Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3246: One-eyed redbird (third more)

"嗤嗤嗤-呲 溜 -——" This yellow-breasted pig-nosed beast trembled, and his whole body's aura was forcibly taken away by the horizontal Jinguang ghost for the first time, then slumped in place.

"Look." Guan Heng spread his palms in front of harsh, and showed him a group of auras condensed with false black breath: "If you absorb this thing, can you improve your strength?"

"This, isn't this pure reiki?" Harsh's face changed greatly at this time: "Listen to my elder brother, the whole spiritual world, and only the rich, pure reiki floating above the palace of the spirit, so the people there After birth, you can advance to dark gas in a short time ... "

At this point, he said with a trembling voice: "As long as I absorb it, my strength can indeed be improved. Brother Guan, how did you make it out?"

"Hehehe, this is my little secret. Come, open your mouth to swallow this aura." After hearing Heng Heng's words, he immediately acted according to words. After a while, he felt his strength could not rise, and his whole body was up and down. The pores spread and spread, and in the blink of an eye, they stepped from the semi-black realm to the false black initial layer.

"Brother Guan, Sister Qing Huang, I succeeded, I succeeded!"

At this moment, the harsh mood was extremely excited, but Guan Heng and Qing Huang smiled at each other. Then he said, "Boy, then you can go with us now as a guide, you are responsible for leading the way, I will capture some appropriately Little beast, let you absorb the aura. "

"You promised to take me into the canyon? Great." After hearing Guan Heng's words, he jumped more than three feet high with pleasure, but Guan Heng then said on his hips: "But after entering, in addition to leading the way and looking for targets, How about you listen to me? "

"Okay, as long as you are willing to come to me into the Black Mist Canyon, I promise everything." Seeing the other person's eager and earnest look, Guan Heng slightly jaw head: "Remember what you said, Qing Huang, let's go."


After a while, the eastern side of the periphery of the Black Mist Canyon.

"Hey, Brother Guan, I brought‘ them ’!” The Ling tribe yelled loudly while turning left and right around the rubble.

Qing Huang and the deer horns hid behind the rocks more than ten feet away and smiled and said to Guan Heng: "This child is quite clever, and has arrived in such a large group in a short time."

"Oh, it seems that there are some benefits for him to follow." Guan Heng looked at the group of venomous birds in front of him fluttering and fluttering low, behind the harsh back, his lips slowly tilted up with a smile: "I just don't know How many one-eyed redheads and six-headed ghosts follow in it. "

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at the time when it's late, the screaming ghosts hurriedly rushed behind him and greeted the group of birds.

"嗤嗤嗤 —— 嚓嚓 嚓 ——" The first mischievous ghost shot first, and it threw away numerous small "water blades" in an instant.

The breath of the broken water blade made the birds extremely disturbed and immediately caused a chain reaction.


Between the electric light and flint, several black gas screaming screaming screaming birds erected the hairs of their entire body, and "唰 唰 唰" bounced out, blocking most of the water blades in a blink of an eye, no suspense, dying The feather melted and disappeared as soon as it touched the water blade, but this offset the threat of destruction of the fowls.

"Sure enough, as I expected, a large group of black gas fowls gathered at the same time, it is easy to think of a way to crack the water spirit's essence attack." Guan Heng whispered at this time: "It seems that this trick can not be used repeatedly, only As a killer. "

"噌 噌 噌 ——" The Ling juvenile flew up and down, and immediately fell beside him and Qing Huang, rubbing the sweat on his forehead and asking, "Brother Guan, what else do I need to do next?"

"No need." Guan Heng shook his head slightly. "You and Qing Huang can just stay here. I'll take care of the rest."

Speaking late, then, quickly, Guanyin, who spoke in a humble voice, stood up and landed on a protruding rock above the ground. Before that, he had inquired about the "one-eyed redhead" from the harshness. At this time, glancing forward, it was quickly found that three of them were redbirds.

"Okay, these are the goals." Guan Hengzhuan took off the snowy bow and immediately put three Lingtian arrows on the strings.

"Infant Bai Gui ..." Guan Heng gently spit out these three words, and the other party immediately wrapped the three "Xuanming Moisture" around the arrowhead, "Hoo— 嗤嗤嗤 ——" three arrows Suddenly rushed out, breaking through the sky like lightning, in the middle of those one-eyed redheads.

"Gao!" The screams of the violent birds sounded loudly. At the same time, the six evil spirits spewed out the ghost bead and banged in the air. The noise of the earth shook the rest of the vengeous birds and made them dizzy and distressed. Difficult to flew away suddenly.

"Pap, pap, pap!" The bodies of the three fierce birds were steadily caught by the ghosts, and they flew back to Guan Heng immediately.

"Well ... we have good luck." When Qing Huang looked over, she immediately smiled and said, "Two of the red eyes have been turned into dark brown, which is exactly the same as described by the elders. They can be used. of."

"It's harsh, come here." Guan Heng shoved the bird's eyes into the opponent's open pocket, and he continued: "Are there a total of six?"

"Yes, yes, Brother Guan, you really have the ability." Cao tied his pockets and laughed: "These evil birds are fierce and mad, even if we are the strong men of the Red Spirit tribe. , And I do n’t want to provoke them, I did n’t expect to all run away in front of you. ”

"Hey, kid, you kinda talk."

Guan Heng noticed that there was still a bit of lingering black gas on the remains of the three fierce birds, and he immediately inhaled it with the golden light ghost, then perfused into the harsh forehead.

He went on to say: "Oh, this is black gas, although it is not much, but it is enough for you to absorb and merge for a while. Be careful, don't be aggressive, if your head is uncomfortable, tell me immediately."

"Yes, I know." Kuo just agreed, and the deer deer wandering nearby gave out a chirping whistle, and Qing Huang said immediately, "Well, isn't it in danger? Let's go. Take a look. "

In an instant, the three men rushed past. At this moment, Xiaojiao saw a few of them coming, and immediately whispered: "Hmm ..." He was also scratching something in the ground with his forefoot.

"Uh huh ?!" The one who was running in front of him saw something in the soil, scared, "Teng, Teng, Teng" took a few steps backwards and almost fell to the ground.

"This is ... a lot of corpses!" Qing Huang stretched out her hand and covered her nose: "It has begun to rot. It seems that these people have been buried here for a while. The rancid smell has attracted the attention of Xiaojiao, hey, don't you Plan again. "

When she said that, she waved at the deer, and the other side obediently walked to the side.

"It should be a huge corpse in it." After a few glances, Guan Heng whispered, "However, there are also the corpses of evil beasts and spirits. It is strange."

—— [2017.5.22 third more, hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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