Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 7568: Steamed buns (fifth more outbreak)

"By the way, talk to me and it and tell us more about the outside. We should follow the long knowledge."

"Okay, during this time we went south and north with Guan Ye, and we did go to a lot of places." Tu Gongchan said, "What you want to know, just ask."

"Yes." The Capricorn also said, "We must know everything and talk endlessly." The giant water flea was very happy to hear them, and kept busy: "Thank you, thank you, some are kind, then I won't You're welcome."

"Hey, if you want to talk, you can wait until you hit the road," said the **** fish floating in the water polo in the air. "Lobster, you have to show us the way, don't forget the serious business."

"Yes, everyone, please follow me." As the red lobster ran forward, he said, "Just a few more roads and we can reach another huge pool."

"There is the oldest water beast you said, right?"

"Yeah, this old thing is lazy and drowsy. I don't like moving nests very much, but I only like to eat the meat of Lingshui clams." The red lobster explained: "So if we prepare a lot of this stuff, we can surely seduce it. come out."


In this way, everyone walked for a while and finally found the edge of the huge pool.

"Well, it's so big," cried the **** fish, "more than the pool where I live with you."

"That is of course." Chijia Lobster reminded: "I will pay attention to the tone of your speech later. The other party is old and likes to be called seniors and elders. You can't cover it and make a taboo."

"Rest assured, I'm not as reckless as you, we know."

"Hey, bighead, don't just promise it easily, you'll forget everything when you meet."

The red lobster shook his head, and then asked An Yan for a larger Lingshui clam. He struck it several times with his own pliers. "Tuk Tuk Tuk ... click!" The clam shells of the water clams shattered, and the tender meat inside was picked by the claws and thrown into the water.

"Old man, your favorite food is here. Come out and eat it!"

"Wow, wow, wow, wow!" Between the electric light and flint, a dark spine emerged from the water, followed by a huge head full of scars, "Wow!" The other party immediately threw out a tentacle to cling to the mussel meat, and then Tucked into his mouth.

"Hahaha, it's delicious, it's delicious. Lingshui clam is really delicious in the world." This is an old squid with scars and scars on its head. After eating the mussel meat, it shook its head and mumbled To himself: "It's so delicious."

"Hey, do you want to eat? We have a lot here." "Huh!" An Yan said, dumping the bag in the ground to the ground, and poured out hundreds of spiritual water mussels.

"Wow, so many, I really have a good mouth today ..." At present, where is the steamed bun and the old squid who knows and doesn't know them, they immediately rush to the shore, stretch out their tentacles and wrap around a big mussel. When you enter your mouth, you can think about it, but you put the water clam back.

"You must be new visitors to the treasure house? Hey, if it's okay, you won't vote for me, so many delicious spiritual water mussels will be sent."

The old man with a **** and a funny smile laughed, and then said: "You talk about it first, if I can do it, naturally these things can be accepted, if I can't, I dare not accept them."

"Oh, the old squid is quite shrewd." He deliberately made the word "senior" very clear, and the other party was really useful when he heard it. He even said, "Don't dare, hey, dare not."

"We just asked a few things."

"One of the things, one of our companions accidentally touched the spar of the cave and was teleported away. We wanted to ask him where he was, and in addition, it ..."

Having said that, Qing Huang pointed to the **** fish in the water polo above his head and said, "In the previous pool, our companion moved the water storage ball, which caused the water in the pool where the black fish lived to be sucked into the ball. I wanted to ask Is there any way to release that water again. "

"It turned out to be this way, I think about it ..." Maybe the old man of the steamed bun was too old and his memory was fading.

After pondering for a long time, it began to say: "Oh, remember, the water storage ball was made by the owner of the ancient treasure, that is, the ancient Shui people, in order to keep the water in each pond alive. Repeat the cycle. "

"But if you move randomly, it will cause the water ball to reseal the water source, so they will be held down with huge rocks."

"That's it." Hearing this, he nodded and asked, "How do you release the water?"

"If water aura is used, it should be possible to release the water source from the sphere again," said the old man of the steamed bun. "However, it must be carried out according to the method described in the secret" Wan Shui Di Ling Jue "of the Shui people . "

"Ha, I know, I must find a son to do this thing." Ruo Tao slaps beside him and laughs: "Because only he knows how to use Wanshui Jue."

"Well, now the method is known, just wait to find Guan Heng." Nodded his head, and then said to the old squid: "Our companion who will use Wanshui Jue is the one that was transported away by the spar. "

"I know, you still want to inquire about his whereabouts, right? But I'm not quite sure."

The old man with a gimmick thought about it again and continued, "But you don't have to worry about the safety of the other party. Since he knows the tricks of the water and can control the water aura, it may be transmitted to the" stone monument "to be tested by the successors It will be with you soon. "

"What stele, what inheritance trials? We don't understand." Ruo Tao was anxious, and then said, "Old Squid, can you elaborate more?"

"Ahem." After clearing his throat, the old squid then said, "Specific things, I'm not very clear. I only know that the ancient Shui people left 'precious' in a huge pool somewhere in this treasure house. 'Zhongbao', has been waiting for someone to inherit. "

"Just waited for many years, and there was no one who had any fate, and this matter was gradually forgotten by the water beasts who lived there."

"Precious treasure ?!" At hearing these four words, the girls' eyes brightened and looked at each other, and said, "What the **** is this? When Guan Heng finds this thing, we can see and see."

"Well, so to speak, I have to wait until Guan Gongzi appears before I can get out of this ball. This period of time is really suffering."

The **** fish in the water polo looked very distressed, and Zhenwen laughed: "Okay, it's just a little time. Can you just end it after a little patience?"

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