Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3465: Scare Baron

"The King of Flying Skulls ?!" After hearing these three words, Xiang Liu face panicked, only to feel that his whole body was frozen in an instant. He shouted: "The King of Flying Skulls is the first secret treasure of his family. How can you fall into the hands of your evil demon of unknown origin?

"Well, since you reject my offer, there is no need for this dregs to survive, do it." Barron's voice fell off, and the evil spirit's clone suddenly threw out his guardian body, just as he fell forward. The wall, if it hits hard, will inevitably smash the brain and die.

"Monster Rabbit, catch him." Xiang Fei's roar sounded loudly when he was about to make a stern moment, and at that time, at that moment, the rabbit's flying skull turned into a disease, and it immediately caught his guard's body, pulling him aside. .

"Someone is in trouble ?! Grab Xiangliu before you say it." When Baron saw Xiang Fei and Guan Heng killing the door, he knew that the other party was a tough enemy at the door, and this guy was good at calculating. Immediately drove the two evil spirits to slam towards Xiang Liu not far ahead.

"Infant white ghost, hunter, stop them."

Guan Heng also expected that the other party would do this, so he asked his assistant to stop the enemy in the past, and he pulled out his two swords, suddenly showing the power of the fiery rising fire, and stopped in front of Baron expressionlessly. : "Hmm, the leader of the Dao Alliance, finally see your true colors."

The moment he saw Guan Heng, Baron's pupils suddenly contracted, and he yelled angrily: "Are you ... the bad boy who broke this good thing in Yishui Demon Clan ?!"

"More than that, Lao Tzu is your ultimate **** for shit." Heng Heng's tone was full of provocation: "Do you know the evil king Wan Wan? It was I who destroyed it myself. Otherwise, you people How can the debris of the world absorb this garbage and evil gas? "

"You, you are the most hated enemy of Lord Xie, Guan Heng ?!"

Barron was terrified at this moment, and the next moment, the pair of evil princes of the infant white ghost and the hunting falcon had already won the victory.

"唰 唰 唰 ——" The sound of the wind rose sharply, and it was late, and at that time, the white light blasted his fist and banged, "Bang Bang!" The evil shadow in front of it was suddenly wrapped in a fist of five elements. Shocked.

Immediately after, the hunting pheasant next to it flickered out dozens of gold threads. When the golden light flashed, it was woven into a small net with a width of more than one foot, and it immediately covered another evil cricket avatar. Turn the other side into a powder.

"Abominable, this thing around Guanheng really can restrain my evil spirit."

Balong was even more surprised and angry when he saw this. Guan Heng sneered a step forward at this time: "Don't think that I don't know. Now you are just a wicked body of a cohesive entity, although you can't kill Baron himself. , But I don't mind letting you suffer first. "

"Is this guy already found ?!" Baron's avatar didn't expect Guan Heng to glance at his own details. At this moment, without waiting for his judgment, Guan Heng rushed forward and shouted at the same time. : "Siege !!"

"Woohoo—" In the fierce roar, the real soul of the hunter turned into a golden thread in a blink of an eye, and "Woo" wrapped around the opponent with a blasting sound, and then the fire of the infant white ghost Bloodblade also split his head and covered his face.

"Abominable, dare to underestimate the leader of my puppet alliance?" Barron Zhou Wei suddenly burst into a large wave of evil and murderous power, and the shadow of the original magic devil above his head condensed into two black giant claws. "Bang!" Immediately blocked the gold thread and blood blade between the slam dances.

"Huh, you are just that."

"Hoo--" Guan Heng's words fell away, and the two swords were already slamming down, "Dang! Dang, Dang, Dang!" In a moment, the giant claws formed by the sword's edge and the shadow of the magical devil collided and splattered. Countless Mars.

Guan Heng secretly murmured: "This guy has the strength of the purple gas peak, huh, it seems that the body should be stronger, but still lose!"

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh. "Oh! Do!" A narrow slit was left on the shoulder immediately.

"Ehhhhh!" Although he was severely wounded and screamed, Baron didn't splatter behind his blood, just a large amount of leaked evil spirits.

In the flash of light, the infant white ghost suddenly lifted his hands, and the huge blood blade suddenly rushed into the sky. "Hey!" The guy's huge skull flew up into the air, but in the next moment, Baron's body turned into The evil spirit merged with the skull in the sky, and immediately turned into a huge and ugly shadow.

"Hahaha—Guan Heng, you have besieged this seat for a long time, and you won't be defeated. For the time being, I will write down this account for the time being, and I will return it with this interest!"

The dark shadow giant face will disappear after saying this, but Guan Heng smiled coldly: "I said, you can't kill the body, but you can stay, sick-"

"Huh-huh!" The wind suddenly emerged the next moment, and a fiery fire force appeared immediately above the room. It turned out that Guan Heng had long laid the golden thread of the hunting prince secretly around the corners, and once Baron was defeated, , His fire is about to converge with the golden net, come to catch a fool.

"You ?! Ahhhhhh!" Looking at the veiled and fierce gold net covering the hood, the shadow of the avatar screamed: "Hateful stinky boy, this hate, I will definitely add Returned a hundred times. "

"I don't have that chance." As soon as this sentence came out, the shining gold net of the hunting prince suddenly closed and smashed, smashing the corpse smashed.


At the same time, far away from the end of Daximo, the "Evil King's Blood Castle" underground palace.

"Oh!" A soul-splitting lamp extinguished, and the dragon sitting across the knees spit out the **** fog immediately: "Oh-"

"Slam." Baron, with pale hands, resentfully reprimanded: "Abominable guanheng, if my avatar only has a ten-point power of the body, how can you let you arrogant ..."

"No, Guan Heng's strength is really terrible." Barron turned to think at this time: "The reason why I chose to siege my avatar with ghosts and beast souls is probably not wanting me to see my true strength. Good A sly kid. "

"Uh, with my current strength, I don't have enough confidence to deal with Guan Heng. After all, this guy has defeated the Lord Wan Ye evil king. Although the evil king did not get a perfect body at the time, he cannot be underestimated."

Baron now looked at his palms and murmured to himself: "I must absorb more evil spirits scattered around the world, so that I can build the best body for the evil king earlier."


Suddenly kneeling on his knees, Baron worshipped at the strange bronze statue of the devil in front of him, with respectful words and a bit of indescribable weirdness: "My lord of evil, Baron ... soon Can come to you, please, please bear with me for a while, hehehe ... hehehe ... "

When Baron's avatar collapsed and disappeared, Guan Heng thought that the battle in Xiangliu's room had ended, and suddenly changed suddenly!

"Bang, bang!" The sound of cracks in the walls rang loudly among the electric lights and flints. Numerous fragments burst into the air, and a flash of light flashed in Xiang Liu's eyes. Guan Heng shouted, "Be careful."

His words came to an end, and the puppet killers Lei Ye, Sun Chi, and Niu Jing rushed in with bloodstains. It turned out that these three guys were besieged by Qing Huang and Ruo Tao, and eventually they sacrifice their companions as shields, and Cangjie fled. Got here.

Seeing that the target task Xiangliu was just approaching, Lie shouted, "Old thing, you are mine!"

This wicked and desperate fellow is in a state of stature, and for a long time, his claws of evil spirits are sharply dropped towards Xiangliu Tianling's forehead: "Hoo--"

"Father!" Xiang Fei was so anxious that he immediately drove his demon rabbit flying skull to rescue him. At the same time, the baby white ghost and hunting urchin also rushed up, but after all, they were far away, time Some can't keep up.

"Well, look down on the old man, there must be a limit!" Ayagi shook his arms: "Come out, pretty bear!"

"Woo ---" He said slowly, and then, around nine moments later, nine roaring soul shadows appeared around him, "Bang Bang Bang!" The next moment he had hit him hard.

"Ka-cha! Bang-" Lei's brain was crushed with force, and the red and white objects spilled all over the floor.

"Good guy, it is indeed 'nine skulls and willows', and the first strongest in Jiuling Demon Clan is well-deserved." At the same time as Guan Heng was secretly praised, the infant white ghost and hunter, Xiang Fei had captured Sun Chi and Niu Jing, Qing Phoenix and Ruotao also rushed into the room the next moment.

"Uh ah ah--"

"Oh oh ---" But after a few breaths, because Sun Chi and Niu Jing burst into disappointment because he couldn't hold back his body's evil mutations, and the whole body burst into a haze, Guan Heng sneered: "It seems you are dead And, let's do good deeds, let's kill the rest of life. "

Having said that, he waved his hand, and the big wicked ghosts immediately fired several rounds of fire to incinerate each other on the spot.

Xiang Fei introduced Guan Heng and others to his father at this time. Xiang Liu had heard his son talk about Guan Heng and others before, and now the two sides meet, it is inevitable that they will greet him. Xiang Liu ’s life-saving grace for Guan Heng, Thanks again and again.


After a while, in another room.

The Jiuling demon people put on a banquet and warmly treated the Guan Heng people. During the meal, Guan Heng and Xiang Liu also talked about the Puppet Alliance and the nine great beasts. Before that, A Liu will have no idea about the Puppet Alliance. Why did you come to capture the "Flying Skull King"?

"So, this Barong and Puppet Alliance are very dangerous. They can absorb the evil energy for their own use, terrible ..."

Hearing his father say that, Xiang Fei nodded deeply in the side: "Master Father said that the child met the killer of the Puhua Union several times on the road. These guys are arrogant and not afraid of death. The most important thing is that it can be very difficult to soar the strength by devouring the evil demon beads. "

After a moment's pause, he continued to say, "If it wasn't for the brother Guan who was rescued, my life would have been over."

"Well, you child, now knowing that you are weak and you can only be slaughtered?"

Xiang Liu looked at his son and shook his head and said, "So, I have repeatedly advised you to go to the mystery to undergo trials and try to get together the nine flying skulls as a help. "

Upon hearing this, Xiangfei immediately blushed and thickened her neck: "Yes, I was wrong."

"Mystery? What mystery?" Xiao Hei was feeding and eating at this time, and when he heard the word, he was immediately intrigued and couldn't help asking: "Uncle Xiangliu, is that place fun?"

"Xiao Hei, don't inquire about the secrets inside your own family, it's rude." Guan Heng said, grabbed a fruit and threw it to her: "Eat your food."

"I just asked casually, didn't you say that to my brother-in-law? It's childish, so it's easiest to listen to the news." As soon as Xiao Hei said this, the people around him laughed and laughed: "Hahaha- "

"Well, you little girl, what a shame!"

Guan Hengfu sighed bitterly and hated the uncle's unscrupulous words, but Xiangliu said, "Since Xiao Hei asked, it ’s just right, Brother Guan. I also want to ask you something, which is also related to the secret realm of Jiuling Mountain. So I'm planning to say it. "

"Oh? Please ask me something?" Guan Heng immediately said with a big grin: "The patriarch, but it doesn't matter, as long as it is within my ability, I can agree to it."

"That's right, our Jiuling Demon Clan is good at Yushi Feikuan. You must know this."

Xiang Liu smiled: "Brother Guan has seven ghosts in the realm of purple gas, and you can see that the crown of imperial ghosts is the best in the world. I just want to bring your dog to the secret place for trial because of this ability. . "

Then, Xiang Liu said specific things again.

It turns out that although the Jiuling Demon Clan will make flying skulls, most of them are faint ghosts that can only help a little. They can really play an extraordinary strength in battle. They usually only live in the secret area of ​​Jiuling Mountain. .

If you want to get the recognition of the flying skull ghosts above the level of black gas, and let them follow, you must go into the mystery by yourself and undergo a day and night trial.

The three elders of the Jiuling Demon Clan, Pu Gang, You Ting, and Ji Long all went through trials in the secret realm to obtain the powerful flying skull ghosts such as monitor lizards, mammoths, and poisonous butterflies.

As for the patriarch Liu Yan, let alone, he once stayed in the secret place for five days and five nights, and obtained nine black gas peaks and powerful brutal flying skulls, becoming the deserved Jiuling demon family. One strong.

In the past, Xiangliu ordered his son to go to a secret place three or five times, but Xiang Fei was timid and timid and didn't dare to try easily. He is a kind and funny man, but he did not force Xiang Fei too much.

"But this time is not the same. The old man is getting older and physically weaker than before. The burden of this tribe's head will sooner or later be asked by young people."

Speaking of this, Xiangliu paused and continued to say, "Feier, I did n’t force you to go to a secret place because of my father, but I knew you weren't ready, but now that your strength has increased rapidly, it is time to make It's a decision. "

Upon hearing this, Xiang Fei exclaimed without hesitation: "Father, don't say it. In order to share your hard work, I decided to go to the secret place to undergo the trial."

"Matriarch, for a long time, your son was put on trial, why did you let me follow?" Guan Heng smiled at this moment and asked, "Will it not be for me to be his bodyguard?"

"Hehehe, if the younger brother thinks so, I won't deny it." Xiang Liu twisted his smile and said with a look of expression: "But there is another important thing that I need you to do in a secret place. "

—— [Second more in 2017.7.5, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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