Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3941: Xing Tong Qing Yan (third)

Having said that, Wen Yan paused a bit, and then continued: "But I haven't seen the ancient ancestors in a long time. I just don't know if it still lives."

"Haha, it's okay, you just need to take us to the West Sea." Guan Hengman said indifferently, "the rest of the matter, let us deal with it."

"Yes, you can," Wen Yan replied in a hurry: "Let's go now, I guess at my own speed, within half an hour, I can definitely reach the shore of the West Sea."

"Really? Double faster than we expected?" Qing Huang laughed. "Come on."

“Walking—” As soon as these two characters exited, Wen Yan drew his body out of the mud hole and swam straight down the river.

Sure enough, as Wen Yan said, it swims very fast, but relying on the huge body, so that Qing Huang and Guan Heng did not feel the slightest shock and shaking in the abdomen, and it was extremely stable.

"Hehehe, it's so convenient to be able to meet Wenyu." Guan Heng smiled at the moment and said, "With you, we can go anywhere in the world, and it's just a short while away."

"Hahaha, it's a great compliment. In fact, I have no skill except to swim a little faster ..."

"No, no, you are too modest in saying that," Qing Huang said beside him, "this is really a powerful skill."

"By the way, Wenyu, I suddenly remembered something."

Guan Heng suddenly said, "In order to prevent mutant monsters from appearing in the Pengshui basin in the future, I decided to leave a part of the Five Elements Aura and infuse it into your heart. In this way, if you encounter any evil things in the future, you can restrain them steadily. The other side, no longer need to take the aquarists to hide in Tibet. "

"This is a good feeling, then I would like to thank ..." Just now, Wen Ye's swimming speed slowed down slowly, and he continued: "Talking about the Five Elements Reiki, I don't know if it has any effect on the weak aquarium?"

He thought for a moment, and then answered, "More or less, why do you ask?"

"Kuan Heng, that's it."

Wen Ye explained: "On the way to the shore of the West Sea, there will be a tributary called 'Fangya River'. I passed there a while ago to visit my old friend 'Xingtong Qingyu' and found that it was working with the evil spirit demon. After the beast shattered, he suffered a big loss, and his injuries were still not good. "

Qing Huang knew in her heart: "So, do you want us to use Aura to heal the stunned pupils?"

"Yes, the reason why I suddenly thought of my old sister is that this guy was one of the spirit beasts who moved from the West Sea to the inland to live in the past." Wen Yan continued: "It also served the old grandpa ancestors before For a while, you may be able to inquire about the whereabouts of your ancestors. "

"Well, this is a good idea. First, help Wen's friends to eliminate the pain. Second, let's inquire about the current situation of Chitose Guru, the best of both worlds." Guan Heng slightly nodded his head: "Just do it, Wen Alas, take us to Tuya River first. "

"I understand, thank you so much." Juyu Wenxi politely speeded up in the water immediately, and after a short while, swam to the waters near the Tuya River.

"Strange, the water quality here ... why is it full of **** smell?" After hearing Wen Yan's words, Guan Heng and Qing Huang looked at each other in anger, and he said immediately, "Will there be any change? For example, here Are there mutant monsters? "

"Ah, that's bad." Wen Yan was extremely nervous at this time, and his huge body could not help but tremble slightly. He said anxiously: "Qing Yuan was injured and has been resting at the bottom of the Tuya River. In the event of a strong enemy, the old man must be fierce. "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng immediately exclaimed: "Then don't hesitate, go to the other party quickly."

"Okay." Wen Yan agreed, just swimming about half a mile forward, and suddenly stopped again, he whispered, "It seems that the waterway ahead is blocked, what is going on here?" "

"Open your mouth, I'll take a look." While Wen Yan lifted his mouth open a long narrow gap, Guan Hengxi slipped out of the river.

The bottom of the Tuya River is scarlet at this moment, full of **** sorrow, and in the water of Guan Heng's heart is stunned.

The man next to him said: "The waterway in front is blocked. I ca n’t squeeze it with my huge body. I can only ask you to look at it. The old man is resting on the bottom of the river a hundred feet away on the left. Come on. . "

"I see, you can rest assured that you are here with Qing Huang."

Guan Heng's words fell away, and he had already rushed away. When he looked closely, he knew the real reason for the river blockage. It turned out that there were recent natural disasters on both sides of the strait, and frequent earthquakes, which caused half of the mountains to break and roll. It fell and fell directly into the river. This is a good time, completely blocking the river.

"But there should be a lot of gaps around these collapsed earth and stones." Guan Heng said to himself, then waved, "Seven ghosts, quickly go to the front to find a way to pass."

"噌 噌 噌 嗤嗤嗤” 电 "Among the electric light and flints, the big gangsters have already rushed away, and within a few breaths, excavated the earth and stone holes for Guan Heng that only one person can pass.

"Xiao Liu——" Guan Heng drilled in the past, and then ordered the Seven Ghosts to stay in place, and try to clean up the surrounding earth and rocks as fast as possible. In this case, it won't take long for Juyu Wenyu to pass through.

"Well, all the dead corpses ?!" Guan Heng frowned slightly looking at what was coming down the water, and then bypassed these **** stench bodies.

He murmured in his heart: "There should be a place where Xingtong Qingying inhabits in front of me. Why do I feel so dead? It doesn't look like there is a living thing here." Just thinking of this, another thing suddenly came not far away, this time It's a living.

"Oh!" It was late, and then it was fast. The thing shook its head and swinged its tail. It opened its mouth and bit it towards Guan Heng.

"Look for death!" Facing such a guy, Guan Heng was too lazy to pull his sword and waved his hand. The river around him suddenly twisted into a circle, imprisoning the aquatic monster in a whirlpool and turning.

The beast only struggled twice, and his nose, nose, and eyes immediately spit out a lot of blood and died.

"Strange, my water-controlling force didn't make it too hard. Why did it die?" Guan Heng couldn't help but wonder, just right, the current of the current brought the remains of the water beast to him, and Guan Heng hurriedly glanced at two His eyes immediately became clear: "Before attacking me, it was seriously injured!"

Seeing that the beast was full of wound holes that were bitten by fangs and teeth, Guan Heng continued to swim forward while thinking: "What kind of fierce beast will this wound cause?

A few moments later, he had reached a huge underwater cave in front of him.

"According to Wen Xun, Xing Tong Qing Ai lives here, go in and see." Made up his mind, Guan Heng was going to swim in, and several swift shadows came in obliquely. Water beasts covered with scales and embarrassed faces.

Seeing that the other party was unwilling, Guan Heng was not in a hurry to enter the cave. The next moment, he hooked his fingers at the other party and said, "Hey, if you want to do it, come on."

"Wow-la ---" Seeing Guan Heng's provocation, one of the guys couldn't hold back the ferocity, and suddenly shook his head and slammed forward, this guy looked like a dark and weird appearance, shaking the giant tail to draw the water waves Draw to the waist.

"Huh." He just sneered slightly, smirked, "Pop!" He immediately copied the tail of the beast into his palm. "Go to hell!"

"Oh!" His hands shivered, and the other body slammed into the nearby reef instantly, bumping into a hideous and horrible skin.

When the other two water beasts saw each other, they couldn't help but be furious, shaking their body and rushing forward. Guan Heng struck up at this moment, suddenly drew his left palm and re-shot on the forehead of the water beast. "The harsh noises kept coming, and the other party was urged by the strength of his hands, and he died instantly.

At this time, the last one came to his death. He pinpointed the opponent's left eye, pinching his finger like a gun, and poked suddenly, "Yeah!"

The three water beasts were killed by Guan Heng in a few breaths. It was a breeze, but Guan Heng's mood didn't relax so much. When he moved his ears suddenly, he noticed that there was a constant sound of water nearby, and he knew there was no Little water beasts swim towards this side.

"I'm here to find Qingying. It's not necessary to fight with these guys now. Let's wait until they come out."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng swam into the cave entrance in front without hesitation. He also used the method of controlling the spirit of water to form several turbulent swirls here and there, so that those who did not have good intentions did not dare to approach.

"Wh-wow-wow-" The sound of water rushing in the ears kept coming and going, and Guan Heng thought to himself, "Where is the green huh ...?"

"Coo ... coo ..." Suddenly, he saw a corner not far ahead, and blisters kept flowing, his heart moved, and he immediately swam past.

"Roar!" Said slowly, and then quickly, a small cave in the side suddenly slammed a roaring beast skull, opened his mouth to bite Guan horizontal body.

Where did Guan Heng suffer from this loss, he hit his forehead with a punch, "Hey!" The guy trembled after punching in the boxing, and was about to escape, Guan Heng snorted: "You still want to Go back? Dream it! "

"Bang, bang!" His fist opened the bow about time, and kept falling on the opponent.

"Woohoo ?!" At first, the beast screamed in pain and screamed twice, but later, it felt soothed, and a breath that made it extremely useful poured into his belly, even his irritability Also suppressed.

When he saw his eyes narrowed slightly, his head shook his brain's leisurely appearance, Guan Heng laughed and said, "How are you, Qing Ye, this time?"

Just before he saw the other party, Guan Heng had recognized it, and this beast was "Xingtong Qingyu".

Because of the star-shaped streaks emitting light golden light around his eyes, Qing Yan has already known Guan Heng about these things, so he is clear.

At this moment, Guan Heng glanced at the condition of the barley, and could not help frowning secretly: "Why the injury is so serious? There are many deep bone marks that have begun to fester and pus ..."

Just now when boxing and hitting each other, Guan Heng put a little bit of water spirit into the opponent's body, which made Xingtong Qingyu feel a lot of pain, and could not help but reduce his hostility sharply. "I wonder if you understand me?"

"Woohoo--" Upon hearing this, Qingye opened his mouth to him, and a demon bead spewed out slowly, although he didn't know what the purpose of Qingye was, Guan Heng saw this demon bead. At first glance, it seemed a little weak, so he flicked his fingers and poured the essence of water spirit into it.

"Woohoo--wow--" After receiving the essence of the water spirit, this demon beast was in full bloom, and after a while, she recovered a little, and then circled in front of Guan Heng, and then posted on his On the forehead.

Suddenly, a sudden voice sounded in Guan Heng's brain: "Benefactor, benefactor, can you hear me?"

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng listened to the sudden voice, and he understood for a moment, then he understood that this was Qing Qing talking in his own mind, so he calmly replied, "Yes, I can hear your voice , You keep asking. "

"It's good to hear. Thanks to the water and aura that my benefactor gave me, I can communicate with you with the help of the demon bead." When it came to this, Qing Ye paused, and then he continued to ask, "Please, benefactor, why did you come here? Where does the beast live? "

"Oh, it's for you." Guan Heng said the purpose of his arrival casually, and Xingtong Qingxi realized it suddenly: "That's the case. Thanks to Wenyu, an old friend who can still remember my injury, I really deserve it Thanks for it ... yes, and benefactor for your help. "

"Ha ha ha, don't be so polite, in fact I have something to ask you."

"I understand this. The benefactor wants to go to the West Sea to find the oldest ancestor of the ancient uncle. There is absolutely no problem. This matter is all wrapped up in me." Hearing the other party said, Guan Heng was naturally very happy.

However, Qing Ye said at this moment that he was a little embarrassed: "Benefactor, don't hide from you, although I can help, but it seems that it is difficult to get out of here now."

"Why is this?" Hearing this, Guan Heng slightly hesitated, and then suddenly came to his senses: "Brother, don't you want to say that your doorway has been blocked by the water beasts?"

"Uh, it's actually true." Xingtong Qingyun said a little embarrassed: "In fact, it wasn't about my business at first, the reason was like this ..." Then Qing Qing told the story. Over and over again.

It turned out that a few days ago, due to the earthquake, the mountain peaks on both sides of the Tuya River broke down, fell into the river, and blocked the passage. Two groups of powerful aquarium monsters were fighting because of renewed competition. It just happened to be a grotto inhabited by the barnyard.

This battle was fought with heavy losses on both sides, and there were many casualties in the same race.

The most important thing is that the noisy killings of the two guys angered the star pupil Qingying who was resting in the cave. In the end, it was intolerable and rushed out with old wounds. It happened that the leaders of the two sides attacked each other and lost both. Qi Qi brushed and fell in front of Qing Yan.

At that time, Qing Qing didn't look carefully, thinking that it was just two small crickets, biting one with his mouth and tearing the other into several pieces.

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