Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 6568: Fighting Stone Monster (fifth more outbreak)

"Hoo--" 霎 The wind of time suddenly rises, and a strong suction sweeps the hunter in the air, trying to drag it into the entrance of the ink mist cave, but the hunter is not afraid, and suddenly yells: "Go!"

"Boom!" The pressure of hunting falcons and the strong wind sucked hard. The two sides not only made earth-shattering sounds, but also continued to spread like ripples, shaking the surrounding air into distortion.

"There seems to be something at the entrance? Grab it first!"


The hunting falcon shook out a pale gold chain and drew to the left of the hole like lightning. "Bang!" The chain hit the ground, splashing with dust and flying around. The guy hiding near was panicked. This guy One tumbling to dodge, and then fled into the cave in a hurry.

"Stop, goddamn, you can't run!" After the other party disappeared, the hunting owl felt the suction of the wind at the entrance of the cave diminished sharply, and knew that it was a ghost, so he roared angrily and chased after him, followed by Ruotao and Qing Phoenix then ran over.

The Gusang woman screamed, "Hey, slow down. What's going on?"

"It was a weird beast that caused the strong wind at the entrance of the cave. I was scared a moment ago and ran into the cave." Li Xun turned his head at the moment and said, "I won't tell you anymore, if you don't hurry to chase, that guy will slip away. "

"Boss, I'll help you chase!" After the words fell, Jin Douer flew to the hunter, and the latter said: "The guy is moving too fast, and the two roads ahead don't know which one to go, so let's go, You go to the left and I go to the right, whoever gets stuck will catch it! "

"I see!" At this moment, Jin Douer shook his spirits, and immediately ran toward the left side of the road. If Tao was afraid that it would be in danger, he exclaimed: "Big head, go with Douer and see."

"嗖 ——" Between the electric light and flint, the four-armed mountain streamer has flew behind Jin Douer, and sprinted forward with it.

It didn't take long for them to reach the end of the fork-a large black rock wall was approaching.

"How is it a dead end?" Jin Douer glanced to the left and right and said to himself, "Looks like we are chasing the wrong direction, or go back to the boss and sisters." Then, it turned around. To leave, but in such a time, suddenly changed suddenly!

"Wow!" It was late, and then, a lot of rubble fell quickly from the top of the wall, covering Jin Dou'er directly.


On the other side, the assassin tracked the mysterious beast alone and ran towards the road on the right. However, along the way, he neither found the footprint nor smelled the other's breath. He muttered to himself: "It's a wicked door. The guy must Run off on the left? "

"No!" For a while, the hunting owl suddenly realized that something was wrong around him, and then released countless gold threads. "Oh!" In a blink of an eye, the gold threads weaved into a big net and flew forward, without biasing the hood. Lived in front of a huge rock.

"Roar!" The gold net cover quickly tightened, immediately letting the strange beast disguised as "rock" scream. This guy felt that the power of the gold net was getting stronger and stronger, and he couldn't help struggling wildly, hunting and scolding Said: "Jumble, dare to trouble Grandpa, I think you are impatient!"

"Wow! Slap!" When the words fell, it had been drawn away with a light gold chain, and fell on the other person's face fiercely. The animal's face had a fleshy skin, and the monster groaned, so scared that it was scared. Moaning with his mouth open.


At the same time, another fork.

"Woohoo! 咚咚咚! 咣 咣 咣!" 霎 Time, the four-armed mountain urn threw a fist, and smashed all the falling stones to ensure that Jin Douer was not injured. Douer shouted: " Wow, big brother, you are so good, admire. "

But as soon as it said this, a part of the falling stones suddenly reassembled and turned into a huge stone monster. The other side suddenly waved while he was in a dead corner where the mountains and Jin Douer could not see. Two punches hit their bodies.

"Woohoo!" In the end, the four-armed mountain warrior has gone through hundreds of battles and found that the bad wind in his head was not good when he was about to kill. He immediately waved his hand to hit Douer and sent it out of several feet.

"Papa!" The huge fist of the giant stone monster also banged on the four-armed mountain salamander, hitting it to roll in the air, "Slam!" Finally hit the nearby rock wall.

"Ah, Big Brother ?!" Douer suddenly yelled when he saw it in order to save himself: "Damn stone monster, I fight with you!"


Between the thunder and lightning, Jin Douer threw out a few light gold chains and wrapped the stone monster's arms along the way, but the opponent was amazingly brutally shaken. Instead, Jin Douer was dragged by it and rushed to fight The child yelled, "I'm going, I'm so dead that you're too strong, right? Yeah yeah--"

"Pop!" Suddenly, an arm was stretched out in the oblique stab to hold the chain steadily, dragging Jin Douer back stiffly, it was just that the four-armed mandrill that God rushed forward to rescue it.

"Hoo--" The next moment, Shan Hu opened his mouth to spray several flames, and then blasted the giant stone monster body one after another. Although the guy was strong, he was still a little afraid of the fierce offensive, and he retreated back and forth.

"Want to run? See tricks!" Jin Douer opened his mouth sullenly and spit out a pale golden light. "Well!" It seemed that he had struck a flash of light in the air, and this attack happened to penetrate the stone monster's brows.

"Oh!" The monster that was hit by the pale gold cold mang made a terrible slam and fell to his knees. At the same time, the four-armed mountain urn rushed forward and chased after it, wielding a heavy punch and violently bombarding the opponent. The strange body was torn apart.

"When the cricket!" After the stone monster was annihilated, several gray **** were rolled out of its fragments, and Jin Douer and Shanji saw it.

"Well, what kind of thing is this?" Douer ran to pick up one and looked carefully, and found that there was a lot of aura in the gray ball. He said, "Is this thing edible? Try it ... no no no!"

Suddenly shaking his head, Jin Douer still resisted the temptation, and said to himself: "Boss said, after picking up something, you must show it to everyone, you can deal with it after making sure there is no danger, I almost forgot . "

"Douer--" At this moment, Ruotao's call came from not far behind: "Where are you? The hunting owls are all back, and they don't come here with the big-headed owls."

"Yes, I'll be back here." Jin Douer gathered all the gray **** on the ground, and then returned to the fork with Shanyu and joined the girls. Seeing it coming back, Ruo Tao said with his hands in his hips, "Small thing, you and your big head haven't returned for a long while, what did you do?"

"Sister Tao, listen to me, I just met a great stone monster ..."

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