Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 1325: Take an inch

Chapter 1325

"Master, disciple, I got into the Chu family, why don't you worry about me at all."

Jun Mohuang raised his head one day, and saw Yue Rong's lips smiling, he didn't take this matter to his heart at all.

Yue Rong said: "What are you afraid of? It's just a branch of the Chu family. Come on, little disciple, Master will now teach you the runes that can follow the spirit roots of the water mirror under Elder Yu's eyes."

Jun Mohuang is the master who can take out ten rune pens in one breath. Regarding the background, her background is too hard and there is nothing to worry about.

After Yue Rong finished speaking, he took out a piece of parchment with obscure and mysterious runes painted on it.

The rune engraved on this parchment is exactly the rune that Yue Rong's mouth can unconsciously follow the water mirror's spiritual roots.

"That...Master. I didn’t say everything just now. I didn’t come here to steal the roots of the water mirror. I’m here to steal the water mirror mountain. Master, do you have the kind of rune that can be used to head the water mirror mountain? ."

During this time, Jun Mohuang was worrying about how to use the Rune Technique to steal Shuijingshan over without knowing it.

The piece of parchment that the master took out, there are not many runes, it is effective for stealing the root of the water mirror.

It is probably useless to steal the water from Jingshan.

The two are not a heavyweight at all.

Therefore, what she needs now is a rune that can steal Water Jingshan.

Jun Mohuang cleared his throat, a little embarrassed.

The master had promised to teach her the tricks of stealing the roots of the water mirror, she was really too good at it.

After Taidaojun Mohuang finished speaking, Yue Rong was stunned for two seconds.

Jun Mohuang is worried, is it because the master does not agree?

It is very possible that Master himself has done something like stealing the roots of water mirrors, but he only stole a few roots of water mirrors.

She wanted to give Shui Jingshan all in one pot this time, and Master would definitely not agree.

But what she didn't expect at all was that Yue Rong started to laugh out loud after a daze.

"Hahahaha, really worthy of my apprentice, ambitious!"

Yue Rong looked at her approvingly, "Little disciple, don't worry, the master also has this kind of rune, but it will be very complicated to learn."



Chu Tiankuo, Yao Xuan, and Yuan Wei of the third peak took 13 disciples to the second peak to pick things up. As a result, the matter of being beaten by Jun Mohuang violently spread to the whole spirit. Yuanzong.

In an instant, Lingyuanzong's interior seemed to be exploded, and everyone was whispering about it.

It's not that they are boring, it's that this thing is too hot!

Chu Tiankuo of the third peak, Yuanba's chief disciple, and the most combative disciple of all the core disciples of the third peak, was actually beaten to the ground by the sixth-order Jun Mohuang of Yuanjun realm.

This incident is too counterintuitive, no matter how you look at it, or think about it, it is impossible!

"Really or not, is the news reliable? The people from Second Peak brag about it, right?"

On the Fifth Peak, an outside disciple looked disbelief.

"Of course it's true, isn't what I saw with my own eyes is true?"

Another outer disciple was questioned and was very upset.

To prove that what he said was true, he continued.

"I needed to go to Guanshi Peak just now, and I just passed by the foot of the second peak. Guess what I saw?"

"What do you see?"

"Quickly stop selling it, talk quickly."

The disciples surrounding the disciple who broke the news kept urging, and their appetites were completely lifted.

"I saw the thirteen disciples of Third Peak, all of them were seriously injured, and they couldn't get up when lying on the ground. Master Yuanfeng personally led the people and carried them onto the flying monster."

(End of this chapter)

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