Jiang Xinghuo looked at Song Li. What he just said seemed to be a question to him, and it seemed to be a question to all the officials present.

Having said this, Jiang Xinghuo looked at Song Li and said sincerely: "Sir Song, I haven't changed, I really haven't changed. In the past, it was Jiang Xinghuo who spoke the truth, but today, isn't it Jiang Xinghuo who does things?"

In this life and past life, in prison and outside, all the things in the past have become who I am today.

Song Li was naturally filled with gratitude along the way. At this time, he actually said with a bit of nasality: "I know, I really know."

"It's good to know."

Jiang Xinghuo breathed out a sigh of relief. After all, there were people walking with him on this road. Some people were not around, but they were silently supporting him behind the scenes. For example, Yao Guangxiao and Xia Yuanji could go back and host with them after they finished their local affairs. The center, the enlightenment thought.

After releasing Song Li's hand, Jiang Xinghuo looked at the Changzhou government officials present and declared seriously.

"Starting tonight, the governor of Changzhou Prefecture is absent. Wang Shijie, the co-president, is temporarily acting as governor. The disaster relief grains of the Jiangnan prefectures will be allocated and transferred here as the base camp. The tax guards and guards will leave some troops and horses to oversee the grain and grass transportation. thing."

"The top priority of the next task is to quell chaos, provide disaster relief, and control floods in the prefectures south of the Yangtze River. Since Changzhou Prefecture has the Grand Canal, a convenient condition to connect the southeast, all the required manpower and material resources will be gathered and set off here. , Changzhou Prefecture is not only the base camp, but also the rear area. Wang Tongzhi, you have to take responsibility."

Wang Shijie suddenly felt the pressure, but he happily held his hands and said: "I will accept my order."

"As for you people." Jiang Xinghuo paused, "The few I just named are unavoidable for death. The rest of you are wearing wooden shackles to work. I will give you a chance to reduce your guilt by making meritorious service and evacuate your guilt. Zhang Yulin is responsible for the review and will make a record and submit it to the national division for review."

Unknowingly, Jiang Xinghuo changed his name, and Zhang Yulin stepped out of the queue and responded seriously.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Xinghuo arranged the general affairs, city defense, criminal names, money and valley affairs in Changzhou Mansion. What is quite surprising is that the officials he appointed were basically some capable and not deeply involved with Ding Meixia. .

This undoubtedly means that the Imperial Master has probably been concerned about the personnel affairs of Changzhou Mansion for a long time. Who can be used and who cannot be used, and he has already had a booklet in his mind. Otherwise, how could he make arrangements for the aftermath so quickly?

Therefore, Ding Meixia's death was not unjust. He regarded the national master as a descendant, and the national master worked hard.

In other words, I'm afraid there was no intention to let Ding Meixia live from the beginning.

Ding Meixia's head has rolled to the first floor. There is no way to say "I was careless and did not dodge. Young people do not respect martial ethics." But after thinking about it, after the news of Ding Meixia's death spread, the officials of the Jiangnan government will definitely The emphasis on national teachers will be raised by several levels.

It's not the kind of attention that comes and goes on the surface, but the real fear in my heart.

At the same time, Jiang Xinghuo's ability to stabilize the situation in a short period of time and handle government affairs in an orderly manner, which even many senior officials may not have, Jiang Xinghuo's calm handling has made many officials have doubts about their attitude towards the national division and the reform. There is a change that comes from within.

Of course, one minute on stage and ten years off stage, these measures to stabilize the situation were finalized by Jiang Xinghuo after repeatedly consulting Song Li countless times on the road, so now he can be calm and organized in the face of danger.

In this bloody attic, Jiang Xinghuo held a long meeting with the officials of Changzhou Prefecture. After everything was settled, he pointed to a few people who had never been named and said.

"Take it off."

At this time, Zhu Gaoxu had just finished putting out fires and maintaining public order in the city and came here.

Zhu Gaoxu was overjoyed when he heard this.

"It's finally time to live."

There were dozens of rebels, but before it was Zhu Gaoxu's turn to kill them, they were all killed by the soldiers in the governor's team and the guards around Jiang Xinghuo, which made Zhu Gaoxu quite disappointed.

Right now, Zhu Gaoxu's hands were itching unbearably.

Zhu Gaoxu said sincerely: "No need to drag it out, just stay here."

Jiang Xinghuo is incompetent.

Zhu Gaoxu smiled evilly and stretched out his big hand like a cattail leaf fan, twisting the underground prisoner's neck like a duck's neck. There was a "click" and his breath disappeared cleanly.

In this way, one with each hand, several lives were lost in an instant.

Zhu Gaoxu's cruel behavior shocked several officials to the point of peeing out. The psychological shadow this scene caused to them will probably never be erased for the rest of their lives. When thinking about collecting money in the future, you should always think about this scene. .

Killing people to establish prestige, the effect is undoubtedly immediate.

Jiang Xinghuo's next flood control operation in the south of the Yangtze River, Changzhou Mansion, the rear area, will surely become the most stable and reliable base, and no one will dare to cause trouble again.

Just like Zhuge Wuhou wanted to "cross Lu in May and go deep into the barren land" before the Northern Expedition, only when "the south is secured and the troops are sufficient" can we "reward the three armies and conquer the Central Plains in the north."

At this time, the rear is determined, and there is no way forward.


The next day, drizzle accompanied the spring breeze.

Rain means that the floods that have just improved will become more serious. According to reports from Songjiang Prefecture, the scale of the floods has become uncontrollable. The water conservancy facilities in the country have completely failed, and the ancient river roads are silted and blocked. They cannot be solved by ordinary water control actions.

At the same time, due to the sharp rise in the water level of Taihu Lake, if it rains again in the future, the dams of the various tributaries that can barely maintain it will collapse. By then, all the prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River surrounding Taihu Lake will probably suffer, and the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal will also be affected. Invalid. In some areas, the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal relies on locks and dams to adjust the water level, which will slow down the transfer of people, food and other materials from Changzhou Prefecture.

Not only that, the big gentry families in Songjiang Prefecture are all old-style gentry families that have been inherited from the iron-blooded Song Dynasty. They were able to imitate the elegance of their predecessors before being beheaded by the Mongols. Before they were executed, they sighed: "I want to hear The people in Huating were trembling, and they all united to hoard food.

This means that they are determined to see who can control the price of food, and they are not afraid of the butcher's knife.

People say that you will never look back until you hit the southern wall. This group of gentry in Songjiang Prefecture was chopped off by Zhu Yuanzhang. More than thirty years later, they seem to have no memory at all, and they have sprouted again. It is really incomprehensible. .

In fact, in the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di dared to do this when their butcher knives were sharp. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, when Zhu Youxiao and Zhu Youjian were beyond their reach, they still dared to do this. In the name of resisting taxes, they could still write the "Five Five-Year Plan". This is such a shameless work.

It can be said that the original intention has not changed.

But it should be said that Songjiang Mansion is indeed no better than Changzhou Mansion.

In the center of the court, from the ministers of the monasteries to the small officials with swords and pens, the influence of the gentry officials from Songjiang was extremely huge. There were people who spoke to them everywhere. The power of the temple and the power of public opinion were extraordinary.

At the same time, the public opinion environment in Jiangnan also began to deteriorate rapidly for the reform. The Jiangnan literati group liked gatherings and gatherings. The public opinion situation was different from the situation when the center was slightly settled by Jiang Xinghuo. At this time, the Jiangnan literati always At elegant gatherings, people will consciously or unconsciously talk about the debate between ancient and modern times, and the dispute between the old and the new.

If there is a problem in thinking, everything that follows will go astray. It is foreseeable that Jiang Xinghuo will have to use advanced science and technology and ideological weapons to slap these stubborn literati in the face.

Only by making their faces swollen, doing something they think is impossible, and refuting the theories they think cannot go wrong can some of these people be awakened. These people who are awakened will naturally... Will actively join the reform camp.

In addition, there is a more troublesome thing, that is, the White Lotus Sect, which is deeply involved in the civil unrest.

The White Lotus Sect originated from the White Lotus Sect founded by Mao Ziyuan, a monk from Kunshan in Wu County during the Shaoxing period of the Southern Song Dynasty. It was originally a branch of the Pure Land Sect, but this person changed it into a master-disciple teaching and sect affiliation. He established it in Dianshan Lake He built the White Lotus Confession Hall, claimed to be his teacher, and sat down to be worshiped by the audience. He also required his disciples to name them after the four characters "Pujue Miao Dao", thus establishing a relatively stereotyped sect.

Since the Red Turban Uprising, the White Lotus Sect's power among the people and officials in Jiangnan has been somewhat entangled, and it has begun to expand more and more as time goes by. This time, their shadow naturally appeared in the uprising team. Here, the White Lotus cultists who chanted the mantra of "Vacuum hometown, birthless mother" became more and more unscrupulous.

In the history of Jiang Xinghuo's previous life, the White Lotus Sect had launched more than ten uprisings, large and small, during the Yongle period. The largest was undoubtedly the uprising launched by Tang Saier in Shandong in the 18th year of Yongle. Even Liu Sheng, the commander of the Shenji Battalion, Well, even Liu Sheng, who had Jiang Xinghuo's "Four Books on Artillery", suffered at the hands of the White Lotus Sect. Moreover, the difficult part of the White Lotus Sect is that it has been repeatedly banned and suppressed, and hundreds of years later, "I am the Qing Dynasty." "Dead, the White Lotus Sect still exists, which can be said to be quite troublesome.

Flood control, food prices, public opinion, civil unrest.

Under such complicated circumstances, the group embarked on an unknown road ahead, and this time the team traveling together was much larger, with more than 4,000 soldiers and horses remaining in the tax guard led by Zhu Gaoxu.

He left eight hundred people in the tax guard in Changzhou Prefecture. Some of the civil servants who accompanied the army were not only responsible for investigating the bad debts of Changzhou Prefecture's grain tax and military rations, but also responsible for the transshipment of disaster relief grain. Well, it was this time anyway. No one dares to give the local rice bugs in Changzhou Prefecture the opportunity to stretch out their hands to help with disaster relief.

Song and Jiang walked side by side, watching Jiang Xinghuo look back at the city of Changzhou that was getting further away. Song Li put on his coir raincoat and asked.

"What are you thinking, Master Imperial Master?"

Jiang Xinghuo said frankly: "I'm not afraid of big jokes. I was thinking about all the things in Changzhou Prefecture. Although it was only a short two or three days, it was like a dream. I really had some ups and downs in my mind."

Song Li nodded slightly and said: "The road ahead is bleak. One cannot keep looking back at the Imperial Master, but one should work hard to move forward."

Jiang Xinghuo nodded with some feeling, knowing that the road ahead was difficult and dangerous. At this moment, he looked at the drizzle and the bamboo leaves swaying, but he felt as if he was blessed.

There is neither the melancholy of "the evening mist sinks in the vast sky", nor the tragedy of "leaning on the railing, the misty rain rests", nor the decadence of "the young man listens to the rain song upstairs, the red candle dims the tent", there is only endless pride. .

Inexplicably, Jiang Xinghuo remembered a poem by Su Dongpo called "Ding Fengbo".

Jiang Xinghuo suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared, whipped his little gray horse with a whip, and galloped beside the team. Song Li, who was also an old man in his teenage madness, started chasing after him with his big white horse.

After a year in prison, how could it have happened that all the fortresses have been drained out today?

At the moment, the earth was retreating rapidly under his feet, and the rain was washing over his eyelids, making it almost impossible to open his eyes. However, Jiang Xinghuo sang loudly, and the wind and rain poured into his throat, but it didn't bother him at all.

“Don’t listen to the sound of beating leaves in the forest, why not just scream and walk slowly!

Bamboo sticks and mango shoes are easier than horses, who is afraid? You can live your whole life in mist and rain!

The steep spring breeze blows away the drunkenness, it is slightly cold, but the mountain tops are shining slantingly.

Looking back at the desolate place, when I return, there is no wind, rain or sunshine! "

Song Li, who was following behind him, also laughed loudly and said, "Let's go, let's go together! Whatever the weather, rain or shine!"

The journey was boring. Zhu Gaojiu was dozing off while riding on the sweaty horse. He was woken up by the splashing mud. He was about to get angry when he saw his master Jiang Xinghuo riding his horse and singing. Zhu Gaojiu was stunned for a moment. Startled.

He was really stunned. Zhu Gaoxu had seen all kinds of Jiang Xinghuo, but he had never seen such a wanton and heroic Jiang Xinghuo today.

It was as if Jiang Xinghuo had truly changed since he beheaded the old man with his own hands.

"It's just killing someone, is there such a big change? I don't say killing every day, but also screwing the head every now and then. Why is there no change?"

After a moment of annoyance, Zhu Gaoxu finally reacted and moved the red sweaty horse under his crotch.

"Master, wait for me!"

PS: [Important reminder (there is no charge for this content)] Chapters 316 to 356 are about the rectification of officialdom and the suppression of rebellions in Jiangnan. They do not contain any theoretical knowledge. They are all practical content. If you are not interested, you can jump directly to Chapter 366. "Class" will contain theoretical knowledge content from now on.

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