Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1699: Raptor help (first)

Speaking late, at that time, countless tadpoles, poison toads, green snakes, and scorpions had already been scrambled around, and they had been surrounded by them in an instant. At this moment, Geng Shuji laughed strangely. : "Rong Zheng, here you hurt me before falling off the cliff. This time I've learned to be clever. I opened the distance and let the poisonous insects clean up you. I'll collect the corpse for you later."

"Dirty and shameful thing, I killed you—" Rong Zheng, who was leaping into thunder, was about to pounce, but the poisonous insects had long hissed around, and Kankan stopped Rong Zheng's way and made him unable to go forward. .

Both Changyou and Zhu Gan jumped anxiously, but couldn't break through the poisonous snakes and slugs that entangled themselves. This pair of apes had to dance wildly with their claws and fight with poison, and gradually began to lose power.

Suddenly, Guan Hengyu next to the opportunity, picked up a big fist stone and flew Geng Shu's door in the distance: "Hoo--"

"Uh-huh?" Geng Shu was suddenly scared away from the face of the rushing flying stone, which struck his earlobe with a clatter, and stuck a piece of flesh!

"Woo ..." Geng Shu covered his ears, and blood ran out of his fingers. He yelled loudly: "Smelly boy, how dare to hurt me, I will let poisonous insects wait for you!"

Upon hearing this, Guan Hengyi sneered suddenly: "Hmm, you don't have that chance, Qinyuan Giant Bee, do it!"

At the moment of the electric light and flint, Geng Shu Leng Buding heard the bad wind behind his head, and scared the guy to hurriedly, only to hear a whistle, a ghost wind rushing over his hand, in the next moment, Geng Shu Just feeling that his left arm began to shrink, the boy realized in shock that he had to protect himself to survive.

"Yeah!" With the bronze short blade drawn from the waist, Geng Shu cut off the shrunken arm instantly, and saw that the arm had withered into a thin layer when he fell to the ground, and he was frightened. "This is What monster? "

"It's a pity!" Guan Heng screamed at this moment. Because the Qinyuan bee became a devouring ghost, its own toxicity has been greatly reduced, and the tail can only be used to attack the enemy once a day.

So Guan Heng used flying stones to disturb Geng Shu's sight, and then let the Qin Yuan giant bee stinger sneak away. I did not expect that this kid was a habitual escape character, but he happened to escape the giant bee's fatal stun.

"Abominable, all poisonous insects, give me—" Geng Shu, who had broken his arm, had turned into a mad dog, and hissed and snarled, "First slaughter that kid for me, and report my enemies with broken arm!" "

In a hurry, all the poisonous insects were used in front of Guan Heng. Although the swallowing tiger and the six evil spirits were not afraid of the poisonous insects, it was not so easy to deal with such a surge of insects.

The reason is that Guan Heng and the miser are both good at fighting alone. Enemies like this must be busy with each other, but at this moment, Guan Heng suddenly touched his arms and suddenly pulled out a small linen woven pocket. It was followed by a downwind.

"Hoo--wow!" Suddenly, there were countless pale yellow powder floating in the pockets. They didn't know what effect they had. The moment they fell on the poisonous insects, the insects were screaming and tumbling on the spot, appearing painful. Unbearable.

"Huh, it was insect repellent powder. The Zhu people would indeed make this kind of thing." At this moment, the wounded Geng Shu yelled, "But my poisonous insects have thousands of people. Your little insect repellent Fan can't kill all my babies at all, obediently die! "

"I didn't say that this is an ordinary insect-repellent powder for the idiot with water in his head." Guan Heng's mouth turned up at this moment, and a mysterious smile flashed suddenly on his face: "There is also unique to the Mozu tribe there. ' The medicine for attracting birds'!

"Why, what ?!" Upon hearing this, Geng Shu suddenly changed his face, he suddenly realized something.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of birds singing in mid-air. The next moment, the sound of feathers flying and flapping of wings was endless. The time in the sky seemed like a cloud, and it turned out to be a large flock of birds. There are even raptors like eagle owls.

"Hey, this medicine for attracting birds is a good way to summon all kinds of birds for 'dining'." Guan Heng laughed at this time: "It is the secret treasure of the Mozu people specially used to deal with your poisonous insects from the Hu tribe. It just so happened that I had some in your hands, and that's bad luck for your babies. "

Guan Heng's words came to an end, and the flock of birds and birds were already screaming at the fat poisonous insects on the ground, while the eagle owl and raptors treated poison toads and green snakes as delicious meals, and continuously showed their sharp claws and beaks to capture them. Be happy.

Seeing this scene, Geng Shu fled into the desert with his broken arm, and did not forget to throw a ruthless sentence before leaving: "Damn, I will definitely report this hatred."

"Even if you don't come to me, I'll go and knock on your door." Guan Heng said in a loud voice in return at this time: "If not long, Master Ben must kill into the ghost marsh forest, so that the Hu dogs and dogs will not stay ! "

At this moment, the dog behind Guan Heng suddenly caught the two fattest poisonous pythons and slammed on the ground. He had been fighting with the double pythons just now, so the other side was a little impatient, so he used it hard After seven or eight minutes of strength, he poisoned the poisonous python.

Guan Heng turned his head and looked: "Well, you're really good ..." At this moment, something suddenly burst out from the mouth of the poisoned python that was killed, and Rong Zheng next to him cried out: "Brother Guan Heng, Pick it up, it's 'Poisonous Python'. "

"The guts of poisonous pythons?" Guan Heng picked up the oval dark green sarcoma and asked with a loud voice, "What's the use of this thing?"

Rongzheng Shensheng replied: "We have been around for too long under the siege of poisonous insects. It is inevitable that we will inhale the breath of poisonous poison and put the guts of this poisonous python in our mouth to avoid poison."

"That's the case, I understand." After hearing the words of Guan Heng, he waved the claws of the eagle in his palm to cut open the abdomen of another poisonous python, took out its python and stuffed it into Agou's mouth, and ordered: "Don't swallow it."

A dog nodded and smiled silly, Guan Heng went to kill the other largest poisonous pythons at this time, killing them so that each of the two giant apes and Rongzheng contained one, and everyone felt that. For a while, it was cool, and some of the poisonous gas exhaled into the lungs had been dissolved.

At this moment, Guan Heng shook his head and said, "It's a pity that Geng Shu ran away, and the monster in Ago's body could not be solved anytime soon."

"Brother Guan, don't care about these little things." Hearing this, Rong Zheng said, "That guy has broken his arm and can't have a great climate. Let's go after the victory and kill him in the Ghost Marsh at a stretch. Can we still find him? ? "

Guan Heng slightly sneered with his jaw head: "Well, Brother Rong makes sense, a geng shu dare to come to your door to attack you and me, we must not let him go."

—— [2016.9.4 the first more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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