Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 835: See you again

"Well, isn't this the dragon's nails?" Xu Lun asked, "Where did you get them?"

"In a gap in a different space ..." Guan Heng said casually: "There is still a trace of remnant inside, and I am locked in it."

"Oh, maybe that's the Dragon Soul, maybe." Xu Lun said here, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to Guan Heng: "The soul of the Dragon race is a good thing, if you can search for a dragon Memories, then I can make a profit, because this group of long-winged lizards are all super rich. "

Guan Heng blinked and asked, "Is that so? Dragons are all very prosperous."

"It's more than wealth!" Xu Lun waved his arms and said, "But that's the Dragon, do you know? Dragons have natural instincts like shiny things, gold, jewelry, precious metals, and even the best alchemy materials and shrines. There are no strange flowers and weeds, they are treasures that they like to collect. "

"By the way, the people in the shrine used to nickname the dragons ... I think what's the name ..." Xu Lun held his head and thought, and suddenly called: "I think of it, everyone calls it They are 'the greatest treasure collectors!' "

"Really? Then do you want to release this residual soul now?" Guan Heng glanced at the dragon nails in his hand and said to Xu Lun, "What do you think?"

"Bring me to see." Xu Lun reached over the nail bone, looked it carefully, and tapped it with his hands. Then he looked up and said to Guan Heng: "I'm afraid it won't work now, although I can't see it, but I feel that this remnant is really weak. If it is released, it will immediately fall apart and it will be worthless. "

"What should I do?" Guan Heng glanced at the object and said helplessly, "Isn't it worthless now?"

"It doesn't matter, I have a way." Xu Lun smiled and said to Guan Heng: "After the Dragons were subdued by Her Majesty's Drakekend, in order to prevent them from rebelling again, the God of Light has left his own brand on all the Dragons. Make them a tributary of their own. "

"But there are some benefits to this, for example, when the Dragons are dying from injury, they can be cured by light healing."

Xu Lun then said: "So, the rebirth pond's treatment method is also effective for the dragon race and dragon soul. As long as the dragon nails sealed with this trace of remnant soul are thrown into the rebirth pond, the dragon soul will soon be restored to fullness."

After listening to Xu Lun's words, Guan Heng glanced at the pond next to him, and murmured in his mouth, "But I think the blackness of the pond water has not disappeared yet. What is going on?"

"I guess it's because the reincarnation pond has been polluted for too long by the breath of the ancient skull and evil gods." Xu Lun thought for a while and said, "Remember I said to you once? In order to maintain the effectiveness of the reincarnation pond, it must be every few seconds. Some months put into the power of some faith, this pond has been polluted for hundreds of years, and it also needs a lot of power of faith to get rid of the filthy breath. "

"Oh!" Guan Heng retracted the dragon's nails from the space ring and shook his head helplessly: "It is the power of faith again. There are too many places to use this stuff now. We now need to hurry to wake up the top five. Lord God, the power of faith cannot be wasted casually. The matter of Dragon Soul is temporarily put on hold. "

"Guan Heng, what are you going to do with this dragon bone?" Zori, Vinson and Hyman said at the same time, "Let's leave it to us."

"That's it." Seg had already climbed the dragon's bones at this time, using the dragon's spine as a slide, and slipped down: "Hahaha, it's quite interesting."

"I don't care." Guan Heng said with both hands. "Anyway, my space ring can't fit such a large bone, so put it in the huge garden for the time being."

"Howling, guys, let's play!" Several statues were not shy, and Hua Huaer crawled around the dragon's skeleton, just like a group of urchins, Guan Heng smiled and said to Xulun: "It looks like these guys are too boring on weekdays, a bone-breaking shelf can make them happy."

"It's so shameful." Xu Lunfu sighed bitterly: "The five of us are made by God. What is the difference between them and a group of wild monkeys without a brain?"

"The saying goes so well, it's born by nature, and it's hard to change nature." Guan Heng laughed holding his shoulders: "Well, being able to have such carefree enjoyment is also a kind of attitude to life."

They were chatting here, and suddenly heard a hissing in the air, Guan Heng looked up. It turned out that the golden-eyeed bird fluttered its wings from a distance, Guan Heng smiled slightly, beckoned it, and the golden-eyed bird immediately Falling to his side.

Seeing what was missing from Big Bird, Guan Heng asked, "Well, why didn't the poison dragon come back with you?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well since there was something in the gorge on the outskirts of the small island, the golden-eyed bird was staggering and narrating for a while.

"Hehe, ten or nine of the Flying Wings are fighting with other Warcrafts again." Guan Heng laughed: "Let's go, let's go and see it."

"Do la, do la--" The golden-eyeed bird fluttered its wings high and fluttered, holding Guan Heng straight to the canyon to the west of the island. After a while, the golden-eye bird took Guan Heng to the place.

As soon as I flew over the canyon, I heard the roar of Flying Wyvern echoing in the valley, which was mixed with other Warcraft roars. He closed his ears and listened, his face suddenly smiled: "It turned out to be fighting the drug dragon ?"

In the open space of the canyon, two rapid black shadows come and go, and they are extremely fierce. One side is a flying wing poison dragon waving a frozen fist, and the other is a majestic black tiger. During the fight, I saw black The tiger's blood basin opened his mouth wide, and a dark black ice arrow suddenly formed, and he swore at the poisonous dragon's gate!

This move was fierce and swift and incoherent. Seeing the Flying Wyrm Dragon was about to dodge it, it simply headed up, and the swift freezing freeze punched the ice arrow, "Boom! Wow!" The ice arrow suddenly shattered Into the sky icing powder.

At this time, the black tiger came over in a gap, the tiger's claws wrapped in strong wind, and slammed at the front of the flying wing poison dragon. The giant tail draws to the tiger claws like lightning ...

Just as the Flying Wing Dragon and the Black Tiger fought in the canyon, a blue-crowned rooster watched on the big rock. At the same time, the rooster was trembling and groaning, looking cheerful. At this moment, a fist stabbed in, and "bang!" He hit the rooster's head impartially.

—— [Fourth more in 2016.2.20, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some Tibetan ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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