Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1666: Win (third)

Extreme anger, covering Guan Heng's whole body in a short time, also made his dark blue aura turn into a charming orange in an instant. So many days of crazy absorption of the spirits of various monsters, and the aura of many gas controllers, finally let The aura of Guan Heng's body broke out at this moment and became the first step towards the strong one-orange air!

"Drink!" Guan Heng shuddered in the low roar, immediately letting the giant ape holding his own arm "click" and broke suddenly, stunned, Guan Heng's left elbow swept the wind backwards and banged The giant ape's ear door, this huge monster was suddenly sprayed with blood and tragic numbers.

At the same time, Guan Heng had already taken his way to the badly wounded Ghost Tiger, and then infused an orange gas into the other person's body. He said, "Good man, take a break and watch me avenge you!"

At this moment, in the face of the outbreak of the orange spirit of the whole body, Rong Teng holding a bronze stick has a sense of fear, this is the blue body of the gas controller, facing the strong The natural reaction of the spirit of the person, Rong Teng obviously felt that he was weak in front of the other party!

Slowly walking to a few feet away from the opponent, Guan Hengzu fingered Rong Teng and said in a deep voice: "Come on, use your strongest power to attack me, otherwise you will not have this opportunity!"

Upon hearing this, Rong Teng was instantly flushed with red ears, and then he roared, "Eh yeah-I'm fighting with you!"

Speaking late, then fast, Rong Teng once again mobilized the dark blue aura of the whole body, exhaling the whole body and the bronze stick in his palm, "Bang, bang, bang ..."

In the situation of gathering energy, Rong Teng, who was drowsy, took heavy steps and walked towards Guan Heng step by step. He would gather every strength in the body, and then pour it all on Guan Heng, the powerful enemy. .

Because, Rong Teng is not convinced, why he has not been able to reach the state of orange spirit for many years of hard training, but Guan Heng is like a breeze. When Guan Heng just stepped into the orange gas and had not yet consolidated, he killed the other party in one fell swoop.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh, finally, all the heavy bronze sticks of dark blue aura were suddenly, accompanied by Ronto's roar, and fiercely attacked Guan Guan in front of him!

Looking at the opponent's strongest attack, Guan Heng stretched out his palms in an instant, allowing the orange aura to gather around his fingertips, and suddenly compressed the fist-sized orange air mass, then pushed it towards the bronze weight without hesitation. Stick: "Give me-broken !!!"

"Bang bang-bang!" The two powerful forces had a great response at the moment of the collision. Some of the people watching around the stage were so close that they were buzzed with ears. "Beep", blood has poured from the ears!

Dou Tianwei stood up, watching the battle, and murmured with a calm face: "The boy made a hit with Juhuang ?! How is this possible that no one except me can ..."

Suddenly, the two sides of the showdown had separated the victory and defeat. Guan Heng's Juhuang burst out with great power as he wished, and he broke Rongteng's bronze stick and his two arms. This guy He fell to his knees on the ground, and was seriously injured and fainted.

Guan Heng also used this trick for the first time in actual combat, and the output was too strong, almost emptying all the orange aura in his body. His body almost fell and fell, and at this time, a huge figure called Rushing forward, Kankan stood up to his body to fall.

"Swallow the ghost tiger, are you awake ?!" At this moment, Guan Heng's tired face smiled slightly: "Hehehe, it seems that I won the battle!"

At this time, Dou Tianwei slowly responded. He said in secret: "No, this is not the Juhuang strike I am familiar with, and it is a little different from my method of exhibition. Is it that the person's" teaching "is not successful? "

Thinking of this, Dou Tianwei awakened to one thing. He turned back and stared at his daughter Dou Wanxin severely, saying: "Girl, the boy who was hiding in your room just now turned out to be him!"

However, because of this, Dou Tianwei could not have the attack, because if there was a big noise, all the people in the city who were present would know that Guan Heng and his daughter did n’t know what they had done in the room. In that case, they would have lost themselves. The face of the city owner.

And there are two more important reasons. One is that Guan Heng ’s Qi-controlling technique has now evolved the orange-qi, which is the strong-qi that is comparable to Dou Tianwei. If this person can be used for his own use, It may not be a good thing for yourself and Ming Yucheng.

On this second point, Dou Tianwei concluded that Guan Heng had a close relationship with "that person". To find the other side, Dou Tianwei had to get clues on Guan Heng. With these concerns and ideas, Dou Tianwei was not easy It was difficult for Guan Heng.

"Cough, Lord, Lord!" At this time, Fat Zhu Zhuo whispered beside Dou Tianwei: "You should announce the name of the winner."

"Oh? Right." Dou Tianwei made a big stride and walked to the middle of the ring. He announced to the people in the audience loudly: "The winner of this year's Yucheng Competition is Guan Heng!"

At this moment, the people in the audience are boiling, they cried out, "Oh oh-young hero, a young age is great!"

"Guanheng this person, so young and so powerful, the future is infinite!"

Listening to the cheers from the audience turned a deaf ear, Guan Heng just stood there and waited for the following. At this moment, Dou Tianwei waved his big hand and shouted, "Come, present the prize!"

The two soil soldiers suddenly agreed to take the tray, Guan Guan quickly hugged his fists and said, "Thank you for your reward."

Before waiting for Dou Tianwei to say two scene words, Guan Heng already took three steps and walked in two steps. He grabbed the purple gold ore on the tray. He said eagerly: "City master, boy is in a hurry now, let's just stop here. Goodbye! "

When the words didn't end, Guan Heng had already picked up the black crystal coffin on the edge of the ring, and swallowed the ghost and hurriedly lowered the ring. Mr. Zhu said unhappyly at this moment: "City Lord, this boy is too rude Don't you say a few words of Thanksgiving Dade, and you just ran away like this? "

"Well, anyway, this kid will come to me."

Raising his voice loudly, Dou Tianwei shouted towards Guan Heng's back: "Hey, this evening the host of the city will host a banquet in Fuzhong to entertain you and 'that friend'. In addition, there are business discussions. In order to ensure that you go to the appointment truthfully, I He will order his men to close the gates. Only by holding my token can you leave Mingyu City in peace! "

Hearing Dou Tianwei's words, Guan Heng's body suddenly shocked, he knew instantly, the astute Dou Tianwei already knew that he and A Gou had escaped from the main city!

—— [2016.8.28 third change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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