Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 819: Unexpected battle (third)

"And they have only contacted with the magic crystal of the communication before, and have not seen the face of the ghost warrior Fado, which has saved me a lot of trouble." Guan Heng thought of this, and took out the avatar mask from the space ring. , And put on that pair of bones.

"Hahaha! As for the strong magic and black energy, the Bone Evil Armor will provide it for me, because it is the armor belonging to the demon domain. When I bear the evil pupil monster sword on my back, I am more like a demon domain than these guys. messenger."

"What's more, the ghost-faced samurai has never exposed his face in front of others." Guan Heng smiled slightly. "Even a person who is very familiar with Fado can only recognize his voice."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng gently put the avatar mask on his face: "In addition to changing me into another person in a short time, this avatar mask can also imitate other people's voices and try it quickly."

Guan Heng started at this time with the first enchanting effect of the avatar mask, turning his voice to the same voice as the ghost warrior Fado.

"Well, it's almost ready, I came earlier than the agreed time." Guan Heng thought, holding his shoulders, "The place where everyone meets is on the top of this mountain. There should be three people besides me. . "

"According to Fado's memory, the three were two men and one woman, and the two men were twin brothers named Qiao Hexun and the woman named Qi An."

Guan Hengsi came here, frowning slightly: "The initiator of this operation is Qi An, a woman who needs to pay special attention to her. Even inside the Alliance of the Demon Sphere, this woman's reputation is not good, she often betrayed her faith, and They will secretly hide behind others. "

Taking a few steps forward, Guan Heng looked at the towering mountains in front of him: "These people are all human shells that have been controlled by the lord of the demon domain. They only have less than half of their independent thinking ability, but the lone is only responsible for Give these agents basic instructions, such as killing the Lord God and gathering the power of faith, without completely eradicating their thinking. "

"Speaking of it, Fado, the ghost-faced samurai, came for the high remuneration of the woman Qi An. Only three people knew why he forced Mr. Heinz, and Fado was just a mercenary with unknown truth, so he said in Fado's memory only knew that they were going to attack Heinz, but never asked why. "

"Heinz must be aware of why he was being watched." Guan Heng thought secretly: "But this old thing just kept silent, and I couldn't ask if I knocked side by side, so I had to ask the three magic domain alliances. Ask about it. "

Looking at the time at this moment, it was close to noon, and Guan Heng's secretly said: "Well, it's almost time, now head to the mountain."

At this moment, Guan Heng's ears suddenly moved, and suddenly found something abnormal. A thousand gusts of wind were blowing behind him, and a strange man covered with a blue robe appeared suddenly. Black gas faintly visible to the naked eye.

When this person saw Guan Heng's figure, he suddenly made a weird weird laugh: "Look at you in this strange armor dress, presumably you are Fado?"

Guan Heng didn't answer the stranger of the Qingpao directly. He asked, "Who are you?"

"Hey hey hey hey, my name is Ilmas, and I'm a Demon Confederate from other places." The Qingpao stranger smiled with a smirk: "I know you have a plan today and want to join temporarily ..."

"Oh, I ca n’t be the master of the plan, because I ’m only here for remuneration." Guan Heng deliberately lowered his voice. "This matter, you have to discuss with the twin brothers Joe, Xun and Qi An. . "Then, he will continue to go in the direction of the mountain.

But at this moment, the weird man in the blue robe saw the front of Guan Heng's armor, his eyes suddenly quilted into a line: "Wait, the piece inlaid on your armor is a magic disk fragment? ! "

Hearing the words, Guan Heng suddenly stopped: "Do you recognize this thing?"

"Hahahaha! How did the allies of the Demon Realm not recognize the high-level props such as the magic disk shards." Ilmas laughed wildly. There was a piece of armor on it. "

Hearing Ilmas's bad tone, Guan Heng turned slowly, staring at him and whispering, "What do you mean? Don't you want to rob me of the magic astrolabe?"

"I urge you to dispel this kind of selfless thought." Guan Heng said in a proud voice, "It wasn't that nobody wanted to grab my fragments before, but they all died under my iron fists. "

Obviously felt that Guan Heng was experiencing a severe murderous spirit, but Ilmas said indifferently: "Things like the shard of the magic disk, our allies are desperate for it, because with the magic disk Before we can collect the power of pure faith to awaken the master who sleeps in the abyss of the Demon Realm! "

"Fado, let me tell you the truth. I have a piece of magic shard, but the more pieces you have, the more powerful you are. I believe you think so too."

As Ilmas said, he revealed his own piece of hexagonal metal fragments, and he immediately said to Guan Peng: "Let's take a gamble and fight, if I win, hand over your The shards are given to me; I lose, mine, and the shards of the Astrolabe belong to you, what do you think? "

Guan Hengwen listened to this statement and remained silent for a few seconds. Ilmas said at this time: "If you agree to this bet, I can also tell you that other allies who have the magic shard fragments Whereabouts. "

This sentence finally made Guan Heng nodded: "Well, then I promised this gamble, I hope you have faith and words."

Now that they have decided to fight for ownership of the shards of the magic astrolabe, the two are not much nonsense, and in an instant, they started to do so.

Unexpectedly, Illmas was not a close-up master. I saw the blue robe stranger flipping his wrist and revealing two metal cylinders. As soon as Guan Heng's eyes were frozen, he immediately understood that he wanted to Unleash the monsters of the Demon Realm to help out.

"It turned out to be a guy who used the monster of the demon domain to cooperate with himself." Guan Heng secretly guarded, not knowing what kind of monster he would release: "No matter what strange tricks he encounters, when he meets me, he is destined to be here!"

I only heard two bangs. The first monster released from the metal cylinder was a python surrounded by black mist. The other was a dark brown monster with two horns. The muscles around the monster are as rough as stones.

—— [The third change of 2016.2.17, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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