Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 861: Save people (fifth more outbreak)

"Oh!" The steel hammer was upside down, and the strong man's tiger's mouth was instantly cracked. He whine, the guy in his hand suddenly fell to the ground, the strong man's face was sweaty.

At this moment his companion, a black fat man with a scar on his face, stretched forward with the short blade in his hand, and quickly pressed Mrs. Linka's neck. "Say, how did this crystal cover open?"

"Oh!" Madam Lynka cursed her head. "Just because of your two assaults, and you want the ambergris in this crystal cover, stop dreaming, tell you, there is a special magic array inscribed on the crystal cover. Even if you have a lot of brute force, don't even think about destroying it! "

"Ahhh! You mother-in-law is really abominable!" Scar Scar's face was fat and his eyes flared: "I slaughtered you!" Then he raised his short blade over his head and was going to be ruthless!

"Stop it!" The strong man picked up the steel hammer in three steps and ran over in two. He grabbed the black fat man's wrist: "It was so easy to catch her alive, just to get a ransom for the sake of destroying her. Wait until you get the money! "

"Hmm, I wanted to get back this valuable ambergris berry. We could get another one. I didn't expect that this **** crystal cover was protected by magic array!" The scared black face roared angrily. "This woman is still so arrogant. If it weren't for ransom, I would have broken her now!"

"Uh!" Rao is Mrs. Linka, a courageous and knowledgeable lady. After hearing the words of the black fat man, she could not help but have a shiver. She thought to herself, "These two assaults tied me here. For the ransom and those ambergris berries, I must not say the secret words of lifting the magic cover of the crystal cover, otherwise my life will not be guaranteed immediately without dependence! "

At this moment, the brave man with a steel hammer glared at Mrs. Linka. He yelled, "If you don't remove the magic circle of the crystal cover, I will crush your arm first. Do you believe it?"

Mrs. Linka snorted and said, "Dare you! Is it so hard that you don't want a ransom?"

"Hahaha--" The brave man laughed long and tall: "Of course I want a ransom, I won't kill you directly, but I will make you suffer sporadically, but you won't be softened at all!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded at the entrance of the dirt cave: "I said, are you two boys crazy? The scarlet Countess saw that there was no oil and water, only the pig with water in her head would rob her for ransom. . "

The black fat man and strong man were shocked when they saw the person walking in the door: "Ah? Who are you?"

"I want to say that you passed by, and you certainly don't believe it." This man was Guan Heng, and he sneered slightly: "You have turned the world upside down in the city of Digon, and hijacked Mrs. Linka, which indirectly affected my Mood, so I want to fix you hard, it's that simple! "

"Don't talk nonsense with him!" The strong man suddenly gave a violent drink: "Destroy this boy, lest the sound of the leak lead to the Iron Armed Forces stationed in this city!"

"Hoo--" The steel hammer in the strong man's hand, wrapped in the sound of wind, slammed into Guan Heng's heavenly spirit, Guan Heng reclined back, the hammer head passed by the tip of his nose, and he flew up and kicked the other side without bias. Wrist, "Slap! Huh!" Steel Hammer flew away from the palm of the strong man.

It was said that time and time later, Guan Heng suddenly became short, and progressed out of the elbow in the middle of the strong man's thoracic spine. The strong man sprayed blood and flew out, and his whole body slammed into the corner of the soil hole.

The black fat man was horrified at seeing this scene. He just rushed forward a few steps and hurriedly retreated behind the bound Mrs. Linka. He shouted with a short blade: "Don't come over! Otherwise I'll die This Countess! "

"Yeah ..." Mrs. Linka could not bear the fear in her heart anymore, and her eyes fainted.

At this moment, Guan Heng's mouth turned up, but a strange smile appeared: "Dead fat, you're going to be unlucky."

"Crap! A thing suddenly fell off the top of the dirt hole, and it fell on the shoulder of the black fat man. He didn't wait for this guy to react. This thing raised his own tail pin, and pushed into the fat man On his shoulder, the kid's short blade fell to the ground, and Mrs. Linka's body rolled to the side.

In the blink of an eye, the healthy fat man has turned into a pool of black water!

"It's not bad, old Scorpion. It seems that just now, just in case, the decision to let you lurk on the top of the cave was right."

Guan Heng smiled and reached out to recall the Six-eyed Demon Scorpion, and the other party quickly climbed to Guan Heng's palm. He said, "Since you woke up, nothing seems to have changed. The power of this stinger is still sharp and good as always. ! "

"Squeak." The six-eyed monster scorpion heard Guan Heng's compliment, he immediately raised his cheeks, screamed with pride, and then suddenly returned to Guan Heng's sleeve.

But at this time, the strong man who had just hit the elbow of Guanheng just now, after a few spits of blood, he gritted his teeth and moved the organ on the wall around him, and a bang, a burrow suddenly appeared in the corner of the dirt cave, eager to escape. The strong man rolled over and got in.

"Run away ?!" Guan Heng saw that he was negligent and let the other party slip away, but eagerly, Guan Heng could not chase the other party, because there is still a person waiting to be rescued. Until now, the most What matters is to take Mrs. Lynka out first, because half an hour is coming.

Guan Heng gently shook the other's shoulder and whispered: "Countess, Mrs. Linka! Wake up soon!"

"Uh ..." Mrs. Linka woke her head slowly at this time, and when she was confused, she whispered in her mouth: "You two **** **** kidnappers, kill the swordman. ! "

"Mrs. Linka, the bad guy has run away for a long time." Guan Heng secretly said: "Can't let the countess know that the fat man has been turned into black water by the old scorpion, I'm afraid she will be fainted again."

Holding the Countess of Crimson slowly out of the tunnel of the abandoned manor, the lady finally exhaled: "Oh, you are saved."

The countess continued: "Benefactor, Mr. Guan Heng, your life-saving grace, I really don't know how to repay."

"Mrs. Linka, you speak a lot, this is just a trivial matter ..." Guan Henggang said here, only to see a black shadow fall from the air, and he slammed in front of the two, Guan Heng looked up. It was the goldfinch hovering in the air that threw the strong man who fled.

It turned out that when the brave man broke through the secret path with pain and pain, trying to escape, the golden-eye bird hiding in the big tree at the door looked at him, and the big bird flew down immediately, reaching out his two claws to capture it in one fell swoop. !!

"Huh ?! Isn't this one of those two who hijacked me just now?" Mrs. Linka was still a little confused at this time, she hadn't seen the golden-eyeed finch who flew in the air at all, her eyes staring at the ground had been faint Awake brawny.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.2.25, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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