Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1675: Big river

"Okay, okay, Guan Heng and this big brother Ago are our life-saving benefactors. We must stay in Yanzhai for a few more days."

At this time, Mo Jinzhi laughed beside him: "I will definitely let my sister, that is, the patriarch Monu, treat you well. There are no other specialties in our family, but the fresh fish is definitely a tireless one."

Although Agou's brain is not very bright, he can instinctively understand the topic of "eating", so even Hara will fall from his lips.

"Unpromising guy." Guan Heng looked at the scene, shook his head with a grin, and thought: "However, the turbulence is not necessarily a good thing. I remember the owner of Dou Cheng once said that Agou was great before Person, but since he has lost his memory, he does n’t have to worry about his past life. He just needs to be happy. ”

At this time, Dou Wanxin patted the devouring tiger next to her. She smiled and said, "You made me stare at this crystal coffin, but I didn't dare to leave for a moment. What's wrong, right?"

"Rest assured, of course." Guan Heng said with a smile: "Sister Wanxin handles things, my brother is absolutely assured."

"Well, let's say something as we walk." At this moment, Mo Jinzhi waved and said, "If you hurry up tonight, you will definitely be home tomorrow morning."

As a result, Mo Heng, including Guan Heng, Dou Wanxin, A Gou, Ghost Swallowing Tiger, and Mo Jinzhi, went out of the range of the Beast Mountain and headed northwest all the way. When I came to a water source.

"This is the tributary of the river where we live." Mo Jinzhi introduced to Guan Heng at this time: "Always go north along the river bank for dozens of miles, and soon you can see the whole picture of the river."

Guan Heng nodded slightly at this moment: "Well, the water here is so clean, you can see the bottom of the river at a glance, which is really good."

"Yes, the water here is sweet and delicious. After drinking it, no one will be sick." Mo Jinzhi said with a smile at this time: "The Molang tribe is very lucky to live here, of course, the fierce six-legged If the strange fish often attacks and hurts people, our lives will be better off. "

"Six-legged monster fish?" At this time, Dou Wanxin said curiously: "Sister Jinzhi, what kind of strange fish did you say, why haven't I seen it when I came here to play?"

"Well, you don't know." A Moyu woman next to him sighed and said, "That's the situation in the past two or three years. I don't know where to migrate from this river to a strange fish with six legs." , Extremely ferocious, and especially like to hurt people. "

Mo Jinzhi said at this time: "Yes, we have many people fishing with waterbirds on bamboo rafts, all of which have been bitten."

"It's strange, a six-legged monster fish ... I haven't heard of it before." Guan Heng blinked at this moment and said, "Who have you ever seen that strange fish look like? Tell me about it. "

A Moyu woman said, "I once saw me on the bank of the Yingjintan River, not far away. The head of the strange fish seemed like a python with a letter, and a pair of narrow and curved eyes. , Like the ears of a mule donkey, but the spine is full of fins and scales. "

"Yes, yes, I've seen it," said the Moyu woman next to her. "In addition to the above characteristics, the most obvious thing about the strange fish is that it can run like wind on the water, because it has six webs. Strange feet connected by leather. "

Mo Jinzhi also said at this time: "The monster fish has very sharp teeth and great strength. It often overturns the bamboo rafts we fish, and eats scattered fish catches, and even bites our people. It is really abominable. "

Having said that, Mo Jinzhi paused for a while and continued to say: "My sister, the patriarch Monu, led the tribe twice and wanted to besiege the strange fish. In addition to this harm, the strange fish was covered with scales. Armor is as hard as a stone. Our scabbard does not pierce its skin, and after annoying the six-legged fish, this guy will sneak into the river and disappear without a trace. "

"So it turns out that the six-legged monster fish is a tricky scourge. It's really troublesome." Guan Heng shook his head slightly when he heard this, but in such a time, everyone had stepped out of the tributary of the river and had come to the rushing master Near the river.

"It seems that the river here is also rising sharply this year." Mo Jinzhi looked at the rushing rapids at this time and murmured in his mouth: "Let ’s continue like this, our tribes inhabiting the coast must also go to the highlands. Migration, otherwise, there is the possibility of being swallowed up by the ferocious flood at any time. "

"Hey, everyone listen to me." At this moment, a Momo woman pretended to be mysteriously to her companion, "It's strange to say, since the six-legged monster on the bank of the river where we lived The river has been flowing fiercely year after year. Do you say that this strange fish is doing evil? "

"Don't chew the tongue there, and you're not afraid of the strange spirit?" Mo Jinzhi took out the role of elder sister at this time, and said with two hands on his hips to the talkative woman, "Just say a few words and hurry up."

"Yes, all listen to Sister Jin Zhi."

The woman knew she had a lot to say, so she stuck her tongue out and stopped speaking. However, Guan Heng listened to these rumors and anecdotes. The dog next to him and the ghost swallowing tiger, at this time, stared at Dou Wanxin's flesh, his eyes lit, and his throat was rolling. He obviously wanted to eat.

At this time, a crying cry came suddenly in the distance: "Help, come on, come on-big things are not good-"

"What's the voice ?!" Mo Jinzhi suddenly changed her face when she heard the shout. She cried out, "It was the shout of my brother-in-law. Is something wrong with the house?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the Momo people and Dou Wanxin who were present were frightened. At this moment, everyone looked up, and it turned out that a middle-aged man ran over in dismay. When Mo Jinzhi saw him, he asked loudly, "Is it Brother Liu Lang? Why are you here?"

"Jin, Jin Zhi? Great, see you here ..." After this man Liu Lang finished saying this, he suddenly plunged himself in front of everyone, Guan Heng looked carefully at this moment, he said loudly: " He broke his left arm and lost it, and hurriedly stopped bleeding, otherwise there would be danger to his life! "

When everyone heard this, they immediately "wowled" and surrounded them. Some ripped the sackcloth on their bodies to dress Liu Lang with wounds, and some took out a bamboo tube filled with water and fed him a few mouthfuls to help Liu Lang calm his mind.

The crowd tossed for a while, and Liu Lang woke up from the severe pain. He opened his eyes humorously, and then gnawed Mo Jinzhi's arm and gritted his teeth. "Jin Zhi, child ... your newborn niece, was The six-legged fish is gone! "

—— [2016.8.30 second more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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