Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 6890: Capricorn fights

"Hahaha, you stone eggs are really useless, I just took it a little more seriously, so I persuaded them? A group of waste!" At this time, the king of Jiayu stabilized the earth spirits and yelled proudly: " Come on, come on, let's go and see if I don't kill you! "

"Hey, King of Armor." Guan Hengyang yelled, "I advise you to make a quick decision, or you will change late, but it will be unlucky."

"Oh, Lord Guan, don't you build up the spirit of others and destroy my prestige. What kind of skills can this waste have?" The King of Armor has the upper hand and speaks the atmosphere, but in such a time, sudden changes suddenly occur!

"Roar !!!! Hey--" It was late, fast, and a snarling roar suddenly sounded not far away, shaking the ears of the armored king, and all of a sudden, it was frightened: "This What is it? "

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Suddenly, the sound of heavy footsteps came from far to near, and the opponent was an unusually tall and far better than similar stone demons. At this moment, it seemed that a whirlwind swept directly to the armor king, and it was inevitable to see it. It had to be exhausted. Protect yourself by giving out your aura.

"Boom!" After the loud noise, the armored king was severely shaken and flew into the air. Then he drew an arc and crashed into the ground, smashing a huge deep pit.

"Oh my mother, it hurts!" Shaking his head, he climbed up, and the armored king just wanted to yell, and the huge fist of the other was already rushing into the door with a strong wind.


Speaking late, then, quickly, the panicked king with a panic swayed, "Oh!" Immediately moved out and moved out to Zhang Yuyuan, "Boom!" The huge fist of the giant stone devil fell to the ground. Hitting the dust, the earth and stones flew, and a deep pit sinking and cracking suddenly appeared here, a few feet deep.

"My God!" Si’an himself would have broken his bones if he took that punch, and the armor king shrank his neck. At this moment, the devil shouted, "Hey, fat, can you please If you can't deal with this guy, just ask for help, I will consider helping you. "


"Hoo--" Without waiting for the other party to finish his words, the king of armors rushed behind the magic wand like a smoke, and shouted, "Shit boy, you can do it!"

"Wow, you are really welcome, and are too irritating, right?" Bing Yan said with a bit of joke beside him, "I thought you would stick to it for a while."

"Don't be kidding." Jia Jiawang shouted, "Look at the fierce look of that big guy. It's more powerful than a hundred ordinary crickets. Even if my head is kicked by a red pupil to become an idiot, He will fight against it, and if he volunteers to carry it, I will never stop it! "

"Look at you, despise!" The Capricorn said disdainfully, and flew over with the ancient gold icebreaker, and pointed at the giant stone demon screamed, "Hey, waste, come and die ! "

"Hello!" The giant stone demon shuddered when he heard this guy's words, and he was very angry. He fisted and punched furiously, vowing to crack the thin body of the devil.

"Good time, Grandpa will have fun with you."

The voice of the Capricorn fell, and he also raised his fist in an instant. "Boom!" The two sides collided heavily and abnormally. The sound was like a thunder blast in midair. The explosive force immediately spread to the surrounding area, causing nearby sands and rocks. .

"Hahaha, happy, come again!" I felt that the strength of the other side was more than letting him down. The Capricorn was not surprised and rejoicing. His fighting spirit was high, and he immediately hit his opponent with his left fist again. The attack was swept fiercely towards the leg of the giant stone monster.

"Bang! Click!" The heavy punch and the blade fell on the other side, and the upper half of the stone monster's body shattered, one leg snapped and his body fell to the ground.

"Well, the insignificant waste, that's it? It's so disappointing!" Capricorn took a sip towards the "dead" of the other side, and turned away, but Guan Heng said, "Hey, Before you finish playing, you want to come back? Look at that guy carefully, it's okay! "

"What ?!" Hearing the words, the demon was shocked, but in such a time, a sudden wind suddenly set off behind him, and banged directly on the back of the demon.

"Well! Xuanbing Shield ..."

In a hurry, it was too late to turn around to block. The magical time released all the cold protection to form a giant shield behind it. It reached mid-air, but fortunately the defense was timely, and the Capricorn was not injured.

"Damn shit, dare you sneak up on me!"

"The bones are sturdy!" The magic wand turned a few somersaults in the air, and then he clasped the ancient gold icebreaker with both hands, and smashed according to the skull of the giant stone demon: "Look at the smash your brain!"

"Roar!" The giant stone demon is obviously not very intelligent, and he didn't know to avoid when he came to the onslaught. At this moment, he shook his fists to meet it.

"Bang!" The ice-breaking maggot wrapped in the cold fist and hit the stone demon's fist. "Galla-" For a short time, the cold energy was like a dragon-headed pillar, extending downward from the fist, and the wrist arm was frozen into ice immediately.

"Bang!" It was late and fast, and the giant stone demon's arms shattered and turned into powder. Although he was not flesh and blood, he also made this guy howl. The devil slammed at the moment and sneered. Says: "The next blow will completely end you!"

That being said, the devil knows it well, and the other party relies on the strong soil and aura around him, and he can reunite at any time, unless ... he is like a thunder, and this guy can't even leave a slag, completely Broke the chance of self-healing!

"Okay, just use that trick!"

After making up his mind, the Capricorn suddenly ran out and went to Yuyuan Yuan. The stone demon was still a little strange. Why did the opponent who had the upper hand suddenly retreat? In such a way, the Capricorn has released fierce towards its location. The cold air shouted, "The ice prison is here!"


Speaking late, then, quickly, a huge chill set off around the giant stone demon and surrounded it. Seeing this scene, the stone demon was shocked, immediately shaking his arms and constantly hitting the inner side of the enchantment, "咚咚咚!" The sounds kept coming and going, but this guy couldn't get out of sleep!

"Well, it's useless. Once this ice **** is formed, it will never die for the enemy."

The Capricorn smiled strangely at this time, with a playful expression on his face: "Stupid thing, don't think that you can rely on earth aura to recover without any fools. In this realm, the aura outside is completely isolated. Now you want to recover all No chance, now Grandpa is going to have a good time. "

"Xuanbing Earth Sting!" The magic wand slammed the ground with his two claws in the next moment. "Boom!" Numerous sharp ice spikes suddenly appeared in the enchantment, directly penetrating the stone demon's body!

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