Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 9801: Black Bear (third more)

"Master Guan, this is how things happened." The flame golden eagle said, Guan Heng nodded, and said, "Is the Mandrill staying there?"


"Well, anyway, the matter here has been resolved. Let's go and take a look at the Gem Fruit Tree." Guan Heng turned his head and said, "Earth Palace Toad, first let Toad Ding put away this small island and the ancient climbing clouds. , And everyone set off immediately."

"Yes, Lord Guan." Big Toad agreed and immediately followed his instructions.


On the other side, Mandrill had frozen a piece of the surrounding island.

Those hapless fish-head fierce beasts now can only move in the narrow waters that are not frozen. They are pitiful, wanting to escape but can't escape, they can only wait for their own destiny with fear, life or death may be impossible.

"Wow!" It was too late. It was soon, the biggest fish-headed beast, that is, the guy who first worked with the mandrill, finally couldn't hold back his murderous intentions. The water rushed to the ice, and the guy swayed. The body rushed towards the mandrill.

It was impossible for Mandrill to let go of himself and his companions, so he was determined to work hard, but never expected that Mandrill did not take this beast in his eyes.

"I didn't intend to kill you. I didn't expect you to come and die? Don't blame me for being impolite!"

"Huh!" In an instant, the Mandrill slammed his fist towards the opponent, "Bang!" In an instant, the cold fist hit the fish head fierce beast viciously.

"Boom—" This guy suddenly fell out and rolled on the ice, so embarrassed, then he screamed and rolled into the water.

"Hahaha, beating you can barely pass the time, let's continue." Mandrill laughed, and then hooked his finger at the fish-head beast in the water, with a playful expression on his face, urging him to continue.

The fierce beast was rude and reckless. Seeing the mandrill hit it so much that it hurts itself, thinking that the opponent's attack power was not enough, he shook his head and gritted his teeth and climbed ashore again.





It was just over ten breaths. The fish-headed beast was hit by the mandrill, and the scene of falling into the water repeatedly appeared. Gradually, the mandrill gradually increased its punch, and the beast's head, face and body showed concave fist marks one after another. Also began to vomit blood constantly, which seemed extremely painful.

"Boom!" The body fell heavily on the nearby ice again, and the fish head fierce beast suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood. It was only now that this guy felt that his ribs were broken seven or eighty eight, and he felt terribly painful as long as he moved. .

Mandrill’s fist strength is not that it is not heavy, but that it has quietly penetrated into its own bone marrow long ago, and will explode to death at any time. Thinking of this, the fish-headed beast was almost frightened and urinated. It hurriedly stood up and wanted Flee back into the water.

"Huh!" Suddenly, a sharp claw came out of the water, "Puff!" This claw instantly penetrated the heart of the fish head fierce beast, forcibly pulled out a hot heart, and then pinched it. It was crushed.

"Who is in the water? Come out!" Seeing the other party's shot swiftly like electricity, Mandrill suddenly became interested and shouted.

"Huh!" Hearing the sound, the other party immediately crawled out of the water, and shook off the dead beast's body. It wandered to the small island where the mandrill was.

The mandrill looked intently. The opponent had small ears, big eyes, full mouth and fangs, and his face was dark, with black and gray patterned fluff all over it. Don’t think it was swimming, but the fur on his body was not stained with cement stains or fluff. It's bright and bright.

In general, it looks like a medium-sized bear beast, but it looks so naive, and it is completely invisible that it just shot the thunder to kill the fish head beast.

"This black-stripe bear beast is not annoying, but it should have some strength. What does it want to say?"

The Mandrill was thinking about whether to do it directly, but the bear beast walked to a place more than ten feet away from it, and sat there and stopped moving. It made Mandrill lose its temper, and said, "Hey. ,What do you want to do?"

"Woo!" Hearing this, the black bear beast pointed to the fruit tree behind the mandrill and uttered a cry.

"You want to eat these fruits? Okay, here you are."

The Mandrill thought: "Since this guy doesn't want to fight, it doesn't matter if you give him a few fruits." Reaching out a few fruits, it shook its hands and threw it toward the bear beast. This guy appeared and clumsy in an instant. The extremely disproportionate agility of the body surprised Mandrill.

"Swishwwww!" In an instant, the black bear beast's claws caught the two fruits, and at the same time opened a big mouth, the last one just fell into the mouth, and then, chewed happily.

"I can't see that your movements are quite fast." Mandrill smiled.

"Woo, woo." While eating the fruit, the black bear beast shook its head and whispered, as if to say that it was nothing.

"Hey, Mandrill!" At this moment, Guan Heng and the others descended from the sky and landed on a small island, scared that the bear beast shrank his neck, and rushed to the side with a little bewilderment.

"Master Guan, you are here."

"Yeah." Guan Heng nodded, then pointed at the black bear beast and asked: "Who is that guy?"

"Hahaha, it's a guy who came to eat, it's very interesting." Mandrill said with a smile: "It just wants a few fruits to eat, so far there is no harm."

"This is the fruit tree the Golden Eagle said?" Ruotao walked up to the fruit tree at the moment, reached out and took one off and rubbed it on the lap of her clothes, opened her mouth and took a bite, and then said, "Yeah, it tastes really good."

"Then transplant them into the Toad Ding Space." After Guan Heng finished speaking, he beckoned to the Earth Palace Toad: "It's up to you."

"Good." The big toad nodded, and immediately gathered several gem fruit trees into the space.

"Woo?!" Seeing the fruit tree disappeared in an instant, the black bear beast screamed, and it fell to the front. It looked left and right, and found that there were only a few potholes in the same place. It couldn't help but whine: "Woo Woo..."

"Oh, did we take away the fruit tree that used it as food?" Seeing this, Xiaoxin felt a little unbearable and said, "It's better to arrange it."

Qing Huang thought for a while, and then walked to the bear beast, seeing tears in the corner of the opponent's eyes, and patted its forehead.

She said: "I'm sorry, I have taken away the fruit tree you like, but this place will soon merge with other spaces. It is also dangerous for you to stay. You can go with us. You will have everything you want to eat in the future."

"Woo?!" Hearing this, the black bear beast blinked, then nodded fiercely.

"Hehehe, that's it." Guan Heng smiled and waved his hand: "Let it follow us first, and then it will be sent into the Toad Ding space."

"Xiong Beast, did you hear that?" Ruotao stepped forward, stroked the bright and soft fur on the opponent's body, and said, "You will follow us in the future."

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