Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3482: Ancient turtles and apes

After a while, everyone found the wood spirit of the ancient locust tree. When they saw Guan Heng, who was carrying the sentence sword, he immediately ran out to salute, and shouted, "I've seen the Lord God of the Wood God."

"Okay, don't be too polite." Guan Heng waved his hand at this time, and then asked, "Hey, what about the web-clawed ancient turtle we are looking for?"

"Yes, when Sister Gusang just came over, the younger had started to pay attention to that guy." Gu Huai Mu Ling pointed to a mountain road in the northwest direction and said, "The other party just passed me and went over there."

"Excellent, this is what I want to know." Guan Heng swung his fingers and poured a wooden aura into the other side: "Come on, this is a reward for you."

"Ah ?! Reward?" Gu Huaimu was overjoyed and thanked immediately. At this time, Guan Heng had already run away.


It took only half a moment for everyone to find the footprint of the ancient turtle. After seeing Guan Heng, he couldn't help but startled: "This footprint is bigger than my two hands ..."

He turned his head and asked, "Song Ya, how big is the web-clawed tortoise?"

"Uh, listen to the uncles in the village saying that it weighs thousands of pounds at least and grows very tall." His words fell away, and Guan Heng twitched, and said with a grin, "Is this thing an ancient turtle?" It's almost the elephant! "

"Aheng, listen." Qing Huang listened at this time, then waved to Guan Heng: "It seems to be not far ahead, just a sound ..."

"Uh-huh!" As soon as her voice fell, the voice rang again, and Guan Heng said immediately, "I'll check it out."

Qing Huang and Ruo Tao shouted in unison: "Let's go too."

"噌 噌 噌 —— 唰 唰 唰 ——" The three figures stood up like electricity and spread their legs like flying, and flew to the place where the sound appeared in the blink of an eye.

"嗷 ——" The next moment, the fury beast roared loudly, and a rushing black shadow bursting into purple gas instantly approached, slamming into the body of an ancient turtle several feet away, "bang!" The heavy body suddenly flew out, showing how terrifying the power of the shadow.

"Dangerous!" Guan Heng saw the ancient tortoise coming in the direction of the three of them, and immediately roared, "Seven ghosts, come out to resist!"

"Woohoo--" Among the flashes of light and fire, Guan Heng, the big witch, and the baby white ghost took the lead in frontal shots, banging their bodies, and the four whelps and the giant bee immediately carried out the second attack and immediately counted each other. Jack's body trembled high, and then plunged into the distance.

"Oh, oh ..." The giant tortoise hit the ground, and at this moment the ground cracked and sagged. It shook its body and couldn't turn it over.

"Oh, you guys, look at this." The Gu Sang woman pointed forward, and everyone looked at it. It turned out that the one who hit the huge giant tortoise turned out to be a strong ape nearly ten times smaller than the other's body.

This guy is tall and tall, his arms are strangely long, his nose is flattering, his ears, his face and his body are full of scary scars, and his body is covered with green fluff.

Seeing so many unfamiliar appearances, the Green Velvet Ape suddenly turned over and rushed, "噌 噌 噌 ——" fell out of the blink of an eye in a blink of an eye.

There was a decayed ancient tree hole. The guy stretched out his sharp claws, and caught a plant with a few lilac leaves, and turned and ran.

"That is the purple tabby cattail!" Gusang yelled, "The giant bee is holding me to chase it." Then, she narrowed her body instantly, jumped on the giant bee's back and flew over.

"Hey, wait for me." Guan Heng immediately turned her head and said to Qing Huang: "I will go back with the Gusang girl, and you won't run away anymore."

"Understand, son, you need to be more careful." As soon as Ruo Tao's words were finished, Guan Heng had been chasing after the ancient mulberry girl and the giant bee.

Just then, Song Ya screamed nearby: "Uh ?!"

The two women knew that Xiao Hei was with him, for fear of the other party's accident, and turned and ran across, passing through a low bush, and saw Song Ya protecting Xiao Hei behind him, in front of a group of howling monsters.

"It's the rotten stun monster dog. Strange, how could this kind of thing gather here?" Ruo Tao whispered, "I've only seen their kind in the underground palace near the grave before."

"No matter, save Xiao Hei first and then talk about it." Qing Huang waved and said, "Six uncles, come on!"

"Woo ---" It was late, and fast then, the four badgers gathered in the air into a huge palm of a ghost, and they blew down and slammed the wind, "Bang-Bang ---" more than ten bursts The monster dog was hit fiercely, and the blood suddenly flew out. "Flop, Flop" all fell into the distance.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh, the next moment, three giant monster dogs lingering in purple gas screamed at the end of the woods and rushed to Xiaohei without hesitation.


"Thief, stand still!" Gusang Riding on a giant bee speeding through the air, she shouted continuously to the running green ape in front of her: "That is our purple tabby calamus, come back soon."

Maybe the noise of Gu Sang Nu is really annoying, this guy really stopped in an instant: "Squeak--"

Among the electric light and flint, the green wool ape snatched up a big rock and flew towards the giant bee: "Hoo--"

"Buzz." The bee was not easy to provoke, it trembled with a scream, and the purple gas wrapped the whole body, slamming into the flying stone.

"Oh!" The stone shattered at the next moment, and the Gusang woman was startled, "Hey, you are too reckless, don't forget that I am still on your back."

"Huh, huh, huh!" But she couldn't bear to complain again, the ape flew over a few big rocks again, the bee hurriedly moved in the air to dodge, and the other party's attacks were missed.

"Buzz--" The flapping wings flickered left and right, but the giant bee was not willing to be beaten. Between the light and the flint, it swept forward swiftly, bullying itself to the green wool ape, "Oh!" Tail The needle immediately stabbed the wind at the eyebrow.

"Hoo!" The apes stopped the horizontal arm, and listened to the sound of "噗". Its thick outer skin popped open the needle of the bee's tail, followed by its claws into a fist, and blasted towards it. The front of the bee.

"Dangerous!" Guan Heng, who was rushing not far away, saw that this move was extremely fierce, and immediately took off his bow and arrow.

"嗤 ——" Ling Tianjian rushed into the sky, and the target was the left eye of the ape. This guy suddenly felt the cold wind breaking his face, and knew it was not good.

"Boom!" The rapidly spinning arrowhead Feng Ya struck the cheek of the green velvet ape immediately, and the red blood mist splattered out immediately. "Bang! Click!" tree.

The ape touched its ugly face with its paws, and found that the blood stains could not be poured out from the fingers, and could not help yelling loudly: "Oh!"

"You beast stole my purple tabby calamus, and now you still have a face to call?" Guan Heng snorted, then closed his bow and pulled his sword. "Small" swept across the green velvet ape near him.

"Yeah!" The other side was the three swords in an instant, and the other side was a line of eyebrows, neck throat, and thoracic spine. He yelled, "If you don't return the iris, please cut off your thief's paw first."

"叽叽 叽 ——" The apes who had already been angry and angry because of the injury were holding their stomachs, and in the loud roar, it held the calamus in their mouth, flipped their claws up and down and frantically turned to Guan Heng's body.

"I also want to bear stubborn resistance, I'll do you well!"

"Bang, bang, dang dang dang!" The double swords and the clamoring purple claws clash with each other. Guan Heng's offensive power is constantly circulating, and the offensive is constantly strengthened. He couldn't keep going backwards, he was awkward from the left and right, tired of parry, and gradually lost the power to fight back.

The Gusang woman saw that they played fiercely, but could not tell the difference for a moment, so she couldn't help but urged: "Guan Heng, solve it quickly."

"Well, I've already been so desperate, you still urge."

"Yeah!" It was late, then fast, and Jumang's sword sharply exploded into green awns, slamming the arm of an ape, leaving a long, narrow blood mark on it.

"It's not over yet." Guan Heng's words fell off, Hongyun sword suddenly stabbed, and the sword tip smashed into the other's lower abdomen: "噗-嗤 啦!"

"Ha ha ha, you succeed." Seeing this scene, the Gusang woman laughed joyfully: "I know you can do it."

"噗 ——" The green wool ape severely injured the bleeding arrow, and also spit the stagnant purple tabby calamus into the air.

"Slap." Guan Hengshou's eyes were quick, and he picked with the tip of the sword, and the Ling Cao was immediately put on it, and he slid into his arms.

"Woohoo!" At the same time, the severely injured Green Velvet Ape suddenly burst into a loud roar. It took advantage of Guan Heng's moment to pick up the calamus, and furiously punched regardless of the injury, looking at Guan Heng's body was a mess: " Bang bang bang! "

"Attention ..." In a hurry, Guan Heng hurriedly used all the auras to enter the "nine-turn poly-spirit armor" worn by his body, and he carried the purple beast fiercely.

"Ehhhhhhhh-hhhhhh", a loud howling shouted, and Guan Heng's twin swords flashed coldly, and the wind fluttered. "Ka-cha!" The edge of the blade that flew across the neck of the opponent suddenly made the ape's head out of the body. Fly into the air with a blood mist!

"Flop!" The corpse of the beast fell to the ground, Guan Heng's hands stabbed to the ground, spit out another blood, and dyed all of his upper body's placket red.

"Oh, don't you worry?" Gusang girl flew down on a giant bee at this moment, Guan shook her head: "It's okay, a little hurt, right ..."

Guan Hengtan put his hand into his arms and said, "I just fought, and I didn't notice that the calamus and red ginseng were damaged."

Take out the piece of cloth covered with red ginseng and the calamus, Guan Heng and Gu Sang Nu are both stunned: "Oh, this is it ?!"

It turned out that Guan Heng had spit blood on his clothes, soaked all the cloth pieces, and the blood stains stained red ginseng, but after the blood was absorbed by the ginseng, the aura became richer, and even the fragrance became stronger.

"What's the matter? Is this red ginseng or vampire?" Guan Heng smiled bitterly: "It's weird?"

"唰 唰 唰 ——" But between the electric light flint, the lingshen in his palm set off a vortex again. This force squeezed the purple tiger iris a little, and immediately turned it into lotus root powder, which was absorbed by the red ginseng again. Already.

"Hey, why play this one again?" Guan Heng was so angry and funny, he said, "Master Ben and the ape fought a fierce fight, and they were injured and vomited blood before stealing this calamus back. You're good, It was absorbed without asking, which is too unreasonable, right? "

"Well." Gusang smiled softly beside her, and she said with a whisper: "Are you reasoning with it? Unfortunately, this ginseng can't speak yet."

"Well, this time is a big loss." Guan Heng sighed bitterly: "The red ginseng not only sucked my blood, but also absorbed the calamus. If so, when can I collect enough spirit grass? what?"


At this moment, Qing Huang and Ruo Tao confronted with the group of ghosts and three sudden-fronted demon dogs. The two sides fought for a long time, and never won.

"Abominable, ordinary purple Qi monsters are never so powerful!" Ruo Tao said with a thunderblade in his palm. "These guys are strong and strong, and they have strong anti-shock."

"But even so, we can still hurt the demon dog." Qing Huang whispered, "Did you notice? Their injuries are recovering very quickly. I am not surprised if this guy is controlled by evil spirits, but the other party There was no sign of evil in him, strange things. "

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't hurry to destroy these ugly wild dogs?"

Xiao Hei and Song Ya were sitting on a nearby rock at this time, and there was Xuan Zong Hua Yuan to protect it. She continued to say, "No matter how long you wait, my brother-in-law is back. Or, the two have no ability to solve these little ones. Dog? "

"Well, you can just watch the excitement there, and you can't even talk about the rumors ?!" Ruo Tao was stumped with anger: "Dead Nizi, I will tear your mouth when I split these wild animals ..."

"Be careful, come over again!" Qing Huang raised his alarm at this time, and Ruo Tao's response was extremely fast. She suddenly flew her wrists and threw her chain to break her palm. .

"Woohoo--" The guy knew that breaking the palm was not easy to mess with, and the moment he was caught, he lost a lot of his power, and he was afraid of it. He suddenly rolled over and avoided it.

"Hum, it's no use trying to hide anymore, because ... and this one!"

"Slap!" Ruo Tao's words fell off, and Fei kicked and flew a stone, hitting the door of the demon dog face. This guy gave a low whisper while his body was slightly lagging.

Speaking late, fast then, if Tao coldly hummed, he suddenly swiped the thunder sword and chopped it down: "I don't believe you are generally solid all over your body!"

"唰 唰 唰-嚓嚓 嚓-Dangdang!" Between the flashes of light, the blade has left countless scars on the head, face, waist and limbs of the demon dog. Full blow: "Oh!"

The thunder blade was extremely sharp, and if Tao's powerful purple gas realm corpse and ghost exploded, he only heard a bang, and the monster dog's body was immediately cut into two pieces.

"Hi!" "Bang, bang!" At the same time, Qing Huang used the odd blade of lotus to release the cold, and immediately frozen the feet of the other two monster dogs. The big gangsters and the gangsters shot out and bombarded them. Into the ground.

"Slightly--" The surface of the web continued to produce traces of cobwebs, and to everyone's surprise, after the monster dogs were severely hit, they staggered up again.

At this moment, even Xiao Hei, who was nearby, noticed that something was wrong. She suddenly jumped off the rock and muttered to herself: "This group of guys ... definitely weird!"

—— [Fourth more in 2017.7.8, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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