Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3304: Five Elements Holy (first)

"Hey ..." At this time, looking at the python again, a narrow smile suddenly appeared on Guan Heng's face: "Brother Python, you have followed this path hard, but well, now you have no need to lead your way, you still Let's go back."

"Hisse ?!" After hearing this, the three-patterned python almost cried out of anger, and said secretly in his heart: "You are too wicked. You just wanted to stop me from following, say it earlier, I'm open now You follow me, but you go away. If I dared to turn my face, I would have swallowed you. "

But at this moment, the eyes of the giant python were staring at the giant door in front, all eyes were anxious, it seems that there really is what it wants.

Seeing this situation, Guan Heng smiled slightly: "Okay, I won't make you play, as long as you are willing to cooperate honestly, it is not impossible to follow me, let's go."

As soon as the sentence came out, the python was relieved, and Guan Heng said immediately, "Hey, if you have been here before, don't take the lead? Go."

"Hissing—" Since tacitly allowed himself to follow, of course, the python had to fight 120,000 points of spirit, so it rushed toward the giant door in front, shutting Xiao Hei back, and also swallowing the ghost Meow leaps and follows.

"Oh." When he landed, the python couldn't wait to climb to the giant door, just touched the door with his own head, and it suddenly hissed and snarled.

"This is ... hahaha, I said how did you come with me, it turned out that you couldn't open the door in front of you." Guan Heng put Xiaohei and the cat on the ground, and then laughed: "Go away, Let me try. "

At this time, the python also realized that he was too nervous and anxious, so he moved his body to the side with a bit of maggots, closed the horizontal door and looked at the giant door, and suddenly found that there was a keyhole on it. The key that python found in the multi-storey tower just now quickly took this thing out of his arms.

"Click, click ..." After poking into the hole, quickly twist the key, Guan Heng heard the sound of the lock spring popping up, and quickly beckoned Xiao Hei and the python: "Hey, come with me. "

"Squeak--wow!" The moment he opened the door, Guan Heng suddenly felt a strong airflow rushing at his face. He said it was late, and then he was blocking his left arm with a horizontal arm and blocking his right hand with Xiao Hei.

"Woohoo--wow--" I didn't expect that in the next moment, the three beads in the wristbands spun quickly, and the airflow was absorbed immediately.

"Hisse ?!" At this moment, the python also wanted to come over to pick up a bargain, but it was a little slower, no fish, and could not help but be sad.

"Stupid, just a little aura. If you come with me, wouldn't you find more absorption?"

Guan Heng dropped the sentence with anger, and pulled Xiao Hei to walk to the door. The python heard this and shook his head for a moment, thinking that it made sense, and quickly climbed into it.

As I walked in, I closed the door and looked around. Behind this door was a huge crystal wall, said to be crystal, which is actually some kind of material that he could not even name. The texture is transparent and the inside can be clearly seen. object.

"This is it ?!" Guan Heng found that in addition to some beast corpses in the crystal wall in front of him, more of them were dressed in spirit costumes, but they were stiff.

Xiao Hei took a look at the swallowing ghost, and suddenly took two steps away. She exclaimed: "Sister, brother-in-law, the guy in here turned his eyes at me. It's alive."

"Stupid girl, the deadlock is just a form of the dead spirit people. They have long ceased to belong to life. Why talk about the word" alive "?"

Guan Heng shook his head at this moment, and saw the three-patterned python crawling rapidly towards the left path of the crystal wall. He immediately said, "Follow, follow, and see where this guy is going."

After the number of breaths, the two and the swallowing ghost cat followed the python to the end of the crystal wall. It turned out that there was a transparent crystal stele standing tall, with a stone box inside, but they did n’t know how to put it in. It was Strange scenes beyond words.

"Well, the spiritual breath emanating from this huge crystal stele is so strong ..." Xiao He reached out and felt at this moment, and immediately felt a large stream of pure spiritual power pouring into her body, she immediately called: "So comfortable, eh ?! "

Speaking late, fast, a rushing force came, and suddenly her body flew up.


"Pop." In the scream, Xiao Hei was immediately dragged by Guan Xuan's eyes, and he said, "Who told you to touch that thing casually? Although the spirit in this crystal stone is full, it is full of fierceness. Manic meaning, if you absorb too much, don't blame it. "

"How can this python be all right?" Xiao Hei pointed to the three-patterned python that had been coiled back and forth on the stele, Guan Guan explained: "Can you compare with this maggot? It is a purple beast, as for you Well ... saying that all the five wars have upheld you. "

"People just don't like to kill and kill." Xiao Hei pursed his lips and said, "I'm very angry if I want to get angry."

"Hmm." Guan Heng couldn't help but sighed gently. "You might as well rename your puppy, and the puppy lifts the curtain, all with one mouth, hahaha."

After hearing what he said, Xiao Hei's face flushed and he was about to curse. At this moment, the giant python coiled around the crystal stele suddenly screamed: "Hisse--"

"Wow, this guy is going to mutate. Hurry up."

As soon as this sentence came out, Guan Heng dragged Xiao Hei's "snap" away and walked away a few feet away, and then he heard the python's body skeleton "creak", this guy originally wrapped around the body of the crystal stele Crashed to the ground.

"Hisse—" The screams kept ringing, and the python suddenly changed back to its original largest body. At that time, in order not to cause Guan Heng's antipathy, it tightened the muscles and bones with its own purple gas power and became Zhang Yuchang's "petite" looks.

But now, this python has absorbed a lot of ferocious spirit breath, and has become extremely distressed.

"Brother-in-law, does this guy look pitiful?" Xiao Hei whispered beside him. "Otherwise, would you help him?"

"Well, don't suffer a bit, where's the harvest?"

Guan Heng said at this moment, holding his shoulders, and said, "Rest assured that it still has the power to control these violent spirits. When this can't be supported, I will naturally help, because after all, we bring it Those who come in will not see death. "

"Hisse—" Hearing Guan Heng's words, the python straightened his upper half of his body, and continued to swallow the letter to him, his eyes were full of begging, as if to say, "Boss, I can't support it now." Now, save me!

But Guan Heng was unmoved, shaking his head and saying, "No, now is not the time."

Guan Heng's words came to an end, and the python's original blue and gentle pupil color was instantly replaced by the fierce red mansions. Its brain had been completely occupied by bloodthirsty and suffocating gas, and it roared towards Guan as if out of control.

"Brother-in-law is careful." Hearing Xiaohe's words, Guan Heng didn't move, he just sneered: "You can't control this emotion, and you want to climb to a higher level? I'm afraid you don't have this qualification. "

With that, Guan Heng thought, and the little firepower hidden in the python's brain was so hot that it hurt so much that the python instantly opened his eyes and fell to the ground as soon as he rushed to half the distance.

"Hisse--" The burning sensation of the power of the fire almost evaporated the python's brain. This guy realized that he really couldn't resist Guan Heng. It was a very sad thing for this purple monster.

But at the next moment, the python suddenly felt that the ferocious intent in his brain had diminished sharply, and the pain in his whole body was reduced accordingly. At the same time, the hidden power of the original fire that Guan Heng had left in his brain caused the same time, except In addition to the small punishment and the great commandment, they even deter those fierce evil spirits.

On the contrary, the python took advantage. At the same time, it hurriedly exhausted the spiritual breath absorbed by the purple pressure system of the whole body, condensed and compressed it into a ball, hid in its own body, and stayed quiet. It can be absorbed slowly.

"Well, you know how to take advantage of this opportunity."

Regarding the grateful look that the three-patterned python cast over, Guan Hengquan did not see it, and he muttered to himself: "Well, chances will always only be reserved for those who are prepared. Naturally you are no exception. , I just pushed it appropriately. "

"Sigh ..." As he was here, Guan Heng suddenly heard a loud noise in his ear, and then Xiao Hei said, "Brother, this crystal stele is cracking."

"What ?!" Just as he twisted and watched, a "gulonglong" sound rang out from the side of the crystal stone with cracks and cracks, and several roaring and roaring figures appeared.

"These guys are ..." Guan Heng's expression changed slightly, and he waved his hands immediately, "Monkey, take Xiao Hei and the cat to a farther place to hide. If something goes wrong, be careful I'll beat you."


The python was pondering how to please and reciprocate customs. At the same time it heard the words, it immediately waved its long tail and gently rolled it around Xiaohei's waist, and placed her on her neck and sat down. Two jumps fell on top of the python, and the guy immediately moved away.

"Woohoo!" Guan Heng's words fell, one of them was rushing forward, exhaling a heavy punch, Guan Heng showed no weakness, and met the volley.

"Oh!" As soon as the two palms touched, Guan Heng only felt a strong influx, and hurriedly "Teng Teng Teng" retreated seven or eight steps before he stood firm.

"Eh ?!" He only felt the blood in his right arm stretched out, and Guan Heng almost spit out inverse blood. He secretly said: "The power of fierceness is not much worse than that of the Zombie King. There are actually six now. ... "

It turned out that these black shadows were all zombie kings wearing armor and rusty helmets. Guan Heng turned to think about it and immediately judged that they were also the so-called "eight spirits", together with the one he had encountered before. Seven psychic zombie kings appeared.

"Woo ---" It was late, then fast, and the stunned king who slammed his fist in the palm of his hand. The time was back, and another guy rushed forward. There was a twisted elephant trunk in his palm. The stick came out of the air, the goal was just the horizontal neck throat.

"Good sharp tricks." Between the electric light and flint, Guan Heng's double swords even hit the band. "Ping-pong-pong-pong!" Instantly hit the opponent with more than ten records, the opponent's outburst of purple air stick is fierce and overbearing, However, Guan Heng's two swords have been attached to the power of the five elements, and most of the offensive has been resolved.

"Hey, these guys are just like the Zombie King on the ground. They are blessed by the Five Elements. They are not afraid of being attacked by a single spirit. But ..."

Guan Heng's thoughts of speed and speed, half of the body suddenly turned, "Yo!" Three swords swept across the other weapon, neck and waist.

"Eh! Heh! Heh!" The spirit zombie king loosened his wrists, and was suddenly cut off by the five-strength Jianfeng weapon and his left hand with four fingers, but this guy had no pain, and his whereabouts returned to his companion. .

"Well? Brother-in-law is careful behind him." Xiao Hei was riding on the python's neck at this time, naturally looking far away, because suddenly the stunned king behind Guan Wang suddenly exploded with ten fingertips and pierced his vest severely.

"Relax, you've noticed it."

"Oh!" Guan Heng turned around and kicked, hitting the opponent's body, but the Zombie King did not retreat, and his protective purple gas shocked him into the air.

"Hoo--" Guan Heng stagnates in the air, thinking of the enemy and me, and suddenly slaps a small drum around his waist.

"唰 唰 唰 ——" The real soul of the hunting rushed out, turning into golden threads, and wrapping the body of five Zombie Kings stiffly.


These guys are in a state of purple qi, and they have tried their best to struggle, and when they closed the floor, they hurriedly hurried the breath of the earth **** and rune Jinguang to the gold net to strengthen it, then turned around, and doubled. Jian Kankan stopped the sixth Zombie King from banging at himself.

"Oh!" At the moment when the other party ’s violent gas burst out, Guan Heng swept down and fell out. In fact, he used the situation to resolve this power, and by the way fell to the five bounded Zombie Kings.

"嚓嚓 嚓 ——" sentence Mang Jianmu Aura, Water Spirit Essence, and Power of the Original Fire fell on the hunting gold net at the same time, and immediately tightened the bound five Zombie Kings a few points, between the breath They don't want to help out of trouble.

"It's enough time." Guan Heng looked at the Ling Zongwang who attacked with his fist, his eyes calmed for a moment, his opponent's fist turned to the tip of his nose, his swords swept across, and appeared instantly. trick.

"Eh! Hey!" A zombie king's arm flew in the air, while the sword of the sword fell into the other side's ribs at the same time. ... and get the rest you deserve. "

"Hey!" The fistless King Zombie King was suddenly torn apart, but before he died, he became an ordinary spirit, and suddenly, Guan Heng seemed to hear him say a faint "thank you".

"Okay, it's your turn. The road to heroes has its beginnings and ends. You shouldn't be trapped here, but instead get eternal rest and admiration and admiration from later generations."

As soon as this sentence came out, the remaining five Zombie Kings who were still struggling in the gold net suddenly blessed the mind, stopped their movements, and let the two swords pierce their bodies through the power of the five elements. .

"Well, that's all I can do for them." Guan Heng set his sight behind the crystal stele at this time, and he whispered, "So, are you satisfied?"

Guan Heng's words came to an end, and behind the crystal stele, a "person" came out of the cave of Ling Zongwang.

This guy is more than ten feet tall. Although his armor is worn out but neat, every step he takes is Yuan Yuan Yue. The breath of the peak of purple gas slowly lingers and spreads. The dust within a few feet will be squeezed into Nothingness.

"Are you ... stupid?"

At the first glance at the other side, Guan Heng suddenly came up with such a sentence, because the full-faced Ling tribe, the right half of his face has become a kind of stupid appearance, fangs protruding, and the left half of his face But it ’s just like normal spirit people, so Guan Heng asked this question.

"Oh, I ... I'm barely half stiff ..." It seemed that the armored spirits hadn't spoken for a long time. "Young man, my name is '擘', like the brothers you defeated, It is one of the 'eight spirits' under Master Lingling. "

"Oh? I think you seem to be different from them." Guan Heng said at this time: "Especially you still keep the sober consciousness of the spiritual people. Based on this, respect is much stronger than the rest of the spirits."

"No, that's not the case. That's because the Lord of the Five Elements God sealed up some of his original power in my body." Ling Hou shook his head and said, "and my other colleagues and brothers do not have such honor and lucky."

Hearing his words, Guan Heng's eyes flickered suddenly: "What does respect driving?"

"In the ancient battlefields of the year, fighting against the Yeling tribe was very unfavorable to our spiritual tribe. Despite the assistance of the Lord of the Five Elements God, the opponent also had the trick of burning jade and stone.

Speaking of this, Ling Houyi paused for a while before continuing to say: "How the specific thing happened, only the Master of the Ling King knew it, and our Eight Ling Hou withdrew to the spiritual realm in order to cover all the spiritual warriors. After the break, it turned out that they were all infected with evil spirits when they fought with the group of Yelings for fragments, and all of the brothers became monsters. "

"In the spirit world, I named you this form" Spirit Zombie ". Your strength has reached the Zombie King."

"Zombie ?! The name is very appropriate." 擘 That half of the face without rigidity smiled bitterly, at this moment the python in the distance darted Xiao Hei and Ghost Meow and quietly gathered together, Xiao Hei cried: "Sister-in-law Can you still fight? "

"Hehehe, this girl has told me everything I want to say." Guan Heng stroked the hilt of the sword and asked, "brother, you want to fight with me like other spirit zombie kings, there are other things Things to say? "

"Brother Guan?" Wu whispered, "I don't look down on you, but your strength can't beat me now."

"What ?!" Hearing this, Guan Heng seemed a little dissatisfied. The five elements of his body were born after a lapse of time, and a strong vortex formed around him. He said loudly: "Now, do you still say so? ? "

"Hehehe, the power of the five elements on your body ... too weak!"

As soon as this sentence came out, he suddenly bounced off his palm that was not rigid, and a more pure force of the five elements gathered in an instant. Guan Heng suddenly felt that the power on his side was forcibly absorbed in the past, and he was shocked. Lost, "You ?!"

"Pop." He didn't feel the embarrassment at this moment. He closed his fingers with lightning, and returned all the absorption. Guan Heng was relieved, but he couldn't hide his consternation.

"See? The power of the five elements is that the adults of the five elements gather together and store them in the body, which is much stronger than the power of you to force together some‘ props ’.”

Ling Houyi said, "Once you start, you do n’t have to worry about my mind. The two strong five-strength forces are bound to move closer to the stronger side. Just like the situation just now, so you ca n’t yet I do it. "

Having said that, he paused slightly before continuing to say: "But within this earth city, my five elements are not the strongest, so you still have a chance to win."

"I can tell you how to get some other five elements ..." Ling Hou said, Xiao He riding on the python's neck laughed, "Brother, is this uncle's head defective? He actually wants to point you to defeat yourself? Hahaha. "

"Shut up, what does the little girl know? Don't talk in a random way." Guan Heng gave Xiaohe a white look, and the latter immediately pouted and looked to the side: "Huh."

Guan Heng then asked: "Brother, what are your requirements? Let's go."

"Sure enough, I don't have many conditions. I just ask you to send the" stone fragments "captured from the Yeling tribe after the Balinghou evacuated many years ago to Master Lingwang."

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng took out a fragment from his arms and asked, "But what are you talking about? I have also seized a few from the Yelings."

"Yes, that's it. At that time, our Eight Spirit Brothers joined forces to shatter a whole stone tablet that the Yeling Tribe tried to take away."

Ling Houyi immediately said: "Because the power of the show is too strong, the fragments flew to various corners of the ancient battlefield ruins. There are a lot of them, but the core part of the stele was divided into two and half fell into our hands. At this moment Stored in the Tucheng Digong, as long as you own that part, the fragments of the stele will have the opportunity to be restored. "

"Then you want me to enter the underground palace and take back the core of the stele?"

Hearing Guan Heng's inquiries, the other side slightly nodded his head: "Yes, because when I placed the core fragments, I also left the" holy artifact "left by the Lord of the Five Elements to protect it, but now ... ... I can't get closer anymore. "

Xiao Hei couldn't help but ask, "Why is this so?"

"It's simple."

Ling Houyi whispered: "I have just said that the reason why I did not completely become a stalemate like the other seven Ling Hou brothers is because the Lord of the Five Elements God personally stored a trace of fusion power in my body. Without the power of these five elements, I will immediately become a monster that loses his mind. "

With that said, His Majesty breathed slightly: "In the past few years, in order to fight against the 'fossilized evil spirit' in the body, the power of my five elements has gradually weakened. If I approach the sacred artifacts of the five elements, the power will be completely sucked out of the body."

Hearing this, Guan Heng moved in his heart and said, "So it is."

"In the past few years, when I watched the other brothers become stricken with pain, I felt that I didn't have much time. The reason why I would stick to it and keep my sanity completely from being invaded by the" fossilized evil spirit "was to wait until Those who inherit the power of the Five Elements appear ... "

Linghou's voice was getting weaker and softer, and his body, which was standing upright, gradually began to bend.

"Well, then I'll get the power of the five elements and the core of the debris." After listening to the other party's words, Guan Heng's eyes flickered. He felt that the other party had not lied to himself, so he promised.

Linghou slowly raised his hand and pointed at the tunnel entrance behind him. "From there, you can walk to the Earth Palace. You remember that the five holy artifacts are the golden cup, wooden spoon, water droplets, flint, and fertile soil. Be careful ... "

His words fell away, and he was already sitting cross-legged slowly, whispering in his mouth: "I'm waiting for the honor here."

"Xiao Hei, let's go." Guan Heng finished this sentence, and the python immediately carried Xiao Hei, swallowed the ghost, followed behind him, and hurriedly rushed into the tunnel entrance.

When Xiao Hei saw Guan Heng rushing in front, she asked casually, "Brother, do you really believe what Linghou is saying?"

"He doesn't have to lie to me." Guan Heng replied in a deep voice at this time. "Not to mention that I can really use the unstiffened half body to exert the power of the Five Elements. Based on this, I should trust him."

Having just said here, Guan Hengxi stopped his footsteps and waved, "Stop."

The python no longer moved forward, he said, "There seems to be unusual movement in the corner ahead. Let me go over first."

"噌 噌 噌-唰 唰 唰-" Throwing down this sentence, Guan Heng raised his anger, and he was seven or eight feet away in the blink of an eye.

"Squeak-squeak-squeak-" As soon as he reached the corner of the tunnel, Guan Heng heard a screeching crawling sound from his head. Looking up, there were several pale golden lights all over him. The round spider came from the top like lightning. "Oh!"

"噌 噌 噌 ——" The light gold round spiders screamed sharply, and flickered to Guan Heng with the spider silk under their belly in the blink of an eye, and opened their mouths to bite.

"Go!" Seeing that the opponents were not the size of a fist, Guan Heng couldn't even pull his sword, and immediately used his palm knife to wave to the left and right, "Oh!" In the middle of the two round spiders.

"叽叽 叽 ——" The two cobwebs flew in pain, rolling their companions behind and rolling into a ball at the same time, but Guan Heng shook his wrist and was also shocked: "These guys have hard shells, It is better than iron stone ... No, this is ... "

At this moment, when he looked at his palm, he was stained with a light golden light, and his eyes were closed for a moment. "This is the smell of Jinzu Lingxi. It turns out that you guys are related to the holy artifact here."

Just then, Xiao Hei from the back shouted, "Brother-in-law, can we come over?"

"Come here." Guan Heng replied at this time as he strode towards several light gold round spiders who were screaming and panicking. He whispered in his mouth: "Don't be afraid, tell Brother Guan Where did the Jinzu Spiritual Breath come from? "

At this time, Guan Heng's tone of speech was like a wolf approaching the little white rabbit. The round spiders were scared and frightened, and turned to run away. Xiao Hei just came over the python, and she exclaimed: "Brother, hurry up."

"Well, am I already chasing it? Cat, you run fast, catch me quickly."

Guan Heng's words fell off, and he swallowed the ghost and screamed. He had rushed past. Between three jumps and two jumps, he had thrown the last pale gold spider to the ground, and opened his mouth to bite. Guan Hengjian He hurriedly called, "Don't bite, the guy is very hard."

"Click it ..."

"Meow!" It's a pity that Guan Heng still said that he took a slow step, swallowing the ghost and biting it, a few tiger teeth almost collapsed, and it hurt so much that he immediately screamed, and then waved his front paw to cover his face and face the other Hit: "Bang Bang Bang!"

"Deserve it. Whoever told you to bite it hasn't broken your teeth, it's already your luck."

Guan Heng at this time picked up the body of the devouring meow and threw it back, and then reached out to catch the light gold round spider. Although the opponent's carapace was hard, the kitten shot hard and shot lightly. in.

Guan Heng's hand slammed the cobweb shell slightly, and the rune of his body flickered with golden light, and he immediately took the trace of Jin Zu Ling's breath on his body.

The worm suddenly felt the power passing away and could not help screaming: "长 ——"

"Pop." Throwing the half-dead bug to the python, Guan Heng coldly said, "If you can't take me to find the whereabouts of the Five Elements, it is a useless thing, let the python eat you. "

"Hissing—" The python who heard the words vomited the red letter, and cooperated very well to get in front of the bug to fiddle with his fangs. The bug howled and rolled over to Guan Heng's feet. The forelegs trembled as he grabbed Guan Heng's pants.

In fact, the python will not eat light gold round spiders, because this product is really too hard. Just now, there is a lesson from swallowing the ghost, and the python is also afraid of collapsing its own big teeth.

But Round Spider didn't know that they were scaring themselves. It seemed to have been frightened. Xiao Hei said, "Brother, I think it's almost time, this guy must have agreed to lead the way."

"Do you still need to say that?" Guan Heng kicked the pale gold spider with his toes: "Hey, don't hurry up? Really eat it, believe it or not?"

"Hmm--" The round spider was panicked by the threat of Guan Heng, and hurriedly rushed forward, Guan Heng called: "Hurry up, keep up."

After a while, the round spider slipped into a huge burrow, and Guan Heng, the python, and Xiao Hei followed in, and found that there were moving little black shadows. It turned out that this was the nest of the round spider.

"唰 唰 唰-噌 噌 噌-" Seeing a stranger entering his nest, the bugs were shocked and angry, but Guan Heng stomped his feet, and the heavy water runes flashed, while immediately turning these guys on The pale golden light radiated into his body.

"Ha, it really is Jinzu Lingxi, you thieves and worms are so brave that you dare to steal my‘ thing ’.”

Guan Heng at this time did not hesitate to put all the Jin Zu Lingxi here under his "name", and then growled: "Give me all!"

"叽叽 叽 ——" Hundreds of round spiders who lost their gold spirits fled into fright when they heard the words. The time came to the entrance of this cave. Guan Heng only saw a towering stone platform in front of him at this time. Zhang Yu, faintly radiant from above.

At this time, Xiao Hei laughed and said, "Brother-in-law, let me go and see what's there for you, python, knock me over."

"Hissing—" The python, who became Xiao Hei's exclusive mobility device, heard the words and rushed past without hesitation. Guan Heng smiled slightly: "Let's just play as you please."

"Huh? This is ..." Xiao Hei glanced at it a few feet away, then turned his head and said, "It's a golden cup, and there seems to be something in it."

Guan Heng immediately said, "Okay, I'll do the rest. Don't touch the thing."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei had to curl back his hand that he wanted to reach out: "Shy, you can't even touch it?"

"This has nothing to do with being stingy." Guan Heng now "snucked" a few times and climbed up to the stone platform. He immediately reached out and held up the golden cup and said, "I'm afraid you will be in danger if you touch it. Understand? "

"Huh?" Guan Heng found that the cup was filled with clear water, and a rich golden water spirit suddenly rose up. He was overjoyed: "The two holy vessels of the golden cup and water droplets were put together. No wonder I can get both powers this time. "


Speaking late, at that time, the time in the palm of the cup and the clear water and the power of the five elements in Guan Heng's body reacted. The two condensed into a breath of light gold and blue two-color condensate, and poured into Guan Heng's eyebrows. He only felt that There was a sudden blankness in my brain, and then severe pain began.

"Oh!" Between the electric light and the flint, the gold cup in his hand exploded into dust and fly ash. Guan Heng covered his head and planted the stone platform. When he "plopped" on the ground, Xiao Hei was shocked: "Brother, what are you doing?" Alright? "

"Don't come over, step back." Guan Heng only felt that his head was about to explode at this moment, so Xiao Hei, the python, and the swallowing ghost were farther away. The next moment, the heavy water on Guan Heng's body. The runes suddenly glowed with brilliance.

"唰 唰 唰 —— 嗖 嗖 嗖 ——"

The "power of gold" turned into dust by the gold cup was instantly sucked away and digested by the runes. Then, the green cymbal cymbal drum across the waist was trembling slightly, and the real soul of the hunting owl emerged, and a part of its power was also used by it. Absorbed, the next moment, the unicorn hunting gaze suddenly stared.

"Ooooo!" With a loud roar, the real soul hunting this time has been supplemented by the power of real gold. Its gold net array will definitely increase innumerable times in the future. Suddenly, this real soul shrinks again. Back to the surface of the green cymbal snare drum.

With the "container" of heavy water runes, the power of gold in Guan Heng's brain was naturally vented, and he was inspired by this, and he hurriedly took out the water spirit bead that he carried with him and shouted on his forehead: " This water force is breaking my head and must be sucked out quickly. "


When the words fell, the water spirit bead trembled a little, and it really started to absorb the power of the water line in Guan Heng's brain. In an instant, the bead began to make a "creeping" sound, and Guan Heng cried secretly. Not good: "Can it be said that the beads are full, this time ..."

"Pop!" Just thinking of this, the water spirit beads burst and smashed. In the past, the essence of the water spirit, together with the spirit ancestor of the water ancestors, rushed out instantly, covering Guanheng the whole person.

"Guru ... Guru ..." Suddenly, Guan Heng's nose and nose were filled with clear water. He was so anxious that he had to suffocate and drown like this. Suddenly remembering that he had water beads on his body, Guan Heng hurriedly explored. Grasp it with your hands.

Who knows that this water-repellent bead can only be used in ordinary rivers and lakes and seas. When it encountered the mysterious breath of water god, it burst into pieces and disappeared in the hands of Guan Heng.

"唰 唰 唰 ——" The vortices around him kept flowing, and Guan Heng was completely wrapped and wrapped in water and aura, becoming increasingly painful. Suddenly, there was a flash of aura in his mind: "Yes, the fire is red!"

"Since I've ruined my bead of avoidance, I will use the power of the original fire to evaporate you." When I thought about it, the red flames of the original fire in the wrist of my left hand burst into a strong hot force, and the water was transpiration Ancestors couldn't stop muttering.

Speaking late, fast then, feeling the threat of the power of the fire, this extremely pure water spirit did not want to counteract it, but walked away in an instant, rushing towards the left wrist of Guan Heng go with.

"Buzz--wow--" The second brace of black beads was wrapped and twisted around by the essence of this water spirit. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a blue color, forming a "water **** blue bead".

"Pop!" The original fire red beads and water **** blue beads were also not honest in their wristbands. The two representatives of water and fire collided immediately.

"Oops!" The aftershocks from these two gadgets made Guan Heng feel severe pain in his arm, and there was a feeling of breaking.

However, he thought to himself, "Until now, the power of this blue **** of blue beads is slightly better. If you don't find the 'firestone' to supplement the power of the original fire, you must have trouble with this red pearl."

At this moment, Xiao Hei and the python came together, and she said, "Brother, you didn't let me come here to make a mess just now. I went around with the python and the python, and found that the left side of the cave was still There is a way, should we go and see? "

"Excellent." Guan Heng complimented him, and immediately went out with the other party. He said, "Well, Xiao Hei, I will never say that you have 'damaged no construction' in the future."

After hearing what he said, Xiao Hei almost fell off the python's neck, and she said with a sad face, "Sister-in-law, can't you brag me with better words?"

After a while, Guan Heng and Xiao Hei ran to a nearby maze-like bifurcation road, and he scratched his head and said, "Well, this broken road is getting more and more confused, abominable, which way should we go?"

"Meow—" The ghost swallowed and heard a sudden turn and fell to the ground, then sniffed against the ground with its nose.

"That's right." Guan Heng flashed aura, and he murmured, "You guys have been like the six magpies before, have you eaten the bark of the lost tree?"

The kind of confused bark is a kind of strange tree demon. It wo n’t get lost after eating. Previously, the six ghosts had eaten at the same time. Guan Heng walked through so many dangers, relying on them to lead the way. Now the ghosts are not around. , Can only count on swallowing the ghosts to work hard.

"Meow ..."

The kitten sniffed for a while, then ran to the northwest. He called "Wait for us" and the python rushed past with the python, Guan Heng just caught up, but glanced behind him: Strange, I wonder if it is my illusion, I always feel that someone is following ... "

"噌 噌 噌 —— 唰 唰 唰 ——" The python darted Xiaohei in front of the devouring meow. She only felt the wind blowing in her ears and hurt her little face, so she said loudly: "Slowly, slowly Point, if you turn me down, I bet your brother-in-law will hit you. "

Her words fell away, and the python came to an emergency stop at the time. Her body was squeaking, and Xiao Hei almost fell down: "Wow--"

"Pop." Heeling around the python's neck tightly, Xiao Hei was almost angry and yelled, but at this moment, she turned back in amazement: "Oh? Why is your brother-in-law missing?"

Looking ahead, there was no trace of swallowing the ghost.

This time, Xiao Hei's forehead began to sweat: "Well, I bet everyone must be in trouble now."

—— [First update of 2017.6.3, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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