Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2143: Mysterious Thief (fifth more outbreak)

"Oh, you are such a person. Why is there no sympathy?" Guo Ping desperately rubbed her eyes with both hands at this time, trying to make the eye circles red and pitiful, but Guan Heng immediately stood up and hid in Agu Behind the seat.

"Xing Xing Xing, I know you are pitiful, so I will help you catch the murderer. Calm down first." Guan Heng said to Elder Guo at this time: "Master, stop your daughter, don't let her Throw on me, my mother, 'Roshan is the best', it's not fun at all ... "

"Uh, I'm so sorry, my husband is helpless." Elder Guo said, shaking his thin body, and said with a sad face, "I don't want to be slapped to death by my daughter, we want to live for two more days."

"Well, don't bother playing anymore." Ruo Tao said at this time: "boy, now the light in the bamboo basket is bright and dark, I want to make a circle in each room, what do you think?"

"That's right. One of us came in to find the whereabouts of the remnant soul, and the other was to arrest the murderer."

Guan Heng put on a serious face at this time, and then said to Agou and Shang Tianlin: "The elder's family seems to have a weird atmosphere. You, Egou, bring Elder Guo and other people together and swallow the ghost. Tigers and snake-like birds keep them safe. "

Speaking of this, Guan Heng paused for a moment, and continued to say, "Ruo Tao, Elephant Snake and I took Guo Ping, and now I started searching for a room in the house."

"Okay, finally useful to my place." Guo Ping brave thief, and immediately walked to the corner and picked up a copper spear with the thickness of a duck egg, she turned around and said: "Come, I will take you around and walk, tell the truth Yes, I do feel that there is something weird in this room, which makes people sleepless at night. "

Elder Guo's five main rooms, two stacking rooms, and the other is the kitchen wood room. In fact, the area is not too large. Guan Heng and Ruo Tao took snake-like birds. Under the guidance of Guo Ping, they searched for about a moment. And finally came to the last big room.

"This room was originally intended to be used by Liu Wu and me as a new house, but since he died in the house that night, I dare not live." Guo Ping scratched his chicken-like mess at this time. And then said to Guan Heng, "How about? Want to go in and see?"

"Well, of course." Guan Heng nodded slightly at this time, and the rooms searched before that left some faint enchantments, and the bamboo basket that Ruo Tao was carrying kept flashing. Light, but just can't find the exact location of the residual soul, Guan Heng can only put his hope in the last room.

"Okay, I'll find the keys to this room ..." Guo Pinggang said here, looking down to check a large number of keys, but the next moment, Guan Heng's ears suddenly moved: "Strange, there seems to be a noise in this room!"

"Ruo Tao, break the door together-" With Guan Heng's roar, the four palms of him and Ruo Tao brushed at the door in front of them in an instant.

"Bang!" The broken door popped round and shot, and then Guo Ping, startled, saw a figure standing in the room looking at something turning.

"It's you!" Guo Ping's eyes were like a torch, and he immediately pointed at the guy in the house and shouted, "He is the demon who I didn't intend to meet that day!"

"Catch him, Liu Wu's cause of death must be found out." Guan Heng at this time slammed into the room like an electric shock, and his palms slammed and slammed violently towards the demon with horror. .


In the end, the demon is a rare strong man. He immediately drank a red gas and raised his palm to greet him. "Oh!" The moment the two held their hands, Guan Heng's brute force wrapped in the unmatched heavy water rune power. It can reach thousands of kilograms. The demon people hurriedly blocked them. Although their red gas was one step higher than Guan Heng, they lost their blood because of insufficient defense: "噗 ——"

"Can't stay here for a long time!" The demon people sneaked into the house and looked around, but didn't find what they wanted, but instead encountered a tricky figure like Guan Heng, plus the aggressive Ruotao behind him And Guo Ping, this guy suddenly flashed the idea of ​​flight.

"Yeah--" It was late, and then, the monsters yelled and rushed to the side window.

"Don't want to escape!"

"Wow-lah- 嗖-" Between the electric light flint, if Tao shakes his hand and shakes out the chain claws, he slaps the opponent's left foot ankle. "Oh ?!" The demon's body was stagnant, and he said that it was too late, and at that time, the snake suddenly hissed and broke into the air. The demon people suddenly kicked with their left foot in order to get out of the situation. Welcome to the snake-like bird.

"Bang--wow-- ''

The snake's pointed beak collided with the opponent's leg, leaving bone scars on the calf's calf immediately, and the big red mist drifted in time, but at this moment, Ruotao's chain claws suddenly loosened, After being broken free by the demon people, this guy immediately turned and rushed, banging the window and falling outside.

With this short move, the monsters escaped, all of which were completed in an instant. When closing the door and chasing out of the window, the monsters yelled, "Come, I have been found!"

"Woohoo--wow--" Between the electric light and flint, two black shadows screamed and fell behind the demons, and one of them shouted: "You go first, we cover!"

"噌 噌 噌 ——" The first demons who did not hesitate did not hesitate, and several ups and downs rolled out of the courtyard of Elder Guo's home.

"Abominable, don't run !!!" The reckless fat girl Guo Ping smashed the wall of the room and rushed out. She saw the other person running away, and was instantly frightened: "Wow! I want I flatter you! "

In the howling, another dark shadow greeted Guo Ping in an instant, and then Guan Heng and Ruo Tao rushed to look closely and found that it was a black monster with a strong physique and a violent body. It is dark and enchanting, and looks similar to the calf, but the speed is dazzling and dazzling.

"Jin Muzhen, come on!" Another came is a long-haired monster, in order to cover the purpose of his companion to escape and their coming, this guy roared exhaustedly: "All the people present were killed, all killed. It's up! "

"Stupid thing, it's you!" Guo Ping swept out of the copper spear in his palm at this moment, and immediately wrapped in the wind to hit the monster named "Jin Muyu".

And Guan Heng rushed towards the linglong demon clan at this moment, he said, "I ran one, but it's the same to catch you!"

At this time, Ruo Tao showed the beast bone strange blade, and her eyes locked on Jin Muya: "Master, there seems to be a spirit of remnant on the monster, I am staring here, you can quickly solve the monster people!"

"Okay, this monster clan, die-it's settled!" Guan Heng roared abruptly, his eyes flashed coldly toward the long monster clan, "Wow!" Quick break, time dazzled the other side, Teng Teng hurried back.

"Those who retreat are destined to fail!" As soon as Guan Heng's sensible words came out, Qingqi's palm knife had immediately entered the opponent's left shoulder: "噗 ——"

—— [Fifth more in 2016.12.1, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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