou Wanxin.

After hearing this, the master Dou Cheng immediately became furious and immediately started working with the pig demon. Who knows that the evil spirit of this day is not only an orange qi, but also a spiritual bead born in the body, which can automatically absorb the heaven and earth qi, making this demon leapfrog challenge stronger than himself opponent.

The Lord Dou Cheng and the Pig Demon fought fiercely in the house overnight, and were finally wounded by the demon's Yun Lingzhu. However, as the first strongman in Yucheng City, the Lord Dou Cheng also has a means to save his life. In anxiety, he consumes himself The orange gas that has accumulated over the years blasted it out with the help of martial arts, and finally defeated both pigs and the monster.

The evil devil was wounded and fled. When the pig demon left before leaving, he said that after three months of recuperation, he would lead the demon tribe to make a comeback. At that time, he would not only rob the city's daughter, but also kill him. The people of Yucheng have no place to die.

The Lord of the City had been brought up for almost a month, and he was able to heal his injuries. However, at this time, the Lord of Dou City was worried about the pig demon's resurgence, so he wanted to greet the masters at the time of the contest and prepare to fight against the evil spirits. The monster race struck.

"It turned out that there was such a hidden emotion in the contest." Guan Heng asked at this time: "Do you have any concerns about the matter inside?"

"Of course there is, it's me who is going to be grabbed by the pig demon of Tian Xie, even my father can't change this."

Dou Wanxin replied: "And I overheard the conversation between Dad and Director Zhu, saying that for the sake of the present, they can only form alliances with the four aliens against the evil demons. The so-called alliance, the best way is to marry. Dad said that if any other patriarch would agree to form an alliance, he would marry me, and I wouldn't want to. "

Having said that, Dou Wanxin paused for a moment and then continued to say, "It is better to die than marry a pig demon or those rude guys of other races."

Hearing this, Guan Heng blinked and asked, "So, how can I help you?"

"That's why I promised to help you sign up for the contest." Dou Wanxin said at this time: "Daddy is more of a strong among the Dais or Tian Dais, but hates the Hus, but he has already made a decision in public. No matter who of these three races wins, they will get the promise of alliance with Ming Yucheng, and they will marry me to the tribe of the winners. "

"Wait, why aren't the Mozus counted?" At this moment, Guan Heng said strangely, "Isn't they also one of the four aliens?"

"Oh. You're talking about this." Dou Wanxin replied, "My deceased mother is the daughter of the Patriarch of the Molang tribe. Therefore, they have long been an ally with Mingyu City. among them."

After listening to her, Guan Heng nodded slightly: "So it is no wonder that you have such a good relationship with a group of Momo women in Jinzhi. It turns out that everyone is a relative."

"Hehe, Mo Jinzhi is my cousin, we have been playing since we were young."

At this moment, Dou Wanxin turned the words forward and returned to the topic: "I don't like those three people, so it is best to find an outsider to disrupt the situation so that no one can win. In this case, the marriage It's gone! Guan Heng, you understand? I have pinned all my hopes on you. "

"I ?!" Guan Heng said with a smile at this time: "Miss Dou, you are too confident in me, anyway, let's just say that we have only known each other for two days. Why do you think I can take it? To the winner? "

"Well, because I saw the confident expression that you registered in front of the main city gate, I felt that you hope to win."

As soon as Dou Wanxin said this, her face passed a very determined look, and she went on to say, "In addition, after seeing your giant tiger, I became more confident and determined that you had won. "

—— [Fourth more of 2016.8.25, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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