Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2100: Riding a monster

"Ah, how about killing and killing yourself and having an addiction ?!" Seeing this, Guan Heng chuckled suddenly: "That's good, so we can get started!"

At this time, the people in Tianhunzhai, who had just fled, were carrying all kinds of homes. What brooms, hoes, and rolling pins rushed in, and they shouted, "Kill the mountains." Thieves, take revenge for the old patriarch— "

In this way, the six-headed ghost and swallowing ghost tiger were originally besieged by them, and the wounded master and his three or five companions were even more afraid. Even if these ordinary people were not capable, the wounded and exhausted body was weak. I can't stop them.

Between the flashes of light, Ruotao's chain claws shot again, grabbing a robber's shoulder instantly, dragging it off the horse, and plunging into the crowd.

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's a rainy attack on the burglar's head and face. The screams of the guy suddenly drowned, and they were drowned by the angry roar.

"Not good, break through—"

The head of the Golden Wolf Mountain was desperately desperate at this moment. He slammed into the palm of his hand and slammed on the mount that was already seriously injured. The horse fell to the ground with a sigh of sorrow and shock, and everyone shook back. Speaking late, at that time, the ruthless master suddenly picked up the giant blade and smashed the companion around him, just because the opponent's horse could still ride!

"Big master? You are so fierce ..." The other two companions just screamed and were killed by the other. The big master took advantage of this moment of chaos and ran to the gate of Tianhunzhai, which is also today. Too many guests came, and the Zhaimen Suspension Bridge had not yet risen at this time, and gave this guy a little hope of escape!

"Where to go!" At this time, Guan Heng and A Gou took the bow at the same time, like a snow bow and a flame, and a pair of eagle arrows rushed out instantly, listening only to the sound of two 噗 — 嗤嗤 破From now on, the two arrows stubbornly leaned into the horse's belly.

The horse's pair of forelegs were paralyzed, and suddenly fell forward in sorrow. One of the big masters suddenly flew out three or five feet away. His left shoulder and right leg snapped in an instant, and he could hardly move.

"Did I want to die here ?!" At this moment, the haze of death gathered on top of his head, the master was terrified and panicked, and the man, after all, was still afraid of death, even if he usually took other people's lives as reed wormwood Cut and pluck, but when it's your turn, you're still terrified!

"Thieves on the Golden Wolf Mountain have burned and plundered all these years, and even the old and young women have not let go. This is a group of livestock that eat human flesh and drink human blood." At this time, they joined together with Guan Heng and others. Elder Wu Yan who came to surround the big head said: "They are all dead and dead!"

"Well said, this person is a big head on the Golden Wolf Mountain. The culprit is, of course, it will be handed over to the bitter masters for public trial and punishment. We will not participate in this matter."

Guan Heng said to the three elders at Tianhunzhai next to him: "The people in the lower class just passed by and now they are leaving. I hope you can take good care of the orphan of Patriarch Pai in the future and don't let them be bullied ..."

But before Guan Heng finished speaking this sentence, a cloud suddenly appeared in the sky, and Agou suddenly shouted, "No, everyone, please avoid it!"

Guan Heng also noticed that something was wrong. He pushed away his companions and ordered: "Six ghosts, elephant snakes, come on--"


"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooatnightly;" Six ghosts and a bird "roared straight into the sky, and slammed into the sky with" clouds "!

The thing suddenly screamed: "叽叽 ——" Everyone looked up and looked at it carefully, and Shang Tianlin cried out, "That's ... a big cricket ?!"

This majestic magpie, more than a few feet, had been fighting with the six magpies and elephant-like birds in an instant. The claws and beaks of the birds seemed extremely sharp, and they just listened to the bang and bang. This evil spirit was haunting the crimson atmosphere between the moves, and it smelled of an ominous stench. The ghosts and the colorful birds could not prevail in a while. This can be said to be unprecedented!

"Attention, there seems to be a shadow shaking on the back of the aunt ... I'll drop an arrow ..."

When the dog said that, just about to lift Yan Jue bow, he suddenly felt a severe jerking pain in his head: "Uh-huh-"

"Dang ---" In the roar of pain, A-gou dropped Yan Jue bow, and then shook his head.

"Brother Gou !!!" Shang Tianlin, Ruo Tao and Guan Heng shouted in unison at this time: "How are you?"

"It seems that the headache caused by the last fight of the strong and powerful bully has recurred ..." Ago whispered at this time: "Don't worry about me, just take a break and I'll ... look at it !!"

Although A Gou had a headache, he still looked like a torch. In an instant, the big cricket erupted suddenly and let out the crimson demon. While shaking the six magpies and elephant snake birds, it swept down and rushed to the ground. Big head.

"Sin beast, you must be mad, eat me a punch !!" For a while, the furious Ago forged a punch and threw a punch, and this smashing and **** fist struck in front of Daxi, and suddenly there was a sharp hoarseness. Shouted, "Hugh, you're going to hurt my baby!"

In a short time, a half-red, half-black fierce energy hit from the back of Dasao, and immediately met the fist of Ago. This strength is not weak, but the fist of Ago is not even dare to be a black bully Hard-wired, not to mention the other party has not stepped into the realm of black gas!

"Bang!" The half-red and half-black power slightly hindered the fist of A Gou, and then broke up. The bald old man on the back of the big urn felt only a mighty force coming, and the upper body suddenly appeared "Chao "Bone fracture.

"Oh-hhhhh-hhhhhh" a blood spurt came out against the blood, but the old man flung the rope in the palm of his hand, snapped around the waist of the big man, dragged him to his back, and the old man forced the gulch to his throat. Swallowed against the blood, and yelled, "Let's go!"

"Hey!" At this moment, the old man and the big head flew into the silence suddenly while riding the big head. At the same time, the A-gou who punched with all his strength was about to fall and Guan Heng and Shang Tianlin hurriedly saw him. It's helping.

"Dou la la--" Ruotao's chain claws trembled out instantly, but only a few feet away did not catch the large flying owl. Elephant snakes and six magpies were also rushed by the opponent's mighty momentum. Fly, all did not stop Dasao!


Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng, who was too late to pick up an arrow, picked up a piece of gravel and slammed into the big cricket. The two of them are about to fall, but at this moment, something unexpected happened!

"唰 唰 唰-嗤-" The big magpie's brain suddenly appeared a colorful thing. Under its light, the wings of this huge monster bird recovered instantly, and they suddenly clicked forward. Soaring high, disappeared in a blink!

—— [2016.11.23 second, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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