Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 864: Urgent medical treatment (third)

"Ah, Tyro, dangerous !!!" When she saw her son fall from the room, Mrs. Linka was so scared that she was awake with alcohol, and at this moment, Guan Hengxi took out the metal cylinder and released the gold-eyed finch: " Big bird, hold him fast! "

"Slap, slap!" The gold-eyed finch fluttered its wings high, and the two bird claws held Tylor's shoulders impartially, which saved the lunatic's life.

"Uh, my son!" Mrs. Linka ran over in tears and caught Tyro, who was thrown to the ground by the gold-eyed finch, just shaking violently: "You little shit, do you want to scare the old lady? ? "

When Tyro grabbed the sword, when it fell from the air, it was seized by Guan Hengwen, and he threw it to Hodley. "Give it back to Lacey."

He waved his hand and let the golden-eyeed bird land on the roof first. Guan Heng said to the countess, "Sister Linka, is Tyler all right?"

Mrs. Linka was startled just now, just crying in whispering, and looking at her son again, saw Tylo flushed and closed her eyes, and cold sweat was dripping on her forehead. At this moment, Linka The lady's face suddenly changed: "Well, it's an old illness, Tyrol!"

Guan Heng strode over and stretched out his hands to hug Tyro, then said to the countess, "Hurry up, isn't there still ambergris in the crystal cover of the banquet room? Hurry up and help him!"

"Yes, yes," Mrs. Linka said after hearing the words, "come in soon." A group of people rushed into the banquet hall. The next moment, Guan Heng fed a scarlet ambergris berry into Tyro Mouth.

A few minutes later, Tylor's face calmed down gradually, but he still closed his eyes and bit his teeth, Guan Heng frowned, and said to himself, "Is it possible that the ambergris berries have failed?"

"No, it's not like that." Madam Lynka whispered next to her. "An old doctor who treated my son once said that although Tyrol's disease was relieved by frequent taking ambergris berries, it was still impossible to cure. of."

Guan Heng said in amazement: "Can't even ambergris be cured? Then what?"

Mrs. Linka continued: "The old doctor then returned to his hometown, looking for ancient medical books to find the cause of Tylo. In fact, this time when I came to Digun, I also planned to take Tyro to this old doctor. "

"It looks like Tylor's illness can no longer be dragged on," said Mrs. Linka. "I must quickly take him to the old doctor named" Jones ", but now there is one of the most serious problems ..."

Guan Heng asked, "What's the problem?"

The Countess Crimson said with a little embarrassment: "The old doctor's hometown lives in the southeast direction of Digon City. It is Moguling, which is about hundreds of miles away. Even if Tyre is driven by a carriage, it takes several Days, I worry that time is too late. "

"That's it ..." Guan Heng thought about his chin and thought, and then said, "Sister Linka, it's better to do this. I'm riding a golden-eyeed bird to take Tyrol. It's a few hundred miles, and there are more than ten hours. I can go back and forth once, and I'll just send him to Moguling. "

Sudden illness and medical treatment, coupled with Mrs. Linka's trust in Guan Heng, so she nodded and agreed quickly, so Guan Heng took the address of Mr. Linka's old doctor Jones' home and a simple road map, and took Tyro to ride Golden Eyes. The bird set off urgently.

After several hours of emergency flight, the gold-eyed finch was holding Guan Heng and Tailuo, and finally arrived desperately on a flat road five or six miles away from Moguling. At this time, the gold-eyed finch was exhausted. After landing, he slumped and fell to the ground.

"Tough work for you, Golden Eyed Finch." Guan Heng was distressed for a while, hurriedly put it into a metal cylinder to rest, so he carried Tyrol on his back, and hurriedly walked towards Moguling.

On the mountainside of Moguling, at the end of a dense forest, Guan Heng found the hut where the old doctor Jones lived in seclusion.

"Hey, is Dr. Jones here?" Guan Heng shouted and stunned Tyro. "Come out, the patient is here. It's Mrs. Lynka's son Tyro!"

Guan Henglian shouted a few times, no one agreed, and his heart became more and more anxious. Seeing that the sky was already bright, he quickly walked to the side of the hut, pushed the door open to watch, and saw the whole room. It was home-made tables, chairs, benches and wooden beds, but it was empty.

Guan Heng couldn't care about anything else, and quickly put Tyro on a wooden bed to cover him. At this time, Guan Heng was able to look around, and he thought to himself: "The furniture here is spotless. Obviously people live there all the time. It seems Dr. Jones must be somewhere nearby. "

Suddenly, Guan Heng's ears suddenly moved. He seemed to hear the roar of the beast outside the hut. Guan Heng moved in his heart, hurriedly walked out of the hut, closed the door with his hand, and ran straight toward the rush.

At the same time, in the jungle, an old man in a white robe carrying a bamboo basket for medicinal herbs was running away, and he muttered as he ran: "I have just picked a few herbs by your nest, Why are you desperately chasing me? "

"Woohoo--" Not far behind the old man in a white robe, a darkened World of Warcraft, howling to follow the old man reluctantly.

"Tongtong, my mother!" The old man was inattentive, his left foot was stepping on a raised stone on the ground, and he suddenly fell a dog shit. Come up.

This kind of World of Warcraft, Capricorn, was born with the bloodline talent to control the strange ability. This is very rare in general Warcraft. I saw the blue eyes of Capricorn suddenly flashing strange brilliance. The air around the old man in the white robe immediately Distorted.

The old man's neck was rattling with an invisible force, and it seemed to be broken at first sight. It turned out that this Capricorn had the thought power to control any object. Although it could not last for a long time, it was necessary to clean up an old man. It's a breeze.

At this moment, a swift figure suddenly hurricane hurricane arrived, threw a stone off his hand, and flew straight to the Capricorn Noodle Gate. This Warcraft was startled, his figure shook away from the flying stone, his mental power suddenly lost effect, and the white robe The old man plunged and fell to the ground, his eyes rolling in pain.

"嗷嗷 ..." The Capricorn was frightened, and saw that the other man was aggressive towards him, and the Capricorn did not dare to fight. He immediately turned around, slammed into the dense forest for a few times, and disappeared in a few breaths. Without a trace.

"Huh, you guys run fast." Guan Heng snorted and turned to ask the old man in the white robe: "Old man, are you okay? Are you injured?"

"Uh, it ’s okay, thank you for saving me." The old man had just fortunately escaped his life and had no time to deal with Guan Heng. He quickly reached out and took his own medicine basket for careful inspection. Finally he cried with a crying face: " Oops, most of the herbs I spent collecting for hours were lost on the run, all chased after me by the **** Capricorn. "

—— [The third change of 2016.2.26, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continued to ask for some Tibetan ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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