Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9713: Lure and rescue (the fifth outbreak)

Under Pu Xing's anger, the spear in his palm stabs forward quickly, and a hundred-point cold star engulfed the leopard-faced orc corpse with the wind, only to hear the sound of broken meat one after another. The body of this guy suddenly increased by countless. Biao blood hole holes.

"Puff--" The badly wounded dying orc corpse spurted blood mist, and fell back on its back. When Puxing was about to take advantage of the victory to kill the opponent, three shadows suddenly emerged from the deep pit next to it.

These guys are also the same orc corpses. In order to save his companions, they madly attacked both sides beside Pu Xing. He had no time to give a fatal blow to the seriously wounded corpses, so he had to spin the spear in his palm. "Boom! Boom!" The two beast corpses' sneak attack was repelled.

"Asshole, you are looking for death!"

Pu Xing suddenly turned his face, Huo Di shook his spear through the throat, throat and throat of the living orc corpse on the left with lightning speed. Before the opponent struggled, his wrist spun sharply, and the powerful spiral gun force immediately The skull of the living corpse and the upper half of the opponent's body were shredded.

"It's your two turn!" At the next moment, Pu Xing swept across with his spear, "Pop!" He hit the waist of another living corpse. It was a coincidence that it happened to fly to Guan Heng.

"Good come." Guan Heng swiftly pointed his fingers like a knife, and ran the wind across the dead body of the orc, "chachacha!" The opponent immediately turned into a few pieces of meat.

In this way, the two orc corpses of the rescue companion were all killed, and the badly wounded fellow was scared to death. How did it know that casual peeping at an enemy from outside would bring it to death, and now regret it. It's too late.

"Go to hell!" In the next moment, Puxing shook his spear and pierced the eyebrows of the living corpse. This guy was so frightened that he dodged. Who knew that Puxing was a fake attack. Suddenly, the stabbing turned into a sweep, and the orc was alive. The ankle of the corpse, it immediately became unstable and fell to the ground with a plop.

"Okay, let me clean it up." Guan Heng signaled Puxing to step aside, and the latter nodded and instantly retreated to the girls.

"Pop!" At this moment, Guan Heng stretched out his hand to clasp the skull of the orc corpse, and then said coldly: "Don't worry, I won't kill you for the time being, just to draw out other orc corpses, you have to eat it. Nod, go!"

"Chuckchchchchch!" Said it too late, then quickly, Guan Heng shot and severed the limbs of the orc corpse, then threw the guy into the air, "huh!" Then he raised his hand and released a big fireball. Trapped the living corpse that became a "stick" in it.


The body was constantly eroded and burnt by the flames, and the orc corpses let out an unpleasant howl, but these flames did not burn them to ashes, because they are relatively mild geocentric blue flames. As long as they are properly controlled, they will not even be weeds. Will burn.

Guan Heng is to use the blue flame to torture the living corpses of evil creatures, but not to cause fatal damage to the opponent, so that it can be tortured in the air fireball, so as to attract the attention of other orc corpses.

Through repeated contact, Guan Heng discovered that these orc corpses had a "mutual assistance" feature, that is, once the same kind encountered danger and made a cry for help, most of the corpses would choose to come to rescue.

This is not because the living corpses are sympathetic, because they have a "consensus" in their subconscious, that is, this time they helped the victims, and the next time they will be helped. This belief was forcibly instilled by their creators. In thought.

"It's probably because the guy who makes the orc corpses needs them to have a certain degree of discipline. After all, only the corpses that can help each other can resist the attack of the evil beasts and twist them into a rope to compete with each other.

Thinking of this, Guan Heng glanced at the "living corpse" trapped in the fireball in the air, with a sneer on his face.

He thought to himself: "It's very simple to confirm my judgment. It just keeps torturing the living corpse like this. As long as it makes a scream for help, the rest of the orc corpses will definitely flock to it. In this case, you don't need to reach the summit. A lot of evil spirit bodies will be obtained from the dead corpses."


"Yes." The worm mother fluttered into the air, whirled and hovered abruptly, and then cried from above: "Master, it is the orc corpses. After hearing the cry for help, they are quickly gathering. Here we come."

"Very well, it seems that my guess is completely correct. These guys really can't ignore the call for help, even if they are unwilling or forced to come to rescue their companions."

The corner of Guan Heng's mouth was slightly raised, and he nodded, then said: "Let's continue to the summit. The opponent will definitely follow him quickly. After we make up a certain number of scales, we will kill in one fell swoop, understand?"

"Okay!" After hearing this, the companions certainly raised their hands in agreement, but for the orc corpses who rushed to the nearby sporadically, everyone still adopted a quick killing attitude, lest these guys mess around and disturb their plans. .

In this way, after a while, everyone was gradually approaching the peak of the peak. At this moment, the flying lynx, the nine house sparrow, and the gray feather bald ibis were hovering high in the sky to investigate, and they would tell everyone what they saw.

Most of the information indicated that all kinds of evil beasts are gathering more and more, as if they are endlessly flowing, continuously pouring toward the top of the peak.

"Hahaha, it's interesting." Qing Huang said with a smile at this time: "Those evil beasts are desperate to gather to the top of the bone mountain, is there something that attracts them there? It is so alluring!"

"Should it be a stone statue of the boss boss?"

Ruotao guessed: "After all, we discovered from the beginning that those evil beasts are addicted to the remnant souls of the evil gods and the stone statues. As long as they are aware of them, they will keep chasing them until they die. Will stop."

"The little girl ghost said something reasonable." Guan Heng said at the moment, he said: "My instinct also feels that the abnormal behavior of these evil beasts is related to the remnant soul of the evil god."

"I don't know if you noticed it."

Guan Heng now pointed to the spiritual balloons that imprisoned him in the air and grabbed the remnants of the soul, and continued: "Any evil beasts approaching us seem to have a frantic tendency to swarm forward and defy death. There is little fear At that time, it is because this thing has the power of temptation to them."

"So that's it, I understand." Upon hearing this, the girls felt like they suddenly realized. Then, Xiong asked: "Then can we use these remnants to lure some evil beasts..."

"I'm afraid not." Guan Heng interrupted her, shook her head, and continued: "The ‘that thing’ on the peak of Skeleton Mountain is much more attractive than our little remnant soul."

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