Imperial Overlord

: Seven hundred and seventy-eight evacuation

"After you pack these things, you have to put them on the car, understand?" Standing in the inner courtyard of the Kremlin with his hands behind his back, Stalin's secretary had an unconcealed look of joy on his face.

He can finally leave this **** place, he doesn't have to rot and ruin with this city.

In the afternoon, he could leave with the convoy and follow Comrade Stalin to Chelyabinsk.

Once there, they were more than 1,300 kilometers away from the front lines, where there was no threat, not even the enemy's air force.

"And this, yes, these documents are very useful! Don't lose them! Understand?" he said to the soldiers carrying the documents, standing beside a truck.

Although most of the documents are still in the case, they have been moved out of Moscow, but there are still a lot of them to be used.

These documents and temporary reports are to be consulted at any time, so they cannot be moved out in advance.

Moreover, the documents generated by more than 1 million troops and millions of civilians in Moscow in a day are not a single eye.

Since Stalin was going to leave, not only the guards, but also some lucky confidential secretaries and office dignitaries were going with him.

There are hundreds of these mighty people, and there are as many as one convoy in a car.

In addition, the fact that Comrade Stalin was to leave the capital and transfer eastward to Chelyabinsk also had to be kept strictly confidential, and a detailed route plan had to be arranged.

The Air Force took off planes for cover, and arranged for some to leave by plane, others by car, and the rest by train.

There are two different routes for those who leave by car, as suspected soldiers to prevent them from being attacked and destroyed by the enemy or their own people who were dissatisfied with Stalin.

At the last moment, Stalin will decide by himself which way to leave him, perhaps by car, or by train. As for the plane, this Yang is the least likely.

After all, the reliability of planes in this era is not high, and it is a relatively dangerous thing for national leaders to take planes.

In addition, near Moscow, where Stalin is located, the Luftwaffe has resumed its activities, and the German army has easily grasped the air rights of the war, so the Soviet transport aircraft is no different from the target.

In such a situation, no one would pray that the Luftwaffe would be lazy and not intercept its own planes, so Stalin would be less likely to consider flying out of Moscow.

The rest is to leave with the convoy, or take the train to leave these two Yangs. It is more comfortable to take the train and more flexible to take the car.

Relatively speaking, the capacity of the train is larger, so many documents and most of the Stalinist guards will leave by train.

"Boom!" In the distance to the west of the city, the sound of artillery fire from the German attack drifted over, making this moving activity bleak.

The secretary glanced in the direction of the west of the city, where I heard that it had become an Asura field. The Soviet army killed thousands of people every day to maintain the already dilapidated line of defense.

The Germans were so close to him that he could smell the burning gunpowder in the air.

It's not just him. When the gunfire came, there were also soldiers carrying supplies looking into the distance. Their comrades are fighting to the death, while they themselves are busy carrying some luxury goods into the car.

It can be said that they are lucky because they do not have to go to the front line to die at this moment. But in comparison, they were unfortunately not Stalin's personal guards, so they could only stay and participate in the battle.

Although there is no need to fight on the front lines today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, they will be split up, incorporated into the army, and sacrificed in the Great Patriotic War.

"Comrade No. 3 truck is full." An officer came over and handed Stalin's secretary a statistical list of what was on the truck: "You can check it."

"No need, let the soldiers pack truck No. 4 quickly, we are already 3 minutes late." The secretary glanced at his pocket watch and waved his hand.

Even if these documents are not found, it is irrelevant. The main purpose of taking them away is to be able to find information in the future office.

But the war has turned into what it is today. If you can't find some information, in fact, no one will struggle. If you can't find it, you can't find it, because there are so many things you can't find.

Soldiers may not find their officers in battle, and officers may not find their soldiers in routs.

When someone died in the war, no one cared whether he died, escaped or was captured.

These have to be carefully counted after the war, and the difference is too large to make people desperate♀ It's just demographic It doesn't include the lack of records of certain events.

In general, there are countless unsolved mysteries in this world war. As for some important or unimportant documents in Moscow, it is really dispensable.

"The breakaway plan will be executed before dinner on the packing day!" The secretary put down his pocket watch and yelled at the soldier.

The soldiers carrying the boxes moved faster, shoving box after box of documents into the truck's bed, despite the fact that there were some exposed pieces of paper flying around.

Before it was full, the soldiers above lowered the canvas curtains, and then shouted loudly for the driver in the front cab to drive to the No. 3 car and stand by.

Stalin was also watching everything in front of him. He watched the car drive into the inner courtyard, and also watched countless familiar and unfamiliar things being moved into the car.

In fact, he decided to leave 2 days ago, but the preparations were more complicated than he thought, so it was delayed until today.

The Germans had advanced 10 kilometers, and he was still waiting in the city of Moscow. In the train station, the train has stopped, and hundreds of cars have already left.

"Comrade Stalin, the great leader, there will be a guard infantry on the road for you to pass, and you don't need to worry about safety issues." Konev raised his chin and reported behind Stalin, who was standing by the window.

The troops to protect the leader's departure must be drawn no matter what. An elite infantry division, and Stalin's escort, plus an armored train, and an armored regiment of 40 tanks.

"I handed over Moscow to you. I hope you can stick to it until victory!" Stalin said without turning his head, looking out the window.

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