Imperial Overlord

: Eight hundred and seventy-two Japanese abacus

Japan, the Army Ministry, and several army generals gathered together with a gloomy expression and were discussing the issue of attacking the Pacific Islands.

In their opinion, the prosperity of the Japanese fox is the end of the world for these people. The Japanese foxes are now invincible, and their army is simply a group of rice buckets...

There are three main battlefields in the Empire of Japan. The most important battlefield in China is actually not smooth for Japan.

Even without the support of the United States, the offensive posture of the Japanese army on the Chinese battlefield cannot be maintained. This is a certain thing.

A large number of Japanese troops were pinned on the Chinese battlefield without too many resources, which made the Japanese executives feel a great waste.

However, the attack has no direction and not enough troops, which is the most troublesome thing for Japan.

China is really too big, and more than half of the Japanese army is contained in Japan's Chinese-occupied area to maintain law and order and deal with the guerrillas.

Japan is not used to such battles, and there is no ban in a short period of time. The problems on the frontal battlefield are also becoming more and more serious, causing headaches for Japanese executives such as Hideki Tojo.

Don't think that without the constraints of the United States, Japan would have won a perfect victory on the Chinese battlefield.

In fact, the opposite is true. It is because Japan cannot see any possibility of victory in the short term on the Chinese battlefield, so it will go to trouble in Southeast Asia.

Attack Chongqing? Capture Yan'an? These landmarks seem to be of great importance, but for Japan, none of them is the way to end the war.

After 1945, Chiang Kai-shek also captured Yan'an, and everyone can see the result, so attacking Yan'an and occupying barren areas such as Shaanxi is not a good thing.

It will only waste Japan's limited forces, disperse the last Japanese reserves, and then take a piece of land that is useless to Japan.

The result of the attack on Chongqing was similar. The Japanese army could not be sure. They had lost the National Government of their capital Nanjing and would surrender after the occupation of Chongqing.

What's more, Japan has already raised a Wang Jingwei, which has blocked all possibilities of the surrender of Chongqing's capital. It is harder to let Mr. Jiang be Mr. Wang's younger brother than to kill him.

It is precisely because of the inequity in the Chinese battlefield that the Japanese army has a debate about whether to go north or south - they really can't afford to go west...

Beishang explained it very well, that is, to find trouble with the Soviets-in the end, the Japanese Army himself could not tell how troublesome this matter was.

In the battle of Nomenkan, Japan not only knew the strength of the army of the mainstream European powers, but also knew its own shortcomings.

As a man, he has become the shortcoming of a country, and his shame is absolutely bursting. So the army stopped talking about going north, and now it's calling for going south.

Going south, it is also necessary to have the support of the fox to be able to proceed smoothly. But now the fox is focused on fighting against the Americans in the Pacific Ocean, and has no energy to manage the army's junk.

As a result, the matter of going south became the army's own one-man show. This is good, it was originally the southward strategy advocated by the fox, but the army has to complete it by itself.

Although it is said that on the way to the south, it can be said that there is no real opponent. Singapore and Malaysia were taken down naturally, and Vietnam and Laos were also defeated.

As for Thailand, it turned against the enemy directly, stood on the side of Japan, and became a solid ally with Japan...

However, in the process of conquering Burma, the Japanese army encountered considerable trouble: April and May were the rainy season in Burma, and the entire offensive had to be stopped.

To put it simply, the Japanese Army has finally discovered its own shortcomings: its logistics support work is really bad.

As for how bad it is? When the Japanese attacked China, they had their own combat experience, that is, they usually only brought ammunition, and the food was not fully collected, so they could collect it on the spot in the occupied area.

This is not a normal expropriation, but when attacking, robbing the enemy, or directly robbing the people of the food.

Part of the logistics was transferred to the enemy. This is where the Japanese military is clever and cunning, and it is also a last resort due to their own lack of resources and low transportation capacity.

The main reason for such unscrupulousness, in addition to the brutality and despicableness of the Japanese army, is the most important point, that is, this tactic must "have something to rob."

When the Japanese Army faced the dense rainforest, there were no people or livestock, only trees that were not cramped, and ferocious beasts.

Poisonous snakes and spider leeches can kill a person here. Although the Japanese soldiers are tenacious, they are also a headache for the ecology here.

It’s a bit reluctant to say that Japan doesn’t know anything about the state here, but it’s also a bit exaggerated to say that they know more about The logistical supply must be dispatched from Japan, first to Taiwan, and then south along the coast. Bypass the Strait of Malacca and ship to Myanmar.

Not to mention the long distance of this journey, when we were about to reach our destination, a large distance of sailing had to pass through You Yang.

How could the British warships staying on Youyang let the Japanese transport ships at ease? In the absence of escorts, after Japan lost several transport ships, it could only transport the materials to Thailand first, and then transport them by land to the front line in Myanmar.

In this way, it can be seen from the constipation-like expression on His Majesty's Majesty's face every time he has a meeting.

However, if the attack is suspended, the Japanese executives are unwilling - especially those who have lost their foundation are like the fat on the chopping board. If Japan does not take it, won't it be cheaper for others?

Hideki Tojo and others, who already believed that the co-prosperity of Greater East Asia had succeeded the top ten, have already placed the Axis Power Group in the position of an imaginary enemy at this moment.

In the eyes of these Japanese militaristic leaders, if Japan cannot use the fastest speed to settle the United States and occupy Yu, then Yu will fall to Germany, which defeated the Soviet Union.

Once you become a German-controlled area, then Germany will encroach on Southeast Asia and threaten the "Chinese-occupied area" that Japan depends on for survival from both the north and south directions.

Therefore, the army has been doing two things recently. The first thing is to build a fortress in the north, hoping to consolidate the defense line in northeastern China with the help of the forest, sea and snow in the Greater Xing'an Mountains.

The second thing is to gather troops and prepare to invade Yu, here to completely dispel Germany's "wolf ambition" to continue eastward.

The Japanese thought was very simple: if you dare to attack my puppet Manchukuo in the northeast, I will dare to let the combined fleet enter the Red Sea and destroy your Middle East foundation!

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