Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2021: Between trials (third)

"Well--Bang Bang!"

The six dead ghosts flew over a dozen beasts of the earth in the wind circle of the galloping dance in the air. Those earth warriors waved their blades to chop, sweep, stab, stab, and stab, and poured all the severe attacks on the enemy, swallowing The ghost tiger was even better, but with a flash of his body, he gathered the whole body of pale red demon qi body, rammed in the opponent's herd, and crushed the beasts of the earth one by one.

At the same time, General Lingtu took them to the main hall with Guan Heng. There was no difference between it and the side hall, but the clay statue of the earth **** was provided on the middle stage.

"唰 ——" The general Lingtu who walked to the front of Shentai suddenly fell to his knees on one knee, and said with a respectful mute voice: "Master Houtu, the servant is a last resort. In order to deal with the traitor, return a quiet place here. Anning, I have to shock you. Really, really deserve to die, please forgive me. "

As soon as this sentence came out, the back earth statue of the goddess in front of the spirit earth suddenly burst with a strange pale golden light, and then a wall in the shadow appeared on the wall on the back of the statue. Yingyingchao, it doesn't seem like something that actually exists.

At this time, General Lingtuo “banged and banged” four beeps in front of the idol, then raised his face and said respectfully: “Thank you Lord Tu for opening the door between trials.”

At this moment, a whispered door on the wall opened gently, and General Lingtu quickly turned around and said, "Where is the earth spirit jade demon? Hurry in and accept the trial."

At this time, the Lingling Demon Xiaoba jumped timidly off Guan Heng's shoulder, and the Lingling General said to it, "You remember, the trial is not only related to your life or death, but also to maintain everyone present. Go, the spirit of the ancestors is waiting for you. "

"Mute ..." Tu Lingyu Demon nodded slightly, and looked reluctantly at Guan Heng, Shang Tianlin and Ruo Tao, as well as his little friend, Golden Demon. Head, ran out of legs and ran towards the concealed door on the wall.

"Dumb, ah!" But at this time, the little golden demon baby was unwilling. He didn't discuss it with anyone. He went straight after the jade demon, and Guan Heng, who was closest to them, called out, "Hey, This is not the same as saying, Jin Yao, don't go! "

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Hengben wanted to capture the golden demon baby and not let it run into the narrow door, but at the moment of the electric light flint, the inner side of the concealed door burst out with a weird light. It turned out to be three volleys.

"Yeah!" Yu Yao was held by a strange hand for the first time, and suddenly retracted into the door, followed by another big hand, already holding Jin Yao.

"Dumb ?!" The screaming golden demon baby just impulsively wanted to follow her partner, but did not expect that she encountered an unpredictable change in an instant, but at this moment, a rush in her body came out. Inexplicable, the big hand immediately stunned it, and then retracted into the door.

"Hey, you can take away the jade demon, so you want to leave the gold demon baby?" Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, and the third big hand turned into a light suddenly came to him, Wuzhifu Zhang Xiangguan Crossed his head and grabbed it.

"Oh? I'm not going to mess with you, are you here to challenge me ?!"

Annoyed, Guan Heng didn't even want to think about it. He suddenly pulled out the mang sword behind him, "slap!" The mang sword with a sheath hit the middle of the strange hand in an instant, but at this time, The strange hand suddenly "buzzed" and trembled, and then burst out suddenly.

But in the next moment, countless large hands formed by the light burst out of the cover of the cover, and the sword in the hands of Guan Heng suddenly began to tremble slightly. Then, a flower bloomed in front of his eyes, and was immediately caught by the light in the door. Get involved.

"Gongzi (Brother Guan) !!!" Ruotao and Shang Tianlin were frightened when they saw this scene. They were about to pounce over to check. Then the cloaked door on the wall closed instantly and converged, but Disappeared.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang--" Ruotao screamed anxiously with his fist against the wall at this time: "Hey, blame the wall, spit out the son, his meat is not delicious, all bones, Really, I don't lie to you! "

"Oh, Ruotao, don't scream and cry there." Shang Tianlin said ruefully at this time: "If you have strength and leisure time, we might as well smash this wall and rescue Brother Guan ... "

"Well, wait a minute, don't be too impulsive." At this moment, General Lingtu said in good time: "I think that Guan Heng and Jin Yao were accidentally sucked into the trial, maybe they would Something unexpected happened. "

Upon hearing this, Ruo Tao and Shang Tianlin were both inexplicable, and they asked in unison: "What does this mean?"

"The special trials for the creation of these earth spirit monsters in the heavens and earth were made by the Lord Earth God with his own earth spirit ancestors."

General Lingtu said at this time: "Easy creatures and humans are not qualified to enter it. Only the newly-formed me and Qingshou Black Snake had the honor to go in once, and because of that experience, we Can evolve to such a level of intelligence and power. "

Speaking of this, General Lingtu paused a bit, and then continued to say: "In my opinion, Guan Heng itself may not be qualified to enter, but the existence of that stalk of swords gave him this opportunity."

Seeing that Shang Tianlin and Ruo Tao thoughtfully thought about their words, General Lingtu said at this time: "Reassure you, I can guarantee that after entering Guan Heng's trials, not only will there be no danger, Instead, they will benefit from the breath of the ancestors, absolutely. "

Shang Tianlin nodded her head slightly at this moment, she said with a little nervousness: "Well, now we can only believe what you say."

At this moment, General Lingtu said, "I don't know what happened to my subordinates and your giant tigers. Let's go out and see."

"Okay!" When the two women heard this, they immediately answered, and the three of them immediately turned around and walked outside the hall.

At this time, the swallowing ghost tiger, the six dead ghosts, and the dozen or so earth warriors had killed a large number of terrestrial monsters, which was a great victory, and the rest of the terrestrial monsters have long been abandoned And fled, and went straight to the side hall on the left, it seems that there is their old nest.

"Brothers, follow me here. Before Guan Heng and Jin Yao and Yu Yao come out of the trial, we must protect the safety of the side hall."

Speaking of which, General Lingtu held a huge stone sword in his hand and stood at the entrance of the hall, like a mighty heavenly god, and those earthly warriors also stood side by side and waited closely. Around them, but at this time, Ghost Tiger appeared a bit wrong expression.

—— [The third change of 2016.11.7, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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