Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3962: Double bucket stone statue

"Well, I won't fight with you," Guan Heng chuckled. "On the way, you have very few opportunities to get shots. Now it's time to move your muscles."

His words fell away, and Qing Huang had flew away and rushed away. The Seven Ghosts did not get too close to protect, but the ink hummingbird and the flat-beaked gull followed her closely.

"Here!" Between Qingguang and Flint, Qing Huang shook his arm, and Lotus Qiblade instantly released a large cold.

Seeing the blue cold air coming, those soul shadows scattered away to avoid, "Pop! Slightly--" said slowly, then fast, the cold current hit the rock wall severely.

Guan Heng was beside him, shouting with a few points: "Oh, unfortunately, I missed."

"Stupid Aheng, this is called 'Song attack', okay?" Qing Huang's words fell away, shaking the lotus strange blade suddenly, and the cold air hitting the rock wall suddenly split into several streams, "Wow!" When the wind rang loudly, the two immediately froze without any time to dodge.

"Dang, click!" The body of ice fell to the ground, and immediately fell and shattered. The ink hummingbird took a few strands of remnants into its mouth, and even the flat-beaked gull caught some.

"Oh, I thought you were kind to follow me to help, it turned out that you just wanted to take advantage." Qing Huang deliberately stomped and stomped, "Woohoo--" Just then, another fierce wind The soul looted behind her.

"Hum--" The Mexican hummingbird swept past Qing Huang's shoulder, "Well!" Its little claws yanked hard, and immediately tore the opponent apart.

"Good job, my sister didn't hurt you for nothing." Seeing this scene, Qing Huang smiled, and the blue-crowned flat-beaked gull was unwilling to show weakness at the moment, shaking the soul shadow and rushing towards the remaining enemies.


On the other side, the **** ghost has carried a strange black soul to a cave, and moving forward, there is no retreat.

"Woohoo!" Seeing that this guy had been blocked by himself, the big whale suddenly screamed and shouted, and then raised his claws slightly. "Woo!" Seven or eight small wind blades attacked the other party immediately.

"Hoo!" Among the electric light and flint, the dark shadow rushed towards a huge rock on the side, but it disappeared quickly and disappeared there.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that I knew that the other man had the ability to assimilate with the rock , while he whispered in his mouth , so that he would dig it out.

The black soul can't seem to be assimilated with the same rock for too long. At the moment when the sound of the wind rushed, the rocks in the cave moved quickly, preventing the enemy from capturing their own figure.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!" The big goblin attacked and slammed for several times without catching the other side. He couldn't help but yelled out loudly. It suddenly made a fierce blow, and his two fists gathered fierce force, and turned around fiercely. Bombard.

"Bang, bang, bang-boom!" More than a dozen stones in the cave that could be used for the assimilation of the strange black soul shattered. This guy has no place to hide anymore, and the big gangster shook the cave entrance. The black soul is I don't have a chance to run.

"Woo--squeak!" The mournful sounds in the cave continued one after another. Listening to it, you know that the weird black soul was tortured by the big wretched ghost.


"Yeah!" Qing Huang suddenly gave a low whisper, the left-handed lotus blade and the right palm 闍 spirit sword were cut off at the same time, and immediately cut the monster in front into even four pieces, the ink hummingbird and the flat-beaked gull swept up together. Absorb the residual soul.

"Okay, this is the last one."

"Yeah!" Qing Huang instantly returned to her sheath, Guan Heng, the guardian figurines, and the ghosts all surrounded him. He smiled and said, "Hard work, hard work, fun?"

Qing Huang pouted with a grin: "It's good, but Xiaodou said that these ghosts are a little less enough to eat them."

"Squeak ?!" At this moment, the infant white ghost whispered in the air, and it turned out that he saw a big gangster flying from a distance.

"Pop." The next moment, the other side threw the black soul held in the palm to the ground fiercely, and then the big miser described the relationship horizontally.

"Oh? This dark guy actually knows where the Wraith King is?" Guan Heng was overjoyed when he heard the description of the wicked ghost.

Upon asking, everyone knows that the strange black soul ’s name before his death was called “Suyan Ancient Crab”. It was originally an indigenous monster that lived on Crying Island, and he could n’t remember the year or month. Captured by the Demon Soul King, he became the other side's guard, secretly lurking along the passage.

As for the Demon Soul King, the guy has always been in a fascination. He has never been allowed to follow himself. If anyone dares to violate the prohibition, he will be killed without mercy immediately, without exception.

"Since no one knows the whereabouts of the Demon Soul King, how can you know?" Guan Heng stepped on the ancient crab demon soul and snorted at this time: "Aren't you trying to fool Master Ben?"

"Oh!" The surrounding ghosts roared and shouted in the air, intended to intimidate each other. The Black Soul was really scared. When trembling, he hurriedly confessed another thing.

Just two days ago, the monster king brought a monster from the outside, the opponent's body was not small, and the monster king was not easy to move. He ordered the ancient crab monster and the other guys to carry each other and keep coming. He reached a secret area at the end of the passage, and then dropped into a crater with strange blue light.

The monster soul king is extremely cunning and vicious, lest these monster souls leak the news, so he killed or swallowed the opponent, leaving no one, just when he wanted to start against the ancient crab monster soul, he happened to feel himself Discomfort, this made Gu crab escape by chance.

Then, the demon soul king drove away the ancient crabs, and ordered the other party to never approach the potholes that shone with blue light, otherwise, there would be no amnesty to kill!

"That's the way it is." Qing Huang and Guan Heng looked at each other, both nodded slowly, then Guan Heng raised his foot, and continued to say, "Get out of here and quickly lead us."

According to the old rules, Guan Heng still left the "raw fire seed" in the ancient crab soul. If the other party dares to play tricks, it is bad luck.

Now that you are under the control of others, you have to obey and obey. The ancient crab demon soul has no choice but to flutter and lead everyone to a certain path on the right.


Just then, above the potholes that shone blue.

"嘭 ——" As the thunderous sound cut through every corner nearby, "Woohoo--" The sound of the wind rose sharply, and the broken soul body gathered again to form the appearance of the Demon Soul King.

This time, the thing that had just been repeated did not happen again. Its soul trembled slightly, as if a sigh of relief, but at this moment, a loud roar came from the inside of the pit, and the voice was angry. There is also great coercion, swept away towards the soul in the air.

"Oh!" Unexpectedly, the mid-air soul body was smashed into awe by the prestige, and time tumbling in succession, crashing out of the pit.

"Well, thump up!" There was dust everywhere, the earth and stones were flying, I don't know what happened.

"Well, the sound seems to come from the opposite side." Guan Heng listened at this time and whispered: "It looks like the ancient crab demon did not lie to us."

Speaking of which, the ancient crab was also unlucky enough. Originally, they had shown the way to Guanheng. They just walked to the edge of a wide gully nearby and suddenly came out a few ghost eel shadows from there. To deal with, as soon as they met at the time, the two sides were stunned.

Before that, the ancient crab was fatally beaten by the big magpie, and it had already suffered a lot of damage. The demon eel was deceived by the crowd, and it suddenly hurt it, and finally caused the original body of the ancient crab. The power of fire broke out in the air, but it also burned away several ghost eel ghosts.

Without the ancient crabs to lead the way, everyone had to find a way to cross the gully first, and then began to explore on their own. Sure enough, after a short time, Guan Heng heard the sound.

Qing Huang said: "Big ghosts and baby white ghosts have passed, let's go."

"噌 噌 噌 —— 唰 唰 唰 ——" The two hurriedly walked in the passage, and the sound of footsteps kept ringing. After a few minutes, they came to the place where the big ghosts stopped.

"Huh? This is ..." Seeing that there was a cave entrance in front of him, Guan Heng was about to walk over, but was attracted by the stone statues at the left and right of the door. He felt that he had seen these things somewhere.

"Some familiar, right?" Seeing Guan Heng nodded silently, Qing Huang muttered beside him: "I also feel the same, I just can't remember where I encountered it."

"Master." The guardian figurine suddenly took a step forward, and then reminded the two of them: "The skull of the demon dragon on the stone platform ..."

"Uh ?!" Being reminded by the other side, Guan Heng and Qing Huang immediately remembered the appearance of the demon dragons.

"Yes, this stone statue is exactly the same as the head of a monster dragon skull, but now it looks more real when he has a body." Guan Heng smiled and reached out to touch the monster dragon stone statue, but the next moment, he suddenly felt that Something is wrong.

"Why? Why is the stone's eyes moving ?!" Guan Heng hurriedly realized this.

"Woohoo!" Among the electric lights and flints, the statue suddenly growled loudly at him, and actually came alive.


At the moment when the strong wind rose sharply, a "dragonclaw of the opponent" slammed Guan Wang's upper body, but he was not afraid, the response was extremely fast, and he slammed his fist straight, "嘭!" Smashing it completely, the fist strength remained unabated, "Boom! Pop!" Smashed Shilong's body stiffly.

"Well, Dangdang Dang!" The violent sounds of electric light and flint were constantly heard, and Qing Huang also used the Ling Ling sword to attack with another stone dragon statue.

"Oh!" Guan Heng yelled before rushing forward: "Get me out!"

"Bang, bang, bang!" Luanquan's shadow fluttered on the stone dragon statue one after another, shattering it immediately. Qing Huang was so angry that he threw his sword in the palm and complained: "Hey, I haven't had fun yet, you Why are you coming here for help? "

"I ..." Guan Henggang wanted to say something like "We care about you", but when he got to his mouth, he suddenly changed his mouth and pointed behind Qing Huang and said, "I want you to see, ordinary The tricks are useless to them. "

It was not until this time that Qing Huang noticed that the wind in the back of her head was rising again, and she turned her head to look at it, and her face appeared a little surprised.

The two stone dragon statues that were crushed by Guan Heng just now were quickly rebuilt and restored in the strong wind, and they became complete again.

"These guys can actually repair themselves?" Hearing Qing Huang's words, the flat-beaked gull beside him gurgled twice, telling her that she had seen this kind of stone dragon statue before, and the spirit of the demon dragon was hidden in this thing. , So that it can continue to change back to the original after the damage.

"That's the case, then let the guardian figurines deal with them." Qing Huang's words fell off, and she swept back to Guan Heng.

At the same time, the human figurine came out from the oblique stab, sighting the two stone dragon statues and punching out. "Woohoo-bang!" The statue on the left shattered, but the stone turned red instantly. Flashing again and again, seeing that it was about to recover.

“嗖 嗖 嗖 ——” Between the electric light and the flint, the guarding figurines produced a strong suction, and the dragon soul hidden in the stone statue was suddenly pulled out abruptly, and “slip!” It was immediately absorbed by it.

Seeing this, the other Shilong not only refused to retreat, but rushed forward with a mighty roar, and desperately wanted to guard the figurines.

"Pop." At the next moment, the figurine suddenly stretched out a single palm, slamming the opponent's neck, and then slammed it with the other fist. "Pop ... poop, wow!" After a few hits, the other responded. Shattered, the dragon soul inside was also held in the palm of the guardian figurine.

"Cuckoo ..." "Alas, alas." Just as the guardian figurines tried to absorb the soul, the hummingbird and the flat-beaked gull stared at the things in their hands, all with the expression of Hara.

"Hey," the figurine pulled the soul into two puppets the next moment, and then handed it to the two birds: "Take it, take it."

These two birds were not polite, and quickly flew forward to take away the residual soul, and ate beside them. Qing Huang chuckled sideways at Guan Wang: "I can't see, the guarding figurines will also take care of the feelings of the birds."

"Well, maybe it's because of the increase in the variety of souls that it absorbs, and let its psychic gradual improvement." Speaking of this, Guan Hengzheng wanted to greet everyone to go forward and go around to explore the way. The bee suddenly turned back and whispered to him: "Woohoo--"

"What's going on ?!" He just asked a word, and the opposite door suddenly swayed violently, too late to consider other things, Guan Heng immediately held Qing Huang's bright wrists: "Go back first."


The duo, the group of ghosts, and the guarding figurine retreated a few feet away when they saw the towering stone gate suddenly twisted and deformed, and turned into a huge monster dragon head. Then, the beast roared and roared, and the whole body burst out. After being in place, he opened his bloodbath with a large caliber and pounced on the guard figurines.

"Sure enough, the spirit of the demon dragon smells the breath of the dragon-eating beast on the human figurine, and it can't help coming up." Guan Heng laughed. "I just don't know if this guy can hold the figurines to guard the figurines." attack."

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooah," a whale flew in front of Guan Heng and said to him that after the appearance of the demon dragon soul, the entire stone gate was sealed to death, for no reason.

"It seems that the spirit of the demon dragon is the real guard of the stone gate." Qing Huang said: "I think as long as it is defeated, the blocked stone gate can also be opened."

"Even if you can't open it, you can just smash it. There is nothing to stop our way anyway." Guan Heng said with a firm face: "Seeing the Demon King is close at hand, a stone gate can block you and me. ? "

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh he said that, all the ghosts and double birds around were screaming and howling.

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