Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 4841: The Origin of the Swarm (Third)

"How can this be, or it failed!" General Shi was so trembling with anger, but at this moment, because he had exhausted all his aura, he fell to the ground with a sound, and could no longer stand up.

"Hahaha, stone man, originally you could have played with me a few tricks with this axe, but unfortunately, now Zun driving exhaustion has become me to be slaughtered."

The Dark Earth Demon is now in a state of madness. He proudly said, "People who know the truth, donate a few of the jade cards on your body. I can also consider waiting for you to die. How is it kind? "

"Animals, I will never give in to you guy, stop dreaming!"

"Look for death!" Hearing General Shi's mouth hard, the soil monster suddenly changed into a giant claw, and the wind grabbed its head: "I will take you down first."


Besides, hunting magpies and swallowing ghost tigers, the dark gold demon prince suddenly started the "Golden Array", the two beasts suddenly felt full of aura and quickly left the body, suddenly panic.

"Well, if you go on like this, Grandpa can support more than ten times, but the giant tiger will become a kitten because of losing his aura." Damn you! "

"Oh!" Between the electric light and flint, it had already flew in the breeze, slamming its claws on the golden demon spirit body. "Hey!" The guy was caught off guard, and in a flash, he flew down more than ten feet.

"Whew!" After coming out of the claws, Lizard felt powerless, and when he fell back to the ground, he fluttered and sat in the same place, panting heavily: "嗬 ... 嗬 嗬 ......"

"Well, your strength is declining. Although you can fly me, it is hard to hurt me."

It was late, and then, quickly, the golden demon who rushed back again laughed: "This Jinji array is extremely mysterious. The more you mobilize your aura, the faster they will drain, until the two are exhausted and die. that moment."

"Damn, before that, Grandpa has to tear you up."

The hunting cricket lost without losing. At this time, the mouth was very hard. It glanced at the corner of the eye and glanced at the slightly shaking body of the ghost, and it was anxious: "No longer want to think of a way, we are really dead. If Guan Heng is here, he can definitely figure out a good solution ... right? "

Thinking of this, the hunter shook his head violently, and then murmured, "I can't rely on him for everything, now I can only save myself."

"Big cat, get ready. Let's do our best to kill this cricket in one shot."

The hunting owl quietly winked at the devouring tiger, and then deliberately exclaimed: "Hey, there is one thing I don't understand very well. I want to confuse before dying. Why do guys like you who gather evil spirits, will What's the purpose of breaking into the Five Elements? "

"You ask this? Well, let me tell you."

Can the Dark Demon Lord know that the hunting owl is delaying time, but it also intends to wait for a while, until the other person's aura is completely dead, and he is ready to make a foolproof, so he said: "Our five-element dark demon The king did not break into the realm of the gods from the outside world, everyone is a spirit body derived from this realm. "

"You bullshit!" After hearing this, Hunting was so angry that it shouted loudly: "These five elements are the quiet place created by the lords and their masters. How can they be the demons and other demons? Place, there's a lot of blame there. "

"Hehe, he didn't talk nonsense."

The Dark Gold Devil sneered: "Do you think there will be no evil power in the Five Elements God? Wrong mistakes, big mistakes, the reason why we will form a huge connection with the Five Elements God, that is in the spirit world and What happened when the evil Shan people started the war. "

Immediately afterwards, it explained the reasons for the dark elements of the Five Elements. At that time, Lishou, Jumang, Xuanming, Zhu Rong, and Houtu Shen joined the Ling tribe and waged a long-term fierce battle with the evil Dai tribe. Gradually, they also became infected with the evil spirit of beheading.

However, the power of the Five Elements God was overbearing, and some evil spirits could not affect the gods at all. Therefore, they were ignored by the people who collected them, which laid the groundwork for future disasters.

After years of fierce battles with the evil-mind family, the Five Elements God was also seriously injured, and finally suffered unexpected calculations and fell into a very weak state.

Fortunately, they have been prepared for this, secretly constructing the Five Elements God Realm for many years, cultivating their own people and ancestral temples in this realm, so as to gather the power of faith in order to restore their injuries.

But no one expected that the mysterious disappearance of the shoushuju and mang, and another force was born in the Five Elements God Realm. They are the Five Elements Dark Demon King. These guys are the evil Tales breath accumulated on the Five Elements God for many years. Derived from the fusion of some incomplete spirits and auras.

Since there is a spirit and a strong evil spirit, the strength of the demon lords has gradually increased, and it has become a scourge of the Five Elements God Realm, but their power was not strong at the beginning, so they have been dormant for many years, and only recently began their own plans.

"Well, as long as you seize the **** jade card held by Er and other hands, find the Five Elements God and devour it, we can dominate the **** realm, and then kill into the spiritual realm and kill the souls there!"

The Dark Gold Devil smiled proudly: "Only killing without end can please us." Then, this guy screamed, "Now, start with you, kill!"

"Woohoo--wow--" It was late, and then, fast, countless evil spirits appeared around the Golden Devil, which was the prelude to the fierce move.

These wicked spirits shook the strange Jinmang, and formed countless twisted serpent-like appearances in a short while. The golden demon yelled, "Shadow Golden Snake, kill!"

"Oh!" Among the lights and flints, the golden snake rushed towards the hunting owl and the devouring tiger.

"Abominable, really when we are bullying? Grandpa, even with only half a breath, is ten thousand times stronger than yours! Big cat, do it together and fight!"

"Roar!" Hearing his companion's shout, the devouring spirit snarled and snarled with it, welcoming it to the shadowy golden snake that covered the sky!


On the other side, the ancient mulberry girl once again raised her wooden scepter: "Soul root, gather!"

But her words fell away, and the newly emerged spiritual roots were weak and slumped one by one, Gusang: "Abominable, Reiki can no longer gather."

"Hahaha, cheap, see what else you can do."

Just now, the Dark Wood Demon King thought for a moment that the Gusang woman was withered and wanted to get close to the attack, but was counterattacked by the other party, and gathered the residual power to hit her own evil spirit body, and she suffered a lot.

Gusang's attack frightened the guy into the air and dared to wander in the distance, waiting for her own aura to succumb to weakness, and now it was time. "Dirty guy, watch!"

"Hoo--" It was late and fast, and a stone suddenly flew in the oblique stab, hitting the dark wood demon violently.

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