Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9613: Metal skeleton (fifth more outburst)

"Master Guan, the few long-bearded black worms just fled into the cave in front and no longer come out." Guhuang Roar said, "So I can be sure that this is the old nest of the black worms."

"Well, hard work."

When Guan Heng finished speaking, he suddenly opened his palm to release a few clusters of Golden Profound Aura, controlling them to swiftly move forward, "Shoo!" The Golden Profound Aura group rushed into several meters away in an instant. Inside the cave, he flew back and forth between several breaths and flew back to Guan Heng.

Qing Huang and Xian Xin crowded around and asked, "How is it, did you find anything special?"

"It's still the weird smell of metal rust." Guan Heng touched his chin, the corner of his mouth curled slightly and said, "It seems that it is indeed necessary to go into the hole and check it."

"Let's go." As he said, Guan Heng hooked his finger to the old monkey, and then smiled: "Let these bugs bid farewell to the world in the final fireworks."

"Ujiji!" Upon hearing this, the white-browed old monkey's eyes suddenly flashed with excitement, and he followed Guan Heng with a jump.

"Buzz—Buzz—" Just as Guan Heng and the monkey approached the entrance of the cave, hundreds of crazy long-bearded black worms discovered the enemy about to invade their homes, and they immediately fluttered like crazy. He flew quickly, trying to block the enemy's path.

"The scumbag wants to stop me? You are not worthy!"

At the moment when the sneer sounded, Guan Hengsu waved his hand, "huhuhuhu!" In an instant, a large flame swirled with the wind, forming a vortex, and engulfing hundreds of black insects in it, the opponent even screamed. Before it was released, it was burned to ashes.

"Ujiji!" The next moment, the old white-browed monkey touched his fists, Huo Di went straight forward, "Boom boom boom!" The flame fist hit like a stormy sea, swallowing up the remaining half of the black beard. insect.

At this time, Guan Heng stepped forward without incident, and said, "As long as you see the black bugs who dare to resist, kill without mercy!"

After a few breaths, the rest of the comrades also walked into the cave. Everyone saw traces of burnt black smoke everywhere on the rock walls and the ground. Ruotao looked around and said with a smile: "The son and the monkey have a good time. It's fierce, that group of long-bearded black bugs is miserable."

"In the beginning, those guys came to the door by themselves, so it should be said that they are making their own way." Gu Sangnu shrugged and continued: "It deserves to be killed."

"Well, that's right." Just as An Yan said this, Suddenly felt that the soil under her feet was shaking a few times, so she immediately waved and shouted, "There is something wrong here, please be careful!"

"What's going on?" After hearing this, everyone immediately became alert.


"Chill!" At the next moment, dozens of black worms with long beards crawled out of the surrounding soil. It turns out that these guys dug a hole and escaped deep underground when they encountered the fire just now. A catastrophe.

But at this time, it happened by coincidence that the girls and other companions happened to be hit by these black bugs.

"Chuck, chuck!" It was too late, then soon, the golden wren chick on Ruotao's shoulder suddenly screamed, and then flew towards dozens of black insects.

"It's crackling!" In the blink of an eye, the little golden wren released a large amount of rapid electric current, which fell on these unlucky ones one after another. The poor black bug was lucky not to be burned to death by the violent flames, but at this time, he was turned into ashes because of thunder!

"Wren, beautifully done!" Seeing the death of many unlucky black bugs, the girls stroked their palms and praised. At this moment, the golden wren chicks triumphantly circled in the low altitude, and then gently fell back to Ruotao's shoulders, she smiled: "Not bad, you are already very good."

At this moment, Guan Heng's voice came not far ahead: "Hey, have you found the black bugs in the soil? That is what I left for everyone to relieve their boredom. Isn't it a surprise?"

"It's really a pleasant surprise." Qing Huang smiled and said, "But well, these scums are not worth our action. If there is a wren treasure, it will be solved."

"Since everything is settled, don't you come here?" Guan Hengyang said, "I found something here."

After a few breaths, the girls and other companions rushed to the place where Guanheng and the old monkey were.

They saw that a huge long-bearded black worm that was several meters long fell down in front of them. It seemed that the other party was the boss in the worm's nest. After recalcitrant resistance, Guan Heng punched him to death on the spot.

"This guy lives alone in the largest cave, where various metal blocks and ore are stored. It seems to be a metal storage room in the treasure cave. Let's take a look."

"Okay." Upon hearing this, the women and the group of beasts all agreed. When the white-browed old monkey dragged the corpse of the worm to a distance and burned it, everyone had already walked into the cave where the black worm king lived.

"Hey, there are really a lot of metal things."

Coriander glanced at the contents of the cave. There were various metal blocks here, all of which were cut into equilateral rectangles of the same size by the processor, neatly placed on both sides, and there were also many formed armors. Appliances and the like.

"The previous guy actually had this kind of metal processing technology. It's really unimaginable." Guan Heng picked up a metal block casually, put it in his palm, and continued: "It seems to be an ancient race that is good at casting artifacts."

An Yan asked casually: "Brother, do you think the ancient Yanling clan is better, or is the maker of this treasure cave better?"

"They? Each has its own advantages. How can I make it clear who is strong and who is weak?"

Guan Heng shrugged, and then said: "However, the owner here is also great for being able to create such a magnificent treasure cave. Come here and collect all these metals. They will definitely come in handy in the future. Here you are."

"Okay, Lord Guan." When the earth palace toad heard this, he suddenly jumped to the front, opening his mouth to spit out the ethereal toad tripod, but at such a time, Zhenwen and Xiao Hei suddenly shouted: "Hey, there is something weird here, come and take a look."

"Oh? What is it, let me see." Their words attracted everyone's ideas. Guan Heng and the girls immediately surrounded them. What Zhenwen and the others found were some weird metal shelves, or rather, very similar. The "skeletons" of humans and animals.

"What are these things?" Ruotao reached out and picked up a metal forearm bone, turned it around in her palm, and said: "It's done so vividly, and even the weight is very close to real bones. What is it for? What?"

"Maybe it is really used to replace the limbs of living things." Suddenly, Guan Heng said these words and continued: "Perhaps the maker of the metal skeleton wants to use these things for the companions who have lost their hands and feet. of."

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