Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3766: Breakup (third)

"Ha ha ha, since the dead horses merged with the black magnetic black sand, it seems to be a lot of arrogance." Hearing Qing Huang snickering next to him, Ruo Tao said with a grin: "The facts also prove that my dead horses are getting worse, This is our arrogant capital. "

"Woo ---" At this moment, the dead horse snorted his head and wanted to continue hunting down those monster lizards, but in an instant, an extremely violent vibration suddenly occurred around him: "Boom-Boom- "

"What's going on?" The two women's faces all changed slightly, saying that it was too late, and then, a loud noise followed by the mound of mounds in front of them and the corpse horse completely burst out.

"咚咚咚 —— 咚咚咚 ——" A giant lizard, with heavy steps and black scales and a length of two feet, rushed out of the splattered earth mound and rushed towards the dead horse.

"Woohoo ?!" The corpse horse was a little flustered when he saw it, but at the same moment, he ignited his heart of war, and let the black magnetic sand gather over his head to form a horn, and he leaned forward to meet him with a cry.

"Bang!" The sound of a violent blast suddenly started, and the aftershocks of the two suddenly struck the dust around them. Qing Huang, Ruo Tao, and Er Meow stepped back subconsciously.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the dead horse suddenly made a loud roar a few steps forward, trying to suppress the other side with fierce force, but the dragon lizard retreated, and the two sides immediately fell into a tug-of-war between the two sides.

"This guy, when he roared just now, it seems that he really called the" Black Blood Lizard King "to the corpse horse, and it seems that there are really two hits." Qing Huang's words came out, and Ruo Tao swallowed the thunder blade and said, "Otherwise, everyone Let ’s go together and stop delaying time with this beast. ”

"That's right." Qing Huang reached out and pulled out the soldier blade just to go forward, but at this moment, a flash of fierce light flashed in her eyes, and she waved the lotus strange blade to the soil hole broken forward: "Who is Where ?! Come out! "

"Huh-hhhhhh-hhhhh-hhhhhh a chill of cold air swept over that location, and then they heard the wind rushing, a shadow rushing out of the air, falling out of nowhere.

"Smelly girl, can you actually find me?" A ugly and ugly face gradually emerged from the shadows, and Qing Huang and Ruo Tao exclaimed: "Lu ?!"

"Well, it's the old man." Lu Yan made a series of weird laughs at this time, and then cried, "It's hard to let the black blood lizard hold your helpers, I can kill you now."

"The old guy can't help it, you can't kill anyone!" After listening to the arrogant words of the other party, if Tao was the first, he couldn't hold his anger, shook his hands and threw out his chain and broke his palm. The moment the thing rang, take the old thief's door straight.

"Pop!" But this unusually sharp attack passed directly through the opponent's body.

"Weird thing, what does this mean?" If Tao questioned, Qing Huang immediately cried: "This guy may not be an entity, it is a shadow avatar!"

"Meow—" As if she wanted to confirm her words, Xiaobai rushed forward and rushed forward, slamming at the shadow, "Oh!" Its attack passed through directly. .

"桀桀 桀-It looks like it was exposed." Lu Ying's shadow screamed with a sharp smile, and then roared: "The black blood lizard, immediately explode his body, otherwise I will crush this thing !!"

The thing in his hand was a withering black thing, like the heart of some kind of monster, which belongs to the black blood lizard king.

"Eh ?!" The fierce beast king was shocked when he saw the dry heart in Lu Ye's hand, but he heard a hesitation from his self-destructive order.

"Good opportunity!" Qing Huang knew that the situation was extremely critical at this time, and immediately shook the lotus odd blade in his hand to generate a lot of cold. "Hoo--" This cold wind completely frozen the body of the Black Blood Lizard.

At the same time, Ruotao, who saw the speed of the machine, shouted, "Zombie horse, push this guy out!"

"Humhhhhhh!" The corpse horse who heard this said suddenly rushed forward as hard as he could, "Bang, hawk!" The sharp angle formed by the black magnetic sand suddenly hit the black-blooded lizard king frozen into ice. On the body, let this guy fly straight out.


When Lu Ying's shadow avatar saw her flying in the opposite direction, she was so frightened that she didn't dodge. "Oh!" When the two collided, the withered animal heart flew into the air immediately. Shaking, leaping forward swiftly and slashing forward with a sword, "唰 唰 唰 嚓嚓 嚓!" The object was immediately twisted into 齑 powder.

"Everyone retreat—" The next moment she landed, she immediately raised her arms and screamed, and the corpse horse, Ruo Tao, and Er Meow immediately pulled back like electricity.

"嘭 嘭 嘭 ——Boom!" At this moment, the loud sounds continued one after another, and the frozen Black Blood Lizard still showed his self-detonation, but the most unlucky thing was the shadow shadow clone closest to the beast. The scream of the guy immediately vanished and disappeared.

"It looks like the aftershocks caused by the lizard's self-detonation are not small. Maybe it will soon collapse."

After listening to Ruo Tao's words, Qing Huang said: "Since this guy is not a real entity, then we don't need to go forward anymore, quickly return to the metal gate, right, let the Mogui avatar inform Aheng and let them go. . "

When the words came to an end, they ran back with the corpse horses and swallowing ghost cats.

However, at this moment, Xiaobai, who was behind everyone, suddenly felt that there was a difference in the back. It was an inexplicable fear and coolness, which made it impossible for the spirit to fight a chill, but hesitated a little, Xiaobai continued to stand up and continue. Go after the second daughter.


Time backwards a while back, after Xiao Hei and Qi Gui entered the metal door on the right.

As she walked, she laughed: "Ha ha ha, I have you all around me this time, even if there are thousands of troops, I am not afraid, big miser, am I right?"

After listening to the little girl's words, the big miser who followed him nodded and agreed, in fact everyone knows that they came to be the nanny, and walked around with Xiao Hei here.

If an enemy appears and it is easy to solve, kill it immediately with a wave of hands. If you ca n’t fight, pick up Xiao Hei and run, anyway, as Guan Heng and Qing Huang commanded, just do it.

"Squeak ---" It was late, fast, then, not far away, a white light shadow hissed and turned back, and it was the infant white ghost who came back to explore the road ahead.

"Baby ghost, here and here." Xiao He beckoned at the other person, and then asked, "How about, is there anything interesting in front of me?"

After hearing her inquiries, the infant white ghost shook his head and said that he didn't find it. Xiao Hei was stumped with anger: "It's really useless, you, let's go, if I don't even have a living thing here, then we Just go back and meet with her brother-in-law, Qing Huang, and Tao Tao. "

When her words fell, the ghosts murmured as if they were relieved: "Woohoo--"

These guys all know that the little black sister is not good at serving, and she can hurry back to make a business trip, which is much better.

"Eh ?! There is a fork road ..." After a few breaths, Xiao Hei and Qi Gui came to a fork road. There were three roads in front of them, two big and one small. She scratched her head and mumbled a little, "How should we choose? Otherwise ... Everyone is divided into three teams, how about each one?"


"Squeak." After listening to Xiao Hei's words, the big miser and the infant white ghost immediately shook their heads and resolutely opposed.

Because before everyone broke up with Guan Heng, he had solemnly told him that Xiao Hei ’s request to let the ghosts leave his side could not be obeyed. Only when the seven ghosts came together, could she truly protect her. Safety.

Seeing Ergui disapproving his proposal, a little annoyed Xiao Hei stomped off his feet: "Well, let's take the middle road, let's go."

Soon after the group of ghosts and Xiao Hei left, a small shadow suddenly appeared in the narrow channel next to him.

At this moment, he stared at the other person's departure and murmured in his mouth: "I didn't expect that the group of guys were assured to let a little girl chase him alone. Hey, okay, I just cramped her. Picking skins and abusing them to death will make you regret it! "

However, after thinking about it again, Lu Yi felt uncomfortable: "Well, the most powerful ghosts followed her. No wonder there was no fear. If I rushed, I might not be able to get any benefit."

After realizing this, Lu Yan gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, can't I even kill such a little girl? Huh, I just don't believe it, just follow them now, and then let the guys near the hiding place attack and kill. other side."

It turned out that he had laid a lot of powerful evil things on this path, in order to find a way to sneak in the followers.

"Little girl, you're out of luck, today you're dead!" After thinking about the vicious idea in her heart, Lv Yi flickered into the shadow immediately, and suddenly disappeared into place.

After a while, a howling wind flew back to Xiao Hei and called out in front of her: "Woohoo ..."

That means telling her that the place where everyone is about to go is a difficult road to pass.

"Damn, I knew I had to choose the other two paths." Xiao Hei muttered in a low voice, then dissatisfied with the big miser and the infant white ghost: "Why didn't you stop me then?"

"Woohoo ..." In the face of the embarrassment of this young lady, the two ghosts could only turn a deaf ear, but the next moment, the bee suddenly screamed, and immediately protected him in front of Xiaohe. It turned out to fly high Far away, the "enemy" has been spotted ahead.

"Huh?" At this moment, Xiao Hei also heard the sound of some objects moving in the distance, and she cried out immediately, "Hey, where is it? Get out!"

"叽叽 叽 ——" Her words fell away, and two screaming shadows rushed not far away. The other party's movement was not very fast, and even a little staggered, but a long distance came out. The extremely pungent rancid taste.

"Uh, it's disgusting, and my head is faint." As he covered his nose, Xiao He finally saw the appearance of the two guys who rushed to the neighborhood, and he scared her back. "Yeah, the dead body" ... "

Sure enough, as she shouted, the two living corpses were rotten and flung out, they were all horizontal and vertical, flowing thick water, they looked gaunt and walked towards this place.

"Hurry, get as far away as possible, I don't want to see these abominable things."

Xiao He waved his hands violently, and the four puppets flew in the wind. They dragged the two corpses into the air, and when they tore each other into pieces, they suddenly remembered that Xiao He didn't like to see this. This scene immediately took the living corpse to a farther place to deal with.

But at this moment, there was a sudden movement at the top of the other side of the rock wall. It was a creepy and creeping sound of "唰 唰 唰" moving forward.

"Uh, what's on it?" Xiao Hei looked up and took a nap in time: "So big ..."

It turned out that several weird giant spiders with body odors crawling from the opposite side, and one of them drew themselves with spider silk, wandering to the position where Xiao Hei was only a few feet away.

With a big mouth, this living corpse spider looks at the little black face and sprays a few rotting poisonous saliva. "唰 唰 唰 —— 嗤嗤嗤 ——" As the sound of the air-raid sounds, the giant bee next to it is steep. Suddenly rushed out, "Papapa!" Its fast-moving soul shadow quickly separated into a few residual images in mid-air, swept away in unison, just shattered all poisonous saliva.

"嗖 嗖 嗖 ——" At the next moment, a few live corpse demon spiders spewed white silk, flung this thing as a growth whip, and drew directly to the shadow of the giant bee.

"Hey, giant bee, don't lose to these guys, you can do it, rush—" Xiao Hei watched and danced beside him, couldn't help cheering up the other side, the giant bee was able to rise for a moment, and immediately with those living corpses The spider writhed in one place and fought extremely fiercely.

"Hey, hey!" At this moment, heavy footsteps came from not far away.

Xiao Hei took a closer look. It turned out that there were two monsters running in front of him. The two guys were normal in appearance. The whole body was dark and black, with long hair. Stinking corpses, but the movements are much faster than those encountered before.

"Woohoo!" One of the living corpses flew forward without hesitation, slamming his claws, and of course the target was Xiao Hei. The big ogre on the opposite side would allow it to act so arrogantly and snarled up to meet him.

"Bang, bang!" The ghost fist corpse clawed against each other in time, and the black-haired live corpse was slightly weaker, and was immediately shaken by "Teng Teng Teng" back.

"Hello!" The big hawk screamed and screamed. It slammed and approached, aiming at the opposite door was a punch, and the opponent was fierce and unstoppable. "Hello!" He hit his head with his fist. One note.

At the same time, the infant white ghost also started to fight with another black hairy corpse. The other side couldn't help approaching Xiao Hei, and his mouth roared, even if he was severely hit in succession, he was not discouraged. Want to attack the little girl.

"Abominable, hit it, hit it fast." Xiao Hei was furious at this moment: "Baby Bai Gui is coming up."

But she didn't realize that at this moment, the seven ghosts around her ... all seemed to be turned away!

"Hoo--" Between the electric light and flint, the fierce cold wind suddenly rolled up behind Xiaohei, and a shadow glaringly showed the sharp claws hitting her vest and head.

"Be careful!" Speaking late, then fast, two voices sounded in unison, one is the lingering ghost ghost hiding in Xiaohe's side, responsible for keeping in touch with everyone, and the other is boarding in her neck necklace The two-tailed Imperial Thunder Soul.

Nail Lingmo ghost smashed into the sharp claws that hit the opponent in desperation. "Wow!" In the sound of the violent sound, his soul was directly shaken by the fly, but blocked most of the offensive at the moment.

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