However, the generals of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion were not easy to fool. They were all figures who crawled out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses. After hearing Jiang Xinghuo's words, they immediately reacted.

Anping Hou Li Yuan frowned and asked:

"What the Imperial Master wants to say is that the situation in future wars will be unpredictable, and the tools we used to conquer the world with His Majesty are now outdated?"


Jingan Hou Wang Zhong snorted coldly: "I have been on the battlefield for decades, what situation have I not seen? I want to see how the future war situation will turn out in the face of overwhelming strength!"

He was filled with murderous aura, and he obviously mistook Jiang Xinghuo for a civil servant who talked nonsense.

Seeing that the two marquises of the Weizhou clan under Qiu Fu had spoken, the others also expressed their opinions. Those who really did not want to express their opinions to offend Jiang Xinghuo simply remained silent.

But even those who don't speak may not necessarily have no opinions on this in their hearts. Most people still think about the same thing.

Wasn't Emperor Jianwen's defeat miserable enough? Aren't the lessons learned enough? I really don’t know what your majesty thinks, but you dare to do the same as Emperor Jianwen and let civil servants teach military generals to fight.

Furthermore, this national master is called "a generation of Confucianism" and "relegated to the world", but this does not mean that he is omniscient and omnipotent and knows how to fight! I'm afraid I'll be embarrassed this time.

After all, it is useless to just talk about war. Theory cannot conquer the generals. Only when it has practical results can someone recognize it.

And when Jiang Xinghuo suppressed the rebellion in Jiangnan, the battle-loss ratio was really beautiful. Several nobles who participated in the military observation group came back and said that the new firearms were much more powerful than before, which made them stunned.

But in the final analysis, the opponent of the White Lotus Sect rebels still cannot be brought to the table in front of these veteran generals. They are too weak and have no reference value.

"Since the Imperial Master thinks so, then I will wait and see."

Ningyang Bo Chen Mao also said with a smile.

Seeing Chen Mao speak, the other three princes from the Daning Department, Wu Kangbo Xuli, Sienhou Fangkuan, and Guangenbo Liu Cai also agreed, but the sarcasm in their words was obvious.

"The Imperial Master's move is a bit unfounded."

Chengguo Gong Zhu Neng finally set the tone, but he did not criticize Jiang Xinghuo's views too much.

Zhu Neng actually had some contradictions in his heart. Regarding the first actual combat application of new firearms, as the actual person in charge of the Fifth Army Commandery and one of the best generals in the Ming Dynasty, he could certainly see the impact of new firearms on war. Pattern changes.

But just like Zhu Di is sometimes not Zhu Di, but the incarnation of imperial power, sometimes Zhu Neng is not Zhu Neng. He is the number two figure in the Yanshan faction and even the entire Yanjun system, second only to Zhu Di. He must serve the entire faction. and even consider the overall interests of the Yan army.

In other words, the butt determines the head.

So I would like to ask, how did the Yan army win the world?

Iron-clad horse!

So Zhu Neng’s statement was very subtle and helpless. I know your stuff has a future, but the future of your stuff will move the seat under my butt, so unless you can bring me something huge that can make me move my seat. Otherwise, I will not deny you for the sake of the emperor, nor will I give you any support.

In addition to the minor conflict with Jiang Xinghuo that could not be called a personal grudge, the rebellious behavior of his son Zhu Yong is also an incentive for Zhu Neng to have such an attitude of being optimistic but not wanting to vigorously develop new firearms, although the proportion is not high. There are many, but they must not be ignored.

To admit that new firearms may dominate the battlefield in the future, wouldn't that mean that Zhu Yong, who clings to firearms to death, is telling him that his father made a wrong judgment? How can I admit my mistake to my son? What's more, how could a famous general like Zhu Neng, who holds a high position, admit his mistakes to a rebellious teenage boy like Zhu Yong.

Liu Sheng, who remained silent on the side, also frowned, obviously aware of this problem.

He looked at Jiang Xinghuo worriedly. Liu Sheng, the future commander of the Shenji Battalion, naturally hoped that firearms could be on the war stage and even dominate the war. He believed in the vision and ability of Jiang Xinghuo, his confidant, but at the same time he also clearly understood So far, current firearms have not yet established a crushing advantage over cold weapons.

In other words, firearms are not convincing enough. At present, they can only prove that they can indeed form an army alone and can indeed deal with low-intensity conflicts and perform well. However, there is no way to prove whether they can still perform well in high-intensity wars.

This also caused Jiang Xinghuo and his team in the Fifth Army Commander's Office to be extremely passive today. This was also what Liu Sheng was worried about. He was afraid that Jiang Xinghuo would say something inappropriate. After all, this was related to the entire Yan Army system. face and the future of the firearms force.

But what reassures Liu Sheng is that Jiang Xinghuo has not done anything to anger the generals for the time being.

On the contrary, after pondering for a moment, he slowly raised his head, calmed down and said solemnly:

"Generals, you have misunderstood the meaning of our division. I am not looking down on any of you."

All the generals looked at Jiang Xinghuo.

"What I mean is that everyone here continues to hold on to outdated war ideas, so there is no need to say more. In more than ten years, I am afraid that they will be no better than garbage."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was angry!


The Fifth Army Governor's Mansion is not the White Tiger Hall in Water Margin. There is no rule against noble generals carrying swords. At this time, there was a loud sound of drawing swords.

All the generals were furious!

"You bastard, how dare you insult us!"

"court death!"

"Get him!"

Jiang Xinghuo calmly looked at the generals in front of him and just leaned on his seat.

Of course, he was not trying to be clever or quick-tongued, but he had been thinking about a problem since he had put down the White Lotus Rebellion.

Now that the new manufacturing power has been activated, how can the military minister be made a part of his plan to transform the Ming Dynasty?

It is not enough to quarrel with the civil servants. Can these generals, who have a strong voice in the temples of the early Ming Dynasty, be completely bound to the chariot of reform, so that the power of the reform faction becomes overwhelming?

After careful thinking, Jiang Xinghuo came to the conclusion that yes!

Of course, the premise is that he has to show something real and make the generals believe it.

A complete and self-defeating set of military doctrine accepted by generals, a model of warfare that serves their interests, and tells them what future warfare will look like.

This was something that could not be done before the firearm-based troops had been tested in actual combat. It was purely a castle in the air, but now at least it has a foundation.


At this moment, a loud shout sounded.

The generals followed the sound, and it turned out that it was the second prince Zhu Gaoxu who strode in and shouted harshly.

"Who allowed you to draw your sword against the Imperial Master!"

Needless to say, Zhu Gaoxu, an unparalleled general, had a good reputation in the Ming army. The generals suddenly became mute and sheathed their sabers angrily.

These warriors dare to draw swords against Jiang Xinghuo. That's because Jiang Xinghuo theoretically provoked him first. It seems that Jiang Xinghuo can't do anything to them, and His Majesty won't be able to do anything to them after knowing about it. But if they still dare to confront Zhu Gaoxu , even if his head is about to be torn off by Zhu Gaoxu and used as a ball, given Zhu Gaoxu's violent temper, force value and status, whoever's turn is really unlucky will die in vain.

Liu Sheng also came out to smooth things over at this time. He didn't want the firearms troops he had worked so hard to cultivate to become enemies within the Ming army.

"Principal Jiang, be careful what you say!"

Liu Sheng didn't call him Imperial Master, but called Jiang Xinghuo more like a military person. He cupped his hands towards the generals and said.

"Principal Jiang's view is biased. He just wants to say that the new firearm is not an ordinary weapon. It is innovative. Once the method of use is thoroughly studied and mastered, coupled with the advancement of casting technology, its power will be far beyond the Our imagination!”

Liu Sheng's words were basically a way of resolving the situation for Jiang Xinghuo. With the second prince Zhu Gaoxu and Liu Sheng taking turns to smooth things over, Jiang Xinghuo took a step back and the matter was easily revealed.

But Jiang Xinghuo seemed particularly aggressive today. Even Liu Sheng's kindness was not appreciated and he said indifferently:

"Innovation in weapons is important, but it is not the most important change."


Liu Sheng choked.

He couldn't accept Jiang Xinghuo's words.

"The most important thing is the thoughts in your head."

Jiang Xinghuo shook his head slightly and said: "Generals, perhaps you have become accustomed to judging others by yourselves. You feel that the past wars are certain, and the future wars will also be like this. However, our division hopes that you can think carefully about the future. Will it really operate according to the rules of the past? If not, what will it look like?"

Of course, the generals who have been influenced by the cold weapon war model since their birth cannot listen at this time. As mentioned before, these heroes of Jingnan are basically middle and low-level officers, and most of them are positioned to charge into battle. The general's technical and tactical skills and command performance on the battlefield were not mentioned, but his temper was not very good. At this moment, he was only subconsciously irritable. A pair of angry eyes stared at Jiang Xinghuo, as if he wanted to pounce on him and tear him alive.

"Why, don't you let our master speak?"

But Jiang Xinghuo didn't care, and didn't even frown. He glanced at everyone indifferently and continued.

"My master is just stating his own views. If you generals feel insulted, you can leave!"

Jiang Xinghuo's words surprised a group of generals. This was the first time they heard that on the territory of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion, they were told to get out if they were not convinced.

A young man, who so bluntly belittled all the Ming generals who were participating in the meeting, still said it without any cover in front of the generals.

If Jiang Xinghuo couldn't show off his ugly appearance today, even if the second prince Zhu Gaoxu was here to protect him, the generals wouldn't let him walk out of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion with dignity.

"Then we are all ears and listen to the advice of the Imperial Master." Wu Kangbo Xu Li said with a strange air.

Jiang Xinghuo didn't bother to waste any more words with them. If he had the opportunity today and with so many people gathered, he would definitely suppress these generals and get the most important support for the reform.

"My master and Duke Cheng have said that war is the continuation of temples, so I would like to ask you generals, what is the continuation of temples? It doesn't matter if you don't understand. Think about the Mongolians' Western Expedition, a decision made at the temple level. What are they fighting for? What?"

"Competing for a larger territory." Ningyang Bo Chen Mao, the leader of the Daning faction, answered without hesitation.

Jiang Xinghuo shook his head slowly and said: "No, the essence of their fight is the control of resources, population, land, and wealth."

"If the Mongol Empire wanted to gain a wider territory, a larger population, and more amazing wealth, the only way was to conquer through war. Whether it was marching to fight or expanding troops, it needed food, grass, and money to support it. However, Even though they conquered most countries in the world through war, they still only maintained their hegemony for less than a century, and then collapsed. The Northern Yuan Dynasty completely ceased to exist last year, and the Kipchak Khanate collapsed long ago. The Chagatai Khanate and the Ilkhanate were also destroyed by Timur.”

"A teacher who never forgets the past must remember the aftermath. The Mongols' hegemony maintained through wars will not last long, and their special marching and fighting methods cannot be replicated by the Ming Dynasty. And if there were no wars in the Ming Dynasty, then you will not be able to come here." What I want to see is that, after all, only war can bring meritorious deeds."

Jiang Xinghuo paused for a moment and continued: "So, think about it again, the temple determines the war, and the temple calculations in the temple are plotting nothing more than the population, land, and wealth mentioned above. Three kinds of resources, then of these three kinds of resources, for Ming Dynasty and for you, what are the resources that are cheap and can be obtained continuously?"

The generals looked at each other with doubtful eyes. Although they were not as arrogant as the civil servants, and their tempers were a bit grumpy, it did not mean that they were stupid. The Ming Dynasty did not lack land and population, and it expanded its borders. Although the country is beautiful, controlling the population of other countries is a big trouble.

Therefore, there was only one answer left. The entire logical chain of deciding to launch a war seemed to have been deduced by them under Jiang Xinghuo's deliberate inducement.

"The cost of plundering wealth is relatively small, and the benefits are relatively high, and it can be done like cutting leeks every three to five years. If the war is launched for the purpose of plundering wealth, then it is relatively cost-effective."


Ningyang Bo Chen Mao frowned slightly: "Going out every now and then to rob is also very time-consuming and laborious. If the enemy country is relatively poor, I'm afraid I won't even be able to earn back the money for sending troops, and it will also ruin the reputation of our Ming Dynasty."

"Is there a permanent solution?"

Naturally, the generals couldn't think of any permanent solution. If they wanted money, they had to rob it. Otherwise, they would be like Liao, Jin, and Xia, who collected New Year's coins from the iron-blooded Song Dynasty to make a living.

But the currency is limited after all. Just like collecting protection fees, it's too ugly to look at.

"Is it possible to collect New Year coins?"

"Of course not."

Jiang Xinghuo didn't show off, and pointed to his clothes: "I mentioned it to Your Majesty before in prison, but I guess Your Majesty didn't tell you that there is actually another way. Now after Jiangnan suppressed the rebellion, it was organized Women and children have established large-scale cotton textile handicraft workshops. Due to the use of large water-powered spinning wheels with higher manufacturing efficiency and the organization of collective weaving, the cost of manufacturing cotton cloth is extremely low. The same example can also be used in various industries. Appears in merchandise.”

"The Ming Dynasty does not need to collect New Year coins. What the Ming Dynasty needs is to open up the commodity markets of other countries at the minimum cost. Of course, this process will definitely be accompanied by war. After all, there are basically no countries that will take the initiative to let the high-quality and cheap products of the Ming Dynasty overwhelm their own manufacturing. Industry."

Sien Hou Fangkuan said "Eh" and asked: "What do you mean by the National Master, let us go to other countries to find sales for the goods produced by the Ming Dynasty? But this can certainly gain merit, for the war mode , what’s the difference? What additional benefits are there for us?”

The generals of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion don't care much about other things, but they are still very concerned about how to get benefits.

These warriors followed Zhu Di in rebellion because they wanted to be prosperous and wealthy. Who would despise their own status and wealth?

But just now he drew his sword at Jiang Xinghuo, so it was hard to ask any questions at this time.

And Jiang Xinghuo grasped this mentality of theirs.

It is normal for warriors in this era to love power and be greedy for money, and the new war model can bring them easier achievements and money, so there is no need to worry about being tied to the chariot of reform.

Jiang Xinghuo didn't say much, he just said something lightly, which made the generals' eyes grow hot.

"Last year, civil servants used their salaries to subscribe to Ming Dynasty government bonds containing dividends from fertilizer workshops."

Combined with what Jiang Xinghuo just said, after the counter-insurgency was completed, a large-scale cotton textile industry manual workshop was built in Jiangnan. The meaning is self-evident!

The generals looked at the leaders of each faction, as well as Duke Cheng Zhu Neng and the second prince Zhu Gaoxu.

Others didn't know about this, but Zhu Gaoxu knew it clearly. On the way back to Beijing, Jiang Xinghuo had already analyzed it for him.

Zhu Gaoxu said angrily: "Just now I asked you not to be disrespectful to the Imperial Master, but the Imperial Master proposed to the Emperor Father that we should give dividends to the handicraft factories of the noble warriors. From now on, every piece of cloth sold to Annan, Japan, Korea and even Tianzhu You all have a share in it. Moreover, there are many good things in the hands of the Imperial Master. If you take out any of them, it will make you rich enough to rival the country."

As soon as these words came out, the generals' breathing became a little rapid!

They know how to settle accounts. This kind of business that can be carried out for generations to come is a real money tree!

If face cannot be compromised for money, then it must be that the money is not enough.

"National Master. We were a little too loud just now."

"Well, that's just the way I am. Don't mind, Imperial Master."

"Yes, I, Old Li, used to be dissatisfied with others, but now that I have met you, Imperial Master, I am so impressed that I am so impressed."

The military attachés suddenly changed their faces and talked in a variety of ways.

Liu Sheng stared at this scene dumbfounded.

You know, not long ago, he was worried that Jiang Xinghuo would be hacked to death by these reckless men in anger.

But when I think about it, I feel relieved. The warriors in the army are very vulgar, have bad tempers and like to kill people. However, as the leader of the army, he has learned a lot from the "advantages" of traditional Qiu Ba. He follows the wind and strives for wealth and merit. It's their instinct, so it's not surprising at all that this scene occurs.

Jiang Xinghuo chuckled inwardly, but did not waste any time on this topic.

These people only have interests in their eyes, and Jiang Xinghuo's reforms have not touched their current interests. Since Jiang Xinghuo can bring them more merits and wealth, and can logically form a system of his own, "war is For the temple, the temple is to obtain wealth and resources, and now there is a new and long-lasting means of making money, so the war is launched to make money once and for all." Explain it clearly, and they naturally recognize it.

However, this is not enough!

If it were just this, there would be no need for Jiang Xinghuo to engage in such a big battle today.

This is just one purpose in the plan, but Jiang Xinghuo has a more important purpose, which is to change the military philosophy of the Ming army!

And this is also closely related to what he just said.

"Then you may wish to continue thinking about it. Even if the Ming Dynasty opens the commodity market of other countries, there will definitely be resistance from other countries. It is impossible for the Ming Dynasty to send troops from the mainland after receiving news of resistance. Garrisoning troops is the most cost-effective option. So how can we use the fewest soldiers to suppress the local rebellion?"

Zhu Neng, who had been silent all this time, almost subconsciously thought of the answer when he heard this logical question.

"New firearms!"

Yes, the killing efficiency of cold weapons is closely related to factors such as the number of people and training, but the correlation of hot weapons is greatly reduced.

Judging from the counter-insurgency war of the White Lotus Sect that Zhu Neng witnessed with his own eyes, when dealing with low-intensity conflicts, firearms are extremely efficient in killing people. They only need to form a phalanx of firecrackers, even those soldiers in the tax guard who turned to firecrackers halfway. , you can also complete efficient killing through simple repeated training!

Yes, the pure firearms force cannot currently prove that it can perform equally well in high-intensity wars. This was almost Jiang Xinghuo's Achilles' heel before the meeting began. However, Jiang Xinghuo only used the simplest method to solve this problem. No longer a dead end.

——If you insist on being serious, then I don’t need to prove the false proposition of whether pure firearms troops can cope with high-intensity wars. How can I prove it if I haven’t fought at all? But you only need to answer me, in response to low-intensity wars, this low-cost training method is not very efficient in causing massacres, right?

No one can deny it!

The generals in the Military Observation Corps of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion could not open their eyes and tell lies. The sight of guns and artillery knocking down the White Lotus rebels one by one like wheat was seen by everyone and could not be faked.

All the generals were stunned. Even just now, they had only learned part of the situation of the White Lotus Sect's counter-insurgency war from their colleagues who had participated in the military observation group. Only Zhu Neng could grasp more comprehensive information about this aspect. .

Therefore, when I heard this at this time, I couldn't help but show surprise.

Cheng Guogong also believed that the effectiveness of firearms troops in counterinsurgency was higher than that of cold weapons troops, and the training cost was also lower.

Zhu Neng's words undoubtedly had the final word.

In other words, they had to go from completely resisting thinking about the shape of future wars at the beginning to realizing the value of the current version of the firearms force.

Now that Zhu Neng recognized the value of the firearms unit, what Jiang Xinghuo, a layman, said before proved that it was indeed a possible situation, and they must correct their attitude.

At this point, Jiang Xinghuo worked hard and finally, through interlocking logical guidance, made these stubborn generals, whose heads seemed to be filled with granite, begin to face the role of firearms.

Next, it’s time to increase our efforts and completely clean out the granite from their heads!

The generals' attitudes corrected themselves, and Jiang Xinghuo no longer hesitated and began to lecture on his own.

"The National Division believes that with the development of new firearms technology, firecrackers and artillery will become more powerful, have longer ranges, and faster fire rates. They have only undergone actual combat testing in low-intensity counter-insurgency wars and will gradually grow into changes. The decisive factor in the form of war, and as the form of war changes, related war concepts are bound to undergo innovations. If the Ming Dynasty cannot be at the forefront of the firearms era in both technology and theory, then when there is a comprehensive leader in military technology again During the time of the 'Mongols', the disgrace of the Han family and the sinking of the Chinese land will inevitably happen again."

Jiang Xinghuo's words were clear and coherent, and most generals agreed with the last part.

It is precisely because the Mongols attach great importance to the research and development of military technology. On the basis of their high combat literacy and advanced tactics, they have high-end military technologies such as return artillery, so that they can be completely unmatched in the world in siege and field warfare.

"Therefore, our division believes that the military theory of the firearms era, or the era of thermal weapons, should include the following six parts."

"War policy, general strategy, general tactics, lieutenant tactics, logistics, and engineering."

Seeing that Jiang Xinghuo's theory was clear and clear, and that the generals really could not imagine the future war theory, they all began to unconsciously change their attitude of dismissing Jiang Xinghuo's previous theory, and instead began to listen carefully.

Silently watching the sharp change in the attitude of the generals, Liu Sheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "The Imperial Master is really different from ordinary people. He can actually impress these arrogant generals with just a few words."

At this time, Jiang Xinghuo's words were still continuing, and Zhu Gaoxu beside him seemed to be back in a trance when he was in prison, but it was a pity that the crooked-neck tree was no longer around him.

"War policy is the relationship between temple calculations and war. It determines who is targeted, why the war is launched, what its scale is, and how long it is expected to last."

"Commander strategy refers to the art of commanders simulating and directing wars through maps, sandboxes, etc. In this regard, the strategy of the hot weapon era may have changed, but compared with the cold weapon era, some basic strategies The principles are universal.”

"General tactics, that is, how the generals here and even the commanders below can command a unit, either by leading the charge or by dispatching behind the formation, so that the unit can make the best tactical choice at the time specified in the command strategy. and places to engage in battle to achieve the strategic purpose of commanding.”

"The tactics of officers and soldiers are specific tactical implementation methods that grassroots officers and non-commissioned officers need to master. Here is an additional sentence. The national division believes that the tactics of generals and schools need to be taught in the Ming Dynasty Royal Military Academy, and the tactics of officers and soldiers need to be taught through Only by teaching at a specialized non-commissioned officer school, which means that the three different professional command levels of commander-in-chief, generals and sergeants, can receive different education can the best effect be achieved."

"Logistics, I don't need to say anything more about this. As the old saying goes, food and grass go first before the troops and horses are moved. How important is logistics and baggage? The generals here should know better than their own divisions. Logistics is actually the key to war. The most important factor in preparing and safeguarding the strategic and tactical employment is also a necessary condition for maintaining the movement of troops.”

"Engineering is different from the construction of cities and camps in the cold weapon age. With the technological advancement of firearms, new types of engineering in the hot weapon age such as 'bastions', 'fortresses', and 'trenches' will inevitably appear."

After listening to Jiang Xinghuo's brief summary, the Marquis of Jingan Wang Zhong couldn't help but retort: ​​"Then according to the National Advisor, all of us cavalry will be useless in the future?"

"of course not."

Jiang Xinghuo's words made the generals relax a little.

"According to the inference of the national division, the cavalry will not lose its role for a long time in the future and will still be an indispensable part on the battlefield. Of course, the positioning and role of the cavalry will undergo some changes."

"Can the Imperial Master tell you in detail?" Ningyang Bo Chen Mao seemed to be quite interested.

"All arms work together."

Jiang Xinghuo said with certainty: "Future wars will also be carried out in coordination with various arms. However, unlike in the past, infantry will be mainly replaced by gunmen, while artillery will become an independent arm, similar to that of the Eagle Guard." The air force will also play a greater role. The mobility and impact of the cavalry will still play an irreplaceable role until firearms technology reaches the next threshold, that is, until the technological requirements related to armored chariots are insufficient."

"In combat, the cavalry should be mainly used to attack, expand the results and prevent the gathering of defeated enemy troops, so as to give full play to the impact of the strength of the cavalry. Of course, if the cavalry attacks alone, it will inevitably face the risk of exposing both wings, because the cavalry is on horseback. It is more difficult to use firecrackers and cannot charge with artillery. Fighting with swords and spears alone will not be enough in the future, so the support of infantry and artillery is needed to launch the charge, but this support must not limit the impact of the cavalry. As a condition, the infantry cannot hinder the cavalry. A good commander should consider the reasonable proportional relationship between the three arms of the ground forces: infantry, cavalry, and artillery, strive for optimal coordination between the arms, and prevent the shortcomings of one arm from affecting the other arms. long adverse constraints.”

After hearing this, Ningyang Bo Chen Mao became thoughtful.

"Of course, these are just things on the military theory level, there are more important things."

"What's more important?" Liu Sheng was also stunned. The Imperial Master had never discussed this with him.

Jiang Xinghuo nodded: "Yes, in the war of the future era, we need to establish a complete mechanism for recruiting, training, and replenishing soldiers, as well as supporting staff, logistics, health and other institutions."

"In other words, what we need is a comprehensive change. To some extent, the artifacts determine the system, but the change of the system is far more important than the change of the artifacts."

"The current system of guard soldiers is destined to be eliminated by the times. Even without the influence of the wave of the thermal weapon era, it will not adapt to the future war model!"

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