Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 7015: Keep Stone Guard

According to the village chief's account, because of his long history, his family has been undergoing drastic changes a long time ago, and they have migrated everywhere. Therefore, the other half of the map has been lost. This is absolutely true.

But in addition to half a picture, the village chief also kept a record of the casting secret method left over from the ancient Lingling clan, that is, the "sacred casting method", which was carved on the backs of the patriarchs and passed down.

After seeing the tattoo on the back of the opponent, the Blood Devil erupted with greed, and then peeled off the skin and sewed it on his back. Not only that, it also killed the village chief of the Lingling ancient clan and others. The insider is to keep the news from leaking out.

In this way, the elder started a long and long journey of searching for maps. Unfortunately, the old guy ’s luck seemed to be used up. After hundreds of years, there was no progress. Until recently, it did not know that it was different. The leader of the Jieyou Merchant Marine got the other half of the picture, so he had a plan to conceal the other party.

"That's all for passing and passing ..." After the Elder Gorefiend had said these words, he seemed to be a discouraged ball and collapsed to the ground weakly, and the stone monster who had been listening quietly beside him could not help shaking. stand up.

Waiting for thousands of years, dedication and loyalty, did not leave this place one step, but waited for the bad news of the host family, which made the giant stone monster feel extremely lost.

If it is just like a thousand years ago, it is just a puppet tool, without emotion, and may not have this kind of experience, but after experiencing countless years, it becomes psychic and intelligent, so it will produce lost feelings.

"Sister, what's wrong with this big rock monster?" Xiao Hei asked curiously, sighed, and told her: "It's sad, oh, pitiful, waiting for my master for thousands of years, and as a result, it We did n’t come, but we came. "

The speaker was unintentional, and the listener intentionally listened to this huge stone monster, Huo Di stood up, and then walked to a corner of the stone cave. He didn't know what mechanism it reached and activated, so he just listened to the rock wall there. There was a strange sound of "Gora La", and immediately after the stone wall two points, a dark hole appeared.

"Oh!" Shiguai took a big box in the dark hole, and quickly returned to Guan Heng and everyone holding it. "Yao!" While placing this object on the ground, Shigua also fell to his knees. In front of Guan Heng, he bowed his head respectfully.

"This ... is ... the master's legacy ... please accept it ..." Shiguai said intermittently, "you ... caught the murderer who killed the master, this is a thank you."

"Oh." Guan Heng wasn't too interested in Xie Li or anything, but he was very happy to see the other person so understandable.

At this moment, Ruo Tao asked, "Son, can I open the box and see?"

"up to you."

"Squeak ... Dangdang!" When she lifted the lid of the box, the crowd gathered around and looked at it, and suddenly said with joy: "It really is a colorful brocade moire, the finest moire ancient gold."

"One, two, three ... there are sixteen big fists."

"Well, there are three biggest ones here, alas, bigger than the number one watermelon!" The girls were shocked and delighted, and the beasts were rejoicing. They said that this trip was not in vain, and it was a great deal.

But Guan Heng didn't look at the treasures carefully, but said to Shi Weiwei blandly: "Thank you for the gift, I will accept it politely, because this thing has a great use in our hands, it ’s better than eating soil here. Much stronger. "

"Oh, right." He turned the words forward and asked, "Guard Shi, do you have any plans for the future?"

"I'm waiting, waiting here to wait for the master to come back, but they are now extinct ..." Shi Wei said, slowly sitting cross-legged in place, and then continued: "I ... There is a feeling of losing the mission and not being able to survive. "

"Don't, this is tiring? It's a waste of your own value." He said suddenly beside him: "Otherwise, you follow me."

"Follow ... you?" After listening to her, Shi guard seemed a little confused, so she muttered silently.

"Well, this is also a way, anyway, you are useless to stay here, it is better to leave with us."

Guan Heng said: "Although the messenger who killed the descendants of the ancient spirit of the Lingling tribe was a blood demon elder, it has now received evil revenge, but the remaining blood demon tribe is still doing evil everywhere, avenging your master and destroying the blood demon , It is a new goal. "

"This ... I don't quite understand it, but I am very convinced of Your Excellency that you will not lie to me." Shi Shouwei asked, "If my companions and I followed you, would you swear allegiance to everyone?"

"It's not necessary." Guan shook his head and said casually: "Look at the guys around you, all of them are my important companions, friends, if you are willing to join, so is it."

"Friend ... what is it?" Shi Shouwei Lingzhi first opened, and did not seem to understand the meaning of it, Guan Heng smiled: "Don't you say that you believe me? Just follow me, just stay together After a while, you will understand. "

"Okay, okay, before you said, we are willing to follow you. After all, revenge for the old master and the elimination of the blood demon tribe is our only goal now and what we can do." Shi guard finally nodded and agreed.

Guan Heng went on to say: "Since you are willing to walk with us, then I decided to give you a few gifts, that is, the mystic spirits of gold and earth. These two qis are closer to the original ones. After absorption and integration, You will definitely improve your strength, and during this period, you can rest in the space inside the ethereal toad. "

"Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness." Shi Shouwei and his companions bowed and salute, expressing their gratitude to Guan Heng, and then looked at the elder who was stepped on by his devil, and asked: "I don't know how you will handle this culprit ? "

"Kill, kill me!" The Elder Blood Demon knew that as long as he was alive, he would have endless suffering, so he begged, just trying to get rid of it quickly.

"Well, it would be too cheap if you just kill it casually." Guan Heng touched his jaw, then glanced at his companions, and asked, "Do you have any good ideas to punish this guy? "

"Zero chopped, I'll do it myself!"

"Still mashed into a meat sauce and let the king of Jiayu eat it!"

"Well, who can eat such a disgusting thing, Lao Tzu is not a baby or a multi-colored fierce cricket." Ruo Tao, Gu Sang Nu, Mo Su, Bing Xu, and Jia Su Wang, you say something to me The strange and weird ideas have all come out.

"Okay, don't make a noise." Uncle's eyes rolled around, and then she smiled badly: "Princess Ben has a good idea, everyone may come and listen."

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