Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3445: Attack in the suburbs

As soon as approaching the tent of the ancient caravan of Tenglin City, I heard a loud noise, Guan Heng's brows frowned slightly, and my heart murmured: "What's going on?"

"Brother-in-law, look, the one in front of me seems to have served our uncle Tang Jin. Why did he have a blue face and a swollen face?" Xiao Hei said, "Shouldn't it be a hit?"

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng immediately took her three steps and walked in two steps, reached out to separate the crowd, and said in his mouth, "You all fling away, I have something to say."

"Son ?!" At the moment when Guan Heng was seen, Tang Jin's face was a bit ugly and embarrassing. Guan Heng knew that there must be an accident, so he said to the crowd, "Everyone is gone, I want to Resting in the brotherhood of the Tang Brotherhood. "

Guan Heng's tone had an indescribable majesty. Everyone listened to him and immediately nodded his head and jaws.

At this time Guan Heng patted the opponent's shoulder: "Let's go and find a quiet place to talk again."

After returning to the tent where Tang Jin lived, he first took out a small box, reached out and handed it to Xiao Hei, "Well, this is the necklace made by Master Zhao, take it."

"Thank you Uncle Tang Jin." Xiao Hei Huan Huan Xi Xi took the box and was about to open the game, Guan Heng said, "Xiao Hei, go out for a while, brother Tang and I want to talk, remember, don't run away Now. "

"Oh." The little girl was anxious to look at the necklace at this moment, so she did not hesitate to get out of the tent.

"What's inexplicable, you can speak now." After listening to Guan Heng, Tang Jin could not help but smile awkwardly: "My son, I really have lost your trust this time."

"What's going on?" "It's like that. I figured out the skeleton of the" Bamboo Water Margin ", in the hands of a demon's young chief. Well, this person hasn't known me for a long time, so it's also a kind of Familiar friends. "

Tang Jin said here, paused a little, and then continued to say, "He is the chief of the Jiuling demon tribe, his name is" Shang Fei. "

"Xianfei ?!" Guan Heng said with the name in his mouth, he suddenly asked: "I heard that the patriarch of Jiuling Demon is Xiangliu, is this Xiangfei his son-in-law."

"Yes, as the boy said."

Tang Jin sighed: "The Jiuling Demon Clan is the most mysterious of the four Demon Clan, because they like to study all kinds of alien and illusions, and are famous for it, and the Jiuling Demon people also produce and Ghosts communicate, and many demon ghost masters come from there. "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng smiled and said, "Hehe, so, the Jiuling Demon Clan is equivalent to the 'Chanshan Witch Clan' in the three ancient countries, right?"

"Yes, this metaphor is quite appropriate." Tang Jin went on to say: "From the perspective of outsiders, the Jiuling Monsters are not only accustomed to communicating with human races, and even have no connection with other monsters. It is weird."

"Hey, the same is true of the Wushan tribe, but after a long period of contact, they will find that they respect and cherish their friends more than ordinary people."

Upon hearing Guan Heng's words, Tang Jin's eyes brightened, and he nodded: "Yes, the young chief of the Jiuling demon tribe, Xiang Fei, is actually such a person, so we human beings pass by Jiuling Mountain and Laoshui I can be taken care of by him everywhere, but this time, it ’s weird ... "

"Brother Tang, what is going on?"

"That's it. I heard that Xiang Fei had a complete skeleton of bamboo leeches in his hand, so I wanted to buy it from him for a high price."

Tang Jin said at this time with some doubts: "I had visited Xiangfei's apartment in the morning to show that he had come to promise that he would cut off love, and he insisted on not accepting my gifts and remuneration. There is a lot of cargo and you need to sort it out before you can find the bird bones. "

Having said this, he suddenly couldn't help shaking his head and continued to say, "But when I went there just now, I didn't even see Xiang Fei's face, but the two guards accompanying him pushed me out of the door. On the way, I went through an alley and was attacked by others! "

"What ?!" Guan Heng said for a moment: "This is really a peak and turn, unexpected, and then?"

"My son, it's not me bragging in front of you. At that time, I and the masked men fought, and they had the upper hand."

After listening to his words, Guan Heng laughed secretly: "Brother, you really seem to be bragging." But he remained calm, and continued to listen to the other person.

"Most of the opponents are semi-black and fake blacks, and I can handle them."

Tang Jin continued: "Two of the fake black powerhouses are tall and big. I don't know how I look, but I suddenly realized that the other two were Xiangfei's two guards, so I rushed to try to capture one. Ask clearly. "

"Who knows that these guys are so shameless, one of them even struck my head with a whole pot of sand while I was unprepared to attack from behind."

Having said that, Tang Jin subconsciously touched his bruised eyes, and he smiled bitterly: "As soon as my eyes were invisible and the lane was narrow, they were knocked to the ground by a punch and kick. Otherwise, The caravan's brothers happened to stop each other's assault, and I might be over. "

"Er, Brother Tang, I understand your feelings a bit." Guan Heng shook his head and sighed: "This is really a loss."

"So let's say, I feel sorry for you, son." Tang Jin said a little embarrassedly: "Not only did I not get the bamboo gibberish skeleton, it was also a secret, it was really a shame to the demon ground. "

"It goes without saying, these guys are so ridiculous." Guan Henghuo stood up and said, "Go, find them."


Back in time, a moment ago. After running out of the tent, Xiao Hei took the necklace out of the wooden box and she was pleasantly surprised: "Hey, it's beautiful, it's good."

"What's this? My sister has a lot of such jewellery," muttered the soul of Yu Leiyu next to her, "all look better than this."

"What's the use, it's not mine. Besides, this is the first necklace that my brother-in-law gave me." She laughed and said, "Small sister, you can stay in this necklace gem without having to return to Qing Phoenix is ​​there. "

"Hey, I can see that the relationship between you is not very good." Yu Leiyu whispered: "Let me stay with you, but well, we have to say something."

"You're really troublesome, okay, let's talk about it first." Xiao Hei said: "As long as it's not too difficult, I promise you."

"It's very simple. Guan Heng has a 'Guiding Lightning Cone' there. You can find a way to get it. In the future, if I want to absorb the power of thunder and lightning, you will help me pick up the Thunder. In this case, you don't need to ask him. "

"Well ... this is easy." Xiao Hei Lingji said with a movement. "The thunderclaw and the poisonous glove brother-in-law gave it to Taotao for safekeeping. I just had to make a lie and lie to her."

"Really ?!" Upon hearing this, Yu Leiying was overjoyed, and he said immediately: "Go as soon as possible, let's go quickly."

"Well, okay." Xiao Hei also wanted to play with the thunderclaw, so he stopped a man near the tent and said, "Brother, please do something."

"Little black girl, just tell me." "When my brother-in-law comes out, you tell him, little black is sleepy, just go back to sleep."

"No problem." The man waved goodbye to Xiao Hei, and whispered at the disappearing back, "Cute little girl, hey, let me give her a message."

After a while, Xiao Hei ran into the Mabu patriarch's house, and she quietly greeted Ruo Tao to her side and said, "The power of thunder and lightning in Xiao Ling's body is almost gone, and my brother-in-law asked me to come to you to get the Thunder Cone, poison獜 The gloves passed. "

"Really? So fast?" Ruo Tao would be suspicious, but Yu Leiyu next to Xiao Hei also said: "Yes, yes, indeed."

"Well, take the gold cones and gloves ..." Ruo Tao had just handed things to her, and suddenly said, "I'm still a bit uneasy. Otherwise, I'll go with you to find a boy?"

"No need, no need." Xiao Hei quickly waved his hand and said, "My brother-in-law wants you to accompany Qing Huang here. Don't run around. He will come back for a while, really."

In a few words, he coaxed Straight Ruotao to give himself gloves and golden cones, Xiao Hei and Yu Lei ran out of the door proudly, and the remaining Ruo Tao standing in the courtyard with his head tilted did not know what he was thinking .

But Xiao Hei didn't expect that he had caught up with a "tail" behind him, and the guy stared at her silently.


On the other side, Guan Heng and Tang Jin got out of the tent, but found no trace of Xiao Hei. A man was waiting by the side and told him the original words of Xiao Hei.

"This girl, tired after crazy play, let her go back to rest." Guan Heng didn't pay much attention to this matter, and went to the place where the Jiuling Demon caravan stayed with Tang Jin. As soon as he walked near the courtyard, Guan Heng felt something awkward and paused stagnantly.

"My son, what's the matter?" Guan Hengchen said in a loud voice when he asked, "There is a lot of blood in this yard. It's likely that something went wrong. Let's go and see."

Sure enough, as expected, as soon as they entered the courtyard, they found several bodies lying on the ground, all dressed up as demon people. Tang Jin hurriedly rushed to check.

He grabbed a bamboo card around the body's waist and said, "This is the Jiuling Demon Clan Emblem Bamboo Card. It seems they are all their people. Why did they die here?"

"Bold murderer!"

At the next moment, Hula la broke into the group of demon people with bone-blade spears. They were all the demon guards of Xiefengbao. The head of them cried out: "Just now I received a report that there was a clan murder. The dead demon tribe is really true, and all the people who come here arrest them. "

"Yes." Just a dozen demon guards were about to start, Guan Heng suddenly turned his head and said, "You guys, what do you want to do?"

"What to do, of course, is to seize the murder ... uh ?! Guan Gongzi, how are you?"

The little chief of the guards knew at a glance that this was a noble guest of the patriarch's family. It had never been possible to save the lives of the patriarch and the elders. It was impossible to be a murderer. At one time, the guards were embarrassed and their swords suddenly fell. Go on.

Guan Heng grinned at this moment: "You guys, we have just arrived here, but you can take a closer look. The blood on the ground has dried up. Let ’s talk for a while and a half. If we are really murderers, we ca n’t stand Waiting for you here? "

"Hehe, Guan Guan really laughs." The little chief smiled bitterly: "You are the benefactor who saved the patriarch. Even if I suspect that I am the murderer, I cannot doubt you."

"Well, let's be serious." Guan Heng asked at this time: "Who told you that some people are murdering here?"

"Uh, well, our brother was patrolling the street. Suddenly a caravan was passing by in a carriage. It was galloping, making the road dusty and splashing me."

The little boss said: "I was about to scold, but a horseman next to me called me, saying there was a murderer in Jiuling Demon Residence, so let's hurry and come and see."

"It looks like a thief shouts and catches a thief and hits the west." Guan Heng glanced at Tang Jin next to him, and then asked the little boss: "Do you know where those guys ran?"

"Go straight out of the north gate and walk out of the fort." The little leader suddenly realized at this moment: "Gong son, shouldn't those guys be really fierce?"

"It should be true, and the other person may have what we want." Guan Heng said immediately, "Brother, do you have any extra horses, borrow two for us."

"Yes, brothers, hurry up and pull the horse over, Guan Gongzi will go after the murderer." After a while, Guan Heng and Tang Jin ran horses galloping and chased the north gate of Xiefengbao.


At the same time, Xiao Hei and Yu Leiyu ran out of the Xiefeng Fort long ago, and strolled to the nearby woods. She shook the little awl shining light in her hand and asked, "Xiao, how do you say this thunder-gold awl is used?"

"Well, when I used Guan Heng before, I wasn't very awake, so I didn't pay attention." Yu Leiying said, "However, I advise you to put on the poison awl after you put on the poisonous gloves, otherwise it is easy It's not fun to be struck by thunder directly. "

"Uh, you're right." Hearing this, Xiao Hei didn't dare to neglect, and quickly put the awl on a rock, wearing gloves beside him.

"Well." But the next moment, a small head suddenly appeared on the back of the rock. It turned out to be a small beast with a large incisor. This monster is small and can be seen everywhere in the wild countryside. It is named after the weird pattern on the forehead.

In addition, another feature of this kitty is that he likes to be a little thief who does not ask for help. They are extremely fascinated by glittering objects and often pick them up when they see them.

"Well," he said slowly, then, when the bald-headed **** opened his mouth and bit the thunder cone on the rock, twisted, twisted, and ran away.

"Well, there's a thief!" Xiao Hei and Yu Lei's soul screamed at the same time, scaring the flower raccoon into the grasshopper that was not far ahead.

"That's the brother-in-law's thing. If you lose it, you will be scolded to death."

Xiao Hei said desperately to chase, Yu Lei yelled, "Wait for me." The speed of this beast soul was originally extremely fast, but if there is no reserve of thunder and lightning in the soul, he would not dare to use all his power to chase it. Immediately behind Xiao Hei.

"Why--" The bald-headed raccoon screamed and ran screaming, Xiao Hei chased breathlessly, and didn't catch it. She was so angry that she yelled, "Damn thing, caught you After that, I let my brother-in-law tear you up and chop you up! "

Just then, they had rushed out of the woods and ran to the avenue.

"Booming--clicking--" Suddenly, the wind thundered from the sky, and a dark cloud floated from a distance, and it was going to rain. When Xiao Hei heard the thunder, he suddenly became very angry: "Oops, if this rain were to fall now, I wouldn't have caught the thief and beaver."

"DaDaDa--" At this time, more than ten rides were coming in the distance, and there were also rushing carriages. The knights saw Xiao Hei who was running on the road. Instead of slowing down, he yelled aggressively. : "Dare you dare to block the road? Just rush to step on and die!"

"Oh!" Xiao Hei retreated in a panic, who knew that he was slipping under his feet, and the whole man immediately rolled towards the gully grassy roadside.

"叽叽 叽 ——" The spotted bald raccoon pinching the golden cone was panicking, and rushed to the opposite horse without a thought.

"Boom boom--click!"

Speaking late, then, quickly, a bucket of sharp flashes fell sharply, and the **** rushed to the foot of the horse headed by him. Li flashed and chased Lei Jinzui's reluctance. It happened to happen that it happened right away. The knight, smashed it into a broken body, leaving no residue.

The unfortunate spotted bald fox was shocked by Yu Jin's shock and fell straight out, leading the Thunder Cone to fly directly into the air.

"What ?!" The other dozen riders were so scared that they were scared. This unpredictable fierce power was what scared them most.

A golden light flew to Xiao He who fell in the mud, "Pop!" It was the falling gold cone that had been nailed to the soil on the side of her cheek.

"Uh ... wow ... it's finally found out." Xiao Hei cried and choked Jin Cui at the moment and said, "I don't need to be scolded by my brother-in-law this time ..."

"The boss was killed by Lei Yue, and it must have something to do with this little beast, brethren, quickly grab the things and divide the cubs!"

In the eyes of one of the demon man of Zema, the light of greed appeared in his eyes, and he suddenly pulled out the bone blade and rushed to Xiaohei. The other dozen people also yelled and rushed over.

"Oh, don't you come over." Xiao Hei was so frightened that at this moment, the soul of Yu Leiyu hurriedly said, "Don't panic, Xiao Hei, please raise the golden cone above your head."

"Uh ?!" While she was doing it subconsciously, a flash of lightning slammed the rumble of thunder again and fell off. The guy who rushed over knew the sound was bad, and immediately fell off his horse as he fit, "Slap!" His The mount was completely smashed by lightning, and countless blood mists spattered everywhere.

Speaking late, at that time, the soul of the two-tailed thunderbolt rushed to the sky, absorbing the remaining two falling thunders that were led down by the golden cone, and then roared, turning into a huge beast of Zhang Yugao Shadow, rushed towards those horsemen: "Oh-"

"Hey, hey--" He suddenly cleaved his head with his sharp claws. These guys only had a crimson and semi-black realm. Where he could handle such a fierce beast, he was frightened and fled.

"A bunch of useless waste, in the end, the old man still needs to take the shot himself."

"Wow!" The carriage curtain not far away was suddenly lifted, and a chubby demon with white fur and white beard came out of the car, and there was a young man in the corner of the carriage who was tied firmly. .

"Hey, big nephew, wait a minute, I'll send those troubles to you." As soon as this sentence came out, there were several ghostly shadows on the side of the chubby elder old man, "嗷嗷" screamed and rushed towards Assault his own Yu Leiyu.

"Woohoo — 噌 噌 噌 ——" The soul shadow surrounding Yu Leiyu quickly gathered the circle, so angry that the spirit of this beast and the beast led the thunder and lightning to attack the other side, but the other side was very agile, although there were several positives After the hit, the companions resumed as soon as they were transporting reiki to each other.

"Ah, that's bad!" Between the breaths, Yu Lei yelled secretly: "The power of Tian Lei, which was just absorbed, is now consumed again ..."

"Hey, as expected by my husband, although your beast soul can absorb thunder and lightning, you have no way to use it without restriction. Now, it's time for me and my babies to shoot!" It was late, then, the old man waved with a stunned hand. "Flying skull, come on!"


Among the flashes of light and fire, those souls suddenly appeared in the true body. It turned out to be the skull of various monsters, some were giant ape's heads, some were bears' skulls, and the other types included tigers, leopards, wolves, jackals, Alas, a total of seven, at this time urged by the host, immediately launched a fierce attack on Yu Leiyu.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" This is a piece of cake to deal with these black spirits when the power of Yu Lei's soul is usually sufficient, but now the power is exhausted, and the opponent is repeatedly hit and slammed.

"Hell, you bad guys, don't bully Xiaoyao, you have the ability to come to me!" Seeing the other party's critical situation, Xiao Hei was so angry that he picked up a stone and threw it towards the flying skulls: "Go to death."

How a small stone can shake the fierce ghost, but no one expected that the flying skulls swept towards Xiao Hei. It turned out that the body of this girl is a rare "body that attracts spirits". For The ghosts and souls are very attractive, they want to completely shred and devour her.

"Uh ah ah-I'm just joking, don't come to me!"

Xiao He turned his head in fright and ran, but in the next moment, a figure came suddenly and not far away, and he saw the other person shaking his fur, "Oh!" The fur pattern suddenly turned into a pair of weird pupils. Output several channels to break the evil pupil force, curled up to hold the most forward flying skull soul shadow.

"Somewhat--what's the matter!" The **** wrapped by the broken pupil power suddenly became the stone of the soul, but this guy, as a black ghost, was unwilling to be trapped, and desperately struggled to get out of it, only Unfortunately, the swallowing Ghost Meow did not give it that chance, and immediately opened its mouth to swallow the soul stone.

"Grumbling." Soulstone enters the abdomen, and Ghost Meow turns into a giant tiger in a blink of an eye. According to the remaining six flying skulls around, there is a roar: "Woohoo!"


"Hoo-oh!" The flying skulls had not experienced such a terrifying intimidation, and immediately flew back to the master, shaking their spirits.

"Swallow, why are you here?" Xiao Hei rushed forward and hugged Ghost Tiger's body and said, "No matter what, thanks to you for saving us."

Yu Leiyu whispered beside him, "Whoo, what I said is really dangerous."

It turned out that after Xiaohe cheated the gold cone and gloves from Ruo Tao, he happened to be seen by the swallowing ghost who was snoring under the eaves. The cat was not assured of Xiaohe, followed quietly, and caught up with Xiefengbao after The only hare that was scrambling, so delayed for a while, lost Xiao Hei, and only then found here.

"Abominable, where is this monster and monster? It can turn into a cat ..."

The chubby monster old man glanced at the trembling flying skull around him, angrily snarled, "All waste is nothing!"

"Hahaha, you fat old man is afraid that it is not much better than them!" At the next moment, the sudden shout sounded loudly, and it was Guan Heng and Tang Jin who rushed forward.

"Uh ?! Who are you?"

"Brother-in-law, come soon--" the chubby elder old man and Xiao Hei's shouts sounded at the same time, Guan Hengxi sneered: "Want to know who I am? Then you have the ability to take this arrow and say."

"Pop--wow!" Speaking late, fast then, Guan Hengzhang's snowy bow struck for a moment, and an air force broke through the sky quickly, soaring fiercely to the stupid old man dozens of feet away.

"It's bad!" At the moment of danger, the dwarf old man looked at the torch, knowing that he couldn't catch the sharp arrow with his bare hands, he suddenly shouted with a throat: "Flying Skull is coming to escort."

"Hum--whoohoo--" Several monsters were flying in circles suddenly and suddenly, and arrows flew in the collision, but Guan Heng gently spit out the word: "Break!"

"Oh!" Between the flashes of lightning, the arrows spun quickly, and several flying skull souls were smashed completely.

"Eh!" The arrow didn't wait for the chubby old man to respond. The arrow hit his neck immediately, but because he was slightly deflected by the flying skull before, the arrowhead Fengya just scratched a red blood groove on the side of his neck.

"Ehhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe since the old man was injured, he screamed and reached out to cover the wound, blood gushed from his fingers.

"Boom--click!" Just the next moment, lightning thunder appeared in the sky again, rumbling, and then, the heavy raindrops were like broken pearls, and they couldn't stop falling to the ground. This heavy rain was finally here. It broke out.

"If you don't hurry, you must be left here."

Speaking late, fast then, the chubby old man turned around and ran away, and ran out in a blink of an eye, Guan Heng intentionally gave him another arrow, but at this moment, Xiao Hei held the ghost and swallowed him towards him He rushed forward and shouted, "Brother, I'm scared to death."

"Gongzi, you have found Master Xiangfei!" Tang Jin, who was next to the carriage, also exclaimed, "But it seems like he is unconscious. What should I do now?"

"It's raining too much, Xiao Hei, hurry up on the carriage, let's talk back to Xiefeng Fort." At this moment, Guan Heng grabbed the soul of Yu Leiyu, who was floating beside Xiao Hei, and said, "Huh, I just realized that Xiao Hei ran out of pranks, I must have heard your uncle's idea. "

"No, it's none of my business ..." Yu Leiying was about to quibble, and Guan Heng yelled, "Cat, confine this guy to the soul stone, and go back to me to find it."

His words came to an end, and the swallowing ghosts immediately shook the fur to release the evil pupil power, and turned Yu Leiyu into a soul stone.

Guan Heng picked up the stone and said, "If you dare to struggle without authorization, don't want to absorb the power of thunder and lightning in the future!"

Upon hearing this, Yu Leiyu really wanted to cry without tears, but Guan Heng didn't pay attention to it at this time, just waved the vibrating reins and crackled, and drove the carriage towards the oblique wind Fort.

When they rushed back to the tent in the ancient city of Tenglin, the rain was getting heavier and the ground had become muddy. Guan Heng walked into the tent, changed his wet clothes with Xiao Hei, and sat by the campfire. Keep warm.

At this moment, he listened to Xiao He's previous story, and he was really angry and funny: "Dead girl, you're fine with this Yu Lei, go out and make a fool, this is called" Zhao Lei He ", deserve it, even if you are not dead You are dead. "

"Well, people also thought it was fun, so they promised Xiaoyu, who knew it would be so dangerous."

Xiao He flattened his mouth and stopped talking. The next moment, Tang Jin opened the tent curtain and walked in. He said, "My son, we have good luck. There are seven or eight boxes and big bags in the carriage, all of which were purchased by Jiuling Monster this time. This is also found inside ... "

Then, Tang Jin put a copper box next to the bonfire. After opening it, he showed it to Guan Heng, and Guan Heng laughed at first sight: "Bamboo bones of the water bird? Great! Now. "

"However, the chief patriarch Xiang Fei hasn't awoken yet." Tang Jin scratched his head and said, "If he has any shortcomings, we don't know what happened."

"Well, to be honest, I'd also like to know why the chunky old man took him away." Guan Heng stood up at this time: "Xianfei is next door, right? Let's go and see."

With Xiaohei, he followed Tang Jin to the tent next door. At this time, a middle-aged man was there to take care of the unconscious Xiang Fei. When Tang Jin lifted the curtain and asked, "Zhuo Sheng, is the chief prince awake?"

This Zhuo Sheng is a medical doctor who follows the caravan. On the journey, everyone will inevitably have a headache, brain heat or accidental injury, so it is best to have a medical doctor to accompany him.

After seeing him and Guan Heng come in, Zhuo Sheng greeted him, and then whispered, "I haven't awoke yet, it's strange to say, the pulse of the relative patriarch is smooth and there are no signs of trauma, but why I can't wake up. Come on? "

"I studied medicine in Gaofu and their patriarch Gaofu in the cabinet hill for a few days. Let me see." After hearing Heng Heng's words, Zhuo Sheng was surprised with a few surprises: "The Witch's crown of medicine In the world, I do n’t know how many times better than me, then there is a son of labor. ”

After a while, Guan Heng, who checked Xiang Fei, said slowly, "He is not injured or sick, nor is he poisoned. According to my inference, it seems that there is something 'something' in his mind, forcing the clan chief to be unable to wake up."

"There's more in my mind?" Zhuo Sheng, Tang Jin, and Xiao Hei asked in unison: "What does this mean?"

"It means ..." Guan Heng felt his chin and thought about how to describe it, and then explained: "Someone deliberately allowed something to directly affect Xiang Fei's brain, preventing him from waking up, that kind of thing should be……"

"Squeak." At this moment, the copper cymbals around Guan Heng trembled slightly, and the infant white ghost flew out in a low whistle. He pointed at the other side and said, "Yes, it should be some kind of small ghost soul. , Being driven into Xiang Fei's head! "

"Ah ?!" Upon hearing this, Tang Jin was frightened at this moment. He said, "So, how can we wake up the patriarch of the relatives?"

"There are many ways." Guan Heng smiled slightly. "The easiest of them is to just open his heavenly cover and pinch that thing out. Unfortunately, I don't have that ability ..."

As soon as this sentence came out, Tang Jin, Zhuo Sheng and Xiao Hei almost fell down. They said in unison: "This joke is really out of place."

"Hey, I just want to ease the tension." Guan Heng continued with both hands and said, "Don't be nervous, there is another way, that is, to create a strong vibration around his brain, hoping to stimulate that ' Tiny ghosts' run out on their own. "

"Brother-in-law, this method sounds a bit dangerous." Xiao Hei said beside him, "What if I stab this person to death if I get over stimulated?"

"Uh, this ..." After listening to Xiao Hei's question, Guan Heng shrugged and said, "It's just that his life is bad."

"My son, don't take any chances." After hearing the words lightly and arbitrarily, Zhuo Sheng spoke beside him: "This, this is the chief of the Jiuling demon tribe, he must have three strengths and two weaknesses, and die in our caravan In the tent, everyone's mouth is covered and they can't say clearly. "

"Hey, Lao Zhuo, you can rest assured." Tang Jin opened his mouth wide and patted the other side's shoulder again and again: "My son's ability is so great that I have confidence in him."

Compared with Tang Jin, Zhuo Sheng was obviously more cautious as a doctor, but he saw that the rest of the people, including Xiao Hei, were unhurried, very determined, and also infected a little, so he nodded: "Okay, I'll go crazy with you once this time, son, what do you do?"

"It's very simple. There is only one of you in the caravan. I want you to be ready by your side. If something unexpected happens and you need to implement first aid, you will use your brother." Upon hearing this, Zhuo Sheng nodded. "Well, no problem."

"Xiaohei, you and Tang Jin are watching beside you. Be careful not to let others enter the tent to disturb us."

Xiao Hei nodded and said, "Yes, brother-in-law."

"My son, you can rest assured." Tang Jin said with a grin at this time.

Guan Heng glanced at Xiang Fei, who was still in a coma, and suddenly took out the soul stone that imprisoned Yu Lei from his arms, and closed his fingers with his fingers.

"Pop!" The soul stone was broken and the soul manifested, Yu Leiyu said abnormally, "Oh, but it can come out, I ..."

"Well." Before the guy went on, Guan Heng had held him in his hands again. He said, "Hey, there is something I need to help you now."

When Yu Leiyu heard that the other party was asking for herself, she immediately stiffened, "What? You just imprisoned me for a long time, and now you want me to help you? No way!"

"Less nonsense. If you agree, you can absorb the power of thunder and lightning twice a day. If you don't agree, you will be limited to only once every three days."

"Eh ?!" Yu Leiyu shouted without hesitation after hearing this, "That's it."

"Hehehe, the world is all in favor of Lilai, the world is all in favor, even the beast is no exception."

Guan Heng laughed secretly in his heart, and then said, "Xiao Xun, there should be a faint lightning store in your soul, right? Just follow the ears of this unconscious person and transport it in ..."

"What? Are you crazy ?!" After listening to his words, Yu Lei was startled. "It's so strange that you don't burn the brain of this guy, do you want him to die?" ? "

"Nonsense." Guan Heng rolled his eyes angrily, he explained: "Are you confused? Didn't you hear me saying that I want to deliver a little lightning power? There is a tiny ghost in the mind of this sororious prince, I I want your energy to scare out ghosts. "

"Why ... why is it me?" Yu Leiyu was not a fool. He murmured in his mouth: "You can also infuse human ears from the earholes, but you can't do it yourself?"

"Crap, I'll do it myself. It would be terrible if there is a human life." Guan Heng secretly said: "It will be different with the power of thunder and lightning. When there is an accident, it can be pushed on you."

He thought so, but his face was still, and he said with a little crunch: "Xiao, this is just a trivial matter of sesame and mung beans, can't you do it well, you really don't understand, how Princess Hao used to be The one who disciplined you has raised a little waste. "

"What are you talking about? Look down on me!" One way is "Please be as good as a general", Yu Leiyu was stunned by the words and suddenly said: "Okay, then I will try it. The patriarch's head is electrofocused, don't regret it! "

"唰 ——" It was late, and at that time, the shadow of the beast drew to Xiang Fei's ears. Then, everyone in the field heard the crackling sound of crackling, and a rushing tiny electric snake had penetrated. To each other's ears.

"Ehhhhhhhhhh-hhh-h-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the next moment, Xiang Fei issued a terrible horror, and his body trembled violently. Guan Heng next to the scene immediately shouted:" Zhuo Sheng, Tang Jin, hurry up and hug him Limbs, don't let this guy move around. "

"Okay." The two agreed, and took a few steps to reach out and hold Xiang Fei's hands and feet, but the scream of this guy still didn't stop, said Yu Leiguan above Guan Heng, "Look, What am I talking about? It's too dangerous to do so, it can be life-threatening. "

"You're a shame. It's impossible to give up halfway through now. Besides, his reaction is so strong, it must be that the tiny ghost in his brain has been shaken because of electric power, and he should work harder."

Guan Heng held Xiang Fei's head at this moment, a flash of resolute fierceness flashed on his face: "Xiao, release another electric force to go in, this time increase the strength slightly."

"You, you are too crazy ..." After listening to his words, Yu Leiyu had no choice but to pour another electric snake into Xiang Fei's ears. This time it was completely the opposite of the first time, the other party ’s time stopped. Everything struggled and fell into death-like peace.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei, who was watching, said subconsciously, "Well, will this person be dead?"

Yu Leiyu's tone was a little panicked: "Uh? That means ... I killed someone?"

"The patriarch is really dead?" At this moment, Tang Jin and Zhuo Sheng were also a little nervous. The hands holding each other's limbs began to tremble. Guan Heng touched each other's heart with his hand and immediately shouted: "The heart is still beating, little girl, don't make nonsense."

"Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" "his voice fell, a dark soul suddenly flew out from the other side of Xiang Fei, and there was a crackling sound in the back. Jin forced it out of nowhere.

"Want to run? Where to go!" It was late, then fast, Guan Heng suddenly stretched an arm, his fingers closed, "Pop!" He immediately caught the other side.

"叽叽 叽 ——" This panic-screaming ghost body turned out to look like a lop-eared demon rabbit, Guan Heng coldly said, "You guy almost invaded the human brain and almost killed him. You can't stay ... "

After all, he was going to make the soul into a powder, but the next moment, a faint voice suddenly said, "This big brother, do it slowly."

"Mr. Shao, are you awake ?!" Tang Jin and the other were old friends and immediately stepped forward and asked, "Will it matter? Is there any other injuries?"

"Tang, brother Tang, I was really saved this time thanks to you." Xiangfei was pale at this time, speaking weakly, and Guan Heng winked at Zhuo Sheng beside him. clothes."

—— [Second more in 2017.7.1, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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