Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3790: Tung Lok Mountain Adventure

"Haha, you also found weird spirits on this mountain ?! That's a coincidence, we also ..."

Having just said here, the Gu Sang girl in Guan Heng's arms suddenly groaned in a low voice, and Huang Teng saw the other person's body lingering around with a strong wooden spirit, so she asked: "She is ..."

"Oh, this is not simple. She is the oldest spirit of the ancient mulberry tree, the ancient mulberry girl, and has a deep connection with the wooden gods."

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng talked briefly about this time with Qinghuang and them to and from the spiritual realm, looking for the nine gods and beasts, and dealing with the Puppet Alliance and Wan Wan evil king.

Through these experiences, Huangteng was astounded and surprised. "So, this giant bird is the gale of one of the nine gods?"

Huang Teng looked at the arrogant wind in front of her, and quickly bowed and saluted: "The little man, the **** of the wood **** Huang Teng, see Lord God Beast."

"Let's go flat," Giant Bird said with a grin: "Often I hear people mentioning that Master Jumang's family education is very strict. Her Majesty's messengers are all prominent figures, and it is true."

"Hey, false praise, false praise." Guan Heng heard them politely, and said impatiently: "Hey, Brother Huang, Gusang is now in a semi-coma. You are very knowledgeable and you should know how to treat her. Right? "

"Well ..." Upon hearing this, Huang Teng was lost in thought.

"Ah, Brother Huang." Xiao Hei said with pleading expression on his face, "Sister Gu Sang seems very distressed now, please trouble you, think of a way?"

"Hey, no problem." As soon as Huang Teng was begged by such a cute little girl, her mind was immediately alive.

He immediately said to Guan Heng: "Like you said, Gusang was afraid of going through many battles, so she showed her aura endlessly, and she unknowingly weakened. Let her add in time. That is the fundamental solution. "

After listening to his words, Ruo Tao shook his head slightly: "But the son and Qing Huang have just tried to continuously convey her aura to her, and the Gusang girl has not woke up."

"In my estimation, that's the case."

Huang Teng went on to say: "Guan Heng's auras are in the state of the five elements, and the wooden auras are not outstanding. Therefore, in the extremely weak state, the Gusang woman absorbs the five elements aura at the same time. It may not be good for herself. A pure single wooden aura can do it. "

"Oh!" His words came to an end, and Guan Heng spread his palms to release a green aura of aura, and then asked, "Is this aura not good?"

"It's not impossible, but if the Gusang girl absorbs this aura group, the recovery will slow down, and it may be a few days, even ten and a half months."

Huang Teng said, grabbing Guan Heng's aura, he continued: "Although you look no different from pure wood aura, there are still some wood, fire, earth and water impurities in it. Might as well give it to me. "

After the words fell away, this guy honestly and rudely absorbed the aura.

"I said, you can really do it, and you still can't change the problem that you like to take advantage of." Guan Hengfu sighed bitterly: "Okay, give it to you, buddy, but you have to take advantage of me, you have to do it for me Handle things and quickly find a way to wake up Gusang. "

"Okay, this is not a problem." Huang Teng smiled at the moment: "Do you know why I came up this mountain?"

"No, you found a strange respite on this mountain, so come up and see."

After listening to Guan Heng's words, Huangteng slightly jawed his head: "Yes, I have inquired with the native people living in a nearby village before. This mountain is called" Dongao Mountain ". It existed here in ancient times. The jungle is densely covered, and it was here that I discovered another situation. "

Everyone was a little curious when they heard it, so they asked, "What happened?"

"The dense forest on this mountain seems to have something to do with Lord Jumang, like he and the Gusang girl." Huang Teng said at this time with a serious expression: "I suspect that in the ancient times, the dense forest got Blessed by Lord Fukuzawa. "

"You mean, like Gusang woman ?!" Hearing this, Guan Heng suddenly remembered the past.

Long ago, there was nothing in life and extremely barren because of the frequent bombardment of thunderstorms in Lezier. A young and weak sapling managed to drill out of the cracked land, but the lightning in the sky fell at this time. Blast it completely.

Thanks to the wooden **** who passed there to cut the thunder, rescued the young Miao, and left his tears to the other party, making them thrive in the passage of countless years, and became the largest ancient antiquity Lingmu is the body of the ancient mulberry girl.

"Hey, Ah Heng, what do you think? I didn't respond to you." Hearing Qing Huang's voice, Guan Heng laughed in a low voice: "It's okay, I just think of the life of the Gusang girl, with some emotion."

He twisted his head and turned back: "Brother Huang, you mean, there is also a spirit tree in the jungle protected by the Lord God of Wood?"

"Yes, I suspect that it was not only a tree that was affected by the adult's Fuze." Huang Teng waved his hands forward at this time. "It is the entire forest that has been affected."

"Well, that's really amazing." Guan Heng slightly slightly jaw head: "Then you say, what should we do?"

"It's very simple. Let's go to the middle position in the forest and summon the more influential Muling here and ask for specific information."

Huang Teng continued: "If their growth and their auras are related to Lord Jumang, then they can release the absolutely pure wooden auras. With only a little absorption from the ancient female, she will be able to wake up, and then adjust her breath and gradually Just resume. "

After listening to his words, Qing Huang, Ruo Tao and Xiao Hei said in unison: "Well, we will all accompany you."

"Well, okay, the girls are concerned about the safety of the Gusang girl, and they are willing to take a trip, I have no opinion."

Guan Heng turned his head at the moment and said, "Old monkey, you are agile and go with us. As for the camel and the corpse horse, you two will stay with the wind and the flowers, and stay here."

They are also exhausted after going through a series of battles. When they hear that they can rest, of course, there is no opinion. The only thing they can do is swallow the ghost cat, Xiao Bai, and the one-eyed sand owl. They have to follow along. Guan Heng had no choice but to order Qinghuang and Xiaohei to watch these guys.

In this way, everyone got into the dense forest near the peak of Dongao Mountain. Going forward for about half a mile, Guan Heng murmured suddenly: "Hey, Brother Huang, have you noticed one thing?"

Huang Teng and the horned deer walked in front of him. When he called it, he immediately turned around and asked, "Eh? What's the matter?"

With a raised eyebrow, Guanheng Shen said, "The more we move into the woods, the more I feel the atmosphere here seems a little weird."

"Listening to you, it seems to be true." Huang Teng looked suddenly, and suddenly swarmed around, he whispered: "It is reasonable to say that in the ancient jungle blessed by Lord Jumang, Aura cannot be so chaotic, Could it be that something happened here ?! "

"Meow--" At this moment, the little white cat suddenly screamed, and then rushed towards the grass in front of it. Naturally, the devouring meow followed closely and inseparably.

"Hey, don't both of you run away." Qing Huang Ruotao and Xiao Hei were anxious, Guan Heng said immediately: "Don't hold on, let's hurry up."

"噌 噌 噌 —— 唰 唰 唰 ——" Upon hearing this, the crowd ran wild, chasing in the direction of Er Meow, and in an instant it was outside of the arrow.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Already.

"Gusang girl ..." Guan Heng looked down and found that her spirit was shrinking and shrinking. She originally was holding Gusang girl. At this time, she had become a big slap, and she could hold one hand. live.

"Hold on, I can definitely find a way to wake you up." Thinking of this, Guan Heng couldn't help speeding up his pace. At this moment, Ruo Tao had grabbed the first few steps and rushed to Er Meow: "Well, what's going crazy ?!"

"Uh, this is ..." The next moment, Qing Huang and Ruo Tao who rushed past were both stunned. It turned out that there were more than a dozen monsters with green, black and black zigzag stripes in front of them. Dou, Qing Huang cried out, "Isn't this Mu Ling evil?"

"It's true. They are all wooden spirits that have been infected with evil spirits and lost their minds. Now they are going to be evil."

When I heard Huang Teng say this, Ruo Tao said in a stunned voice: "It's impossible, we have just eliminated the roots of evil spirits in the Daxi Desert-the Xuanhua League and the evil king Wang Wan. Why is there still evil spirits raging here? ! "

"That's because the evil spirits in all parts of the world cannot be completely dissipated in a short period of time." Guan Heng said at the moment, "There are always some dregs that have not been cleaned up."

"By the way, Ah Heng has given the ghosts a lot of firepower before, which is to let them help drive away the evil spirits that invade the monsters and human beings everywhere." Qing Huang said: "The other party must have begun to act, in time, Must see results. "

"Hey, let's talk about the situation right now." Huang Teng reached out and pointed at the two meows fighting with many wooden spirits. He asked curiously: "Don't you worry about them?"

"Hahaha, it's just a few small evils." Guan Heng smiled with his jaw: "No big deal."

"But ..." He continued, "In order to save time, don't delay here, old monkeys, hunting pheasants, please help yourself."

"Woohoo--" Upon hearing this, the roaring white-browed old monkey swayed and hurriedly rushed past, "Bang!" He punched straight, hitting a wooden spirit's wicked body in front of him, and then used his claws. When he dragged it, he stumbled back behind him: "Hoo--"

"Hey, monkey, why are you so rough and rough?" Between the electric and flintstones, the hunting pheasant suddenly turned the evil spirit with his own golden wire, and then released the power of the Five Elements to immediately dispel the evil spirit in his body.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!" The old monkey's action was as fast as electricity, and his heavy punches kept falling on the evil spirits. The other side kept flying away behind him. At the same time, he swallowed the ghost and Xiaobai. Unhappy.

Originally, the two wooden cats first discovered the evil spirits. They were having a good time. As a result, the monkey and the beast soul ran over and snatched the opponent. In an anxiety, Xiaobai turned around and ran forward, stopping the two thoughts. Runaway guy.

"Hey, hey!" The claws of the enchanted spirits swayed down the wind, and immediately cracked the wicked body's body into a few narrow mouths, which made them scream in pain.

"Hey, don't kill the killer." Seeing this situation, Huang Teng was suddenly anxious, he immediately called: "Guan Heng, stop the cat."

Because these wooden spirits are only infected with some remaining evil spirits, and they are not completely evil. As long as you help them remove unknown evil spirits, the other party can naturally recover as before and become an honest good wooden spirit. However, it seems to Huangbai that Xiaobai It's too much to tear them apart.

"It's okay, Brother Huang, you're too nervous." Guan Heng laughed and said, "Look carefully, the two wooden spirits are fine."


After listening to his words, Huang Teng's eyes widened and looked closely, and sure enough, although the white cat's claws left marks on Mu Ling's evil spirits, making it painful and screaming, but its pure aura also went along. The split wound swept across the opponent's entire body, instantly refining all the evil spirits.

"Huh, scared me to death, this little white cat has two sons, and he can use the five elements aura freely, it's amazing." Huang Tenggang said here, his eyes suddenly certain, then shouted towards Xiaobai: "Hey, pay attention behind . "

"Meow ?!" At the same time, I found that the unfortunate swallowing ghost meow has been rushing towards the other party.

"Whew!" Suddenly, a claw shadow slammed behind Xiaobai fiercely with a thunderbolt.

It felt the evil wind above his head was not good, and he rushed forward and rushed forward. "Hey!" A heavy claw landed on the ground instantly, and the earth and stones splashed. Fly away towards Er Meow.

"叽叽 叽 ——" Speaking slowly, then, the white-browed old monkey arrived in time, and saw that it fit and fluttered in the volley, "”! " Soaring stones.

"Oh, these wooden spirits are so big."

At this point, Xiao Hei obliquely pointed to the opposite side. Standing there was the evil spirit of Mu Ling who had just attempted to attack the white cat. There were three of the other. They were all the same. They were all burly and their bodies were cracked and rough. The bark, roaring and roaring at this moment, was about to attack the crowd.

"It looks like the wood spirit of the ancient locust tree ..." Seeing each other, Huang Teng whispered, "Looking at their size, there are still thousands of years of tree age, and their strength cannot be underestimated."

"Please, my benefactors, please listen to me." Just then, a weak voice sounded, and everyone turned around to take a closer look. It turned out to be a wooden spirit that was strong and bound by the hunting golden thread.

It continued: "Please, please rescue the three old grandpa locusts in the front, they are the guardians that existed at the birth of this forest, and nothing can happen."

"Hunting hunter, let go of this guy first." Guan Heng waved his hand, and the gold thread disappeared on Mu Ling immediately. He continued: "Relax, we are two messengers of the wood **** before and after, we need to heal them. No big deal. "

"Woohoo--" Guan Heng's words fell away, and the three roaring ancient locust wood spirits had already flew over.

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