Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1155: The fear of being nearly confiscated 2

Chapter 1155 The fear of being almost confiscated 2

Therefore, the person who just yelled for the scarlet-blooded Poria in the grove must be the trust of Lingyuanzong.

I have to say that the assessment set by Lingyuanzong is quite clever.

First, let people be exposed to the sun with added ingredients to test their ability and patience to use aura.

After all, everyone was impatient and complained about Lingyuanzong's arrangements. When in a bad mood, they made a fake red-blooded Poria to test the IQ of a wave of participants.

By the way, it will be tested whether the cultivator can still maintain rational and calm thinking when he is upset.

A wave is perfect!

"It's a very happy thing to have a smart sister."

Mo Ranchen looked at Jun Mohuang's side face, and suddenly sighed.

Jun Mohuang smiled: "Cousin, don't praise me. In fact, you could see what was going on at the time."

The first round of assessment passed smoothly. The siblings left Bluestone Square and went to live in a nearby town, waiting for the second round of assessment tomorrow.

Those cultivators who did not pass the first round of assessment, looked frustrated, and left one after another.

"Cousin, I'm sorry. I was thinking about our marriage just now, and I wanted to be a core disciple, so I pulled you out and rushed out. What should we do now?"

Chu Han'er pitifully pulled Jiang Pei's sleeve, her heart was very complicated at the moment.

I regretted not listening to Jun Mohuang and rushed out, but it was more resentment towards Jun Mohuang.

This **** girl had known the detailed reason for a long time, but didn't tell her.

She just wanted to deliberately fail her assessment so as to show her cleverness in front of her cousin and seduce her cousin!

She is so vicious.

It's all right now. She Chu Han'er was removed, and she lost the opportunity to marry Jiang Pei.

No, no, she must marry Jiang Pei, she wants to become the future wife of the city lord, and she doesn't want to live a common life.

"Han'er, it's not your fault, you are just too impatient. Don't worry, I'll beg my father, let Lingyuanzong give us another chance."

Jiang Pei stroked affectionately, Chu Han'er's small face, took out the sound transmission jade talisman and began to contact his father.


The next day.

Jun Mohuang and Mo Ranchen came to Bluestone Square in advance.

After being eliminated from yesterday's assessment, only one thousand people remained on Qingshi Square.

Each of these thousand people held a jade pendant, which recorded their score yesterday.

Most people's scores range from 100 to 200.

Jun Mohuang's jade pendant has 350 points, and Mo Yanchen scored 300 points.

This beginning is very good.

The next test really made her look forward to, and she didn't know what kind of test questions Lingyuanzong would produce.

Boring idle, Jun Mohuang began to observe the surroundings.

The strength of these thousand people in the square is above the Yuanjun realm.

Most people are in the first and second stages of Yuanjun, a small number are in the third stage of Yuanjun, and a few are in the fourth stage of Yuanjun.

There is also such a small wave of people with the ability to transform the spirit realm at the tail of the crane.

With Jun Mohuang's strength, the chance of becoming a core disciple is actually very slim.

For some reason, Jiang Pei and Chu Han'er, who should have been eliminated yesterday, appeared in the square again today.

Mo Ranchen also saw the two of them, and immediately pulled Jun Mohuang away from them.

The crowd gathered together and waited until nine o'clock. Someone in Lingyuanzong informed that before the assessment began, they must be divided into groups.

The way of grouping is in charge of Lingyuanzong, and everyone must wait patiently here.

Hearing this news, some of the thousand people inevitably expressed dissatisfaction with Ling Yuanzong's domineering arrangement.

(End of this chapter)

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