Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 901: The magic trace is reappearing (fifth more outbreak)

Guan Heng then said to the two people behind him: "You ride this flying winged poison dragon, it will take you near Pegasus City, and then find a place to hide by yourself."

"Guan Heng, what about you?" Du Li said uneasily: "Why not go with us?"

"After the poison dragon puts you down, you can come back to pick me up." Guan Heng blinked and analyzed. "And taking two people, the flying wing dragon is the fastest. I did this to get you out of danger as soon as possible. . "

"But ..." What did Du Li want to say, but he was pushed and carried by Guan Henglian and placed on the back of the flying winged poison dragon.

"Little brother Guanheng." The old man Waha said before leaving: "I will never forget your salvation, to ..."

The old man tore off a large piece from his tattered shirt and handed it to Guan Heng: "The road map of the secret treasure house on the sixth floor of the castle, I keep it useless, I will give it to you."

"Okay, then I'll accept it." Guan Heng saw that the resignation was also a waste of time, so he took out a savings card and stuffed it to the old man Waha: "Old man, in a hurry, I have nothing to give you, accept. This, I hope you can spend the rest of your life carefree in the future. "

Waha, as a businessman, how could he not know the savings card? He knew that Guan Heng was treating Zhouji with good intentions, so he nodded in tears, and flew with Du Li on the Flying Winged Dragon, and suddenly flew towards the mid-air sky. Then, the cover of the night faded away.

"Uh, now that the rescue of the people is flattened out," Guan Heng held the road map in his hand and murmured to himself: "Would you like to have a fight in this magic cave, and don't let that Miss Shimili be too arrogant, Someone has to fix her. "

After a few moments, dozens of personal soldiers and guards in the small castle in the suburbs were brought down one by one by the dark shadows. They didn't even see what the other was like, they suddenly fell and solved them. Later, Guan Heng retreated and returned to the inside of the castle, heading straight for the top floor of the sixth floor.

"Is there any reason, I sent someone to take that blond boy over, why haven't they moved yet?" A living room on the sixth floor of the castle, a beautifully dressed aristocratic woman, was eager to move around the room: "Well, my most I hate waiting. "

"Bang!" At this moment, the door of the living room was kicked open by someone, and he strode in. He said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Miss Shi Milie, I have kept you waiting so long. . "

"Uh ?! Who are you?"

Shi Mili is very hard-hearted and poisonous. Naturally, she is not a bad stubble. When she sees a stranger break in, she asks the other side, and immediately pulls out the steel short sword hanging on the wall. Heng: "Boy, my mother is often a handsome guy here, but I brought it to you, you are the first."

"Oh, that's really my honor." There was a hint of coldness in Guan Heng's eyes: "Should I call you Miss Shimily? Or a witch?"

"The name is just a title, I wouldn't care about it at all." Shi Mili faced Guan Heng, a hint of ominous premonition in her heart, because the other person walked into his living room without a personal soldier or a servant. Make Shimily realize that she may be in danger.

"Anyway, take this person first!" Shi Mi Li gritted her silver teeth, waving a short steel sword, and stood up.

"Bang!" Guan Hengxin waved the evil pupil's strange sword in the palm of his hand, and between the light and flint, Shi Mili was shocked to step back three or four steps. Shi Mili only felt her tiger's mouth tremble, a little red. Ticked from the wound.

Guan Heng said coldly: "The white bones around this castle, they are silently complaining, it is you, who ordered the minions to kill them, now it is time for you, the witch, to pay for the victims."

"Shao Luoyu, the lives of these untouchables can be the nourishment of our Lord's awakening. It is their supreme glory."

At this moment, Shi Mi-li showed her face, completely without the expression of ordinary human beings. She knew that Guan Heng was not a good opponent, so she decided to "transform" to solve this strong enemy.

"My lord? Awake nutrients?" Guan Heng frowned, and hadn't figured out the meaning of Shi Mili's words. I saw this woman screamed suddenly, in the thick black gas rising from the pan, suddenly turned into a Tabby-eyed black-striped monster.

"What's on this guy is ... Devil's Darkness ?!" Guan Heng's eyes flickered suddenly, and he suddenly figured out a lot of things: an ordinary woman, why should he rob countless young men into this castle? Because this woman is not an ordinary human at all, but a running dog in the abyss of the demon realm.

"Maybe the abyss lord's agent in Ashton continent." Guan Heng's mouth turned upwards, revealing a sneer: "Well, are you guys in the magic domain? When you meet me, your end is here."

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh), the black tiger mob moved suddenly at high speed, and flew to Guan Heng in a moment, waving his sharp claws and crossing it off.

"Huh!" Guan Heng wasn't afraid. The evil pupil in the palm of his hand suddenly turned outwards, and Jian Feng slammed open the opponent's left claw, so that the monster's offensive immediately broke into shape.

Time and time later, Guan Heng's other hand clenched into a fist, banging in the other's jaw, only listening to the sound of the crack of the cheekbone, Guan Heng's vigorous leg hit the other's lower abdomen at the same time.

"噗 ——" The black tiger-stripe monster suddenly burst out into the sky with red fog, and flew upside down! But this monster's fighting spirit is also stubborn, hurried to roll in the volley, after a few flips, "bone!"

The black tiger-striped monster was severely wounded, and the corners of its mouth kept overflowing with blood. It suddenly snarled in anxiety, and the five-finger hooks suddenly grabbed its own heart. "His!" He pulled his skin and muscles apart.

Guan Hengning looked at him, suddenly surprised, and saw the location of the monster's heart nest, a black hexagonal metal object embedded in it!

"It's a magic chart!" Guan Heng's eyes flickered suddenly. In order to prevent unexpected situations, he suddenly summoned the Bone Armor from the space ring the next moment, and put the bone armor on his body in an instant.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhh", the black tiger-striped monster on the other side screamed suddenly, and the shard of the magic disk inlaid in its heart nest suddenly shone with ominous evil spirits!

"Oh!" The shard of the monster disk in the monster's heart suddenly shot out the six-horse star formation. Guan Heng had a look of "you would have done this" for a long time, and driven the magic disk on the bone armor. Six-man starry array.

The two arrays collided in the air suddenly, making a crackling sound, and suddenly, Guan Heng's six-monster star suddenly burst into a circle, unceremoniously swallowing up the opponent's array.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.3.4, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to pray for some push to hide (⊙o⊙)] ——

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