Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 831: Strange Dreams Reappear (Fifth Outbreak)

After saying this, Xu Lun gave Guan Heng a sideways glance, the meaning of which was self-evident, Guan Heng's face sank suddenly: "Damn stone statue, wouldn't you want me to take the risk?" Nothing wrong? Do you just expect me to drown in the pond? "

"Hum, anyway, you sent this pool of black water back to the island, and said that it is your responsibility to study it." Xu Lun spread his hands indifferently. He said with a playful expression on his face. The stone statues are all dry ducks. If you go into the water, you will sink to the bottom and you will not be able to get up. "

"Furthermore, the water in this pond is too corrosive and toxic, did you forget what I said?" Xu Lun said slowly: "Vinson and Zori just touched a little and they were burned to death. As our boss, should we be considerate of our subordinates? "

"What **** boss, it sounds good." Guan turned back and rolled his eyes and retorted: "I didn't want to care about the life and death of a few of your rappet statues until the core hub device of the island was in hand."

"But how to say, I can't go down to this pool." Xu Lun said, simply sitting in place, and began to bask in the sun: "Well, today's sunshine is so comfortable ..."

"Huh, you dead stone statue!" Guan Heng despised Xu Lun again in his heart: "Wait and see, isn't it just sneaking into the bottom of the black pool? This little thing is a fart, Master Ben himself Just fine! "

"Howling-isn't this Hengheng?" A shout came suddenly from a distance, running over a few noisy stone statues: the dark statue of Vinson, the white statue of Seg, the green statue of Zori, and the turquoise statue of Hyman.

The guys came over and shouted in unison: "Aren't you telling us to come back from a far door? Would you like to bring us a gift? Get it out!"

"Gifts ... there are." Guan Heng said with a playful face. "Did you not see them already? Little white lion and boxer baboon are the best gifts."

"Thump, thump, thump, thump!" The four statues fell to the ground in wailing, and Vinson screamed first: "I, I curse you to choke to death by eating, choke to death by drinking water ... woo woo ...... Where can I find the plague god, and sending two of them at one time will kill us! "

Seg, Zori, and Hyman also all braced their feet in the same place: "Guan Heng, you really kill the stone statue and not pay it!"

"Well, you four bastards, be quiet." I couldn't stand their noise shouting, Guan Heng yelled with both ears: "If anyone is still arguing in front of me, I'll go to the stone tower to bring the baboons and Dingchun now. Release it!"

"Eh ?!" When the four statues heard this, they were scared to death, and then closed their mouths quickly. They were afraid that Guan Heng could do it. They really wanted to release the monkey and the lion. Nowhere to cry, I can only move!

"Xu Lun, I've been on the road for a long time and I'm tired." Guan Heng turned to the orc statue and said, "Now go back to the bright god's room on the second floor of the castle to sleep. As for whether to sneak into the bottom of the black pool, I have to consider Considering that, in addition to the preparations, you must also see if there are any props or methods that can help me, I'm gone. "

Having said that, Guan Heng ignored the five ugly statues and went straight towards the castle.

A few minutes later, on the second floor of the castle, the room of the **** of light.

"Old scorpion, find a place to sleep by yourself." Guan Heng ordered the six-eyed magic scorpion and plopped himself down on the big bed: "Ah, this bed is comfortable, it is indeed the furniture of the Lord God, 唔唔... "

"Whhhhh ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since when Hwhhhhhhhh ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... since he humbled into the dreamland), it seemed like he had come to a different place again, but debunking was not as surprised as last time. Nothing great, let it be. "

At this moment, a tall, burly shadow, striding forward from the end of the cloister with bold steps, there were two men dressed next to him.

"The more I think about it, the more I feel wrong ..." Suddenly, the burly shadow stopped, and he asked casually, "His Goddess of Darkness is so strange, why can't I see it for three or four months?" That guy's attitude is also weird. Why doesn't his sister seem to worry about it for a long time. "

"Her Majesty, you don't have to worry too much." A servant next to him whispered, "Her Majesty Dalavi may be just a few ills. She didn't want to see you, and she didn't want to let her Just worry. "

"Really?" Bebinus, Gopinus, with a doubt in his face, murmured: "Although neither Vier nor I agree with the marriage contract, she always treats me as her brother. It's always talked about nothing, but recently the attitude has become a little strange, alas, why is there a faint unease in my heart? "

"Hey!" The beast **** shook his cloak and shook his head. "Forget it, these miscellaneous things, I have no interest in thinking about it, just go to the witch **** Halag and have a drink with him It's better to have another fight to relieve the sullen feelings ... "

The beast **** whispered a few words, then took his two subordinates, and walked down the corridor, disappearing without a trace.

"Oh, it's another anecdote between the gods." Guan Heng, leaning his shoulders against the corner of the wall, smiled gently: "But the story seems a bit incoherent, is it that I can't make up my own mind?"

"Da Da Da ..." At this time, clear footsteps came from a distance, and the young girl shouted, "Your Majesty ... Ah no, Miss Weier, can't you just wait and wait for me?" "

"Well, Dodith, you walked too slowly yourself!" Said another clear female voice: "If you don't go faster, you will be caught by my brother. We are going to travel today, Ruta said there is The bazaar in this town is very fun. If you go late, the bazaar will be closed, so you won't be able to buy beautiful jewelry and novel gadgets. "

"Woohoo ... I'm exhausted." The maid Dodith ran her skirt and ran forward, while following her young lady closely, she kept complaining: "Really, if not bewitched by that **** of thief , Miss, you would n’t pretend to be sick for two days and sneak out. ”

While talking, the two girls ran across Guan Heng like a gust of wind, but none of them could see Guan Heng, because it was a dream.

"Well, did the girl look familiar in the past?" Guan Heng crooked his head and muttered, "On the second floor of the castle, on the metal door belonging to the Goddess of Darkness, I seem to have seen her in the Po Wa Let's play the embossed harp, is she ... "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.2.19, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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