Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1659: Battlefield battles (first)

Having said that, he suddenly paused and said to the people around him, "Can we send news to the messenger of the demon?"

The tribe said with a sad face: "Uncle, the demon tribe of Xie Xie will not cooperate with us sincerely. They are cruel and vicious. The people we sent to us have not heard back yet, maybe they have been poisoned ..."

"Pop!" Geng was so angry that he patted him on the table next to him: "How can this be true? At the beginning, I said that we would take Yucheng together inside and outside, and evenly divide everything in this city after Dou Tianwei was killed. Nothing credible dog stuff! "

Seeing the heavy violent thunder, the tribe's forehead suddenly sweated coldly, he snorted and said, "Maybe the road to the demon tribe is too far away, and the messenger may have a problem in the middle, but I will investigate it."

"Huh, then you go back quickly and remember one thing." Geng Zhong said calmly at this time, "We have only a few days left. If we can't wait for the help of the demon tribe, it will be a collar Hu The tribe came out of the nest, and they had to capture Ming Yucheng by themselves and kill all the young and old Dou Tianwei's family! "

"Yes, then I'll go out first." After the tribe gave a shiver, he slowly withdrew from the door. At this moment, the heavy and ugly horse face became more and more terrifying, he mumbled to himself. Road: "Damn Dou Tianwei, your death is not far away."


Time flies, blinking into the early morning of the next day, Guan Heng thought that yesterday the strong man Ago was quite honest, and did not cause any trouble, so he decided to take him to Yantai this time, and let Lao Wu look at it A dog will do.

And after the contest in the morning, the winner must have been born. At that time, Guan Heng won the purple gold ore and gave it to Lao Wu, let him quickly build an arrow like a snow bow. In this case, leave A Gou It's better to be within sight.

At this time, Guan Heng had long let the big gangsters and four gangsters hide silently around Agou. Once there was any abnormal situation, the five gangsters would shoot in time, and ordinary people could not see the gangsters. This kind of soul body, so Guan Heng has no need to worry that they will be exposed in front of people, causing unnecessary panic.

After only a while, Lao Wu had already arrived, Guan Heng took Agou, Ghost Tiger and He to the side of Yantai. When the pedestrian arrived, the Yantai of the Yucheng Competition was gathered. With thousands of people, the crowd was noisy, and the scene was lively and extraordinary.

A few moments later, President Zhu of the city's main house appeared on the platform with a big swing. He announced the list of battles to be held later, Guan Heng, Shenyang of the Dais, Mo Jinzhi of the Mozus, and Rongteng of the Tianshuis. As well as the seriousness of the Linghu tribe.

In addition, the remaining few people were all lucky enough to encounter weak opponents, and those who barely made it to the promotion. If there is no accident, the first round of the final battle will be eliminated.

Unsurprisingly, President Zhu announced with a loud voice that the first round of the final decisive battle should adopt a melee method, that is, fight against each other on the ring platform to eliminate the opponents, until there were four people left. Fall, a thrilling melee started immediately!

Several unknown participants agreed to choose Guan Heng as the siege because his appearance was a teenage half-old kid. Those guys thought that the reason why Guan Heng was able to reach the final was just a battle. I have a strong tiger.

Coincidentally, Swallowing Ghost Tiger accompanied Agou and Lao Wu under the ring at this time, and did not go on stage with Guan Heng. The few people thought that they had seized the golden opportunity, so they did not hesitate to go to Guan. Heng siege came over.

"Do you really think I'm bullying?" At this moment, Guan Heng snorted suddenly, his body twirled at a rapid speed, and at the same time, he punched his feet in succession, and immediately swung the two men coming in front.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Hengyan flew to the side. There was a big, rough man welcoming with his axe. He said that it was late, and then it was fast. Guan Hengyan suddenly touched his waist, and suddenly there was a rush. Qingguang soared to the rough man's door.

"Eh ?! What is this?" The rough man responded slightly more slowly, and the rapid green light in Guan Hengzhang had already passed his face, and immediately cut his left ear lightly: "Oh!"

"Yeah ah--"

The rough man lost an ear, suddenly covered his face, and suddenly Heng flew a pedal on his lower abdomen, allowing the rough man to fall off the ring. He thought to himself: "Do n’t you Blame me, instead of dying in front of those black-hearted guys, it's better to throw an ear away from me to live and save my own life. "

Guan Heng's speed of hurting his opponent was quick and unkind. It was like a rabbit rising and falling. I saw those who besieged him in an instant and were hurt by the soft leaves of Guan Heng in the hands of Guan Heng. Screaming and falling down the ring platform, at this moment, Guan Heng suddenly realized that the evil wind behind him was not good, and it turned out that someone had launched a surprise attack behind his back.

"Sigh-snoring-" The fast dark shadow behind came fast, Guan Heng suddenly rolled over between the electric light and flint, which was worthy of the sneak attack. When he looked back, he tried to hurt him. It is a black bird with a stinging body, which looks exactly like that of a water bird.

At this moment, the dark bird suddenly made a maneuver in the air, and fell on a woman's forearm without any bias. Guan Heng's eyes were fixed, and he couldn't help but be stunned: "Is it you ?!"

The woman who shot it turned out to be Mo Jinzhi of the Moyu tribe. No wonder Guan Heng would have a slightly wrong expression, but Mo Jinzhi said with a chuckle at this time: "Although this girl has no interest in winning, I want to be with you Fight, come on, don't delay. "

Mo Jinzhi's voice didn't fall, and the blackbird like a bird of prey suddenly swept towards Guan horizontally at a low altitude. At the same time, Mo Jinzhi pulled out a long and narrow cone with a thunderbolt and shouted towards Guan. The next three lanes attacked.

"So sturdy mother-in-law, want to tear down my shrine ?!"

Guan Heng looked at the gleaming cone with a gust of wind, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart, but his response was also swift and unethical. Suddenly, Guan Heng's figure flickered into the oblique stab, and he could not escape Mo Jinzhi's onslaught of narrow and pointed cones, but the black cricket bird flew close to Guan Heng, showing a sharp beak and claws "calling" suddenly!

"Ferocious bird!" The two words flashed away in Guan Heng's brain, but he was not afraid of the other party, and said that it was too late, and then, when Guan Heng aimed at the black cricket strange bird, he just punched out fiercely!

"Hoo--" The fist was so unstoppable that the black owl bird suddenly felt the threat of death imminent, and in desperation, he ignored the others. The bird quickly fluttered its wings, shook its head and flew away.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!" Guan Heng snorted, changing his time from fist to grab, and "snap" grabbed the bird's tail owl.

—— [2016.8.27 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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