Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2725: Runaway

When Guan Heng talked out the cheap words, he punched the wind straight, Hengsu would be afraid of a hairy kid there, and he suddenly fell down with a copper hammer: "Hoo--"

"Huh." But this fist was a false move. Guan Heng moved instantly like electricity, tilted his head, and Ruo Tao swept the thunder blade to the back: "Oh!" "Half-broken hammer head suddenly fell to the ground.

"Uh ?!" Heng Su looked at the hammer in the palm of his hand for a while, but did not expect Guan Heng to come to him early, and left his fist under his ribs with a left fist: "Oh!"

"Eh! Hey--" Guan Heng's fist turned out to be unexpectedly fierce and tricky, making Heng Su's head soaring. He couldn't help "Teng, Teng, Teng" to take back seven or eight steps.

"Hengsu, you're done." At this moment, Guan Heng, Nan Guan and others gradually surrounded him, completely encircling Hengsu, but at this moment, Agou suddenly shouted in the distance: "Be careful- — "

As soon as these two words sounded, Guan Heng felt a very violent killing attack on himself.

Just now Ago disappeared for a while, just to see if there were still ambushes around the village, but on the way he wanted to return, he found a speeding dark shadow and ran straight towards the Jade village.

A dog obviously felt that the breath on the other side was only slightly inferior to himself. He must be the black bully, so he kept up.

However, A Gou found that the other party was too late, and he was always one step slower, so he had to give a warning. Between the light and the flint, the mysterious overlord suddenly pounced on the crowd.

"Wh-whoo!" The sharp wind of his arms raised sharply, and the man's eyes were sharp. It had long been seen that Guan Heng and Nan Guan were more powerful. In order to make a clearance for Hengsu, he instantly punched two punches in one hand, most of the offensive. Turned towards Guan.

"Dark air tyrant !?" Don't look at Guan Heng who only has the crimson peak strength at this time, but in the face of such a strong opponent, he is head-on, and his fists gather without hesitation.

"Oops! Pap!" Guan Heng's fist took a clever move, and instantly removed the opponent's strength with the tendency to wrap and rotate. The guy swayed with one hand, and couldn't even touch his arm for half a minute.

Unfortunately, his strength was limited. Guan Heng only removed 30% of them, only felt that the violent black breath was flowing towards himself. His black bead brace suddenly trembled, and he immediately absorbed the remaining black gas completely.

Hei Ying's other punch was a heavy blow on Nan Guan's shoulder. He suddenly fell and fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, today is too lively, I will not be accompanied." Although the black shadow was covered with cloth, but the voice still heard that he was a strong man, he reached out and grabbed Hengsu's shoulder: "Go With-- "

"Miscellaneous things, Hugh away!" At this moment, Ago suddenly arrived, suddenly punched into the masked shadow: "Hoo--"

"It ’s so fierce that you ca n’t pick it up in a hurry." The man knew that Agou was not easy, but he didn't expect the opponent to shoot quickly and fiercely, and he was too late to fight back with Hengsu in his hand. .

"Bang!" This fist boosted Qicheng's strength, making the opponent's forearm "clap," and almost broke, but the guy drifted away seven or eight feet away.

Guan Heng was in a hurry at this moment, and immediately took off the snowy bow to pinpoint the opponent: "嗖-嗖!"

"Good boy, archery is good ..." The man was first knocked back by A Gou, and now he is chased by Heng Heng's Feiya. Then he realized that he had too many pedestrians. Head, immediately passed that arrow.

"Woohoo--" Who knows that the arrow rushed across the opponent's side while a ghost came out. It was the big golem who showed sharp two claws. "Oh!" Three scary bloodstains were left on his face.

"Uh ah-here, me, get out!"

"嘭 ——" was injured by a sneak attack of a red gas ghost. The surging anger in this bully's heart can be imagined. He suddenly sent out black gas and shocked the large ghost to fly upside down, but the other side was steadily stabilized by other ghosts. Catch it.

"Boy, you hurt my cheek with a ghost, this revenge must be-"

"Boom !!" It was as if venting his anger, and the dark air tyrant slammed on the wall in front of him, and immediately broke through the wall.

"Abominable, let the junk slip away." A dog was lame at this moment, but Guan Heng said: "It doesn't matter, I have sent six ghosts to pray around the mountain, as long as they don't leave this place, There are always signs of it, and then it's time to kill it. "

At this time, Mrs. Nan had told her husband what he had been rescued. In addition, Guan Hengruo Tao also described the affairs of Hu Lan and Long Cheng.

"Oh, this family does store a lot of 'jadestones' that can cast a jade coffin for Long Cheng's body." Nan Guan slightly nodded his head, "I will do this myself."

The three sisters of the Long family hurriedly said, "Thank you Uncle Nan for helping." The other side waved and smiled indifferently. "Everyone is welcome, they all called me uncle. I'll help you with anything I say.

"Yes, sisters, how are you going to make Long Cheng's body and soul again merge?"

"Yeah, I also want to know, if you don't mind, just tell us."

Hearing that Tian Lin and Ruo Tao were very curious, Long Jiazi patted the big wooden box around him and said, "My cousin's body is here. As long as I have a jade coffin made of 'spirit jade fine stone', Let his soul enter into the coexistence, and preliminary integration will be achieved. "

Long Ruizi said beside him: "Then we used the mystery of the Witch tribe to collect souls for cousins."

"Yes, it takes at least one month to collect the soul. In this way, it will completely eliminate the aftermath after the soul and the flesh are separated."

Long Xinzi said to Nan Guan at this time: "Uncle, when we cast a cousin, we cannot leave this place or be interrupted. Please find a quiet place for us to use."

"Okay, you have taken great pains to save this child of Longcheng." Nan Guan slightly jaw head: "Let ’s go, the treasure house of our Jade clan storing a lot of ore and jade carving is the most secluded and safe place of this clan, where are you for the dragon How's Cheng Shou soul? "

"This ..." Of course, Long Jiazi was very happy to hear it, but hesitated a little bit, "How important is the Jade Treasury. We hurriedly entered, wasn't it appropriate?"

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter. The jade and witch generations are good friends. I trust you."

Nan Guan is selfless and hospitable. He said: "Actually, the treasure house of this family is divided into two floors, one above the ground and one underground. Only the underground is the place to store valuables, but there are only some jade stacked on it. Nothing to worry about. "

Speaking of which, Nan Guan smiled at himself: "In fact, even if we want to enter the lower level, we don't have the opportunity, because many years ago, the key to open the lower level has been lost."

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