Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 4111: White scale python (third)

Xiao Hei cried, "Look, it's a python."

"This guy is very dangerous. You need to stay away." Qing Huang first issued a warning, then pulled back the lotus flower blade with a backhand, releasing a large cold.

"Woohoo-唰 唰 唰-" 凛冽 The cold wind swept away toward the white scale python, which was fighting fiercely with the ghost.

"Hisse ?!" Suddenly the temperature around him dropped sharply, and the python screamed in fright. Although this guy was five big and three thick, he felt a little timid, and wanted to turn and run away, but it was too late.


Speaking late, then, quickly, the sound of thawing thaw one after another, the tail of the python was frozen with the ground.

Swallowing Ghost Meow rushed along the opponent's body to the top of the head while showing the sharp claws scratching the eyes of the python. At the same time, the calyx's beak also penetrated the other eye socket.

"Yeah!" The eyes burst into time, and the white-scale python screamed sternly. When it fell to the ground, it smashed and cracked there, but the devouring meow was unrelenting. It rushed forward and continued to attack.

Suddenly, Qing Huang felt something wrong, and immediately exclaimed, "Danger, get out of here!"

It turned out that her eyes were like a torch, and she had found a poisonous saliva spray hole under the python's tongue, but it was too late to remind that the crazy white-scale python spit out the venom, swallowing the ghost's body, and it was flying upside down at the same time. It happened to hit Hua Huan.

"Oh! Bone is sturdy--" A cat and a bird suddenly rolled down. They didn't even hum, and went into a coma.

"Swallowing, sorrowful!" Xiao Hei screamed suddenly, and Qing Huang said immediately: "Don't get near them first, it's likely that there is no poison left."

After all, she throbbed her wrists, and Lotus Qiblade immediately released the cold to cover the cats and lings. Qing Huang did this to slow down the blood circulation of the two and prevent toxins from attacking her.

Immediately afterwards, Qing Huang swept forward and pulled out the Ling Ling Sword. "Hey!" Several auras chopped off the wind and blasted on the white scale python, causing injuries. .

"Hisse!" The beast screamed but screamed. At the moment it was afraid to fight back because it was blind and hurried back.

Qing Huang secretly said, "You can't let this guy run like this. Ah Heng mentioned it before. But for all poisonous snake pythons and the like, their snake gall is a good medicine to detoxify them. They must be chopped to kill snake gall. Save the swallows and calyxes. "

After making up his mind, he speeded up again, "Oh!" He scammed to the other side in less than two breaths.

"Yeah!" Ling Lingjian slantedly pointed at his neck, Qing Huang shouted, "Don't blame me, in order to help my companion to detoxify, I have to kill you!"

Upon hearing this, the body of the Whitescale Python trembled, and the haze of death suddenly covered its head.

"Squeak ---" Suddenly, the python stopped his body, even without any resistance, and limped in front of Qing Huang. Then, he slightly trembled his head and made a sound. No longer.

"Hey, what are you still hesitating about?" Xiao Hei shouted at this moment: "Kill the guys quickly, it might be impossible to swallow them."

"No, this guy is saying that it can detoxify Hua Huan and Liao immediately, as long as I spare his life." After hearing this, Xiaogangdao said: "Hum, I can hear it. This is in Fool you, don't believe it. "

But the python suddenly faced pain, constantly twisted the neck and skull, and then opened his mouth to highlight a dark bead. The object snapped to the ground, and soon reached the edge of Qinghuang's feet.

"I know you can understand the beast language." The whitescale python whispered to Qing Huang at this time: "This, this is my monster bead, as long as you put it on the forehead of that cat and bird, they The toxins naturally resolve. "

"Well, trust you once, if it works, I will spare you, but now, I have to control you first." After hearing what Huang Huang said, the white-scale python said: "My eyes are out of sight Even if you want to run ... "

"Woohoo--" Without waiting for the other person to finish, Qing Huang covered the other person's lower body with cold air and froze it in place.

Immediately afterwards, Qing Huang picked up the white python demon beads and ran to the devouring meow and the flower owl to detoxify them.

Fortunately, these two guys fell asleep and fell asleep after being poisoned, and did not eat much pain. In addition, the demon beads had a good detoxification effect. Within a few breaths, the swallowing ghost and the cat took the lead to wake up, and then spent awhispering. Growling opened his eyes and shuddered his hair, feeling fine.

"Okay, I finally woke up and made me worry about it." Xiao He stroked his heart, and then picked up the cat and muttered, "You need to be careful in the future."

At this moment, Qing Huang approached the Whitescale Python, and suddenly found a strange thing. She pointed at the other party and said, "What's wrong with your eyes?"

It turned out that the eyes of the python had been pecked and scratched, but at this time there was only a little blood left, and it became intact again.

"Uh, it's true, they didn't completely blind me just now." The python explained: "I have a double-layered film on the outside of my eyes. I just scratched the surface, so it was only slightly injured, and it can still be like this. Every move ... "

With that said, this python shook his head, "Oh!" His eyes disappeared, leaving only the black holes, seeming a little scary.

In this situation, Xiao Hei just saw it. She exclaimed, "Wow, what's going on?"

"The principle is very simple. My eyes are long and narrow. With a little rolling of my eyeballs, I can retract the corners inside. It seems to you like you are blind."

Having said that, the python looked at Qing Huang again, and it goes without saying: I have already detoxified your companions, should you also release me?

"Okay, you can do it, but you have to tell me why you fight with swallowing ghosts and flowers." Qing Huang said at this time: "I just got far away and didn't see the process at all. "

Upon hearing this, the python looked a little dazed, and was a little dazed, and then whispered: "I and I are not very clear. My mood has been very strange recently. I always, always will somehow become furious and hit the mountain everywhere. , Trees self-harm, and they will fight with other monsters, for no reason. "

"What ?! Somehow lose your temper?" Qing Huang and Xiao Hei looked at each other, feeling a little weird. At this moment, the python said: "This incident is after I accidentally killed a monster a few days ago. Started ... "

"Is it a monster bug?" Qing Huang suddenly flashed in his mind, and then said, "I ask you, is that monster bug a 'blue-winged flat-headed locust'?"

The python replied, "I don't know what that kind of bug is, but the other party does have blue wings and somehow came to attack me, so I bit the other party."

"It turns out that it really has something to do with the flat-headed locust!" Qing Huang went on to analyze: "You may have bitten the other side and contaminated your body with unknown materials, so your temper became extremely irritable. "

Upon hearing this, White Python was anxious, so he couldn't help asking, "So, what should I do?"

"It's better to go with us to find out the flat-headed locust." Qing Huang said: "If you want to get rid of this trouble completely, you can only do so."

"Yes, python, Miss Ben can be blameless for the things just now, but you have to work with me for a while, how about it, willing or not?"

Little Hei Lian frightened and made the python dizzy. The other party didn't know what happened, but she was talked about by one moment and promised to follow the sisters to find the whereabouts of the monsters.

But it ’s a bit unhappy to swallow the ghost cat, because the cat just had a bit of a python to the python, but it is also a temper that forgets to claw, and ran wild in front of it for a while, and took the former Things left behind.

Everyone looked for a long time in the forest, but no trace of the monster was found. Not to mention the two dice left by Xiao Hei, they couldn't help getting a little anxious.

"By the way, Python." Qing Huang said suddenly, "You have been living in this area for a long time, don't you have a friend or something? You can ask them to come out and help."

"Well ... I'm afraid it's difficult now ..."

The white-scale python looks a little embarrassed, and said indifferently, "I used to have a few friends, but these days I've always been furious to find faults and offend them all, even if they are asking for each other, I guess everyone Will not respond to me. "

Having said that, the python sighed: "Oh, it seems that even if the weird fury of the fury is cured, I can't stay here."

"Those are the future. As for you saying that no friend is willing to help yourself, I don't believe it, you should try it now."

Hearing the words of Qing Huang, the white-scale python was just undecided. It raised a long hissing noise to the sky. This sound suddenly rang through dozens of mountains around the forest and shook the canopy. The birds were frightened into the air and flew towards the Quartet.

"Look, there are still no old friends coming." After waiting for more than ten years, the python said to Qing Huang with disappointment, "I think we are still ourselves ..."

"Da Da Da-Da Da Da-" Without waiting for it to finish, a burst of rapid running sounded not far away, and then a swift and swift piebald leopard rushed to a nearby rock. on.

"Flower leopard, are you ?!" The python immediately cried when he saw it: "Old friend, you can't even come across my call."

"Alas, Brother Boa, you have offended the monster companions in the forest. There are also reasons for their refusal to appear. One by one, you have been beaten to death, and you are lucky to be able to keep your life."

The piebald leopard glanced at Xiaohei and Qinghuang, but did not ask their identities, but just spoke to the python: "The reason why I will come is also because you saved me once, then, let ’s say, What the **** is going on? "

Xiao Hei whispered to the devouring meow in his arms at the moment: "Swallow, look at this leopard shaking his head, his tone is not good, and I don't know if he has the true skill, hehe."

"Eh ?! You, you can understand the beast language!" The piebald demon leopard was surprised, and Qing Huang immediately winked at Xiao Hei, so that she did not talk, and then said: "Of course I can understand, otherwise Will not be with the python, you listen to me, it goes like this ... "

Immediately afterwards, Qing Huang explained the reason for looking for the flat-headed locust.

"That's the way it is." The demon leopard crooked his head and thought, and then said, "The rumor of the demon worm spread widely in this area. I didn't expect it to be true. This kind of thing is more dangerous than the demon monster infected with evil spirits. It must be removed quickly, otherwise we will all be in trouble. "

Hearing it, Xiao Hei smiled and asked, "So, can you help us?" "Little girl, do you seem to look down on me?"

At this time, the demon panther intentionally scared Xiaohei, and then tusked her teeth: "Believe it or not, I ate you?"

"Hahaha, you don't have that ability." Xiao Hei was threatened by this guy, not afraid to laugh back, and then patted the devouring cat in his arms, and then pointed at Xuan Zang Hua Yan, and said, "Not Miss Ben despise you, I Just picking one of these two babies can beat you. "

"Cuckoo-mumble!" Her words fell off, Xuan Zonghua's wings fluttered like De Yao and Wu Yangwei, and the five elements of Aura were instantly released. The leopard suddenly widened her eyes, and her heart murmured: "Great! "

Moreover, the deep eyes of Swallowing Ghost Meow glanced coldly in front of it, which also made the leopard feel a little palpitated. It is also a beast that can detect the crisis, and immediately put on a more friendly expression and said, "Okay. Come on, I believe you. "

"Hey, it's important to be serious, so don't interrupt it first."

After saying this, Qing Huang asked the demon leopard, "Do you have any clues about the blue-winged flat-headed locust we mentioned? For example, the whereabouts of the other party, or whatever the nest site is."

"Well, I haven't seen the flat-headed locust you said, but ..." The piebald leopard turned the words forward: "To say who in this forest is most familiar with monsters, of course, they will prey on a few of these guys for a living Monster, one of them is my friend, let's go, I will take you to find it. "

After a while, the waterfall in the forest was approaching. There are strange flowers and weeds here, and the fragrance is pleasant. It attracts bees and butterflies to wander, and naturally there are many monsters to drink water.

"Eh!" In a hurry, the leopard rushed to the shore here, and a few beasts hurriedly turned away in fright. The guy said angrily: "I didn't say I would eat you anymore, why are you nervous?"

"Hey, wait for us." Xiao Hei ran with a smile and said, "You have four legs. I only have two. Let me be a little bit."

The leopard twisted her head to the side, not going to look at her, and whispered in her mouth, "Don't be stingy, little girl, if you want to come and ride me, you can't."

It turned out that Xiao Hei had just seen the other man moving fast and running fast and stable, so he proposed that he wanted to ride on the leopard's back for a while, and after hearing that, the leopard almost turned his face on the spot. How could he be a proud monster? Let others ride easily? If you spread it, you will lose all face.

However, Xiao Hei didn't give up, he was always stubbornly fighting, making the leopard afraid to avoid it, making Qing Huang and the white scale python secretly laugh.

At this time, the demon leopard exclaimed, "'Shijiayu', where are you? Come out and see me!"

It shouted several times in succession, and then the nearby grass shouted a loud noise, and then a plump body was drilled, and the other party shook three times and walked slowly before everyone.

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