Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3775: Retreat in danger

"Bang!" The heavy fist punched upwards and straightened, and the jaw of the skull that was about to spit fire was not unbiased. "Boom!" The flame in the other's mouth burst immediately, and the next moment, from this head Countless flames came out of the ears, noses and noses.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooah !!" when the camel saw a dark water column approaching him, he suddenly loosened his mouth that bit the neck of the avatar, and yelled backwards and hurriedly receded. To, swiftly waved his sword to cut.

"Hey, yeah!" The invisible sword gas that burst out suddenly disappeared, smashing the water column by more than half, and then pushed forward, "噗, 噗, 噗!" The three narrow wounds stayed at once. On that brain.

"Excellent!" At this point, the offensive of the six heads has been completely disintegrated by Guan Heng and Qing Huang, and the two beasts cooperated.

But at this moment, the nine-infant who was shocked and scared went backwards suddenly, and then stared at the soul body with the red eyes on his skull.

"Uh, what does this guy want to do?" I couldn't help but shock Lingling.

"Meow—" It was late, then, and the little white cat nearby screamed to warn everyone.

"What ?!" Guan Heng and Qing Huang felt awkward in their hearts, and Xiao Hei also called out, "Well, the aperture entrance is shrinking!"

"I almost forgot that this is probably a trap set by Baron ..." As soon as she said this, both of them were surprised.

"Woohoo—" The roar sounded the next moment, and the six-headed avatar attacked again, and everyone immediately fell into the dilemma of whether to escape from here as soon as possible or to continue to deal with the avatar.


"嗖 嗖 嗖 —— 唰 唰 唰 ——" The sounds of the three soul shadows flying through the sky one after another, it was the teeth, seals and snakes that followed Ruo Tao and the dead horse.

After they entered the second aperture, they encountered five fierce avatars, and after a short battle, the head in the middle of the other spit out several water arrows, splitting their heads and covering their faces towards Ruotao.

Fortunately, the corpse horse's black magnetic black sand defense is amazing, and time is blocked in front of everyone.

"Boom, bang, pop!" The dull sound continued, the sharp water arrows smashed into the black sand's protective layer, but was stopped and finally stopped by all obstacles.

"It seems that the five heads can only use tricks such as water arrows, and the remaining four heads are waving with the neck, only to assist in the attack." Chirps exclaimed: "This guy's attack method is single, definitely not Difficult to deal with. "

"Now it seems that it is a good time to shoot, Ruotao, we a few in the past, try to attract this guy's attention."

Feng Heng snorted and said, "You have to find a way to deal with its water-jet arrow head first. As long as this head is destroyed, the rest is not scared."

"Yes, I think the same as you guys." Xiu Xi also gave a sharp drink at this time: "Look at me, uh ah ah-"

Among the electric light and flint, its soul shadow has swelled more than ten times, almost the same as the nine infants on the opposite side, and the other party suddenly became one of them, but this is only a change of ghosts in order to attract the other party's attention.

"Boohhhhhh!" Feng Yan and Chichi snarled at the avatar. Although the souls of the two gods and beasts had limited power, the roar could shake the other's body and skull in an instant.

"Oh!" The head originally intended to release more than ten water arrows to attack, and only spit out three at once. If Tao sees the opponent's attack is weak, he immediately rushes up, and his wrist flicks and swipes the thunder blade. The water arrow smashed in the sound of.

She cried immediately, "Scorpion horse, do it!"


Upon hearing this, Rong Xuanshi, who raised his head and howled, lifted his hoofs and released all the black magnetic sand in his body. "Woohoo—" Although black sand appeared, it did not happen as usual. The blockbuster rolled up, but it was divided into five "sand flows" that quickly turned out in a blink of an eye.

"Woohoo ?!" Seeing this weird thing, even Jiuying's avatar shook slightly.

"噌 噌 噌 —— 嗖 嗖 嗖 ——" The wind suddenly started the next moment, and these narrow, long whip sand streams had already severely caught the five heads, necks, and necks.

"Smell ..." The moment when the anomalous black magnetic sand touched the opponent's body, it quickly tightened like epiphyseal anthrax, causing five necks to choke, especially the head that can spray water arrows. It is even more uncomfortable.

"Woohoo--" This guy was desperately struggling, and wanted to continue to open his mouth to attack, but in an instant, the black sand controlled by the corpse horse poured into its mouth, blocking it tightly.

"Good opportunity, go to Ruotao!" Feng Yu, Chichi and Snake Repair yelled unanimously, Ruotao rushed up in a rage, and for a while, swallowed more than ten shadows of demons attached to the thunder blade. Flew over.

The wind sounded "stopping", and the demons and ghosts had surrounded the remaining four heads, opened their mouths and bite each other, and desperately tore with each other.

"Woohoo—" The corpse horse suddenly snorted, and at this time side by side with Ruotao bullied Jiuying and approached, seeing that the other person's big mouth capable of issuing water arrows was still blocked, and they knew the opportunity was not lost. , The fierce attack like a torrential rain also fell on the clone body at this time.

"Bang, bang!" The violent noises around the five-headed avatar continued, and the stinking grout was constantly blowing out in the continuously increasing wounds. The whole body was trembling with pain.

Seeing that the situation was very good, Jiuying was about to be knocked down immediately. If Tao was ecstatic, of course, at this moment, Xiu Xi, who accidentally glanced backwards, suddenly exclaimed: "No, the entrance to the aperture has begun to shrink. Now. "

"Eh ?!" After hearing this, Ruotao who waved the thunder sword and chopped the opponent's body suddenly became one of them. She twisted her head and looked back: "It's true. To deal with Jiuying's avatar, or rush out? "

The anxious Ruotao could not help but stop, the dead horse was affected, and his offensive was slowed down.

"Woohoo!" It was late, and then, quickly, the five-headed avatar exploded with a long-standing accumulation of evil spirits, and immediately trembled around the demons and ghosts, and then the heads flew, and then these heads She was so strong that she stormed towards her and the dead horse fiercely.


At this moment, Yu Leiyu, Bailong, and green pheasant entered the third red circle with the hunter and the ancient mulberry girl.

To say that their team is strong and strong, not only has three gods and beasts, but also six gangsters to help. Even if Jiuying is so powerful, I am afraid that he is not an opponent, but he must meet the other party, but Gusang The female and the hunter turned for a long time, and did not find a trace of their avatar here.

"What's going on? Isn't there an ambush here?"

The Gusang woman blinked and said, "Otherwise, let's retreat."

"No, right, there is a lot of Xiao Ji's breath left here, and there must be a copy of it staying here." Yu Leiyu said firmly at this time: "Listen to me, you can look for it. "

"Xiao Xun is right, he can't just give up like this." Bai Long also said: "Anyway, we have a lot of helpers around, hunting, you can let them search again."

"Okay, these are trivial things." Li Xun's words fell off, and he immediately exclaimed, "Liu Qi ghost, please, look for it again."

"Woohoo--" Upon hearing this, the big goblin promised in the air, and four golems and giant bees flew away around.

"Gusang girl, let's not be idle." The hunting trembled his soul shadow, and the sound of the rushing rushed one after another, and immediately released one hundred and ten gold threads to scurry around.

Seeing this, the Gusang woman slightly nodded her head: "Well, then I will let Ling Gen come and look."

Speaking of it, she immediately waved her hand and wanted to let her spiritual roots break through the ground, but the next moment, the Gusang girl exclaimed, "My spiritual root ... why can't I get stuck in the soil ?!"

"Woohoo!" With a terrifying roar, the huge shadow shadow time has penetrated the surface in front of them. "Bang, boom--"

The earth and stones splattered and rushed to everyone immediately. The hunting owl was busy waving the light gold chain to dial the block of flying stones. At this moment, the ancient mulberry girl saw that the other party was still a nine-baby avatar with five heads. The middle head was still biting. Towards one end of his spiritual root.

"Abominable, I know!" Bai Long screamed at this time: "This guy is good at concealing interest and hiding in the soil. He has been waiting for the opportunity just now, preparing to attack us."

"Yes, as soon as the spiritual roots of the Gusang girl got out of the ground, she would immediately notice the trace of the other party, so this guy took advantage of the efforts of the Liushen ghosts to get started."

Yu Lei yelled, "Hurry up, don't be overwhelmed by this guy ..."

"Huh-hhhhhhh-hhhhhhh-hhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhh-hhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) when her voice came to an end, the head in the middle of the five heads grabbed the female soul of Gusang and could not bite and bite.

"Abominable, let me loose!" At the same time that the hunting roar sounded, Dora flicked a pale gold chain and drew it over. It knew that now it only needed to stick to the other party instantly.

The movement was so loud just now that the Liushen ghost would rush back when he heard the voice. At that time, the nine babies would not be able to run even if they could punch holes.

"Bang!" The pale gold chain wrapped in the five elements of vitality fell on the middle head severely, and the pain caused the other party to scream loudly, and the mouth suddenly opened, and the Gusang woman immediately hurriedly recovered her bitten root.

"Abominable guy, he actually made several potholes in it." The Gusang girl saw her teeth and gritted her teeth, but Yu Lei and Bai Long green yelled in unison: "Hug him quickly, the ghosts will immediately came back."

"I don't need you to say it, I know it!" Almost at the same time roared out these words, the hunting pheasant and the ancient mulberry girl had already performed their tricks like lightning.

"Wow-lah-" Five light gold chains appeared instantly in mid-idling. When the wind blew, the opponent's body was tightly wrapped and tightened.

"Hi!" The Gusang girl whispered a low voice, and immediately controlled more than ten spiritual roots to entangle the head in the middle of the clone.

"Huh-hhhhhh-hhhhh-hhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh already since now when I ’m talking about it) Stopped the other side's coming.

This beast is good at walking underground and hiding, so it will not highlight water and fire attacks, but can use the mud group to attack the enemy.

To say that the power of these five heads is really not weak, under the drama's body, "Crowd-sigh!" The two pale gold chains suddenly opened.

"Well, I ca n’t pour more five-element aura on the chains to make this guy have a chance, but you don't want to run away!" The hunter yelled suddenly, and the other three chains "ducked" and tightened. Thunder shouted, "Yes, that's it, tie it tight!"

Just at this moment, the whistling sound of six ghosts sounded in the air not far away: "Woohoo--"

"What ?!" Upon hearing this, Bailong and Luyi suddenly exclaimed: "Well, the ghosts say that the aperture entrance behind is shrinking!"

"Uh ?!" Their words fell away, and the Gusang girl and the hunting prince were shocked.

At the same time, the bound five-headed yelled suddenly, and the next moment, this guy actually shattered the remaining four heads with his own strength, "Bang Bang Bang!" Immediately afterwards, innumerable black evil spirits emerged from the broken cavity, swept away by everyone with a thunderbolt!


"Yeah ah--"

Guan Hengxi roared, the bow strings trembled sharply in his palm, and more than ten aura arrows were connected in one breath. "Papa, slap!" Feiya ya wrapped in the powerful five-element snails with six heads. A few heads, this guy suddenly gave a terrible horror: "Hey--"

"While now, the old monkey, the camel, you and the devouring tiger take Xiao Hei out!" Guan Heng waved, and the other party did so immediately, Xiao Hei shouted, "Brother, you have to be careful."

"唰 ——" It was late, and then, Xiao Hei rushed, and finally came out of the aperture range, Qing Huang said at this time: "Looking at the speed of the aperture shrinking, we will not go out within ten minutes, You will be stuck here. "

"Well." Hearing this, Guan Heng's face changed slightly. But at this moment, he suddenly yelled, "I found it. The reason why this guy has the strength to compete with us is because there is the spirit of Xiao Ji in the two heads in the middle. Open the two brains, for sure. Will find out. "

"Okay!" Hearing this, Guan Heng suddenly struck a long bow in the palm of his hand, and shot at the six heads in front of him, "唰 唰 唰-嗤嗤嗤-" more than ten roads flying like a storm, They all soared towards the middle pair of skulls.

"Woohoo !!!" Seeing the onslaught, the fierce nine-baby avatar suddenly lost the heart of stubborn resistance and spit out a jet of black water and a fiery flame toward the arrows. The two powers were already the last bit of the wounded body. , But the power is still no small matter.

"Yeah!" Aura arrows and water columns and flames offset each other in the air, doing nothing, but that's okay, because Guan Heng's arrows were originally attacking one side, the real killer, but in the hands of Qing Huang- —Spirit sword!

"Eh! Hey!" Between the electric light and flint, two invisible swords wrapped in the power of the Spirit King's original power were chopped out by Qing Huang. The spirit sword was originally a magic soldier cast by the Spirit King to release him. The power is even more powerful, not to mention the offensive Aura Arrow has exhausted the opponent's resistance, at this time the two brains can only be quickly cut off in an instant.

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