Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 826: Tangled (fifth more outbreak)

"In addition, remember not to tell Heinz that you have plaster." Guan Heng smiled with a smile: "Otherwise he will be snatched by the old guy."

"I see, thank you Boss, or your distressed sister." Shanie accepted these things happily, and she continued: "I think, we won't be separated anyway anyway, you should come to the thieves soon Seeking me here at the guild headquarters, right? "

"Yes, everything you said is good. I will have to prepare a new gift for you when we meet again." Guan Heng said in a stall, "Because I have almost given you everything from my brother. "

"Hum, just remember." Shani pursed and smiled: "I thank the boss for the gift in advance."

"Take care of yourself in the future, remember those things I taught you, use your brain for everything, don't act recklessly, Shani, you will sooner or later become the most famous thief on Ashton's mainland." Guan Hengpai Shani's shoulder: "At that time, my righteous brother's face was also very decent."

"Well, after traveling with my boss for a while, I found that I have inexperience in a lot of places." Xia Ni whispered: "So my spiritual practice is not enough, I will continue to work towards my goal."

Guan Heng asked casually, "What do you want to do after returning to the headquarters of the Thieves Guild?"

"Well ... I'm going to see the curly hair and chubby first." Xia Ni said with a smile: "I don't know how the two golden robbers are going now? I miss them, and I have been commissioning these days. Tangiera takes care of these two little guys. "

"Speaking of them, I also miss them." Guan Heng smiled and said, "Next time I go to the headquarters of the thief guild, I will look at them by the way!"

The two were chatting here, and Mr. Berman suddenly walked to the second floor. He said to Shani: "The carriages have been set up, we should prepare to go to the headquarters, now I will call Heinz."

"Yes, Grandpa Berman, I'll clean up the room, too." Shani and Berman greeted and said to Guan Heng, "Boss, let me pack my luggage first!"

"Well, let's go!" Guan Heng hugged his shoulders and admired the view for a while at the window. He whispered, "Oh, I can't think of leaving here so soon. I didn't appreciate and appreciate the local customs in the town."

After just over ten minutes, the three members of the Thieves' Guild Branch were ready to go and stood next to the carriage at the door, and they were ready to hit the road.

Guan Heng stood there and said to Shani, "Sister, pay attention to safety on the road."

"Hmm ..." Dingchun, the little white lion, stunned Shani next to her, a little bit reluctant to leave.

At this time, Shanni smiled and bent down, touching Dingchun's head and said, "You have to remember to come to the thief guild headquarters to see me with the boss."

Ding Chunwen nodded when he heard this, and slowly backed to Guan Heng. He also raised a front paw and waved it to say goodbye. Guan Heng then said, "Go, it doesn't take long. In time, we will meet again. If there is any news to let me know, just use the communication magic crystal. "

Next, the carriage slowly got on the road, Shani waved Guan Guan repeatedly in the car: "Goodbye, remember to come and see me."

Guan Heng also waved his hand in place, and gradually watched Xia Ni's carriage go away, he whispered to the little white lion: "Chun'er, we should go ..."

A moment later, the woods were near the suburbs.

Guan Heng and Ding Chun were walking leisurely on the road, but stopped by a guy who suddenly appeared.

"Why are you again?" Guan Heng looked at the boxer baboon who blocked his way, suddenly full of black lines: "I said monkey, again and again, can't be over and over again. Are you there forever?"

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad ... So yet," Ding Chun's mane flickered and yelled beside, demonstrating to the boxer baboon.

At this moment, Guan Heng saw Dingchun's fighting spirit rising, and then said, "Chuner, go up and fight with it. If you can send the monkey away, I'll give you a meal today."

"Woohoo ?!" Hearing this, Dingchun took a nap. He almost lost before. He knew the baboon's strength, but now Guan Heng actually made himself fight with the other side. The little white lion started getting a little cyanotic.

"Why? Don't you dare?" Guan Heng looked at Dingchun with a disdain. "Unpromising little guy, are you really just a rice bucket?"

"叽叽 叽 ——" The boxer baboon also started to laugh at Dingchun with a loud scream. It didn't seem to put the little white lion in his eyes.

Seeing himself being ridiculed by the monkey, Dingchun was a little embarrassed and angry. He snarled and took a step forward. He had been agitated by the boxing baboons.

Suddenly, the mighty Dingchun and the boxer baboon fought on the side of the road.

The boxing baboon's shooting habit is actually known in Dingchun. The opponent's boxing is amazing, the destructive power is great, and the speed is very fast. .

"Oh!" When the two bodies were rapidly intertwined, the boxer baboon had already punched Dingchun's head, and the little white lion suddenly narrowed his neck and hid his head. Fist, then, Dingchun turned in a volley, the two front claws staggered and stretched, it was a fierce scratch!

Dingchun's claw attacked with speed and speed. It was as fast as lightning. The boxer baboon was not aware of it, and his left shoulder was hit.

"Hey!" A few deep bloodstains left on the baboon's shoulders immediately, making it squeak with pain, Dingchun succeeded in a blow, rolled in the air, and quietly landed, at this time it turned his head to face Guan Heng whispered a low and asked Guan Heng for his success.

"You idiot!" Guan Heng shouted, holding his shoulders, "the battle is not over yet, don't look at me and keep an eye on your opponent."

Only then did Dingchun react, but at this moment, the boxer baboon had swallowed up the pain and hit Dingchun's forehead in a series of punches. "Hey ..." The little white lion was severely hit and shook. With his head back and forth, the boxer baboon took the opportunity to fly to kick Dingchun.

With a bang, Dingchun, who was in the middle of the feet, rolled out, and after standing up horribly seven or eight meters away, Dingchun yelled angrily, only to see it with red eyes. After the roar, it fierce A step ahead, a dozen meters around, suddenly spread a mighty invisible pressure.

The boxing baboon on the opposite side was about to wave his fists to meet him, and heard the roar of the little white lion. His whole body suddenly trembled, and his action suddenly slowed down!

—— [Fifth more in 2016.2.18, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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